Пример #1
func (n *scanNode) ExplainPlan(_ bool) (name, description string, children []planNode) {
	if n.reverse {
		name = "revscan"
	} else {
		name = "scan"
	description = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s %s", n.desc.Name, n.index.Name, sqlbase.PrettySpans(n.spans, 2))
	return name, description, nil
Пример #2
func (n *scanNode) ExplainPlan(_ bool) (name, description string, children []planNode) {
	if n.reverse {
		name = "revscan"
	} else {
		name = "scan"
	var desc bytes.Buffer
	fmt.Fprintf(&desc, "%s@%s", n.desc.Name, n.index.Name)
	spans := sqlbase.PrettySpans(n.spans, 2)
	if spans != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(&desc, " %s", spans)
	if n.limitHint > 0 && !n.limitSoft {
		if n.limitHint == 1 {
			desc.WriteString(" (max 1 row)")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(&desc, " (max %d rows)", n.limitHint)

	subplans := n.p.collectSubqueryPlans(n.filter, nil)

	return name, desc.String(), subplans
Пример #3
func (n *indexJoinNode) Next() bool {
	// Loop looking up the next row. We either are going to pull a row from the
	// table or a batch of rows from the index. If we pull a batch of rows from
	// the index we perform another iteration of the loop looking for rows in the
	// table. This outer loop is necessary because a batch of rows from the index
	// might all be filtered when the resulting rows are read from the table.
	for tableLookup := (len(n.table.spans) > 0); true; tableLookup = true {
		// First, try to pull a row from the table.
		if tableLookup && n.table.Next() {
			if n.explain == explainDebug {
				n.debugVals = n.table.DebugValues()
			return true
		if n.err = n.table.Err(); n.err != nil {
			return false

		// The table is out of rows. Pull primary keys from the index.
		n.table.scanInitialized = false
		n.table.spans = n.table.spans[:0]

		for len(n.table.spans) < joinBatchSize {
			if !n.index.Next() {
				// The index is out of rows or an error occurred.
				if n.err = n.index.Err(); n.err != nil {
					return false
				if len(n.table.spans) == 0 {
					// The index is out of rows.
					return false

			if n.explain == explainDebug {
				n.debugVals = n.index.DebugValues()
				if n.debugVals.output != debugValueRow {
					return true

			vals := n.index.Values()
			primaryIndexKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
				n.table.index, n.colIDtoRowIndex, vals, n.primaryKeyPrefix)
			n.err = err
			if n.err != nil {
				return false
			key := roachpb.Key(primaryIndexKey)
			n.table.spans = append(n.table.spans, sqlbase.Span{
				Start: key,
				End:   key.PrefixEnd(),

			if n.explain == explainDebug {
				// In debug mode, return the index information as a "partial" row.
				n.debugVals.output = debugValuePartial
				return true

		if log.V(3) {
			log.Infof("table scan: %s", sqlbase.PrettySpans(n.table.spans, 0))
	return false
Пример #4
func TestMakeSpans(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	testData := []struct {
		expr         string
		columns      string
		expectedAsc  string
		expectedDesc string
		{`a = 1`, `a`, `/1-/2`, `/1-/0`},
		{`a != 1`, `a`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a > 1`, `a`, `/2-`, `-/1`},
		{`a >= 1`, `a`, `/1-`, `-/0`},
		{`a < 1`, `a`, `/#-/1`, `/0-/#`},
		{`a <= 1`, `a`, `/#-/2`, `/1-/#`},
		{`a IS NULL`, `a`, `-/#`, `/NULL-`},
		{`a IS NOT NULL`, `a`, `/#-`, `-/#`},

