Пример #1
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	emptyKeys := []roachpb.KeyValue{}
	someKeys := []roachpb.KeyValue{
		plainKV("a", "vala"),
		plainKV("c", "valc"),
		plainKV("d", "vald"),

	aVal := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("vala")
	bVal := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("valc")
	cVal := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("vald")

	testCases := []struct {
		values []roachpb.KeyValue
		key    string
		value  *roachpb.Value
		{emptyKeys, "a", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "b", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "c", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "d", nil},
		{emptyKeys, "e", nil},

		{someKeys, "", nil},
		{someKeys, "b", nil},
		{someKeys, "e", nil},
		{someKeys, "a0", nil},

		{someKeys, "a", &aVal},
		{someKeys, "c", &bVal},
		{someKeys, "d", &cVal},

	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		cfg.Values = tc.values
		if val := cfg.GetValue([]byte(tc.key)); !proto.Equal(val, tc.value) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected=%s, found=%s", tcNum, tc.value, val)
Пример #2
func TestBatchProto(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()
	e := NewInMem(roachpb.Attributes{}, 1<<20)

	b := e.NewBatch()
	defer b.Close()

	val := roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value")
	if _, _, err := PutProto(b, mvccKey("proto"), &val); err != nil {
	getVal := &roachpb.Value{}
	ok, keySize, valSize, err := b.GetProto(mvccKey("proto"), getVal)
	if !ok || err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected GetProto to success ok=%t: %s", ok, err)
	if keySize != 6 {
		t.Errorf("expected key size 6; got %d", keySize)
	data, err := protoutil.Marshal(&val)
	if err != nil {
	if valSize != int64(len(data)) {
		t.Errorf("expected value size %d; got %d", len(data), valSize)
	if !proto.Equal(getVal, &val) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v; got %v", &val, getVal)
	// Before commit, proto will not be available via engine.
	if ok, _, _, err := e.GetProto(mvccKey("proto"), getVal); ok || err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected GetProto to fail ok=%t: %s", ok, err)
	// Commit and verify the proto can be read directly from the engine.
	if err := b.Commit(); err != nil {
	if ok, _, _, err := e.GetProto(mvccKey("proto"), getVal); !ok || err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected GetProto to success ok=%t: %s", ok, err)
	if !proto.Equal(getVal, &val) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v; got %v", &val, getVal)
Пример #3
// createRangeData creates sample range data in all possible areas of
// the key space. Returns a slice of the encoded keys of all created
// data.
func createRangeData(t *testing.T, r *Replica) []engine.MVCCKey {
	ts0 := hlc.ZeroTimestamp
	ts := hlc.Timestamp{WallTime: 1}
	desc := r.Desc()
	keyTSs := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  hlc.Timestamp
		{keys.AbortCacheKey(r.RangeID, testTxnID), ts0},
		{keys.AbortCacheKey(r.RangeID, testTxnID2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeFrozenStatusKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastGCKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftAppliedIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftTruncatedStateKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLeaseKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.LeaseAppliedIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeStatsKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeTxnSpanGCThresholdKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftHardStateKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLastIndexKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.RangeID, 1), ts0},
		{keys.RaftLogKey(r.RangeID, 2), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastReplicaGCTimestampKey(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeLastVerificationTimestampKeyDeprecated(r.RangeID), ts0},
		{keys.RangeDescriptorKey(desc.StartKey), ts},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey), uuid.MakeV4()), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey.Next()), uuid.MakeV4()), ts0},
		{keys.TransactionKey(fakePrevKey(desc.EndKey), uuid.MakeV4()), ts0},
		// TODO(bdarnell): KeyMin.Next() results in a key in the reserved system-local space.
		// Once we have resolved https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/437,
		// replace this with something that reliably generates the first valid key in the range.
		//{r.Desc().StartKey.Next(), ts},
		// The following line is similar to StartKey.Next() but adds more to the key to
		// avoid falling into the system-local space.
		{append(append([]byte{}, desc.StartKey...), '\x02'), ts},
		{fakePrevKey(r.Desc().EndKey), ts},

	keys := []engine.MVCCKey{}
	for _, keyTS := range keyTSs {
		if err := engine.MVCCPut(context.Background(), r.store.Engine(), nil, keyTS.key, keyTS.ts, roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value"), nil); err != nil {
		keys = append(keys, engine.MVCCKey{Key: keyTS.key, Timestamp: keyTS.ts})
	return keys
Пример #4
func TestEngineBatchStaleCachedIterator(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	// Prevent regression of a bug which caused spurious MVCC errors due to an
	// invalid optimization which let an iterator return key-value pairs which
	// had since been deleted from the underlying engine.
	// Discovered in #6878.
	runWithAllEngines(func(eng Engine, t *testing.T) {
		// Focused failure mode: highlights the actual bug.
			batch := eng.NewBatch()
			defer batch.Close()
			iter := batch.NewIterator(false)
			key := MVCCKey{Key: roachpb.Key("b")}

			if err := batch.Put(key, []byte("foo")); err != nil {


			if err := batch.Clear(key); err != nil {

			// Iterator should not reuse its cached result.

			if iter.Valid() {
				t.Fatalf("iterator unexpectedly valid: %v -> %v",
					iter.unsafeKey(), iter.unsafeValue())

		// Higher-level failure mode. Mostly for documentation.
			batch := eng.NewBatch().(*rocksDBBatch)
			defer batch.Close()

			key := roachpb.Key("z")

			// Put a value so that the deletion below finds a value to seek
			// to.
			if err := MVCCPut(context.Background(), batch, nil, key, hlc.ZeroTimestamp,
				roachpb.MakeValueFromString("x"), nil); err != nil {

			// Seek the iterator to `key` and clear the value (but without
			// telling the iterator about that).
			if err := MVCCDelete(context.Background(), batch, nil, key,
				hlc.ZeroTimestamp, nil); err != nil {

			// Trigger a seek on the cached iterator by seeking to the (now
			// absent) key.
			// The underlying iterator will already be in the right position
			// due to a seek in MVCCDelete (followed by a Clear, which does not
			// invalidate the iterator's cache), and if it reports its cached
			// result back, we'll see the (newly deleted) value (due to the
			// failure mode above).
			if v, _, err := MVCCGet(context.Background(), batch, key,
				hlc.ZeroTimestamp, true, nil); err != nil {
			} else if v != nil {
				t.Fatalf("expected no value, got %+v", v)
	}, t)
Пример #5
func appender(s string) []byte {
	val := roachpb.MakeValueFromString(s)
	v := &enginepb.MVCCMetadata{RawBytes: val.RawBytes}
	return mustMarshal(v)