Пример #1
// TestRocksDBCompaction verifies that a garbage collector can be
// installed on a RocksDB engine and will properly compact response
// cache and transaction entries.
func TestRocksDBCompaction(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	rocksdb := newMemRocksDB(proto.Attributes{Attrs: []string{"ssd"}}, testCacheSize)
	err := rocksdb.Open()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("could not create new in-memory rocksdb db instance: %v", err)
	rocksdb.SetGCTimeouts(1, 2)
	defer rocksdb.Close()

	cmdID := &proto.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 1, Random: 1}

	// Write two transaction values and two response cache values such
	// that exactly one of each should be GC'd based on our GC timeouts.
	kvs := []proto.KeyValue{
			Key:   keys.ResponseCacheKey(1, cmdID),
			Value: proto.Value{Bytes: encodePutResponse(makeTS(2, 0), t)},
			Key:   keys.ResponseCacheKey(2, cmdID),
			Value: proto.Value{Bytes: encodePutResponse(makeTS(3, 0), t)},
			Key:   keys.TransactionKey(proto.Key("a"), proto.Key(uuid.NewUUID4())),
			Value: proto.Value{Bytes: encodeTransaction(makeTS(1, 0), t)},
			Key:   keys.TransactionKey(proto.Key("b"), proto.Key(uuid.NewUUID4())),
			Value: proto.Value{Bytes: encodeTransaction(makeTS(2, 0), t)},
	for _, kv := range kvs {
		if err := MVCCPut(rocksdb, nil, kv.Key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, kv.Value, nil); err != nil {

	// Compact range and scan remaining values to compare.
	rocksdb.CompactRange(nil, nil)
	actualKVs, _, err := MVCCScan(rocksdb, proto.KeyMin, proto.KeyMax,
		0, proto.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("could not run scan: %v", err)
	var keys []proto.Key
	for _, kv := range actualKVs {
		keys = append(keys, kv.Key)
	expKeys := []proto.Key{
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expKeys, keys) {
		t.Errorf("expected keys %+v, got keys %+v", expKeys, keys)
Пример #2
// InternalHeartbeatTxn updates the transaction status and heartbeat
// timestamp after receiving transaction heartbeat messages from
// coordinator. Returns the updated transaction.
func (r *Range) InternalHeartbeatTxn(batch engine.Engine, ms *engine.MVCCStats, args proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnRequest) (proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnResponse, error) {
	var reply proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnResponse

	key := keys.TransactionKey(args.Txn.Key, args.Txn.ID)

	var txn proto.Transaction
	if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(batch, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, &txn); err != nil {
		return reply, err
	} else if !ok {
		// If no existing transaction record was found, initialize to a
		// shallow copy of the transaction in the request header. We copy
		// to avoid mutating the original below.
		txn = *args.Txn

	if txn.Status == proto.PENDING {
		if txn.LastHeartbeat == nil {
			txn.LastHeartbeat = &proto.Timestamp{}
		if txn.LastHeartbeat.Less(args.Header().Timestamp) {
			*txn.LastHeartbeat = args.Header().Timestamp
		if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(batch, ms, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, nil, &txn); err != nil {
			return reply, err

	reply.Txn = &txn
	return reply, nil
Пример #3
// InternalHeartbeatTxn updates the transaction status and heartbeat
// timestamp after receiving transaction heartbeat messages from
// coordinator. Returns the updated transaction.
func (r *Range) InternalHeartbeatTxn(batch engine.Engine, ms *engine.MVCCStats,
	args *proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnRequest, reply *proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnResponse) {
	key := keys.TransactionKey(args.Txn.Key, args.Txn.ID)

	var txn proto.Transaction
	ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(batch, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, &txn)
	if err != nil {
	// If no existing transaction record was found, initialize
	// to the transaction in the request header.
	if !ok {
		gogoproto.Merge(&txn, args.Txn)
	if txn.Status == proto.PENDING {
		if txn.LastHeartbeat == nil {
			txn.LastHeartbeat = &proto.Timestamp{}
		if txn.LastHeartbeat.Less(args.Header().Timestamp) {
			*txn.LastHeartbeat = args.Header().Timestamp
		if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(batch, ms, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, nil, &txn); err != nil {
	reply.Txn = &txn
Пример #4
// TestRocksDBCompaction verifies that a garbage collector can be
// installed on a RocksDB engine and will properly compact transaction
// entries.
func TestRocksDBCompaction(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()
	rocksdb := newMemRocksDB(roachpb.Attributes{}, testCacheSize, stopper)
	err := rocksdb.Open()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("could not create new in-memory rocksdb db instance: %v", err)

	// Write two transaction values such that exactly one should be GC'd based
	// on our GC timeouts.
	kvs := []roachpb.KeyValue{
			Key:   keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key("a"), roachpb.Key(uuid.NewUUID4())),
			Value: roachpb.MakeValueFromBytes(encodeTransaction(makeTS(1, 0), t)),
			Key:   keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key("b"), roachpb.Key(uuid.NewUUID4())),
			Value: roachpb.MakeValueFromBytes(encodeTransaction(makeTS(2, 0), t)),
	for _, kv := range kvs {
		if err := MVCCPut(rocksdb, nil, kv.Key, roachpb.ZeroTimestamp, kv.Value, nil); err != nil {

	// Compact range and scan remaining values to compare.
	rocksdb.CompactRange(nil, nil)
	actualKVs, _, err := MVCCScan(rocksdb, keyMin, keyMax, 0, roachpb.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("could not run scan: %v", err)
	var keys []roachpb.Key
	for _, kv := range actualKVs {
		keys = append(keys, kv.Key)
	expKeys := []roachpb.Key{
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expKeys, keys) {
		t.Errorf("expected keys %+v, got keys %+v", expKeys, keys)
Пример #5
// createRangeData creates sample range data in all possible areas of
// the key space. Returns a slice of the encoded keys of all created
// data.
func createRangeData(t *testing.T, r *Replica) []engine.MVCCKey {
	ts0 := hlc.ZeroTimestamp
	ts := hlc.Timestamp{WallTime: 1}
	desc := r.Desc()
	keyTSs := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  hlc.Timestamp
		{keys.AbortCacheKey(r.RangeID, testTxnID), ts0},
		{keys.AbortCacheKey(r.RangeID, testTxnID2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeFrozenStatusKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastGCKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftAppliedIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftTruncatedStateKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.LeaseAppliedIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeStatsKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftHardStateKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLastIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.RangeID, 1), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.RangeID, 2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastReplicaGCTimestampKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastVerificationTimestampKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(desc.StartKey), ts},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey), uuid.NewV4()), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey.Next()), uuid.NewV4()), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(fakePrevKey(desc.EndKey), uuid.NewV4()), ts0},
		// TODO(bdarnell): KeyMin.Next() results in a key in the reserved system-local space.
		// Once we have resolved https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/437,
		// replace this with something that reliably generates the first valid key in the range.
		//{r.Desc().StartKey.Next(), ts},
		// The following line is similar to StartKey.Next() but adds more to the key to
		// avoid falling into the system-local space.
		{append(append([]byte{}, desc.StartKey...), '\x02'), ts},
		{fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), ts},

	keys := []engine.MVCCKey{}
	for _, keyTS := range keyTSs {
		if err := engine.MVCCPut(context.Background(), r.store.Engine(), nil, keyTS.key, keyTS.ts, roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value"), nil); err != nil {
		keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCKey{Key: keyTS.key, Timestamp: keyTS.ts})
	return keys
Пример #6
// TestStoreResolveWriteIntent adds write intent and then verifies
// that a put returns success and aborts intent's txn in the event the
// pushee has lower priority. Othwerise, verifies that a
// TransactionPushError is returned.
func TestStoreResolveWriteIntent(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	for i, resolvable := range []bool{true, false} {
		key := proto.Key(fmt.Sprintf("key-%d", i))
		pusher := newTransaction("test", key, 1, proto.SERIALIZABLE, store.ctx.Clock)
		pushee := newTransaction("test", key, 1, proto.SERIALIZABLE, store.ctx.Clock)
		if resolvable {
			pushee.Priority = 1
			pusher.Priority = 2 // Pusher will win.
		} else {
			pushee.Priority = 2
			pusher.Priority = 1 // Pusher will lose.