		{`a IN (1,2,3)`, `a`, `/1-/4`, `/3-/0`},
		{`a IN (1,3,5)`, `a`, `/1-/2 /3-/4 /5-/6`, `/5-/4 /3-/2 /1-/0`},
		{`a IN (1,2,3) AND b = 1`, `a,b`,
			`/1/1-/1/2 /2/1-/2/2 /3/1-/3/2`, `/3/1-/3/0 /2/1-/2/0 /1/1-/1/0`},
		{`a = 1 AND b IN (1,2,3)`, `a,b`,
			`/1/1-/1/4`, `/1/3-/1/0`},
		{`a = 1 AND b IN (1,3,5)`, `a,b`,
			`/1/1-/1/2 /1/3-/1/4 /1/5-/1/6`, `/1/5-/1/4 /1/3-/1/2 /1/1-/1/0`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b IN (1,2,3)`, `a,b`, `/1-`, `-/0`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b IN (1,2,3)`, `a,b`, `/#-/2`, `/1-/#`},
		{`(a, b) IN ((1, 2), (3, 4))`, `a,b`,
			`/1/2-/1/3 /3/4-/3/5`, `/3/4-/3/3 /1/2-/1/1`},
		{`(b, a) IN ((1, 2), (3, 4))`, `a,b`,
			`/2/1-/2/2 /4/3-/4/4`, `/4/3-/4/2 /2/1-/2/0`},
		{`(a, b) IN ((1, 2), (3, 4))`, `b`, `/2-/3 /4-/5`, `/4-/3 /2-/1`},

		{`a = 1 AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/1/1-/1/2`, `/1/1-/1/0`},
		{`a = 1 AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/2`, `/1-/1/#`},
		{`a = 1 AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/1/2-/2`, `/1-/1/1`},
		{`a = 1 AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/1/1-/2`, `/1-/1/0`},
		{`a = 1 AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/1/1`, `/1/0-/1/#`},
		{`a = 1 AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/1/2`, `/1/1-/1/#`},
		{`a = 1 AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/1-/1/#`, `/1/NULL-/0`},
		{`a = 1 AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/2`, `/1-/1/#`},

		{`a != 1 AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a != 1 AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},

		{`a > 1 AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/2/1-`, `-/2/0`},
		{`a > 1 AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/2/#-`, `-/2/#`},
		{`a > 1 AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/2/2-`, `-/2/1`},
		{`a > 1 AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/2/1-`, `-/2/0`},
		{`a > 1 AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/2-`, `-/1`},
		{`a > 1 AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/2-`, `-/1`},
		{`a > 1 AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/2-`, `-/1`},
		{`a > 1 AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/2/#-`, `-/2/#`},

		{`a >= 1 AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/1/1-`, `-/1/0`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-`, `-/1/#`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/1/2-`, `-/1/1`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/1/1-`, `-/1/0`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/1-`, `-/0`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/1-`, `-/0`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/1-`, `-/0`},
		{`a >= 1 AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/1/#-`, `-/1/#`},

		{`a < 1 AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/0/2`, `/0/1-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/1`, `/0-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/1`, `/0-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/1`, `/0-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/0/1`, `/0/0-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/0/2`, `/0/1-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/#-/0/#`, `/0/NULL-/#`},
		{`a < 1 AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/#-/1`, `/0-/#`},

		{`a <= 1 AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/1/2`, `/1/1-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/2`, `/1-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/2`, `/1-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/2`, `/1-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/1/1`, `/1/0-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/#-/1/2`, `/1/1-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/#-/1/#`, `/1/NULL-/#`},
		{`a <= 1 AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/#-/2`, `/1-/#`},

		{`a IN (1) AND b = 1`, `a,b`, `/1/1-/1/2`, `/1/1-/1/0`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b != 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/2`, `/1-/1/#`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b > 1`, `a,b`, `/1/2-/2`, `/1-/1/1`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b >= 1`, `a,b`, `/1/1-/2`, `/1-/1/0`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b < 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/1/1`, `/1/0-/1/#`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b <= 1`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/1/2`, `/1/1-/1/#`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b IS NULL`, `a,b`, `/1-/1/#`, `/1/NULL-/0`},
		{`a IN (1) AND b IS NOT NULL`, `a,b`, `/1/#-/2`, `/1-/1/#`},

		{`(a, b) = (1, 2)`, `a`, `/1-/2`, `/1-/0`},
		{`(a, b) = (1, 2)`, `a,b`, `/1/2-/1/3`, `/1/2-/1/1`},

