Пример #1
func DoTestPatchRenameFileSameDir(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo", tg.F("baz", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)

	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(patchPlan.Cmds))
	rename, isRename := patchPlan.Cmds[0].(*Transfer)
	assert.T(t, isRename)
	assert.T(t, strings.HasSuffix(rename.From.Resolve(), filepath.Join("foo", "baz")))
	assert.T(t, strings.HasSuffix(rename.To.Resolve(), filepath.Join("foo", "bar")))
Пример #2
func DoTestPatchDepConflict(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
			tg.F("bloo", tg.B(99, 8192), tg.B(100, 10000)),
					tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537))))))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("gloo", tg.B(99, 10000)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	assertNoRelocs(t, dstpath)
Пример #3
func TestPatchPreserveKeeps(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(6806, 65536)),
		tg.F("blop", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("baz", tg.B(6806, 65536)),
		tg.F("blop", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo", "bar"))
	assert.T(t, err == nil && info != nil)

	info, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo", "blop"))
	assert.T(t, err == nil && info != nil)
Пример #4
func DoTestPatchAdd(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()

	files := []treegen.Generated{}
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		files = append(files, tg.F("", tg.B(int64(42*i), int64(500000*i))))

	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.D("bar", files...))
	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(filepath.Join(srcpath, "foo"), srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo", tg.D("bar"), tg.D("baz"))
	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo"), dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)

	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	for _, cmd := range patchPlan.Cmds {
		_, isSfd := cmd.(*SrcFileDownload)
		assert.T(t, isSfd)
Пример #5
// Test the matcher on a case where the source file has the same 
// prefix as destination, but has been appended to.
func TestMatchAppend(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537), tg.B(43, 65537))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)

	// Try indexing root dir as a file
	srcFile, err := fs.IndexFile(srcpath)
	assert.Tf(t, err != nil, "%v", err)

	// Ok, for real this time
	srcFile, err = fs.IndexFile(filepath.Join(srcpath, "bar"))
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 17, len(srcFile.Blocks))

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstFile, err := fs.IndexFile(filepath.Join(dstpath, "bar"))
	assert.Equal(t, 9, len(dstFile.Blocks))

	match, err := MatchFile(srcFile, filepath.Join(dstpath, "bar"))
	assert.T(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	assert.Equal(t, 8, len(match.BlockMatches))

	notMatched := match.NotMatched()
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(notMatched))
	assert.Equal(t, int64(65536), notMatched[0].From)
	assert.Equal(t, int64(65537+65537), notMatched[0].To)
Пример #6
func TestPatchRenameScope(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(6806, 65536)),
		tg.F("baz", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("baz", tg.B(6806, 65536)),
		tg.F("blop", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	srcDir, err := fs.IndexDir(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)
	dstDir, err := fs.IndexDir(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	assert.Equal(t, srcDir.Strong(), dstDir.Strong())
Пример #7
func DoTestPatchFileAppend(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537), tg.B(43, 65537)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	complete := false
	for i, cmd := range patchPlan.Cmds {
		switch {
		case i == 0:
			localTemp, isTemp := cmd.(*LocalTemp)
			assert.T(t, isTemp)
			assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo", "bar"), localTemp.Path.Resolve())
		case i >= 1 && i <= 8:
			ltc, isLtc := cmd.(*LocalTempCopy)
			assert.Tf(t, isLtc, "cmd %d", i)
			assert.Equal(t, ltc.LocalOffset, ltc.TempOffset)
			assert.Equal(t, int64(fs.BLOCKSIZE), ltc.Length)
			assert.Equal(t, int64(0), ltc.LocalOffset%int64(fs.BLOCKSIZE))
		case i == 9:
			stc, isStc := cmd.(*SrcTempCopy)
			assert.T(t, isStc)
			assert.Equal(t, int64(65538), stc.Length)
		case i == 10:
			_, isRwt := cmd.(*ReplaceWithTemp)
			assert.T(t, isRwt)
			complete = true
		case i > 10:
			t.Fatalf("too many commands")
	assert.T(t, complete, "missing expected number of commands")

