Пример #1
// createTestEngine creates an in-memory engine and initializes some
// default configuration settings.
func createTestEngine(t *testing.T) engine.Engine {
	e := engine.NewInMem(proto.Attributes{Attrs: []string{"dc1", "mem"}}, 1<<20)
	if err := engine.PutProto(e, engine.KeyConfigAccountingPrefix, &testDefaultAcctConfig); err != nil {
	if err := engine.PutProto(e, engine.KeyConfigPermissionPrefix, &testDefaultPermConfig); err != nil {
	if err := engine.PutProto(e, engine.KeyConfigZonePrefix, &testDefaultZoneConfig); err != nil {
	return e
Пример #2
func copySeqCache(e engine.Engine, srcID, dstID roachpb.RangeID, keyMin, keyMax engine.MVCCKey) error {
	var scratch [64]byte
	return e.Iterate(keyMin, keyMax,
		func(kv engine.MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error) {
			// Decode the key into a cmd, skipping on error. Otherwise,
			// write it to the corresponding key in the new cache.
			id, epoch, seq, err := decodeSequenceCacheMVCCKey(kv.Key, scratch[:0])
			if err != nil {
				return false, util.Errorf("could not decode a sequence cache key %s: %s",
					kv.Key, err)
			key := keys.SequenceCacheKey(dstID, id, epoch, seq)
			encKey := engine.MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key)
			// Decode the value, update the checksum and re-encode.
			meta := &engine.MVCCMetadata{}
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(kv.Value, meta); err != nil {
				return false, util.Errorf("could not decode sequence cache value %s [% x]: %s",
					kv.Key, kv.Value, err)
			value := meta.Value()
			meta.RawBytes = value.RawBytes
			_, _, err = engine.PutProto(e, encKey, meta)
			return false, err
Пример #3
// CopyFrom copies all the cached results from the originRangeID
// response cache into this one. Note that the cache will not be
// locked while copying is in progress. Failures decoding individual
// cache entries return an error. The copy is done directly using the
// engine instead of interpreting values through MVCC for efficiency.
func (rc *ResponseCache) CopyFrom(e engine.Engine, originRangeID proto.RangeID) error {
	prefix := keys.ResponseCacheKey(originRangeID, nil) // response cache prefix
	start := engine.MVCCEncodeKey(prefix)
	end := engine.MVCCEncodeKey(prefix.PrefixEnd())

	return e.Iterate(start, end, func(kv proto.RawKeyValue) (bool, error) {
		// Decode the key into a cmd, skipping on error. Otherwise,
		// write it to the corresponding key in the new cache.
		cmdID, err := rc.decodeResponseCacheKey(kv.Key)
		if err != nil {
			return false, util.Errorf("could not decode a response cache key %s: %s",
				proto.Key(kv.Key), err)
		key := keys.ResponseCacheKey(rc.rangeID, &cmdID)
		encKey := engine.MVCCEncodeKey(key)
		// Decode the value, update the checksum and re-encode.
		meta := &engine.MVCCMetadata{}
		if err := gogoproto.Unmarshal(kv.Value, meta); err != nil {
			return false, util.Errorf("could not decode response cache value %s [% x]: %s",
				proto.Key(kv.Key), kv.Value, err)
		meta.Value.Checksum = nil
		_, _, err = engine.PutProto(e, encKey, meta)
		return false, err
Пример #4
// CopyInto copies all the cached results from this response cache
// into the destRangeID response cache. Failures decoding individual
// cache entries return an error.
func (rc *ResponseCache) CopyInto(e engine.Engine, destRangeID roachpb.RangeID) error {
	start := engine.MVCCEncodeKey(
		keys.ResponseCacheKey(rc.rangeID, roachpb.KeyMin))
	end := engine.MVCCEncodeKey(
		keys.ResponseCacheKey(rc.rangeID, roachpb.KeyMax))