		// First lay down intent using the pushee's txn.
		pArgs := putArgs(key, []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
		pArgs.Timestamp = store.ctx.Clock.Now()
		pArgs.Txn = pushee
		if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {

		// Now, try a put using the pusher's txn.
		pArgs.Timestamp = store.ctx.Clock.Now()
		pArgs.Txn = pusher
		err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()})
		if resolvable {
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("expected intent resolved; got unexpected error: %s", err)
			txnKey := keys.TransactionKey(pushee.Key, pushee.ID)
			var txn proto.Transaction
			ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(store.Engine(), txnKey, proto.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, &txn)
			if !ok || err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("not found or err: %s", err)
			if txn.Status != proto.ABORTED {
				t.Errorf("expected pushee to be aborted; got %s", txn.Status)
		} else {
			if rErr, ok := err.(*proto.TransactionPushError); !ok {
				t.Errorf("expected txn push error; got %s", err)
			} else if !bytes.Equal(rErr.PusheeTxn.ID, pushee.ID) {
				t.Errorf("expected txn to match pushee %q; got %s", pushee.ID, rErr)
			// Trying again should fail again.
			if err = store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
				t.Errorf("expected another error on latent write intent but succeeded")
Пример #7
// createRangeData creates sample range data in all possible areas of
// the key space. Returns a slice of the encoded keys of all created
// data.
func createRangeData(r *Replica, t *testing.T) []roachpb.EncodedKey {
	ts0 := roachpb.ZeroTimestamp
	ts := roachpb.Timestamp{WallTime: 1}
	keyTSs := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  roachpb.Timestamp
		{keys.ResponseCacheKey(r.Desc().RangeID, &roachpb.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 1, Random: 1}), ts0},
		{keys.ResponseCacheKey(r.Desc().RangeID, &roachpb.ClientCmdID{WallTime: 2, Random: 2}), ts0},
		{keys.RaftHardStateKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.Desc().RangeID, 1), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.Desc().RangeID, 2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeGCMetadataKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastVerificationTimestampKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeStatsKey(r.Desc().RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(r.Desc().StartKey), ts},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(r.Desc().StartKey), []byte("1234")), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(r.Desc().StartKey.Next()), []byte("5678")), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), []byte("2468")), ts0},
		// TODO(bdarnell): KeyMin.Next() results in a key in the reserved system-local space.
		// Once we have resolved https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/437,
		// replace this with something that reliably generates the first valid key in the range.
		//{r.Desc().StartKey.Next(), ts},
		// The following line is similar to StartKey.Next() but adds more to the key to
		// avoid falling into the system-local space.
		{append(append([]byte{}, r.Desc().StartKey...), '\x01'), ts},
		{fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), ts},

	keys := []roachpb.EncodedKey{}
	for _, keyTS := range keyTSs {
		if err := engine.MVCCPut(r.store.Engine(), nil, keyTS.key, keyTS.ts, roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value"), nil); err != nil {
		keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCEncodeKey(keyTS.key))
		if !keyTS.ts.Equal(ts0) {
			keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCEncodeVersionKey(keyTS.key, keyTS.ts))
	return keys
Пример #8
// processTransactionTable scans the transaction table and updates txnMap with
// those transactions which are old and either PENDING or with intents
// registered. In the first case we want to push the transaction so that it is
// aborted, and in the second case we may have to resolve the intents success-
// fully before GCing the entry. The transaction records which can be gc'ed are
// returned separately and are not added to txnMap nor intentSpanMap.
func (gcq *gcQueue) processTransactionTable(r *Replica, txnMap map[uuid.UUID]*roachpb.Transaction, cutoff roachpb.Timestamp) ([]roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey, error) {
	snap := r.store.Engine().NewSnapshot()
	defer snap.Close()

	var numResolveAttempts, numQueuedPushes int
	var gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey
	defer func() {
		gcq.eventLog.Infof(true, "attempted to resolve %d intents of %d gc'able transactions; queued %d txns for push", numResolveAttempts, len(gcKeys), numQueuedPushes)
	handleOne := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) error {
		var txn roachpb.Transaction
		if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&txn); err != nil {
			return err
		ts := txn.Timestamp
		if heartbeatTS := txn.LastHeartbeat; heartbeatTS != nil {
		if !ts.Less(cutoff) {
			return nil

		txnID := *txn.ID

		// The transaction record should be considered for removal.
		switch txn.Status {
		case roachpb.PENDING:
			// Marked as running, so we need to push it to abort it but won't
			// try to GC it in this cycle (for convenience).
			// TODO(tschottdorf): refactor so that we can GC PENDING entries
			// in the same cycle, but keeping the calls to pushTxn in a central
			// location (keeping it easy to batch them up in the future).
			txnMap[txnID] = &txn
			return nil
		case roachpb.ABORTED:
			// If we remove this transaction, it effectively still counts as
			// ABORTED (by design). So this can be GC'ed even if we can't
			// resolve the intents.
			// Note: Most aborted transaction weren't aborted by their client,
			// but instead by the coordinator - those will not have any intents
			// persisted, though they still might exist in the system.
			numResolveAttempts += len(txn.Intents)
			if err := r.store.intentResolver.resolveIntents(r.context(), r,
				roachpb.AsIntents(txn.Intents, &txn), true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); err != nil {
				log.Warningf("failed to resolve intents of aborted txn on gc: %s", err)
		case roachpb.COMMITTED:
			// It's committed, so it doesn't need a push but we can only
			// GC it after its intents are resolved.
			numResolveAttempts += len(txn.Intents)
			if err := r.store.intentResolver.resolveIntents(r.context(), r,
				roachpb.AsIntents(txn.Intents, &txn), true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); err != nil {
				log.Warningf("unable to resolve intents of committed txn on gc: %s", err)
				// Returning the error here would abort the whole GC run, and
				// we don't want that. Instead, we simply don't GC this entry.
				return nil
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction state: %s", txn))
		gcKeys = append(gcKeys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: kv.Key}) // zero timestamp
		return nil

	startKey := keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.KeyMin, uuid.EmptyUUID)
	endKey := keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.KeyMax, uuid.EmptyUUID)

	_, err := engine.MVCCIterate(snap, startKey, endKey, roachpb.ZeroTimestamp, true /* consistent */, nil /* txn */, false /* !reverse */, func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
		return false, handleOne(kv)
	return gcKeys, err
Пример #9
// TestStoreVerifyKeys checks that key length is enforced and
// that end keys must sort >= start.
func TestStoreVerifyKeys(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	tooLongKey := proto.Key(strings.Repeat("x", proto.KeyMaxLength+1))

