Пример #1
// rangeLookup dispatches an RangeLookup request for the given
// metadata key to the replicas of the given range. Note that we allow
// inconsistent reads when doing range lookups for efficiency. Getting
// stale data is not a correctness problem but instead may
// infrequently result in additional latency as additional range
// lookups may be required. Note also that rangeLookup bypasses the
// DistSender's SendBatch() method, so there is no error inspection and
// retry logic here; this is not an issue since the lookup performs a
// single inconsistent read only.
func (ds *DistSender) rangeLookup(key proto.Key, options lookupOptions,
	desc *proto.RangeDescriptor) ([]proto.RangeDescriptor, error) {
	args, unwrap := client.MaybeWrap(&proto.RangeLookupRequest{
		RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
			Key:             key,
			ReadConsistency: proto.INCONSISTENT,
		MaxRanges:       ds.rangeLookupMaxRanges,
		ConsiderIntents: options.considerIntents,
		Reverse:         options.useReverseScan,
	replicas := newReplicaSlice(ds.gossip, desc)
	// TODO(tschottdorf) consider a Trace here, potentially that of the request
	// that had the cache miss and waits for the result.
	reply, err := ds.sendRPC(nil /* Trace */, desc.RangeID, replicas, rpc.OrderRandom, args)
	reply = unwrap(reply)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	rlReply := reply.(*proto.RangeLookupResponse)
	if rlReply.Error != nil {
		return nil, rlReply.GoError()
	return rlReply.Ranges, nil
Пример #2
// rangeLookup implements the rangeDescriptorDB interface. It looks up
// the descriptors for the given (meta) key.
func (ls *LocalSender) rangeLookup(key proto.Key, options lookupOptions, _ *proto.RangeDescriptor) ([]proto.RangeDescriptor, error) {
	ba, unwrap := client.MaybeWrap(&proto.RangeLookupRequest{
		RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
			Key:             key,
			ReadConsistency: proto.INCONSISTENT,
		MaxRanges:       1,
		ConsiderIntents: options.considerIntents,
		Reverse:         options.useReverseScan,
	br, err := ls.SendBatch(context.Background(), *ba)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return unwrap(br).(*proto.RangeLookupResponse).Ranges, nil
Пример #3
// executeCmd creates a proto.Call struct and sends it via our local sender.
func (s *DBServer) executeCmd(argsI gogoproto.Message) (gogoproto.Message, error) {
	args := argsI.(proto.Request)
	ba, unwrap := client.MaybeWrap(args)
	if err := verifyRequest(args); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	br, pErr := s.sender.Send(context.TODO(), *ba)
	if pErr != nil {
		br = &proto.BatchResponse{}
	if br.Error != nil {
		panic(proto.ErrorUnexpectedlySet(s.sender, br))
	br.Error = pErr
	return unwrap(br), nil
Пример #4
// executeCmd creates a proto.Call struct and sends it via our local sender.
func (n *Node) executeCmd(argsI gogoproto.Message) (gogoproto.Message, error) {
	args := argsI.(proto.Request)
	// TODO(tschottdorf) get a hold of the client's ID, add it to the
	// context before dispatching, and create an ID for tracing the request.
	header := args.Header()
	header.CmdID = header.GetOrCreateCmdID(n.ctx.Clock.PhysicalNow())
	trace := n.ctx.Tracer.NewTrace(header)
	defer trace.Finalize()
	defer trace.Epoch("node")()
	ctx := tracer.ToCtx((*Node)(n).context(), trace)

	ba, unwrap := client.MaybeWrap(args)
	br, pErr := n.lSender.Send(ctx, *ba)
	if pErr != nil {
		br = &proto.BatchResponse{}
		trace.Event(fmt.Sprintf("error: %T", pErr.GoError()))
	if br.Error != nil {
		panic(proto.ErrorUnexpectedlySet(n.lSender, br))
	br.Error = pErr
	n.feed.CallComplete(ba, br)
	return unwrap(br), nil