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	srcRoot, errors := fs.IndexDir(srcpath, fs.NewMemRepo())
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)
	dstRoot, errors := fs.IndexDir(dstpath, fs.NewMemRepo())
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)
	assert.Equal(t, srcRoot.Info().Strong, dstRoot.Info().Strong)
Пример #8
func TestClean(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537)))))
	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537))),
				tg.F("B", tg.B(43, 65537)),
				tg.F("b", tg.B(43, 65537))),
				tg.F("G", tg.B(44, 65537)),
				tg.F("g", tg.B(44, 65537)))),
				tg.F("1", tg.B(1, 65537)),
				tg.F("I", tg.B(1, 65537))),
				tg.F("2", tg.B(11, 65537)),
				tg.F("II", tg.B(11, 65537))),
				tg.F("3", tg.B(111, 65537)),
				tg.F("III", tg.B(111, 65537)))))
	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	onePath := dstStore.Resolve(filepath.Join("foo", "baz", "uno", "1"))
	_, err = os.Stat(onePath)
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil, "%v", failedCmd)
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	errors := make(chan error, 10)
	for err := range errors {
		assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	onePath = dstStore.Resolve(filepath.Join("foo", "baz", "uno", "1"))
	_, err = os.Stat(onePath)
	assert.Tf(t, err != nil, "%v", err)
Пример #9
func DoTestSetModeNew(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537)))))
	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	os.Chmod(filepath.Join(srcpath, "foo", "bar", "aleph", "A"), 0765)
	os.Chmod(filepath.Join(srcpath, "foo", "bar"), 0711)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo")
	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil, "%v", failedCmd)
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	errors := make(chan os.Error)
	go func() {
	for err := range errors {
		assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	errors = make(chan os.Error)
	go func() {
	for err := range errors {
		assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	fileinfo, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo", "bar", "aleph", "A"))
	assert.T(t, fileinfo != nil)
	assert.Equal(t, uint32(0765), fileinfo.Permission())

	fileinfo, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo", "bar"))
	assert.T(t, fileinfo != nil)
	assert.Equal(t, uint32(0711), fileinfo.Permission())
Пример #10
func DoTestPatchRelocConflict(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
			tg.F("bloo", tg.B(99, 99)),
					tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537))))))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("gloo", tg.B(99, 99)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(patchPlan.Cmds))
	for i, cmd := range patchPlan.Cmds {
		switch i {
		case 0:
			conflict, is := cmd.(*Conflict)
			assert.T(t, is)
			assert.T(t, strings.HasSuffix(conflict.Path.RelPath, filepath.Join("foo", "gloo")))
		case 1:
			copy, is := cmd.(*Transfer)
			assert.T(t, is)
			assert.T(t, strings.HasSuffix(copy.From.Resolve(), filepath.Join("foo", "gloo")))
			assert.T(t, strings.HasSuffix(copy.To.Resolve(), filepath.Join("foo", "gloo", "bloo")))
		case 2:
			copy, is := cmd.(*SrcFileDownload)
			assert.T(t, is)
			assert.Equal(t, "764b5f659f70e69d4a87fe6ed138af40be36c514", copy.SrcFile.Info().Strong)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	assertNoRelocs(t, dstpath)
Пример #11
func DoTestPatchRenameScope(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(6806, 65536)),
		tg.F("baz", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("baz", tg.B(6806, 65536)),
		tg.F("blop", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	// The actual content of dst after the patch depends on
	// which file the repo chooses when matching foo/bar
	// to baz or blop in dst.
	// If blop matches, it will get renamed to bar and the trees will
	// become identical. However if baz matches, blop will be left in place.

	srcDir, errors := fs.IndexDir(srcpath, fs.NewMemRepo())
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)
	dstDir, errors := fs.IndexDir(dstpath, fs.NewMemRepo())
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	for _, path := range []string{"foo/bar", "foo/baz"} {
		srcNode, has := fs.Lookup(srcDir, path)
		assert.T(t, has)
		dstNode, has := fs.Lookup(dstDir, path)
		assert.T(t, has)