	// Start with a too-long key on a get.
	gArgs := getArgs(tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for key too long")
	// Try a start key == KeyMax.
	gArgs.Key = proto.KeyMax
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for start key == KeyMax")
	// Try a get with an end key specified (get requires only a start key and should fail).
	gArgs.EndKey = proto.KeyMax
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for end key specified on a non-range-based operation")
	// Try a scan with too-long EndKey.
	sArgs := scanArgs(proto.KeyMin, tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &sArgs, Reply: sArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for end key too long")
	// Try a scan with end key < start key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("b")
	sArgs.EndKey = []byte("a")
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &sArgs, Reply: sArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for end key < start")
	// Try a scan with start key == end key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("a")
	sArgs.EndKey = sArgs.Key
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &sArgs, Reply: sArgs.CreateReply()}); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("expected error for start == end key")
	// Try a put to meta2 key which would otherwise exceed maximum key
	// length, but is accepted because of the meta prefix.
	meta2KeyMax := keys.MakeKey(keys.Meta2Prefix, proto.KeyMax)
	pArgs := putArgs(meta2KeyMax, []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to meta2 value: %s", err)
	// Try to put a range descriptor record for a start key which is
	// maximum length.
	key := append([]byte{}, proto.KeyMax...)
	key[len(key)-1] = 0x01
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(key), []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to range descriptor for KeyMax value: %s", err)
	// Try a put to txn record for a meta2 key (note that this doesn't
	// actually happen in practice, as txn records are not put directly,
	// but are instead manipulated only through txn methods).
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.TransactionKey(meta2KeyMax, []byte(uuid.NewUUID4())),
		[]byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &pArgs, Reply: pArgs.CreateReply()}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to txn meta2 value: %s", err)
Пример #10
// TestStoreResolveWriteIntentNoTxn verifies that reads and writes
// which are not part of a transaction can push intents.
func TestStoreResolveWriteIntentNoTxn(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	key := proto.Key("a")
	pushee := newTransaction("test", key, 1, proto.SERIALIZABLE, store.ctx.Clock)
	pushee.Priority = 0 // pushee should lose all conflicts

	// First, lay down intent from pushee.
	args := putArgs(key, []byte("value1"), 1, store.StoreID())
	reply := args.CreateReply()
	args.Timestamp = pushee.Timestamp
	args.Txn = pushee
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &args, Reply: reply}); err != nil {

	// Now, try to read outside a transaction.
	gArgs := getArgs(key, 1, store.StoreID())
	gReply := gArgs.CreateReply().(*proto.GetResponse)
	gArgs.Timestamp = store.ctx.Clock.Now()
	gArgs.UserPriority = gogoproto.Int32(math.MaxInt32)
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &gArgs, Reply: gReply}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected read to succeed: %s", err)
	} else if gReply.Value != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected value to be nil, got %+v", gReply.Value)

	// Next, try to write outside of a transaction. We will succeed in pushing txn.
	args.Timestamp = store.ctx.Clock.Now()
	args.Value.Bytes = []byte("value2")
	args.Txn = nil
	args.UserPriority = gogoproto.Int32(math.MaxInt32)
	if err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &args, Reply: reply}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected success aborting pushee's txn; got %s", err)

	// Read pushee's txn.
	txnKey := keys.TransactionKey(pushee.Key, pushee.ID)
	var txn proto.Transaction
	if ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(store.Engine(), txnKey, proto.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, &txn); !ok || err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("not found or err: %s", err)
	if txn.Status != proto.ABORTED {
		t.Errorf("expected pushee to be aborted; got %s", txn.Status)

	// Verify that the pushee's timestamp was moved forward on
	// former read, since we have it available in write intent error.
	expTS := gArgs.Timestamp
	if !txn.Timestamp.Equal(expTS) {
		t.Errorf("expected pushee timestamp pushed to %s; got %s", expTS, txn.Timestamp)
	// Similarly, verify that pushee's priority was moved from 0
	// to math.MaxInt32-1 during push.
	if txn.Priority != math.MaxInt32-1 {
		t.Errorf("expected pushee priority to be pushed to %d; got %d", math.MaxInt32-1, txn.Priority)

	// Finally, try to end the pushee's transaction; it should have
	// been aborted.
	etArgs := endTxnArgs(pushee, true, 1, store.StoreID())
	etArgs.Timestamp = pushee.Timestamp
	err := store.ExecuteCmd(context.Background(), proto.Call{Args: &etArgs, Reply: etArgs.CreateReply()})
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected success committing transaction")
	if _, ok := err.(*proto.TransactionAbortedError); !ok {
		t.Errorf("expected transaction aborted error; got %s", err)
Пример #11
func TestGCQueueTransactionTable(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)

	const now time.Duration = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
	const tTxnThreshold = now - txnCleanupThreshold
	type spec struct {
		status      roachpb.TransactionStatus
		ts          time.Duration
		heartbeatTS time.Duration
		newStatus   roachpb.TransactionStatus // -1 for GCed
		failResolve bool                      // do we want to fail resolves in this trial?
		expResolve  bool                      // expect attempt at removing txn-persisted intents?
		expSeqGC    bool                      // expect sequence cache entries removed?
	// Describes the state of the Txn table before the test.
	testCases := map[string]spec{
		// Too young, should not touch.
		"a": {roachpb.PENDING, tTxnThreshold + 1, 0, roachpb.PENDING, false, false, false},
		// Old and pending, but still heartbeat (so no Push attempted; it would succeed).
		// No GC.
		"b": {roachpb.PENDING, 0, tTxnThreshold + 1, roachpb.PENDING, false, false, false},
		// Old, pending and abandoned. Should push and abort it successfully,
		// but not GC it just yet (this is an artifact of the implementation).
		// The sequence cache gets cleaned up though.
		"c": {roachpb.PENDING, tTxnThreshold - 1, 0, roachpb.ABORTED, false, false, true},
		// Old and aborted, should delete.
		"d": {roachpb.ABORTED, tTxnThreshold - 1, 0, -1, false, true, true},
		// Committed and fresh, so no action.
		"e": {roachpb.COMMITTED, tTxnThreshold + 1, 0, roachpb.COMMITTED, false, false, false},
		// Committed and old. It has an intent (like all tests here), which is
		// resolvable and hence we can GC.
		"f": {roachpb.COMMITTED, tTxnThreshold - 1, 0, -1, false, true, true},
		// Same as the previous one, but we've rigged things so that the intent
		// resolution here will fail and consequently no GC is expected.
		"g": {roachpb.COMMITTED, tTxnThreshold - 1, 0, roachpb.COMMITTED, true, true, true},

	resolved := map[string][]roachpb.Span{}
	TestingCommandFilter = func(_ roachpb.StoreID, req roachpb.Request, _ roachpb.Header) error {
		if resArgs, ok := req.(*roachpb.ResolveIntentRequest); ok {
			id := string(resArgs.IntentTxn.Key)
			resolved[id] = append(resolved[id], roachpb.Span{
				Key:    resArgs.Key,
				EndKey: resArgs.EndKey,
			// We've special cased one test case. Note that the intent is still
			// counted in `resolved`.
			if testCases[id].failResolve {
				return util.Errorf("boom")
		return nil
	defer func() { TestingCommandFilter = nil }()

	tc := testContext{}
	defer tc.Stop()

	testIntents := []roachpb.Span{{Key: roachpb.Key("intent")}}

	txns := map[string]roachpb.Transaction{}
	var epo uint32
	for strKey, test := range testCases {
		baseKey := roachpb.Key(strKey)
		txnClock := hlc.NewClock(hlc.NewManualClock(int64(test.ts)).UnixNano)
		txn := newTransaction("txn1", baseKey, 1, roachpb.SERIALIZABLE, txnClock)
		txn.Status = test.status
		txn.Intents = testIntents
		txn.LastHeartbeat = &roachpb.Timestamp{WallTime: int64(test.heartbeatTS)}
		txns[strKey] = *txn
		key := keys.TransactionKey(baseKey, txn.ID)
		if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(tc.engine, nil, key, roachpb.ZeroTimestamp, nil, txn); err != nil {
		seqTS := txn.Timestamp
		if err := tc.rng.sequence.Put(tc.engine, txn.ID, epo, 2*epo, txn.Key, seqTS, nil /* err */); err != nil {