		{`a > 1 OR a >= 5`, `a`, `/2-`, `-/1`},
		{`a < 5 OR a >= 1`, `a`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`a < 1 OR a >= 5`, `a`, `/#-/1 /5-`, `-/4 /0-/#`},
		{`a = 1 OR a > 8`, `a`, `/1-/2 /9-`, `-/8 /1-/0`},
		{`a = 8 OR a > 1`, `a`, `/2-`, `-/1`},
		{`a < 1 OR a = 5 OR a > 8`, `a`, `/#-/1 /5-/6 /9-`, `-/8 /5-/4 /0-/#`},
		{`a < 8 OR a = 8 OR a > 8`, `a`, `/#-`, `-/#`},

		{`(a = 1 AND b = 5) OR (a = 3 AND b = 7)`, `a`, `/1-/2 /3-/4`, `/3-/2 /1-/0`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b = 5) OR (a = 3 AND b = 7)`, `b`, `/5-/6 /7-/8`, `/7-/6 /5-/4`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b = 5) OR (a = 3 AND b = 7)`, `a,b`,
			`/1/5-/1/6 /3/7-/3/8`, `/3/7-/3/6 /1/5-/1/4`},

		{`(a = 1 AND b < 5) OR (a = 3 AND b > 7)`, `a`, `/1-/2 /3-/4`, `/3-/2 /1-/0`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b < 5) OR (a = 3 AND b > 7)`, `b`, `/#-/5 /8-`, `-/7 /4-/#`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b < 5) OR (a = 3 AND b > 7)`, `a,b`,
			`/1/#-/1/5 /3/8-/4`, `/3-/3/7 /1/4-/1/#`},

		{`(a = 1 AND b > 5) OR (a = 3 AND b > 7)`, `a`, `/1-/2 /3-/4`, `/3-/2 /1-/0`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b > 5) OR (a = 3 AND b > 7)`, `b`, `/6-`, `-/5`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b > 5) OR (a = 3 AND b > 7)`, `a,b`,
			`/1/6-/2 /3/8-/4`, `/3-/3/7 /1-/1/5`},

		{`(a = 1 AND b > 5) OR (a = 3 AND b < 7)`, `a`, `/1-/2 /3-/4`, `/3-/2 /1-/0`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b > 5) OR (a = 3 AND b < 7)`, `b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`(a = 1 AND b > 5) OR (a = 3 AND b < 7)`, `a,b`,
			`/1/6-/2 /3/#-/3/7`, `/3/6-/3/# /1-/1/5`},

		{`(a < 1 AND b < 5) OR (a > 3 AND b > 7)`, `a`, `/#-/1 /4-`, `-/3 /0-/#`},
		{`(a < 1 AND b < 5) OR (a > 3 AND b > 7)`, `b`, `/#-/5 /8-`, `-/7 /4-/#`},
		{`(a < 1 AND b < 5) OR (a > 3 AND b > 7)`, `a,b`,
			`/#-/0/5 /4/8-`, `-/4/7 /0/4-/#`},

		{`(a > 3 AND b < 5) OR (a < 1 AND b > 7)`, `a`, `/#-/1 /4-`, `-/3 /0-/#`},
		{`(a > 3 AND b < 5) OR (a < 1 AND b > 7)`, `b`, `/#-/5 /8-`, `-/7 /4-/#`},
		{`(a > 3 AND b < 5) OR (a < 1 AND b > 7)`, `a,b`,
			`/#-/1 /4-`, `-/3 /0-/#`},

		{`(a > 1 AND b < 5) OR (a < 3 AND b > 7)`, `a`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
		{`(a > 1 AND b < 5) OR (a < 3 AND b > 7)`, `b`, `/#-/5 /8-`, `-/7 /4-/#`},
		{`(a > 1 AND b < 5) OR (a < 3 AND b > 7)`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},

		{`(a = 5) OR (a, b) IN ((1, 1), (3, 3))`, `a`, `/1-/2 /3-/4 /5-/6`, `/5-/4 /3-/2 /1-/0`},
		{`(a = 5) OR (a, b) IN ((1, 1), (3, 3))`, `b`, `-`, `-`},
		{`(a = 5) OR (a, b) IN ((1, 1), (3, 3))`, `a,b`,
			`/1/1-/1/2 /3/3-/3/4 /5-/6`, `/5-/4 /3/3-/3/2 /1/1-/1/0`},

