Пример #1
func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	loc := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey(s)))
	locPrefix := func(s string) string {
		return string(keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey(s)))
	testCases := []struct {
		keys     [][2]string
		expKeys  [][2]string
		from, to string
		desc     [2]string // optional, defaults to {from,to}
		err      string
			// Keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"a", "q"}, {"c"}, {"b, e"}, {"q"}},
			from:    "a", to: "q\x00",
			// Keys outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a"}, {"a", "b"}, {"q"}, {"q", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}, {}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
			// Range-local keys inside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("c")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b")}, {loc("c")}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local key outside of active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("b"), loc("e") + "\x00"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("b"), loc("e") + "\x00"}},
			from:    "b", to: "e\x00",
			// Range-local range not contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}},
			from:    "c", to: "e",
			// Range-local range not contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), locPrefix("b")}, {loc("e"), loc("f")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range partially contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{loc("a"), locPrefix("b")}},
			from:    "a", to: "b",
			// Range-local range partially contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{loc("a"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{locPrefix("b"), loc("b")}},
			from:    "b", to: "e",
			// Range-local range contained in active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{locPrefix("b"), loc("b")}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{locPrefix("b"), loc("b")}},
			from:    "b", to: "c",
			// Mixed range-local vs global key range.
			keys: [][2]string{{loc("c"), "d\x00"}},
			from: "b", to: "e",
			err: "local key mixed with global key",
			// Key range touching and intersecting active range.
			keys:    [][2]string{{"a", "b"}, {"a", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "r"}, {"a", "z"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{}, {"b", "c"}, {"p", "q"}, {"p", "q"}, {"b", "q"}},
			from:    "b", to: "q",
		// Active key range is intersection of descriptor and [from,to).
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "a", to: "z",
			desc: [2]string{"d", "p"},
			keys:    [][2]string{{"c", "q"}},
			expKeys: [][2]string{{"d", "p"}},
			from:    "d", to: "p",
			desc: [2]string{"a", "z"},

	for i, test := range testCases {
		goldenOriginal := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
		for _, ks := range test.keys {
			if len(ks[1]) > 0 {
				u := uuid.MakeV4()
					Span:      roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(ks[0]), EndKey: roachpb.Key(ks[1])},
					IntentTxn: enginepb.TxnMeta{ID: &u},
			} else {
					Span: roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(ks[0])},

		original := roachpb.BatchRequest{Requests: make([]roachpb.RequestUnion, len(goldenOriginal.Requests))}
		for i, request := range goldenOriginal.Requests {

		desc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
			StartKey: roachpb.RKey(test.desc[0]), EndKey: roachpb.RKey(test.desc[1]),
		if len(desc.StartKey) == 0 {
			desc.StartKey = roachpb.RKey(test.from)
		if len(desc.EndKey) == 0 {
			desc.EndKey = roachpb.RKey(test.to)
		rs := roachpb.RSpan{Key: roachpb.RKey(test.from), EndKey: roachpb.RKey(test.to)}
		rs, err := rs.Intersect(desc)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: intersection failure: %v", i, err)
		ba, num, err := truncate(original, rs)
		if err != nil || test.err != "" {
			if !testutils.IsError(err, test.err) {
				t.Errorf("%d: %v (expected: %q)", i, err, test.err)
		var reqs int
		for j, arg := range ba.Requests {
			req := arg.GetInner()
			if _, ok := req.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok {
			if h := req.Header(); !bytes.Equal(h.Key, roachpb.Key(test.expKeys[j][0])) || !bytes.Equal(h.EndKey, roachpb.Key(test.expKeys[j][1])) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: range mismatch: actual [%q,%q), wanted [%q,%q)", i, j,
					h.Key, h.EndKey, test.expKeys[j][0], test.expKeys[j][1])
			} else if _, ok := req.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok != (len(h.Key) == 0) {
				t.Errorf("%d.%d: expected NoopRequest, got %T", i, j, req)
			} else if len(h.Key) != 0 {
		if reqs != num {
			t.Errorf("%d: counted %d requests, but truncation indicated %d", i, reqs, num)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(original, goldenOriginal) {
			t.Errorf("%d: truncation mutated original:\nexpected: %s\nactual: %s",
				i, goldenOriginal, original)
Пример #2
// sendPartialBatch sends the supplied batch to the range specified by
// desc. The batch request is first truncated so that it contains only
// requests which intersect the range descriptor and keys for each
// request are limited to the range's key span. The send occurs in a
// retry loop to handle send failures. On failure to send to any
// replicas, we backoff and retry by refetching the range
// descriptor. If the underlying range seems to have split, we
// recursively invoke divideAndSendBatchToRanges to re-enumerate the
// ranges in the span and resend to each.
func (ds *DistSender) sendPartialBatch(
	ctx context.Context,
	ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
	rs roachpb.RSpan,
	desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
	evictToken *EvictionToken,
	isFirst bool,
) response {
	var reply *roachpb.BatchResponse
	var pErr *roachpb.Error
	isReverse := ba.IsReverse()