	// Run GC.
	gcQ := newGCQueue(tc.gossip)
	cfg := tc.gossip.GetSystemConfig()
	if cfg == nil {
		t.Fatal("nil config")

	if err := gcQ.process(tc.clock.Now(), tc.rng, cfg); err != nil {

	util.SucceedsWithin(t, time.Second, func() error {
		for strKey, sp := range testCases {
			txn := &roachpb.Transaction{}
			key := keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(strKey), txns[strKey].ID)
			ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(tc.engine, key, roachpb.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, txn)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if expGC := (sp.newStatus == -1); expGC {
				if expGC != !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("%s: expected gc: %t, but found %s\n%s", strKey, expGC, txn, roachpb.Key(strKey))
			} else if sp.newStatus != txn.Status {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s: expected status %s, but found %s", strKey, sp.newStatus, txn.Status)
			var expIntents []roachpb.Span
			if sp.expResolve {
				expIntents = testIntents
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(resolved[strKey], expIntents) {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected intent resolutions:\nexpected: %s\nobserved: %s",
					strKey, expIntents, resolved[strKey])
			if kvs, err := tc.rng.sequence.GetAllTransactionID(tc.store.Engine(), txns[strKey].ID); err != nil {
			} else if (len(kvs) != 0) == sp.expSeqGC {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s: expected sequence cache gc: %t, found %+v", strKey, sp.expSeqGC, kvs)
		return nil
Пример #12
// EndTransaction either commits or aborts (rolls back) an extant
// transaction according to the args.Commit parameter.
func (r *Range) EndTransaction(batch engine.Engine, ms *engine.MVCCStats, args *proto.EndTransactionRequest, reply *proto.EndTransactionResponse) {
	if args.Txn == nil {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("no transaction specified to EndTransaction"))
	key := keys.TransactionKey(args.Txn.Key, args.Txn.ID)

	// Fetch existing transaction if possible.
	existTxn := &proto.Transaction{}
	ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(batch, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, existTxn)
	if err != nil {
	// If the transaction record already exists, verify that we can either
	// commit it or abort it (according to args.Commit), and also that the
	// Timestamp and Epoch have not suffered regression.
	if ok {
		// Use the persisted transaction record as final transaction.
		reply.Txn = gogoproto.Clone(existTxn).(*proto.Transaction)

		if existTxn.Status == proto.COMMITTED {
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, "already committed"))
		} else if existTxn.Status == proto.ABORTED {
		} else if args.Txn.Epoch < existTxn.Epoch {
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, fmt.Sprintf("epoch regression: %d", args.Txn.Epoch)))
		} else if args.Txn.Epoch == existTxn.Epoch && existTxn.Timestamp.Less(args.Txn.OrigTimestamp) {
			// The transaction record can only ever be pushed forward, so it's an
			// error if somehow the transaction record has an earlier timestamp
			// than the original transaction timestamp.
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, fmt.Sprintf("timestamp regression: %s", args.Txn.OrigTimestamp)))
		// Take max of requested epoch and existing epoch. The requester
		// may have incremented the epoch on retries.
		if reply.Txn.Epoch < args.Txn.Epoch {
			reply.Txn.Epoch = args.Txn.Epoch
		// Take max of requested priority and existing priority. This isn't
		// terribly useful, but we do it for completeness.
		if reply.Txn.Priority < args.Txn.Priority {
			reply.Txn.Priority = args.Txn.Priority
	} else {
		// The transaction doesn't exist yet on disk; use the supplied version.
		reply.Txn = gogoproto.Clone(args.Txn).(*proto.Transaction)

	// Take max of requested timestamp and possibly "pushed" txn
	// record timestamp as the final commit timestamp.
	if reply.Txn.Timestamp.Less(args.Timestamp) {
		reply.Txn.Timestamp = args.Timestamp

	// Set transaction status to COMMITTED or ABORTED as per the
	// args.Commit parameter.
	if args.Commit {
		// If the isolation level is SERIALIZABLE, return a transaction
		// retry error if the commit timestamp isn't equal to the txn
		// timestamp.
		if args.Txn.Isolation == proto.SERIALIZABLE && !reply.Txn.Timestamp.Equal(args.Txn.OrigTimestamp) {
		reply.Txn.Status = proto.COMMITTED
	} else {
		reply.Txn.Status = proto.ABORTED

	// Persist the transaction record with updated status (& possibly timestamp).
	if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(batch, ms, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, nil, reply.Txn); err != nil {

	// Run triggers if successfully committed. Any failures running
	// triggers will set an error and prevent the batch from committing.
	if ct := args.InternalCommitTrigger; ct != nil {
		// Resolve any explicit intents.
		for _, key := range ct.Intents {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof("resolving intent at %s on end transaction [%s]", key, reply.Txn.Status)
			if err := engine.MVCCResolveWriteIntent(batch, ms, key, reply.Txn.Timestamp, reply.Txn); err != nil {
			reply.Resolved = append(reply.Resolved, key)
		// Run appropriate trigger.
		if reply.Txn.Status == proto.COMMITTED {
			if ct.SplitTrigger != nil {
				*ms = engine.MVCCStats{} // clear stats, as split will recompute from scratch.
				reply.SetGoError(r.splitTrigger(batch, ct.SplitTrigger))
			} else if ct.MergeTrigger != nil {
				*ms = engine.MVCCStats{} // clear stats, as merge will recompute from scratch.
				reply.SetGoError(r.mergeTrigger(batch, ct.MergeTrigger))
			} else if ct.ChangeReplicasTrigger != nil {
Пример #13
// processTransactionTable scans the transaction table and updates txnMap with
// those transactions which are old and either PENDING or with intents
// registered. In the first case we want to push the transaction so that it is
// aborted, and in the second case we may have to resolve the intents success-
// fully before GCing the entry. The transaction records which can be gc'ed are
// returned separately and are not added to txnMap nor intentSpanMap.
func processTransactionTable(
	ctx context.Context,
	snap engine.Engine,
	desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
	txnMap map[uuid.UUID]*roachpb.Transaction,
	cutoff roachpb.Timestamp,
	infoMu *lockableGCInfo,
	resolveIntents resolveFunc,
) ([]roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey, error) {
	defer infoMu.Unlock()

	var gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey
	handleOne := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) error {
		var txn roachpb.Transaction
		if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&txn); err != nil {
			return err
		if !txn.LastActive().Less(cutoff) {
			return nil