	return e.Iterate(start, end, func(kv engine.MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error) {
		// Decode the key into a cmd, skipping on error. Otherwise,
		// write it to the corresponding key in the new cache.
		family, err := rc.decodeResponseCacheKey(kv.Key)
		if err != nil {
			return false, util.Errorf("could not decode a response cache key %s: %s",
				roachpb.Key(kv.Key), err)
		key := keys.ResponseCacheKey(destRangeID, family)
		encKey := engine.MVCCEncodeKey(key)
		// Decode the value, update the checksum and re-encode.
		meta := &engine.MVCCMetadata{}
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(kv.Value, meta); err != nil {
			return false, util.Errorf("could not decode response cache value %s [% x]: %s",
				roachpb.Key(kv.Key), kv.Value, err)
		meta.Value.Checksum = nil
		_, _, err = engine.PutProto(e, encKey, meta)
		return false, err
Пример #5
// CreateRange allocates a new range ID and stores range metadata.
// On success, returns the new range.
func (s *Store) CreateRange(startKey, endKey engine.Key, replicas []proto.Replica) (*Range, error) {
	rangeID, err := engine.Increment(s.engine, engine.KeyLocalRangeIDGenerator, 1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if ok, _ := engine.GetProto(s.engine, makeRangeKey(rangeID), nil); ok {
		return nil, util.Error("newly allocated range ID already in use")
	// RangeMetadata is stored local to this store only. It is neither
	// replicated via raft nor available via the global kv store.
	meta := &proto.RangeMetadata{
		ClusterID: s.Ident.ClusterID,
		RangeID:   rangeID,
		RangeDescriptor: proto.RangeDescriptor{
			StartKey: startKey,
			EndKey:   endKey,
			Replicas: replicas,
	err = engine.PutProto(s.engine, makeRangeKey(rangeID), meta)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	rng := NewRange(meta, s.clock, s.engine, s.allocator, s.gossip, s)
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	s.ranges[rangeID] = rng
	return rng, nil
Пример #6
// TestRangeGossipConfigWithMultipleKeyPrefixes verifies that multiple
// key prefixes for a config are gossipped.
func TestRangeGossipConfigWithMultipleKeyPrefixes(t *testing.T) {
	e := createTestEngine(t)
	// Add a permission for a new key prefix.
	db1Perm := proto.PermConfig{
		Read:  []string{"spencer", "foo", "bar", "baz"},
		Write: []string{"spencer"},
	key := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyConfigPermissionPrefix, engine.Key("/db1"))
	if err := engine.PutProto(e, key, &db1Perm); err != nil {
	r, g := createTestRange(e, t)
	defer r.Stop()

	info, err := g.GetInfo(gossip.KeyConfigPermission)
	if err != nil {
	configMap := info.(PrefixConfigMap)
	expConfigs := []*PrefixConfig{
		&PrefixConfig{engine.KeyMin, nil, &testDefaultPermConfig},
		&PrefixConfig{engine.Key("/db1"), nil, &db1Perm},
		&PrefixConfig{engine.Key("/db2"), engine.KeyMin, &testDefaultPermConfig},
	if !reflect.DeepEqual([]*PrefixConfig(configMap), expConfigs) {
		t.Errorf("expected gossiped configs to be equal %s vs %s", configMap, expConfigs)
Пример #7
// InternalHeartbeatTxn updates the transaction status and heartbeat
// timestamp after receiving transaction heartbeat messages from
// coordinator. Returns the udpated transaction.
func (r *Range) InternalHeartbeatTxn(args *proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnRequest, reply *proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnResponse) {
	// Create the actual key to the system-local transaction table.
	key := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyLocalTransactionPrefix, args.Key)
	var txn proto.Transaction
	ok, err := engine.GetProto(r.engine, key, &txn)
	if err != nil {
	// If no existing transaction record was found, initialize
	// to the transaction in the request header.
	if !ok {
		gogoproto.Merge(&txn, args.Txn)
	if txn.Status == proto.PENDING {
		if txn.LastHeartbeat == nil {
			txn.LastHeartbeat = &proto.Timestamp{}
		if txn.LastHeartbeat.Less(args.Header().Timestamp) {
			*txn.LastHeartbeat = args.Header().Timestamp
		if err := engine.PutProto(r.engine, key, &txn); err != nil {
	reply.Txn = &txn
Пример #8
// CreateRange creates a new Range using the provided RangeMetadata.
// It persists the metadata locally and adds the new range to the
// ranges map and sorted rangesByKey slice for doing range lookups
// by key.
func (s *Store) CreateRange(meta *proto.RangeMetadata) (*Range, error) {
	// Set the RangeID for meta based on the replica which matches this store.
	for _, repl := range meta.Replicas {
		if repl.StoreID == s.Ident.StoreID {
			meta.RangeID = repl.RangeID
	if meta.RangeID == 0 {
		return nil, util.Errorf("unable to determine range ID for this range; no replicas match store %d: %s",
			s.Ident.StoreID, meta.Replicas)

	err := engine.PutProto(s.engine, makeRangeKey(meta.RangeID), meta)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	rng := NewRange(meta, s.clock, s.engine, s.allocator, s.gossip, s)
	s.ranges[meta.RangeID] = rng
	s.rangesByKey = append(s.rangesByKey, rng)