	// Truncate the request to range descriptor.
	intersected, err := rs.Intersect(desc)
	if err != nil {
		return response{pErr: roachpb.NewError(err)}
	truncBA, numActive, err := truncate(ba, intersected)
	if numActive == 0 && err == nil {
		// This shouldn't happen in the wild, but some tests exercise it.
		return response{
			pErr: roachpb.NewErrorf("truncation resulted in empty batch on %s: %s", intersected, ba),
	if err != nil {
		return response{pErr: roachpb.NewError(err)}

	// Start a retry loop for sending the batch to the range.
	for r := retry.StartWithCtx(ctx, ds.rpcRetryOptions); r.Next(); {
		// If we've cleared the descriptor on a send failure, re-lookup.
		if desc == nil {
			var descKey roachpb.RKey
			if isReverse {
				descKey = intersected.EndKey
			} else {
				descKey = intersected.Key
			desc, evictToken, err = ds.getDescriptor(ctx, descKey, nil, isReverse)
			if err != nil {
				log.ErrEventf(ctx, "range descriptor re-lookup failed: %s", err)

		reply, pErr = ds.sendSingleRange(ctx, truncBA, desc)

		// If sending succeeded, return immediately.
		if pErr == nil {
			return response{reply: reply}

		log.ErrEventf(ctx, "reply error %s: %s", ba, pErr)

		// Error handling: If the error indicates that our range
		// descriptor is out of date, evict it from the cache and try
		// again. Errors that apply only to a single replica were
		// handled in send().
		// TODO(bdarnell): Don't retry endlessly. If we fail twice in a
		// row and the range descriptor hasn't changed, return the error
		// to our caller.
		switch tErr := pErr.GetDetail().(type) {
		case *roachpb.SendError:
			// We've tried all the replicas without success. Either
			// they're all down, or we're using an out-of-date range
			// descriptor. Invalidate the cache and try again with the new
			// metadata.
			log.Event(ctx, "evicting range descriptor on send error and backoff for re-lookup")
			if err := evictToken.Evict(ctx); err != nil {
				return response{pErr: roachpb.NewError(err)}
			// Clear the descriptor to reload on the next attempt.
			desc = nil
		case *roachpb.RangeKeyMismatchError:
			// Range descriptor might be out of date - evict it. This is
			// likely the result of a range split. If we have new range
			// descriptors, insert them instead as long as they are different
			// from the last descriptor to avoid endless loops.
			var replacements []roachpb.RangeDescriptor
			different := func(rd *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) bool {
				return !desc.RSpan().Equal(rd.RSpan())
			if tErr.MismatchedRange != nil && different(tErr.MismatchedRange) {
				replacements = append(replacements, *tErr.MismatchedRange)
			if tErr.SuggestedRange != nil && different(tErr.SuggestedRange) {
				if includesFrontOfCurSpan(isReverse, tErr.SuggestedRange, rs) {
					replacements = append(replacements, *tErr.SuggestedRange)
			// Same as Evict() if replacements is empty.
			if err := evictToken.EvictAndReplace(ctx, replacements...); err != nil {
				return response{pErr: roachpb.NewError(err)}
			// On addressing errors (likely a split), we need to re-invoke
			// the range descriptor lookup machinery, so we recurse by
			// sending batch to just the partial span this descriptor was
			// supposed to cover.
			log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "likely split; resending batch to span: %s", tErr)
			reply, pErr = ds.divideAndSendBatchToRanges(ctx, ba, intersected, isFirst)
			return response{reply: reply, pErr: pErr}

	// Propagate error if either the retry closer or context done
	// channels were closed.
	if pErr == nil {
		if pErr = ds.deduceRetryEarlyExitError(ctx); pErr == nil {
			log.Fatal(ctx, "exited retry loop without an error")

	return response{pErr: pErr}