		txnID := *txn.ID

		// The transaction record should be considered for removal.
		switch txn.Status {
		case roachpb.PENDING:
			// Marked as running, so we need to push it to abort it but won't
			// try to GC it in this cycle (for convenience).
			// TODO(tschottdorf): refactor so that we can GC PENDING entries
			// in the same cycle, but keeping the calls to pushTxn in a central
			// location (keeping it easy to batch them up in the future).
			txnMap[txnID] = &txn
			return nil
		case roachpb.ABORTED:
			// If we remove this transaction, it effectively still counts as
			// ABORTED (by design). So this can be GC'ed even if we can't
			// resolve the intents.
			// Note: Most aborted transaction weren't aborted by their client,
			// but instead by the coordinator - those will not have any intents
			// persisted, though they still might exist in the system.
			func() {
				infoMu.Unlock() // intentional
				defer infoMu.Lock()
				if err := resolveIntents(roachpb.AsIntents(txn.Intents, &txn),
					true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); err != nil {
					log.Warningf("failed to resolve intents of aborted txn on gc: %s", err)
		case roachpb.COMMITTED:
			// It's committed, so it doesn't need a push but we can only
			// GC it after its intents are resolved.
			if err := func() error {
				infoMu.Unlock() // intentional
				defer infoMu.Lock()
				return resolveIntents(roachpb.AsIntents(txn.Intents, &txn), true /* wait */, false /* !poison */)
			}(); err != nil {
				log.Warningf("unable to resolve intents of committed txn on gc: %s", err)
				// Returning the error here would abort the whole GC run, and
				// we don't want that. Instead, we simply don't GC this entry.
				return nil
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction state: %s", txn))
		gcKeys = append(gcKeys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: kv.Key}) // zero timestamp
		return nil

	startKey := keys.TransactionKey(desc.StartKey.AsRawKey(), uuid.EmptyUUID)
	endKey := keys.TransactionKey(desc.EndKey.AsRawKey(), uuid.EmptyUUID)

	_, err := engine.MVCCIterate(ctx, snap, startKey, endKey,
		roachpb.ZeroTimestamp, true /* consistent */, nil, /* txn */
		false /* !reverse */, func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
			return false, handleOne(kv)
	return gcKeys, err
Пример #14
// TestStoreVerifyKeys checks that key length is enforced and
// that end keys must sort >= start.
func TestStoreVerifyKeys(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()
	tooLongKey := roachpb.Key(strings.Repeat("x", roachpb.KeyMaxLength+1))

	// Start with a too-long key on a get.
	gArgs := getArgs(tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &gArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "exceeded") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for key too long: %v", err)
	// Try a start key == KeyMax.
	gArgs.Key = roachpb.KeyMax
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &gArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be less than KeyMax") {
		t.Fatalf("expected error for start key == KeyMax: %v", err)
	// Try a get with an end key specified (get requires only a start key and should fail).
	gArgs.EndKey = roachpb.KeyMax
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &gArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be less than KeyMax") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for end key specified on a non-range-based operation: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with too-long EndKey.
	sArgs := scanArgs(roachpb.KeyMin, tooLongKey, 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "length exceeded") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for end key too long: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with end key < start key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("b")
	sArgs.EndKey = []byte("a")
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be greater than") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for end key < start: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with start key == end key.
	sArgs.Key = []byte("a")
	sArgs.EndKey = sArgs.Key
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "must be greater than") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for start == end key: %v", err)
	// Try a scan with range-local start key, but "regular" end key.
	sArgs.Key = keys.MakeRangeKey([]byte("test"), []byte("sffx"), nil)
	sArgs.EndKey = []byte("z")
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &sArgs); !testutils.IsError(err, "range-local") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error for local start, non-local end key: %v", err)

	// Try a put to meta2 key which would otherwise exceed maximum key
	// length, but is accepted because of the meta prefix.
	meta2KeyMax := keys.MakeKey(keys.Meta2Prefix, roachpb.KeyMax)
	pArgs := putArgs(meta2KeyMax, []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to meta2 value: %s", err)
	// Try to put a range descriptor record for a start key which is
	// maximum length.
	key := append([]byte{}, roachpb.KeyMax...)
	key[len(key)-1] = 0x01
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(key), []byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to range descriptor for KeyMax value: %s", err)
	// Try a put to txn record for a meta2 key (note that this doesn't
	// actually happen in practice, as txn records are not put directly,
	// but are instead manipulated only through txn methods).
	pArgs = putArgs(keys.TransactionKey(meta2KeyMax, []byte(uuid.NewUUID4())),
		[]byte("value"), 1, store.StoreID())
	if _, err := client.SendWrapped(store, nil, &pArgs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error on put to txn meta2 value: %s", err)
Пример #15
// processIntentsAsync asynchronously processes intents which were
// encountered during another command but did not interfere with the
// execution of that command. This occurs in two cases: inconsistent
// reads and EndTransaction (which queues its own external intents for
// processing via this method). The two cases are handled somewhat
// differently and would be better served by different entry points,
// but combining them simplifies the plumbing necessary in Replica.
func (ir *intentResolver) processIntentsAsync(r *Replica, intents []intentsWithArg) {
	if len(intents) == 0 {
	now := r.store.Clock().Now()
	ctx := context.TODO()
	stopper := r.store.Stopper()

	for _, item := range intents {
		if item.args.Method() != roachpb.EndTransaction {
			if err := stopper.RunLimitedAsyncTask(ir.sem, func() {
				// Everything here is best effort; give up rather than waiting
				// too long (helps avoid deadlocks during test shutdown,
				// although this is imperfect due to the use of an
				// uninterruptible WaitGroup.Wait in beginCmds).
				ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, base.NetworkTimeout)
				defer cancel()
				h := roachpb.Header{Timestamp: now}
				resolveIntents, pushErr := ir.maybePushTransactions(ctxWithTimeout,
					item.intents, h, roachpb.PUSH_TOUCH, true /* skipInFlight */)

				// resolveIntents with poison=true because we're resolving
				// intents outside of the context of an EndTransaction.
				// Naively, it doesn't seem like we need to poison the abort
				// cache since we're pushing with PUSH_TOUCH - meaning that
				// the primary way our Push leads to aborting intents is that
				// of the transaction having timed out (and thus presumably no
				// client being around any more, though at the time of writing
				// we don't guarantee that). But there's another path in which
				// the Push comes back successful, namely that of the
				// transaction already having been aborted by someone else, in
				// which case the client may still be running. Thus, we must
				// poison.
				if err := ir.resolveIntents(ctxWithTimeout, resolveIntents,
					true /* wait */, true /* poison */); err != nil {
					log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "%s: failed to resolve intents: %s", r, err)
				if pushErr != nil {
					log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "%s: failed to push during intent resolution: %s", r, pushErr)
			}); err != nil {
				log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "failed to resolve intents: %s", err)
		} else { // EndTransaction
			if err := stopper.RunLimitedAsyncTask(ir.sem, func() {
				ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, base.NetworkTimeout)
				defer cancel()

				// For EndTransaction, we know the transaction is finalized so
				// we can skip the push and go straight to the resolve.
				// This mechanism assumes that when an EndTransaction fails,
				// the client makes no assumptions about the result. For
				// example, an attempt to explicitly rollback the transaction
				// may succeed (triggering this code path), but the result may
				// not make it back to the client.
				if err := ir.resolveIntents(ctxWithTimeout, item.intents,
					true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); err != nil {
					log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "%s: failed to resolve intents: %s", r, err)

				// We successfully resolved the intents, so we're able to GC from
				// the txn span directly.
				b := &client.Batch{}
				txn := item.intents[0].Txn
				txnKey := keys.TransactionKey(txn.Key, txn.ID)