Пример #12
// Test the patch planner on a case where the source file is a shorter,
// truncated version of the destination.
// Execute the patch plan and check both resulting trees are identical.
func TestPatchFileTruncate(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537), tg.B(43, 65537)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	complete := false
	for i, cmd := range patchPlan.Cmds {
		switch {
		case i == 0:
			localTemp, isTemp := cmd.(*LocalTemp)
			assert.T(t, isTemp)
			assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join(dstpath, "foo", "bar"), localTemp.Path.Resolve())
		case i >= 1 && i <= 8:
			ltc, isLtc := cmd.(*LocalTempCopy)
			assert.Tf(t, isLtc, "cmd %d", i)
			assert.Equal(t, ltc.LocalOffset, ltc.TempOffset)
			assert.Equal(t, int64(fs.BLOCKSIZE), ltc.Length)
			assert.Equal(t, int64(0), ltc.LocalOffset%int64(fs.BLOCKSIZE))
		case i == 9:
			stc, isStc := cmd.(*SrcTempCopy)
			assert.T(t, isStc)
			assert.Equal(t, int64(1), stc.Length)
			complete = true
		case i > 10:
			t.Fatalf("too many commands")
	assert.T(t, complete, "missing expected number of commands")

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	srcRoot, _ := fs.IndexDir(srcpath)
	dstRoot, _ := fs.IndexDir(dstpath)
	assert.Equal(t, srcRoot.Strong(), dstRoot.Strong())
Пример #13
func DoTestStoreRelPath(t *testing.T, repo fs.NodeRepo) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	store, err := fs.NewLocalStore(path, repo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	relFoo := store.RelPath(filepath.Join(path, "foo"))
	assert.Equalf(t, "foo", relFoo, "'%v': not a foo", relFoo)

	// Relocate bar
	newBar, err := store.Relocate(filepath.Join(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), "bar"))
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	// new bar's parent should still be foo
	newBarParent, _ := filepath.Split(newBar)
	newBarParent = strings.TrimRight(newBarParent, "/\\")

	// old bar should not exist
	_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), "bar"))
	assert.T(t, err != nil)

	foobar := filepath.Join("foo", "bar")
	assert.Equal(t, newBar, store.Resolve(foobar), "reloc path %s != resolve foo/bar %s",
		newBar, store.Resolve(foobar))
Пример #14
func DoTestDirDescent(t *testing.T, repo fs.NodeRepo) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("baobab", tg.B(91, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537)))),
		tg.F("bar3003", tg.B(777, 65537)))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	dir, errors := fs.IndexDir(path, repo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	for _, fpath := range []string{
		filepath.Join("foo", "baobab"),
		filepath.Join("foo", "bar", "aleph", "a"),
		filepath.Join("foo", "bar3003")} {
		node, found := fs.Lookup(dir, fpath)
		assert.Tf(t, found, "not found: %s", fpath)
		_, isFile := node.(fs.File)
		assert.T(t, isFile)

	node, found := fs.Lookup(dir, filepath.Join("foo", "bar"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isDir := node.(fs.Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir)
Пример #15
func TestDirDescent(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("baobab", tg.B(91, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537)))),
		tg.F("bar3003", tg.B(777, 65537)))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	dir, err := IndexDir(path)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	for _, fpath := range []string{
		filepath.Join("foo", "baobab"),
		filepath.Join("foo", "bar", "aleph", "a"),
		filepath.Join("foo", "bar3003")} {
		node, found := dir.Resolve(fpath)
		assert.Tf(t, found, "not found: %s", fpath)
		_, isFile := node.(*File)
		assert.T(t, isFile)

	node, found := dir.Resolve(filepath.Join("foo", "bar"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isDir := node.(*Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir)
Пример #16
func DoTestPatchIdentity(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	assert.Equal(t, "1b1979b8746948cedc81488e92d1ad715e38bbfc",

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	assert.Equal(t, "1b1979b8746948cedc81488e92d1ad715e38bbfc",

