Пример #1
// DropTable drops a table.
// Privileges: WRITE on table.
//   Notes: postgres allows only the table owner to DROP a table.
//          mysql requires the DROP privilege on the table.
func (p *planner) DropTable(n *parser.DropTable) (planNode, error) {
	// TODO(XisiHuang): should do truncate and delete descriptor in
	// the same txn
	for i, tableQualifiedName := range n.Names {
		if err := tableQualifiedName.NormalizeTableName(p.session.Database); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		dbDesc, err := p.getDatabaseDesc(tableQualifiedName.Database())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		tbKey := tableKey{dbDesc.ID, tableQualifiedName.Table()}
		nameKey := tbKey.Key()
		gr, err := p.txn.Get(nameKey)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !gr.Exists() {
			if n.IfExists {
				// Noop.
			// Key does not exist, but we want it to: error out.
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("table %q does not exist", tbKey.Name())

		tableDesc := structured.TableDescriptor{}
		if err := p.txn.GetProto(gr.ValueBytes(), &tableDesc); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := tableDesc.Validate(); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !tableDesc.HasPrivilege(p.user, parser.PrivilegeWrite) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("user %s does not have %s privilege on table %s",
				p.user, parser.PrivilegeWrite, tableDesc.Name)

		if _, err = p.Truncate(&parser.Truncate{Tables: n.Names[i : i+1]}); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Delete table descriptor
		descKey := gr.ValueBytes()
		b := &client.Batch{}
		err = p.txn.Run(b)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return &valuesNode{}, nil
Пример #2
// Select selects rows from a single table.
// Privileges: READ on table
//   Notes: postgres requires SELECT. Also requires UPDATE on "FOR UPDATE".
//          mysql requires SELECT.
func (p *planner) Select(n *parser.Select) (planNode, error) {
	var desc *structured.TableDescriptor
	var index *structured.IndexDescriptor
	var visibleCols []structured.ColumnDescriptor

	switch len(n.From) {
	case 0:
		// desc remains nil.

	case 1:
		var err error
		desc, err = p.getAliasedTableDesc(n.From[0])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !desc.HasPrivilege(p.user, parser.PrivilegeRead) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("user %s does not have %s privilege on table %s",
				p.user, parser.PrivilegeRead, desc.Name)

		// This is only kosher because we know that getAliasedDesc() succeeded.
		qname := n.From[0].(*parser.AliasedTableExpr).Expr.(*parser.QualifiedName)
		indexName := qname.Index()
		if indexName != "" && !strings.EqualFold(desc.PrimaryIndex.Name, indexName) {
			for i := range desc.Indexes {
				if strings.EqualFold(desc.Indexes[i].Name, indexName) {
					// Remove all but the matching index from the descriptor.
					desc.Indexes = desc.Indexes[i : i+1]
					index = &desc.Indexes[0]
			if index == nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("index \"%s\" not found", indexName)
			// If the table was not aliased, use the index name instead of the table
			// name for fully-qualified columns in the expression.
			if n.From[0].(*parser.AliasedTableExpr).As == "" {
				desc.Alias = index.Name
			// Strip out any columns from the table that are not present in the
			// index.
			indexColIDs := map[structured.ColumnID]struct{}{}
			for _, colID := range index.ColumnIDs {
				indexColIDs[colID] = struct{}{}
			for _, col := range desc.Columns {
				if _, ok := indexColIDs[col.ID]; !ok {
				visibleCols = append(visibleCols, col)
		} else {
			index = &desc.PrimaryIndex
			visibleCols = desc.Columns

		return nil, util.Errorf("TODO(pmattis): unsupported FROM: %s", n.From)

	// Loop over the select expressions and expand them into the expressions
	// we're going to use to generate the returned column set and the names for
	// those columns.
	exprs := make([]parser.Expr, 0, len(n.Exprs))
	columns := make([]string, 0, len(n.Exprs))
	for _, e := range n.Exprs {
		// If a QualifiedName has a StarIndirection suffix we need to match the
		// prefix of the qualified name to one of the tables in the query and
		// then expand the "*" into a list of columns.
		if qname, ok := e.Expr.(*parser.QualifiedName); ok {
			if err := qname.NormalizeColumnName(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if qname.IsStar() {
				if desc == nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("\"%s\" with no tables specified is not valid", qname)
				if e.As != "" {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("\"%s\" cannot be aliased", qname)
				tableName := qname.Table()
				if tableName != "" && !strings.EqualFold(desc.Alias, tableName) {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("table \"%s\" not found", tableName)

				if index != &desc.PrimaryIndex {
					for _, col := range index.ColumnNames {
						columns = append(columns, col)
						exprs = append(exprs, &parser.QualifiedName{Base: parser.Name(col)})
				} else {
					for _, col := range desc.Columns {
						columns = append(columns, col.Name)
						exprs = append(exprs, &parser.QualifiedName{Base: parser.Name(col.Name)})

		exprs = append(exprs, e.Expr)
		if e.As != "" {
			columns = append(columns, string(e.As))

		// If the expression is a qualified name, use the column name, not the
		// full qualification as the column name to return.
		switch t := e.Expr.(type) {
		case *parser.QualifiedName:
			if err := t.NormalizeColumnName(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			columns = append(columns, t.Column())
			columns = append(columns, e.Expr.String())

	s := &scanNode{
		txn:         p.txn,
		desc:        desc,
		index:       index,
		visibleCols: visibleCols,
		columns:     columns,
		render:      exprs,
	if index != nil {
		s.isSecondaryIndex = index != &desc.PrimaryIndex
	if n.Where != nil {
		s.filter = n.Where.Expr
	return s, nil
Пример #3
// Select selects rows from a single table.
// Privileges: READ on table
//   Notes: postgres requires SELECT. Also requires UPDATE on "FOR UPDATE".
//          mysql requires SELECT.
func (p *planner) Select(n *parser.Select) (planNode, error) {
	var desc *structured.TableDescriptor

	switch len(n.From) {
	case 0:
		// desc remains nil.

	case 1:
		var err error
		desc, err = p.getAliasedTableDesc(n.From[0])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !desc.HasPrivilege(p.user, parser.PrivilegeRead) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("user %s does not have %s privilege on table %s",
				p.user, parser.PrivilegeRead, desc.Name)

		return nil, util.Errorf("TODO(pmattis): unsupported FROM: %s", n.From)

	// Loop over the select expressions and expand them into the expressions
	// we're going to use to generate the returned column set and the names for
	// those columns.
	exprs := make([]parser.Expr, 0, len(n.Exprs))
	columns := make([]string, 0, len(n.Exprs))
	for _, e := range n.Exprs {
		switch t := e.(type) {
		case *parser.StarExpr:
			if desc == nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("* with no tables specified is not valid")
			for _, col := range desc.Columns {
				columns = append(columns, col.Name)
				exprs = append(exprs, &parser.QualifiedName{Base: parser.Name(col.Name)})
		case *parser.NonStarExpr:
			exprs = append(exprs, t.Expr)
			if t.As != "" {
				columns = append(columns, string(t.As))
			} else {
				// TODO(pmattis): Should verify at this point that any referenced
				// columns are represented in the tables being selected from.
				columns = append(columns, t.Expr.String())

	s := &scanNode{
		db:      p.db,
		desc:    desc,
		columns: columns,
		render:  exprs,
	if n.Where != nil {
		s.filter = n.Where.Expr
	return s, nil