				// This is pretty tricky. Transaction keys are range-local and
				// so they are encoded specially. The key range addressed by
				// (txnKey, txnKey.Next()) might be empty (since Next() does
				// not imply monotonicity on the address side). Instead, we
				// send this request to a range determined using the resolved
				// transaction anchor, i.e. if the txn is anchored on
				// /Local/RangeDescriptor/"a"/uuid, the key range below would
				// be ["a", "a\x00"). However, the first range is special again
				// because the above procedure results in KeyMin, but we need
				// at least KeyLocalMax.
				// #7880 will address this by making GCRequest less special and
				// thus obviating the need to cook up an artificial range here.
				var gcArgs roachpb.GCRequest
					key := keys.MustAddr(txn.Key)
					if localMax := keys.MustAddr(keys.LocalMax); key.Less(localMax) {
						key = localMax
					endKey := key.Next()

					gcArgs.Span = roachpb.Span{
						Key:    key.AsRawKey(),
						EndKey: endKey.AsRawKey(),

				gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{
					Key: txnKey,
				if err := ir.store.db.Run(b); err != nil {
						"could not GC completed transaction anchored at %s: %s",
						roachpb.Key(txn.Key), err,
			}); err != nil {
				log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "failed to resolve intents: %s", err)
Пример #16
// processIntentsAsync asynchronously processes intents which were
// encountered during another command but did not interfere with the
// execution of that command. This occurs in two cases: inconsistent
// reads and EndTransaction (which queues its own external intents for
// processing via this method). The two cases are handled somewhat
// differently and would be better served by different entry points,
// but combining them simplifies the plumbing necessary in Replica.
func (ir *intentResolver) processIntentsAsync(r *Replica, intents []intentsWithArg) {
	if len(intents) == 0 {
	now := r.store.Clock().Now()
	ctx := r.context(context.TODO())
	stopper := r.store.Stopper()

	for _, item := range intents {
		if item.args.Method() != roachpb.EndTransaction {
			stopper.RunLimitedAsyncTask(ir.sem, func() {
				// Everything here is best effort; give up rather than waiting
				// too long (helps avoid deadlocks during test shutdown,
				// although this is imperfect due to the use of an
				// uninterruptible WaitGroup.Wait in beginCmds).
				ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, base.NetworkTimeout)
				defer cancel()
				h := roachpb.Header{Timestamp: now}
				resolveIntents, pushErr := ir.maybePushTransactions(ctxWithTimeout,
					item.intents, h, roachpb.PUSH_TOUCH, true /* skipInFlight */)

				// resolveIntents with poison=true because we're resolving
				// intents outside of the context of an EndTransaction.
				// Naively, it doesn't seem like we need to poison the abort
				// cache since we're pushing with PUSH_TOUCH - meaning that
				// the primary way our Push leads to aborting intents is that
				// of the transaction having timed out (and thus presumably no
				// client being around any more, though at the time of writing
				// we don't guarantee that). But there's another path in which
				// the Push comes back successful, namely that of the
				// transaction already having been aborted by someone else, in
				// which case the client may still be running. Thus, we must
				// poison.
				if err := ir.resolveIntents(ctxWithTimeout, r, resolveIntents,
					true /* wait */, true /* poison */); err != nil {
					log.Warningc(ctxWithTimeout, "failed to resolve intents: %s", err)
				if pushErr != nil {
					log.Warningc(ctxWithTimeout, "failed to push during intent resolution: %s", pushErr)
		} else { // EndTransaction
			stopper.RunLimitedAsyncTask(ir.sem, func() {
				ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, base.NetworkTimeout)
				defer cancel()

				// For EndTransaction, we know the transaction is finalized so
				// we can skip the push and go straight to the resolve.
				// This mechanism assumes that when an EndTransaction fails,
				// the client makes no assumptions about the result. For
				// example, an attempt to explicitly rollback the transaction
				// may succeed (triggering this code path), but the result may
				// not make it back to the client.
				if err := ir.resolveIntents(ctxWithTimeout, r, item.intents,
					true /* wait */, false /* !poison */); err != nil {
					log.Warningc(ctxWithTimeout, "failed to resolve intents: %s", err)

				// We successfully resolved the intents, so we're able to GC from
				// the txn span directly.
				var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
				ba.Timestamp = now

				txn := item.intents[0].Txn
				gcArgs := roachpb.GCRequest{
					Span: roachpb.Span{
						Key:    r.Desc().StartKey.AsRawKey(),
						EndKey: r.Desc().EndKey.AsRawKey(),
				gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{
					Key: keys.TransactionKey(txn.Key, txn.ID),
				if _, pErr := r.addWriteCmd(ctxWithTimeout, ba, nil /* nil */); pErr != nil {
					log.Warningf("could not GC completed transaction: %s", pErr)
Пример #17
// InternalPushTxn resolves conflicts between concurrent txns (or
// between a non-transactional reader or writer and a txn) in several
// ways depending on the statuses and priorities of the conflicting
// transactions. The InternalPushTxn operation is invoked by a
// "pusher" (the writer trying to abort a conflicting txn or the
// reader trying to push a conflicting txn's commit timestamp
// forward), who attempts to resolve a conflict with a "pushee"
// (args.PushTxn -- the pushee txn whose intent(s) caused the
// conflict).
// Txn already committed/aborted: If pushee txn is committed or
// aborted return success.
// Txn Timeout: If pushee txn entry isn't present or its LastHeartbeat
// timestamp isn't set, use PushTxn.Timestamp as LastHeartbeat. If
// current time - LastHeartbeat > 2 * DefaultHeartbeatInterval, then
// the pushee txn should be either pushed forward, aborted, or
// confirmed not pending, depending on value of Request.PushType.
// Old Txn Epoch: If persisted pushee txn entry has a newer Epoch than
// PushTxn.Epoch, return success, as older epoch may be removed.
// Lower Txn Priority: If pushee txn has a lower priority than pusher,
// adjust pushee's persisted txn depending on value of
// args.PushType. If args.PushType is ABORT_TXN, set txn.Status to
// ABORTED, and priority to one less than the pusher's priority and
// return success. If args.PushType is PUSH_TIMESTAMP, set
// txn.Timestamp to pusher's Timestamp + 1 (note that we use the
// pusher's Args.Timestamp, not Txn.Timestamp because the args
// timestamp can advance during the txn).
// Higher Txn Priority: If pushee txn has a higher priority than
// pusher, return TransactionPushError. Transaction will be retried
// with priority one less than the pushee's higher priority.
func (r *Range) InternalPushTxn(batch engine.Engine, ms *engine.MVCCStats, args *proto.InternalPushTxnRequest, reply *proto.InternalPushTxnResponse) {
	if !bytes.Equal(args.Key, args.PusheeTxn.Key) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("request key %s should match pushee's txn key %s", args.Key, args.PusheeTxn.Key))
	key := keys.TransactionKey(args.PusheeTxn.Key, args.PusheeTxn.ID)

	// Fetch existing transaction if possible.
	existTxn := &proto.Transaction{}
	ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(batch, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp,
		true /* consistent */, nil /* txn */, existTxn)
	if err != nil {
	if ok {
		// Start with the persisted transaction record as final transaction.
		reply.PusheeTxn = gogoproto.Clone(existTxn).(*proto.Transaction)
		// Upgrade the epoch, timestamp and priority as necessary.
		if reply.PusheeTxn.Epoch < args.PusheeTxn.Epoch {
			reply.PusheeTxn.Epoch = args.PusheeTxn.Epoch
		if reply.PusheeTxn.Priority < args.PusheeTxn.Priority {
			reply.PusheeTxn.Priority = args.PusheeTxn.Priority
	} else {
		// Some sanity checks for case where we don't find a transaction record.
		if args.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat != nil {
				"no txn persisted, yet intent has heartbeat"))
		} else if args.PusheeTxn.Status != proto.PENDING {
				fmt.Sprintf("no txn persisted, yet intent has status %s", args.PusheeTxn.Status)))
		// The transaction doesn't exist yet on disk; use the supplied version.
		reply.PusheeTxn = gogoproto.Clone(&args.PusheeTxn).(*proto.Transaction)

	// If already committed or aborted, return success.
	if reply.PusheeTxn.Status != proto.PENDING {
		// Trivial noop.