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	assert.T(t, len(patchPlan.Cmds) > 0)
	for i := 0; i < len(patchPlan.Cmds); i++ {
		keep := patchPlan.Cmds[0].(*Keep)
		assert.T(t, strings.HasPrefix(dstpath, keep.Path.Resolve()))
Пример #17
func TestPostOrder(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("F",
			tg.F("A", tg.B(1, 100)),
				tg.F("C", tg.B(2, 100)),
				tg.F("E", tg.B(3, 100)))),
				tg.F("H", tg.B(4, 100)))))
	root := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	visitor := &postVisitor{order: []string{}}
	PostOrderWalk(root, visitor, nil)

		for _, s := range visitor.order {
			log.Printf("%v", s)

	expect := []string{"/C", "/E", "/D", "/A", "/B", "/H", "/I", "/G", "/F"}
	for i := 0; i < len(expect); i++ {
		assert.Tf(t, strings.HasSuffix(visitor.order[i], expect[i]),
			"%v did not have expected suffix %s", visitor.order[i], expect[i])
Пример #18
// Test patch planner on case where the source and 
// destination have a direct conflict in structure.
// A path in the source is a directory, path in destination 
// already contains a file at that location.
func TestPatchSimpleDirFileConflict(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
			tg.F("bloo", tg.B(99, 99)),
					tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537))))))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("gloo", tg.B(99, 999)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(patchPlan.Cmds))
	for i, cmd := range patchPlan.Cmds {
		switch i {
		case 0:
			conflict, is := cmd.(*Conflict)
			assert.T(t, is)
			assert.T(t, strings.HasSuffix(conflict.Path.RelPath, filepath.Join("foo", "gloo")))
		case 1:
			copy, is := cmd.(*SrcFileDownload)
			assert.T(t, is)
			assert.Equal(t, "beced72da0cf22301e23bdccec61bf9763effd6f", copy.SrcFile.Strong())
		case 2:
			copy, is := cmd.(*SrcFileDownload)
			assert.T(t, is)
			assert.Equal(t, "764b5f659f70e69d4a87fe6ed138af40be36c514", copy.SrcFile.Strong())
Пример #19
func DoTestPatchWeakCollision(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(9869, 65536)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	// Src and dst blocks have same weak checksum

	// Src and dst blocks have different strong checksum
	srcRoot := srcStore.Repo().Root().(fs.Dir)
	dstRoot := dstStore.Repo().Root().(fs.Dir)
	assert.Tf(t, srcRoot.Info().Strong != dstRoot.Info().Strong,
		"wtf: %v == %v", srcRoot.Info().Strong, dstRoot.Info().Strong)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	srcDir, errors := fs.IndexDir(srcpath, fs.NewMemRepo())
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)
	dstDir, errors := fs.IndexDir(dstpath, fs.NewMemRepo())
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)
	assert.Equal(t, srcDir.Info().Strong, dstDir.Info().Strong)
Пример #20
func DoTestPatchRenameFileDifferentDir(t *testing.T, mkrepo repoMaker) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
			tg.F("bloo", tg.B(99, 99)),
					tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537))))))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer srcRepo.Close()
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath, srcRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("pancake",
		tg.F("butter", tg.B(42, 65537)),
		tg.F("syrup", tg.B(99, 99)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstRepo := mkrepo(t)
	defer dstRepo.Close()
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath, dstRepo)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(patchPlan.Cmds))
	for i := 0; i < len(patchPlan.Cmds); i++ {
		_, isRename := patchPlan.Cmds[0].(*Transfer)
		assert.T(t, isRename)

	// Now flip
	patchPlan = NewPatchPlan(dstStore, srcStore)
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(patchPlan.Cmds))
	for i := 0; i < len(patchPlan.Cmds); i++ {
		_, isRename := patchPlan.Cmds[0].(*Transfer)
		assert.T(t, isRename)
Пример #21
func DoTestParentRefs(t *testing.T, repo fs.NodeRepo) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537))),
				tg.F("B", tg.B(43, 65537)),
				tg.F("b", tg.B(43, 65537))),
				tg.F("G", tg.B(44, 65537)),
				tg.F("g", tg.B(44, 65537)))),
				tg.F("1", tg.B(1, 65537)),
				tg.F("I", tg.B(1, 65537))),
				tg.F("2", tg.B(11, 65537)),
				tg.F("II", tg.B(11, 65537))),
				tg.F("3", tg.B(111, 65537)),
				tg.F("III", tg.B(111, 65537)))))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	foo, errors := fs.IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), repo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	rootCount := 0
	fs.Walk(foo, func(node fs.Node) bool {
		switch node.(type) {
		case fs.Dir:
			dir := node.(fs.Dir)
			if _, hasParent := dir.Parent(); !hasParent {
		case fs.File:
			file := node.(fs.File)
			_, hasParent := file.Parent()
			assert.Tf(t, hasParent, "%v is root?!", file.Info())
		case fs.Block:
			block := node.(fs.Block)
			_, hasParent := block.Parent()
			assert.Tf(t, hasParent, "%v is root?!", block.Info())
		return true