	return rng, nil
Пример #9
// Bootstrap writes a new store ident to the underlying engine. To
// ensure that no crufty data already exists in the engine, it scans
// the engine contents before writing the new store ident. The engine
// should be completely empty. It returns an error if called on a
// non-empty engine.
func (s *Store) Bootstrap(ident proto.StoreIdent) error {
	s.Ident = ident
	kvs, err := s.engine.Scan(engine.KeyMin, engine.KeyMax, 1 /* only need one entry to fail! */)
	if err != nil {
		return util.Errorf("unable to scan engine to verify empty: %v", err)
	} else if len(kvs) > 0 {
		return util.Errorf("bootstrap failed; non-empty map with first key %q", kvs[0].Key)
	return engine.PutProto(s.engine, engine.KeyLocalIdent, &s.Ident)
Пример #10
// TestEndTransactionWithErrors verifies various error conditions
// are checked such as transaction already being committed or
// aborted, or timestamp or epoch regression.
func TestEndTransactionWithErrors(t *testing.T) {
	rng, mc, clock, _ := createTestRangeWithClock(t)
	defer rng.Stop()

	regressTS := clock.Now()
	*mc = hlc.ManualClock(1)
	txn := NewTransaction(engine.Key(""), 1, proto.SERIALIZABLE, clock)

	testCases := []struct {
		key          engine.Key
		existStatus  proto.TransactionStatus
		existEpoch   int32
		existTS      proto.Timestamp
		expErrRegexp string
		{engine.Key("a"), proto.COMMITTED, txn.Epoch, txn.Timestamp, "txn {.*}: already committed"},
		{engine.Key("b"), proto.ABORTED, txn.Epoch, txn.Timestamp, "txn {.*}: already aborted"},
		{engine.Key("c"), proto.PENDING, txn.Epoch + 1, txn.Timestamp, "txn {.*}: epoch regression: 0"},
		{engine.Key("d"), proto.PENDING, txn.Epoch, regressTS, "txn {.*}: timestamp regression: {WallTime:1 Logical:0 .*}"},
	for _, test := range testCases {
		// Establish existing txn state by writing directly to range engine.
		var existTxn proto.Transaction
		gogoproto.Merge(&existTxn, txn)
		existTxn.ID = test.key
		existTxn.Status = test.existStatus
		existTxn.Epoch = test.existEpoch
		existTxn.Timestamp = test.existTS
		txnKey := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyLocalTransactionPrefix, test.key)
		if err := engine.PutProto(rng.engine, txnKey, &existTxn); err != nil {

		// End the transaction, verify expected error.
		txn.ID = test.key
		args, reply := endTxnArgs(txn, true, 0)
		args.Timestamp = txn.Timestamp
		err := rng.ReadWriteCmd("EndTransaction", args, reply)
		if err == nil {
			t.Errorf("expected error matching %q", test.expErrRegexp)
		} else {
			if matched, regexpErr := regexp.MatchString(test.expErrRegexp, err.Error()); !matched || regexpErr != nil {
				t.Errorf("expected error to match %q (%v): %v", test.expErrRegexp, regexpErr, err.Error())
Пример #11
func copySeqCache(
	e engine.Engine,
	ms *engine.MVCCStats,
	srcID, dstID roachpb.RangeID,
	keyMin, keyMax engine.MVCCKey,
) (int, error) {
	var scratch [64]byte
	var count int
	var meta engine.MVCCMetadata
	// TODO(spencer): look into making this an MVCCIteration and writing
	// the values using MVCC so we can avoid the ugliness of updating
	// the MVCCStats by hand below.
	err := e.Iterate(keyMin, keyMax,
		func(kv engine.MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error) {
			// Decode the key, skipping on error. Otherwise, write it to the
			// corresponding key in the new cache.
			txnID, err := decodeAbortCacheMVCCKey(kv.Key, scratch[:0])
			if err != nil {
				return false, util.Errorf("could not decode an abort cache key %s: %s", kv.Key, err)
			key := keys.AbortCacheKey(dstID, txnID)
			encKey := engine.MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key)
			// Decode the MVCCMetadata value.
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &meta); err != nil {
				return false, util.Errorf("could not decode mvcc metadata %s [% x]: %s", kv.Key, kv.Value, err)
			value := meta.Value()
			meta.RawBytes = value.RawBytes