	// If we're trying to move the timestamp forward, and it's already
	// far enough forward, return success.
	if args.PushType == proto.PUSH_TIMESTAMP && args.Timestamp.Less(reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp) {
		// Trivial noop.

	// pusherWins bool is true in the event the pusher prevails.
	var pusherWins bool

	// If there's no incoming transaction, the pusher is non-transactional.
	// We make a random priority, biased by specified
	// args.Header().UserPriority in this case.
	var priority int32
	if args.Txn != nil {
		priority = args.Txn.Priority
	} else {
		// Make sure we have a deterministic random number when generating
		// a priority for this txn-less request, so all replicas see same priority.
		randGen := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(reply.PusheeTxn.Priority) ^ args.Timestamp.WallTime))
		priority = proto.MakePriority(randGen, args.GetUserPriority())

	// Check for txn timeout.
	if reply.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat == nil {
		reply.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat = &reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp
	if args.Now.Equal(proto.ZeroTimestamp) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Error("the field Now must be provided"))
	// Compute heartbeat expiration (all replicas must see the same result).
	expiry := args.Now
	expiry.Forward(args.Timestamp) // if Timestamp is ahead, use that
	expiry.WallTime -= 2 * DefaultHeartbeatInterval.Nanoseconds()

	if reply.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat.Less(expiry) {
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("pushing expired txn %s", reply.PusheeTxn)
		pusherWins = true
	} else if reply.PusheeTxn.Isolation == proto.SNAPSHOT && args.PushType == proto.PUSH_TIMESTAMP {
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("pushing timestamp for snapshot isolation txn")
		pusherWins = true
	} else if args.PushType == proto.CLEANUP_TXN {
		// If just attempting to cleanup old or already-committed txns, don't push.
		pusherWins = false
	} else if reply.PusheeTxn.Priority < priority ||
		(reply.PusheeTxn.Priority == priority && args.Txn != nil &&
			args.Txn.Timestamp.Less(reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp)) {
		// Pusher wins based on priority; if priorities are equal, order
		// by lower txn timestamp.
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("pushing intent from txn with lower priority %s vs %d", reply.PusheeTxn, priority)
		pusherWins = true

	if !pusherWins {
		err := proto.NewTransactionPushError(args.Txn, reply.PusheeTxn)
		if log.V(1) {

	// Upgrade priority of pushed transaction to one less than pusher's.
	reply.PusheeTxn.UpgradePriority(priority - 1)

	// If aborting transaction, set new status and return success.
	if args.PushType == proto.ABORT_TXN {
		reply.PusheeTxn.Status = proto.ABORTED
	} else if args.PushType == proto.PUSH_TIMESTAMP {
		// Otherwise, update timestamp to be one greater than the request's timestamp.
		reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp = args.Timestamp

	// Persist the pushed transaction using zero timestamp for inline value.
	if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(batch, ms, key, proto.ZeroTimestamp, nil, reply.PusheeTxn); err != nil {
Пример #18
func TestGCQueueTransactionTable(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	const now time.Duration = 3 * 24 * time.Hour

	const gcTxnAndAC = now - txnCleanupThreshold
	const gcACOnly = now - abortCacheAgeThreshold
	if gcTxnAndAC >= gcACOnly {
		t.Fatalf("test assumption violated due to changing constants; needs adjustment")

	type spec struct {
		status      roachpb.TransactionStatus
		orig        time.Duration
		hb          time.Duration             // last heartbeat (none if ZeroTimestamp)
		newStatus   roachpb.TransactionStatus // -1 for GCed
		failResolve bool                      // do we want to fail resolves in this trial?
		expResolve  bool                      // expect attempt at removing txn-persisted intents?
		expAbortGC  bool                      // expect abort cache entries removed?
	// Describes the state of the Txn table before the test.
	// Many of the abort cache entries deleted wouldn't even be there, so don't
	// be confused by that.
	testCases := map[string]spec{
		// Too young, should not touch.
		"aa": {
			status:    roachpb.PENDING,
			orig:      gcACOnly + 1,
			newStatus: roachpb.PENDING,
		// A little older, so the AbortCache gets cleaned up.
		"ab": {
			status:     roachpb.PENDING,
			orig:       gcTxnAndAC + 1,
			newStatus:  roachpb.PENDING,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Old and pending, but still heartbeat (so no Push attempted; it would succeed).
		// It's old enough to delete the abort cache entry though.
		"ba": {
			status:     roachpb.PENDING,
			hb:         gcTxnAndAC + 1,
			newStatus:  roachpb.PENDING,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Not old enough for Txn GC, but old enough to remove the abort cache entry.
		"bb": {
			status:     roachpb.ABORTED,
			orig:       gcACOnly - 1,
			newStatus:  roachpb.ABORTED,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Old, pending and abandoned. Should push and abort it successfully,
		// but not GC it just yet (this is an artifact of the implementation).
		// The abort cache gets cleaned up though.
		"c": {
			status:     roachpb.PENDING,
			orig:       gcTxnAndAC - 1,
			newStatus:  roachpb.ABORTED,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Old and aborted, should delete.
		"d": {
			status:     roachpb.ABORTED,
			orig:       gcTxnAndAC - 1,
			newStatus:  -1,
			expResolve: true,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Committed and fresh, so no action. But the abort cache entry is old
		// enough to be discarded.
		"e": {
			status:     roachpb.COMMITTED,
			orig:       gcTxnAndAC + 1,
			newStatus:  roachpb.COMMITTED,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Committed and old. It has an intent (like all tests here), which is
		// resolvable and hence we can GC.
		"f": {
			status:     roachpb.COMMITTED,
			orig:       gcTxnAndAC - 1,
			newStatus:  -1,
			expResolve: true,
			expAbortGC: true,
		// Same as the previous one, but we've rigged things so that the intent
		// resolution here will fail and consequently no GC is expected.
		"g": {
			status:      roachpb.COMMITTED,
			orig:        gcTxnAndAC - 1,
			newStatus:   roachpb.COMMITTED,
			failResolve: true,
			expResolve:  true,
			expAbortGC:  true,

	resolved := map[string][]roachpb.Span{}

	tc := testContext{}
	tsc := TestStoreContext()
	tsc.TestingKnobs.TestingCommandFilter =
		func(filterArgs storagebase.FilterArgs) *roachpb.Error {
			if resArgs, ok := filterArgs.Req.(*roachpb.ResolveIntentRequest); ok {
				id := string(resArgs.IntentTxn.Key)
				resolved[id] = append(resolved[id], roachpb.Span{
					Key:    resArgs.Key,
					EndKey: resArgs.EndKey,
				// We've special cased one test case. Note that the intent is still
				// counted in `resolved`.
				if testCases[id].failResolve {
					return roachpb.NewErrorWithTxn(util.Errorf("boom"), filterArgs.Hdr.Txn)
			return nil
	tc.StartWithStoreContext(t, tsc)
	defer tc.Stop()