	assert.Equal(t, 1, rootCount)
Пример #22
func TestPatchWeakCollision(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(6806, 65536)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	tg = treegen.New()
	treeSpec = tg.D("foo",
		tg.F("bar", tg.B(9869, 65536)))

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	// Src and dst blocks have same weak checksum

	// Src and dst blocks have different strong checksum
	assert.Tf(t, srcStore.Root().Strong() != dstStore.Root().Strong(),
		"wtf: %v == %v", srcStore.Root().Strong(), dstStore.Root().Strong())

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	failedCmd, err := patchPlan.Exec()
	assert.Tf(t, failedCmd == nil && err == nil, "%v: %v", failedCmd, err)

	srcDir, err := fs.IndexDir(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)
	dstDir, err := fs.IndexDir(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	assert.Equal(t, srcDir.Strong(), dstDir.Strong())
Пример #23
func TestRootWorks(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))
	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	dbrepo, err := NewDbRepo(":memory:")
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	_, errors := fs.IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), dbrepo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)
Пример #24
func TestGobbable(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537))),
				tg.F("B", tg.B(43, 65537)),
				tg.F("b", tg.B(43, 65537))),
				tg.F("G", tg.B(44, 65537)),
				tg.F("g", tg.B(44, 65537)))),
				tg.F("1", tg.B(1, 65537)),
				tg.F("I", tg.B(1, 65537))),
				tg.F("2", tg.B(11, 65537)),
				tg.F("II", tg.B(11, 65537))),
				tg.F("3", tg.B(111, 65537)),
				tg.F("III", tg.B(111, 65537)))))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	foo, err := IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"))
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	node, found := foo.Resolve(filepath.Join("bar", "aleph", "A"))
	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("bar", "aleph", "A"), RelPath(node))

	bufferEnc := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
	encoder := gob.NewEncoder(bufferEnc)
	err = encoder.Encode(foo)
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	bufferDec := bytes.NewBuffer(bufferEnc.Bytes())
	decoder := gob.NewDecoder(bufferDec)

	decFoo := &Dir{}
	err = decoder.Decode(decFoo)
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	node, found = decFoo.Resolve(filepath.Join("bar", "aleph", "A"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isFile := node.(*File)
	assert.T(t, isFile)

	assert.T(t, node.Parent() != nil)
	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("bar", "aleph", "A"), RelPath(node))
Пример #25
func TestDirResolve(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537))),
				tg.F("B", tg.B(43, 65537)),
				tg.F("b", tg.B(43, 65537))),
				tg.F("G", tg.B(44, 65537)),
				tg.F("g", tg.B(44, 65537)))),
				tg.F("1", tg.B(1, 65537)),
				tg.F("I", tg.B(1, 65537))),
				tg.F("2", tg.B(11, 65537)),
				tg.F("II", tg.B(11, 65537))),
				tg.F("3", tg.B(111, 65537)),
				tg.F("III", tg.B(111, 65537)))))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	foo, err := IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"))
	assert.Tf(t, err == nil, "%v", err)

	var node FsNode
	var found bool

	bar, exists := foo.Item("bar")
	assert.T(t, exists)
	barDir, isDir := bar.(*Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir, "barDir = %v", barDir)

	node, found = foo.Resolve("bar")
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isDir = node.(*Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir)

	node, found = foo.Resolve(filepath.Join("bar", "aleph"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isDir = node.(*Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir)