		// When encoding an end constraint for a maximal datum, we use
		// bytes.PrefixEnd() to go beyond the normal encodings of that datatype.
		{fmt.Sprintf(`a = %d`, math.MaxInt64), `a`,
			`/9223372036854775807-/<varint 9223372036854775808 overflows int64>`,
		{fmt.Sprintf(`a = %d`, math.MinInt64), `a`,
			`/-9223372036854775808-/<varint 9223372036854775808 overflows int64>`},

		{`(a, b) >= (1, 4)`, `a,b`, `/1/4-`, `-/1/3`},
		{`(a, b) > (1, 4)`, `a,b`, `/1/5-`, `-/1/4`},
		{`(a, b) < (1, 4)`, `a,b`, `/#-/1/4`, `/1/3-/#`},
		{`(a, b) <= (1, 4)`, `a,b`, `/#-/1/5`, `/1/4-/#`},
		{`(a, b) = (1, 4)`, `a,b`, `/1/4-/1/5`, `/1/4-/1/3`},
		{`(a, b) != (1, 4)`, `a,b`, `/#-`, `-/#`},
	for _, d := range testData {
		for _, dir := range []encoding.Direction{encoding.Ascending, encoding.Descending} {
			columns := strings.Split(d.columns, ",")
			dirs := make([]encoding.Direction, 0, len(columns))
			for range columns {
				dirs = append(dirs, dir)
			desc, index := makeTestIndex(t, columns, dirs)
			constraints, _ := makeConstraints(t, d.expr, desc, index)
			spans := makeSpans(constraints, desc.ID, index)
			s := sqlbase.PrettySpans(spans, 2)
			var expected string
			if dir == encoding.Ascending {
				expected = d.expectedAsc
			} else {
				expected = d.expectedDesc
			s = keys.MassagePrettyPrintedSpanForTest(s, indexToDirs(index))
			if expected != s {
				t.Errorf("[index direction: %d] %s: expected %s, but found %s", dir, d.expr, expected, s)

	// Test indexes with mixed-directions (some cols Asc, some cols Desc) and other edge cases.
	testData2 := []struct {
		expr     string
		columns  string
		expected string
		{`a = 1 AND b = 5`, `a,b-,c`, `/1/5-/1/4`},
		{`a = 7 AND b IN (1,2,3) AND c = false`, `a,b-,c`,
			`/7/3/0-/7/3/1 /7/2/0-/7/2/1 /7/1/0-/7/1/1`},
		// Test different directions for te columns inside a tuple.
		{`(a,b,j) IN ((1,2,3), (4,5,6))`, `a-,b,j-`, `/4/5/6-/4/5/5 /1/2/3-/1/2/2`},
		{`i = E'\xff'`, `i`, `/"\xff"-/"\xff\x00"`},
		// Test that limits on bytes work correctly: when encoding a descending limit for bytes,
		// we need to go outside the bytes encoding.
		// "\xaa" is encoded as [bytesDescMarker, ^0xaa, <term escape sequence>]
		{`i = E'\xaa'`, `i-`,
				encoding.BytesDescMarker, ^byte(0xaa), encoding.BytesDescMarker, ^byte(0xaa))},

		// Ensure tuples with differing index directions aren't constrained.
		// TODO(mjibson): fix this, see #6346
		{`(a, b) >= (1, 4)`, `a-,b`, `-`},
		{`(a, b) >= (1, 4)`, `a,b-`, `-`},
	for _, d := range testData2 {
		desc, index := makeTestIndexFromStr(t, d.columns)
		constraints, _ := makeConstraints(t, d.expr, desc, index)
		spans := makeSpans(constraints, desc.ID, index)
		var got string
		raw := false
		if strings.HasPrefix(d.expected, "raw:") {
			raw = true
			span := spans[0]
			d.expected = d.expected[4:]
			// Trim the index prefix from the span.
			prefix := string(sqlbase.MakeIndexKeyPrefix(desc.ID, index.ID))
			got = strings.TrimPrefix(string(span.Start), prefix) + "-" +
				strings.TrimPrefix(string(span.End), prefix)
		} else {
			got = keys.MassagePrettyPrintedSpanForTest(sqlbase.PrettySpans(spans, 2),
		if d.expected != got {
			if !raw {
				t.Errorf("%s: expected %s, but found %s", d.expr, d.expected, got)
			} else {
				t.Errorf("%s: expected %# x, but found %# x", d.expr, []byte(d.expected), got)