	outsideKey := tc.rng.Desc().EndKey.Next().AsRawKey()
	testIntents := []roachpb.Span{{Key: roachpb.Key("intent")}}

	txns := map[string]roachpb.Transaction{}
	for strKey, test := range testCases {
		baseKey := roachpb.Key(strKey)
		txnClock := hlc.NewClock(hlc.NewManualClock(int64(test.orig)).UnixNano)
		txn := newTransaction("txn1", baseKey, 1, enginepb.SERIALIZABLE, txnClock)
		txn.Status = test.status
		txn.Intents = testIntents
		if test.hb > 0 {
			txn.LastHeartbeat = &hlc.Timestamp{WallTime: int64(test.hb)}
		// Set a high Timestamp to make sure it does not matter. Only
		// OrigTimestamp (and heartbeat) are used for GC decisions.
		txns[strKey] = *txn
		for _, addrKey := range []roachpb.Key{baseKey, outsideKey} {
			key := keys.TransactionKey(addrKey, txn.ID)
			if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(context.Background(), tc.engine, nil, key, hlc.ZeroTimestamp, nil, txn); err != nil {
		entry := roachpb.AbortCacheEntry{Key: txn.Key, Timestamp: txn.LastActive()}
		if err := tc.rng.abortCache.Put(context.Background(), tc.engine, nil, txn.ID, &entry); err != nil {

	// Run GC.
	gcQ := newGCQueue(tc.gossip)
	cfg, ok := tc.gossip.GetSystemConfig()
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("config not set")

	if err := gcQ.process(tc.clock.Now(), tc.rng, cfg); err != nil {

	util.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		for strKey, sp := range testCases {
			txn := &roachpb.Transaction{}
			key := keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(strKey), txns[strKey].ID)
			ok, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(context.Background(), tc.engine, key, hlc.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil, txn)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if expGC := (sp.newStatus == -1); expGC {
				if expGC != !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("%s: expected gc: %t, but found %s\n%s", strKey, expGC, txn, roachpb.Key(strKey))
			} else if sp.newStatus != txn.Status {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s: expected status %s, but found %s", strKey, sp.newStatus, txn.Status)
			var expIntents []roachpb.Span
			if sp.expResolve {
				expIntents = testIntents
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(resolved[strKey], expIntents) {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected intent resolutions:\nexpected: %s\nobserved: %s",
					strKey, expIntents, resolved[strKey])
			entry := &roachpb.AbortCacheEntry{}
			abortExists, err := tc.rng.abortCache.Get(context.Background(), tc.store.Engine(), txns[strKey].ID, entry)
			if err != nil {
			if (abortExists == false) != sp.expAbortGC {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s: expected abort cache gc: %t, found %+v", strKey, sp.expAbortGC, entry)
		return nil

	outsideTxnPrefix := keys.TransactionKey(outsideKey, uuid.EmptyUUID)
	outsideTxnPrefixEnd := keys.TransactionKey(outsideKey.Next(), uuid.EmptyUUID)
	var count int
	if _, err := engine.MVCCIterate(context.Background(), tc.store.Engine(), outsideTxnPrefix, outsideTxnPrefixEnd, hlc.ZeroTimestamp,
		true, nil, false, func(roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
			return false, nil
		}); err != nil {
	if exp := len(testCases); exp != count {
		t.Fatalf("expected the %d external transaction entries to remain untouched, "+
			"but only %d are left", exp, count)
Пример #19
// processIntentsAsync asynchronously processes intents which were
// encountered during another command but did not interfere with the
// execution of that command. This occurs in two cases: inconsistent
// reads and EndTransaction (which queues its own external intents for
// processing via this method). The two cases are handled somewhat
// differently and would be better served by different entry points,
// but combining them simplifies the plumbing necessary in Replica.
func (ir *intentResolver) processIntentsAsync(r *Replica, intents []intentsWithArg) {
	if len(intents) == 0 {
	now := r.store.Clock().Now()
	ctx := r.context()
	stopper := r.store.Stopper()

	for _, item := range intents {
		if item.args.Method() != roachpb.EndTransaction {
			stopper.RunLimitedAsyncTask(ir.sem, func() {
				// Everything here is best effort; give up rather than waiting
				// too long (helps avoid deadlocks during test shutdown,
				// although this is imperfect due to the use of an
				// uninterruptible WaitGroup.Wait in beginCmds).
				ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, base.NetworkTimeout)
				defer cancel()
				h := roachpb.Header{Timestamp: now}
				resolveIntents, pushErr := ir.maybePushTransactions(ctxWithTimeout,
					item.intents, h, roachpb.PUSH_TOUCH, true /* skipInFlight */)
				if pErr := ir.resolveIntents(ctxWithTimeout, r, resolveIntents,
					true /* wait */, false /* TODO(tschottdorf): #5088 */); pErr != nil {
					log.Warningc(ctxWithTimeout, "failed to resolve intents: %s", pErr)
				if pushErr != nil {
					log.Warningc(ctxWithTimeout, "failed to push during intent resolution: %s", pushErr)
		} else { // EndTransaction
			stopper.RunLimitedAsyncTask(ir.sem, func() {
				ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, base.NetworkTimeout)
				defer cancel()

				// For EndTransaction, we know the transaction is finalized so
				// we can skip the push and go straight to the resolve.
				if pErr := ir.resolveIntents(ctxWithTimeout, r, item.intents,
					true /* wait */, false /* TODO(tschottdorf): #5088 */); pErr != nil {
					log.Warningc(ctxWithTimeout, "failed to resolve intents: %s", pErr)

				// We successfully resolved the intents, so we're able to GC from
				// the txn span directly. Note that the sequence cache was cleared
				// out synchronously with EndTransaction (see comments within for
				// an explanation of why that is kosher).
				// Note that we poisoned the sequence caches on the external ranges
				// above. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it's actually
				// necessary: Assume a transaction has committed here, with two
				// external intents, and assume that we did not poison. Normally,
				// these two intents would be resolved in the same batch, but that
				// is not guaranteed (for example, if DistSender has a stale
				// descriptor after a Merge). When resolved separately, the first
				// ResolveIntent would clear out the sequence cache; an individual
				// write on the second (still present) intent could then be
				// replayed and would resolve to a real value (at least for a
				// window of time unless we delete the local txn entry). That's not
				// OK for non-idempotent commands such as Increment.
				// TODO(tschottdorf): We should have another side effect on
				// MVCCResolveIntent (on commit/abort): If it were able to remove
				// the txn from its corresponding entries in the timestamp cache,
				// no more replays at the same timestamp would be possible. This
				// appears to be a useful performance optimization; we could then
				// not poison on EndTransaction. In fact, the above mechanism
				// could be an effective alternative to sequence-cache based
				// poisoning (or the whole sequence cache?) itself.
				// TODO(tschottdorf): down the road, can probably unclog the system
				// here by batching up a bunch of those GCRequests before proposing.
				var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
				txn := item.intents[0].Txn
				gcArgs := roachpb.GCRequest{
					Span: roachpb.Span{
						Key:    r.Desc().StartKey.AsRawKey(),
						EndKey: r.Desc().EndKey.AsRawKey(),
				gcArgs.Keys = append(gcArgs.Keys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{
					Key: keys.TransactionKey(txn.Key, txn.ID),
				if _, pErr := r.addWriteCmd(ctxWithTimeout, ba, nil /* nil */); pErr != nil {
					log.Warningf("could not GC completed transaction: %s", pErr)