	node, found = foo.Resolve(filepath.Join("bar", "aleph", "A"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isFile := node.(*File)
	assert.T(t, isFile)
Пример #26
func DoTestDirResolve(t *testing.T, repo fs.NodeRepo) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537))),
				tg.F("B", tg.B(43, 65537)),
				tg.F("b", tg.B(43, 65537))),
				tg.F("G", tg.B(44, 65537)),
				tg.F("g", tg.B(44, 65537)))),
				tg.F("1", tg.B(1, 65537)),
				tg.F("I", tg.B(1, 65537))),
				tg.F("2", tg.B(11, 65537)),
				tg.F("II", tg.B(11, 65537))),
				tg.F("3", tg.B(111, 65537)),
				tg.F("III", tg.B(111, 65537)))))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	foo, errors := fs.IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), repo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	var node fs.FsNode
	var found bool

	node, found = fs.Lookup(foo, "bar")
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isDir := node.(fs.Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir)

	node, found = fs.Lookup(foo, filepath.Join("bar", "aleph"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isDir = node.(fs.Dir)
	assert.T(t, isDir)

	node, found = fs.Lookup(foo, filepath.Join("bar", "aleph", "A"))
	assert.T(t, found)
	_, isFile := node.(fs.File)
	assert.T(t, isFile)
Пример #27
func DoTestNodeRelPath(t *testing.T, repo fs.NodeRepo) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	dir, errors := fs.IndexDir(path, repo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	assert.Equal(t, "", fs.RelPath(dir))
	assert.Equal(t, "foo", fs.RelPath(dir.SubDirs()[0]))
	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("foo", "bar"), fs.RelPath(dir.SubDirs()[0].Files()[0]))

	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("foo", "bar"), fs.RelPath(dir.SubDirs()[0].Files()[0]))
Пример #28
func TestNodeRelPath(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	dir, err := IndexDir(path)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	assert.Equal(t, "", RelPath(dir))
	assert.Equal(t, "foo", RelPath(dir.SubDirs[0]))
	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("foo", "bar"), RelPath(dir.SubDirs[0].Files[0]))

	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("foo", "bar"), RelPath(dir.SubDirs[0].Files[0]))
Пример #29
func TestDbRepo(t *testing.T) {
	dbrepo, dbpath := createDbRepo(t)
	log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)
	defer os.Remove(dbpath)
	defer dbrepo.Close()

	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo",
				tg.F("A", tg.B(42, 65537)),
				tg.F("a", tg.B(42, 65537))),
				tg.F("B", tg.B(43, 65537)),
				tg.F("b", tg.B(43, 65537))),
				tg.F("G", tg.B(44, 65537)),
				tg.F("g", tg.B(44, 65537)))),
				tg.F("1", tg.B(1, 65537)),
				tg.F("I", tg.B(1, 65537))),
				tg.F("2", tg.B(11, 65537)),
				tg.F("II", tg.B(11, 65537))),
				tg.F("3", tg.B(111, 65537)),
				tg.F("III", tg.B(111, 65537)))))

	path := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(path)

	foo, errors := fs.IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), dbrepo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	dbmemrepo, err := NewDbRepo(":memory:")
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	memfoo, errors := fs.IndexDir(filepath.Join(path, "foo"), dbmemrepo)
	assert.Equalf(t, 0, len(errors), "%v", errors)

	assert.Equal(t, foo.Info().Strong, memfoo.Info().Strong)
Пример #30
// Test the patch planner on two identical directory structures.
func TestPatchIdentity(t *testing.T) {
	tg := treegen.New()
	treeSpec := tg.D("foo", tg.F("bar", tg.B(42, 65537)))

	srcpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(srcpath)
	srcStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(srcpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	dstpath := treegen.TestTree(t, treeSpec)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dstpath)
	dstStore, err := fs.NewLocalStore(dstpath)
	assert.T(t, err == nil)

	patchPlan := NewPatchPlan(srcStore, dstStore)
	//	printPlan(patchPlan)

	assert.T(t, len(patchPlan.Cmds) > 0)
	for i := 0; i < len(patchPlan.Cmds); i++ {
		keep := patchPlan.Cmds[0].(*Keep)
		assert.T(t, strings.HasPrefix(dstpath, keep.Path.Resolve()))