			keyBytes, valBytes, err := engine.PutProto(e, encKey, &meta)
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			if ms != nil {
				ms.SysBytes += keyBytes + valBytes
			return false, nil
	return count, err
Пример #12
// InternalHeartbeatTxn updates the transaction status and heartbeat
// timestamp after receiving transaction heartbeat messages from
// coordinator. The range will return the current status for this
// transaction to the coordinator.
func (r *Range) InternalHeartbeatTxn(args *proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnRequest, reply *proto.InternalHeartbeatTxnResponse) {
	// Create the actual key to the system-local transaction table.
	key := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyLocalTransactionPrefix, args.Key)
	var txn proto.Transaction
	if _, err := engine.GetProto(r.engine, key, &txn); err != nil {
	if txn.Status == proto.PENDING {
		if !args.Header().Timestamp.Less(txn.LastHeartbeat) {
			txn.LastHeartbeat = args.Header().Timestamp
		if err := engine.PutProto(r.engine, key, &txn); err != nil {
	reply.Status = txn.Status
Пример #13
// PutResponse writes a response to the cache for the specified cmdID.
// The inflight entry corresponding to cmdID is removed from the
// inflight map. Any requests waiting on the outcome of the inflight
// command will be signaled to wakeup and read the command response
// from the cache.
func (rc *ResponseCache) PutResponse(cmdID proto.ClientCmdID, reply interface{}) error {
	// Do nothing if command ID is empty.
	if cmdID.IsEmpty() {
		return nil
	// Write the response value to the engine.
	key := rc.makeKey(cmdID)
	rwResp := &proto.ReadWriteCmdResponse{}
	err := engine.PutProto(rc.engine, key, rwResp)

	// Take lock after writing response to cache!
	defer rc.Unlock()
	// Even on error, we remove the entry from the inflight map.

	return err
Пример #14
// EndTransaction either commits or aborts (rolls back) an extant
// transaction according to the args.Commit parameter.
func (r *Range) EndTransaction(args *proto.EndTransactionRequest, reply *proto.EndTransactionResponse) {
	// Create the actual key to the system-local transaction table.
	key := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyLocalTransactionPrefix, args.Key)
	// Start with supplied transaction, then possibly load from txn record.
	reply.Txn = gogoproto.Clone(args.Txn).(*proto.Transaction)

	// Fetch existing transaction if possible.
	existTxn := &proto.Transaction{}
	ok, err := engine.GetProto(r.engine, key, existTxn)
	if err != nil {
	// If the transaction record already exists, verify that we can either
	// commit it or abort it (according to args.Commit), and also that the
	// Timestamp and Epoch have not suffered regression.
	if ok {
		if existTxn.Status == proto.COMMITTED {
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, "already committed"))
		} else if existTxn.Status == proto.ABORTED {
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, "already aborted"))
		} else if args.Txn.Epoch < existTxn.Epoch {
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, fmt.Sprintf("epoch regression: %d", args.Txn.Epoch)))
		} else if existTxn.Timestamp.Less(args.Txn.Timestamp) {
			// The transaction record can only ever be pushed forward, so it's an
			// error if somehow the transaction record has an earlier timestamp
			// than the transaction timestamp.
			reply.SetGoError(proto.NewTransactionStatusError(existTxn, fmt.Sprintf("timestamp regression: %+v", args.Txn.Timestamp)))
		// Use the persisted transaction record as final transaction.
		gogoproto.Merge(reply.Txn, existTxn)

	// Take max of requested timestamp and possibly "pushed" txn
	// record timestamp as the final commit timestamp.
	if reply.Txn.Timestamp.Less(args.Timestamp) {
		reply.Txn.Timestamp = args.Timestamp

	// Set transaction status to COMMITTED or ABORTED as per the
	// args.Commit parameter.
	if args.Commit {
		// If the isolation level is SERIALIZABLE, return a transaction
		// retry error if the commit timestamp isn't equal to the txn
		// timestamp.
		if args.Txn.Isolation == proto.SERIALIZABLE && !reply.Txn.Timestamp.Equal(args.Txn.Timestamp) {
		reply.Txn.Status = proto.COMMITTED
	} else {
		reply.Txn.Status = proto.ABORTED

