Пример #1
// Send implements the batch.Sender interface. It subdivides the Batch
// into batches admissible for sending (preventing certain illegal
// mixtures of requests), executes each individual part (which may
// span multiple ranges), and recombines the response.
// When the request spans ranges, it is split by range and a partial
// subset of the batch request is sent to affected ranges in parallel.
// The first write in a transaction may not arrive before writes to
// other ranges. This is relevant in the case of a BeginTransaction
// request. Intents written to other ranges before the transaction
// record is created will cause the transaction to abort early.
func (ds *DistSender) Send(
	ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {

	if pErr := ds.initAndVerifyBatch(ctx, &ba); pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr

	ctx = ds.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
	ctx, cleanup := tracing.EnsureContext(ctx, ds.AmbientContext.Tracer)
	defer cleanup()

	var rplChunks []*roachpb.BatchResponse
	parts := ba.Split(false /* don't split ET */)
	if len(parts) > 1 && ba.MaxSpanRequestKeys != 0 {
		// We already verified above that the batch contains only scan requests of the same type.
		// Such a batch should never need splitting.
		panic("batch with MaxSpanRequestKeys needs splitting")
	for len(parts) > 0 {
		part := parts[0]
		ba.Requests = part
		// The minimal key range encompassing all requests contained within.
		// Local addressing has already been resolved.
		// TODO(tschottdorf): consider rudimentary validation of the batch here
		// (for example, non-range requests with EndKey, or empty key ranges).
		rs, err := keys.Range(ba)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
		rpl, pErr := ds.divideAndSendBatchToRanges(ctx, ba, rs, true /* isFirst */)

		if pErr == errNo1PCTxn {
			// If we tried to send a single round-trip EndTransaction but
			// it looks like it's going to hit multiple ranges, split it
			// here and try again.
			if len(parts) != 1 {
				panic("EndTransaction not in last chunk of batch")
			parts = ba.Split(true /* split ET */)
			if len(parts) != 2 {
				panic("split of final EndTransaction chunk resulted in != 2 parts")
		if pErr != nil {
			return nil, pErr
		// Propagate transaction from last reply to next request. The final
		// update is taken and put into the response's main header.
		rplChunks = append(rplChunks, rpl)
		parts = parts[1:]

	reply := rplChunks[0]
	for _, rpl := range rplChunks[1:] {
		reply.Responses = append(reply.Responses, rpl.Responses...)
		reply.CollectedSpans = append(reply.CollectedSpans, rpl.CollectedSpans...)
	reply.BatchResponse_Header = rplChunks[len(rplChunks)-1].BatchResponse_Header
	return reply, nil
Пример #2
// resolveIntents resolves the given intents. `wait` is currently a
// no-op; all intents are resolved synchronously.
// TODO(bdarnell): Restore the wait=false optimization when/if #8360
// is fixed. `wait=false` requests a semi-synchronous operation,
// returning when all local commands have been *proposed* but not yet
// committed or executed. This ensures that if a waiting client
// retries immediately after calling this function, it will not hit
// the same intents again (in the absence of #8360, we provide this
// guarantee by resolving the intents synchronously regardless of the
// `wait` argument).
func (ir *intentResolver) resolveIntents(
	ctx context.Context, intents []roachpb.Intent, wait bool, poison bool,
) error {
	// Force synchronous operation; see above TODO.
	wait = true
	if len(intents) == 0 {
		return nil
	// We're doing async stuff below; those need new traces.
	ctx, cleanup := tracing.EnsureContext(ctx, ir.store.Tracer())
	defer cleanup()
	log.Eventf(ctx, "resolving intents [wait=%t]", wait)

	var reqs []roachpb.Request
	for i := range intents {
		intent := intents[i] // avoids a race in `i, intent := range ...`
		var resolveArgs roachpb.Request
			if len(intent.EndKey) == 0 {
				resolveArgs = &roachpb.ResolveIntentRequest{
					Span:      intent.Span,
					IntentTxn: intent.Txn,
					Status:    intent.Status,
					Poison:    poison,
			} else {
				resolveArgs = &roachpb.ResolveIntentRangeRequest{
					Span:      intent.Span,
					IntentTxn: intent.Txn,
					Status:    intent.Status,
					Poison:    poison,

		reqs = append(reqs, resolveArgs)

	// Resolve all of the intents.
	if len(reqs) > 0 {
		b := &client.Batch{}
		action := func() error {
			// TODO(tschottdorf): no tracing here yet.
			return ir.store.DB().Run(ctx, b)
		if wait || ir.store.Stopper().RunLimitedAsyncTask(
			ctx, ir.sem, true /* wait */, func(ctx context.Context) {
				if err := action(); err != nil {
					log.Warningf(ctx, "unable to resolve external intents: %s", err)
			}) != nil {
			// Try async to not keep the caller waiting, but when draining
			// just go ahead and do it synchronously. See #1684.
			// TODO(tschottdorf): This is ripe for removal.
			if err := action(); err != nil {
				return err

	return nil