	// Persist the transaction record with updated status (& possibly timestmap).
	if err := engine.PutProto(r.engine, key, reply.Txn); err != nil {
Пример #15
// InternalPushTxn resolves conflicts between concurrent txns (or
// between a non-transactional reader or writer and a txn) in several
// ways depending on the statuses and priorities of the conflicting
// transactions. The InternalPushTxn operation is invoked by a
// "pusher" (the writer trying to abort a conflicting txn or the
// reader trying to push a conflicting txn's commit timestamp
// forward), who attempts to resolve a conflict with a "pushee"
// (args.PushTxn -- the pushee txn whose intent(s) caused the
// conflict).
// Txn already committed/aborted: If pushee txn is committed or
// aborted return success.
// Txn Timeout: If pushee txn entry isn't present or its LastHeartbeat
// timestamp isn't set, use PushTxn.Timestamp as LastHeartbeat. If
// current time - LastHeartbeat > 2 * DefaultHeartbeatInterval, then
// the pushee txn should be either pushed forward or aborted,
// depending on value of Request.Abort.
// Old Txn Epoch: If persisted pushee txn entry has a newer Epoch than
// PushTxn.Epoch, return success, as older epoch may be removed.
// Lower Txn Priority: If pushee txn has a lower priority than pusher,
// adjust pushee's persisted txn depending on value of args.Abort. If
// args.Abort is true, set txn.Status to ABORTED, and priority to one
// less than the pusher's priority and return success. If args.Abort
// is false, set txn.Timestamp to pusher's txn.Timestamp + 1.
// Higher Txn Priority: If pushee txn has a higher priority than
// pusher, return TransactionRetryError. Transaction will be retried
// with priority one less than the pushee's higher priority.
func (r *Range) InternalPushTxn(args *proto.InternalPushTxnRequest, reply *proto.InternalPushTxnResponse) {
	if !bytes.Equal(args.Key, args.PusheeTxn.ID) {
		reply.SetGoError(util.Errorf("request key %q should match pushee's txn ID %q", args.Key, args.PusheeTxn.ID))
	// Create the actual key to the system-local transaction table.
	key := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyLocalTransactionPrefix, args.Key)

	// Fetch existing transaction if possible.
	existTxn := &proto.Transaction{}
	ok, err := engine.GetProto(r.engine, key, existTxn)
	if err != nil {
	if ok {
		// Start with the persisted transaction record as final transaction.
		reply.PusheeTxn = gogoproto.Clone(existTxn).(*proto.Transaction)
		// Upgrade the epoch and timestamp as necessary.
		if reply.PusheeTxn.Epoch < args.PusheeTxn.Epoch {
			reply.PusheeTxn.Epoch = args.PusheeTxn.Epoch
		if reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp.Less(args.PusheeTxn.Timestamp) {
			reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp = args.PusheeTxn.Timestamp
	} else {
		// Some sanity checks for case where we don't find a transaction record.
		if args.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat != nil {
				"no txn persisted, yet intent has heartbeat"))
		} else if args.PusheeTxn.Status != proto.PENDING {
				fmt.Sprintf("no txn persisted, yet intent has status %s", args.PusheeTxn.Status)))
		// The transaction doesn't exist yet on disk; use the supplied version.
		reply.PusheeTxn = gogoproto.Clone(&args.PusheeTxn).(*proto.Transaction)

	// If already committed or aborted, return success.
	if reply.PusheeTxn.Status != proto.PENDING {
		// Trivial noop.
	// If we're trying to move the timestamp forward, and it's already
	// far enough forward, return success.
	if !args.Abort && args.Timestamp.Less(reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp) {
		// Trivial noop.

	// pusherWins bool is true in the event the pusher prevails.
	var pusherWins bool

	// Check for txn timeout.
	if reply.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat == nil {
		reply.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat = &reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp
	// Compute heartbeat expiration.
	expiry := r.clock.Now()
	expiry.WallTime -= 2 * DefaultHeartbeatInterval.Nanoseconds()
	if reply.PusheeTxn.LastHeartbeat.Less(expiry) {
		log.V(1).Infof("pushing expired txn %+v", reply.PusheeTxn)
		pusherWins = true
	} else if args.PusheeTxn.Epoch < reply.PusheeTxn.Epoch {
		// Check for an intent from a prior epoch.
		log.V(1).Infof("pushing intent from previous epoch for txn %+v", reply.PusheeTxn)
		pusherWins = true
	} else if reply.PusheeTxn.Priority < args.Txn.Priority ||
		(reply.PusheeTxn.Priority == args.Txn.Priority && args.Txn.Timestamp.Less(reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp)) {
		// Finally, choose based on priority; if priorities are equal, order by lower txn timestamp.
		log.V(1).Infof("pushing intent from txn with lower priority %+v vs %+v", reply.PusheeTxn, args.Txn)
		pusherWins = true

	if !pusherWins {
		log.V(1).Infof("failed to push intent %+v vs %+v", reply.PusheeTxn, args.Txn)

	// If aborting transaction, set new status and return success.
	if args.Abort {
		reply.PusheeTxn.Status = proto.ABORTED
	} else {
		// Otherwise, update timestamp to be one greater than the request's timestamp.
		reply.PusheeTxn.Timestamp = args.Timestamp
	// Persist the pushed transaction.
	if err := engine.PutProto(r.engine, key, reply.PusheeTxn); err != nil {