Пример #1
// sendAttempt gathers and rearranges the replicas, and makes an RPC call.
func (ds *DistSender) sendAttempt(trace *tracer.Trace, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
	defer trace.Epoch("sending RPC")()

	leader := ds.leaderCache.Lookup(roachpb.RangeID(desc.RangeID))

	// Try to send the call.
	replicas := newReplicaSlice(ds.gossip, desc)

	// Rearrange the replicas so that those replicas with long common
	// prefix of attributes end up first. If there's no prefix, this is a
	// no-op.
	order := ds.optimizeReplicaOrder(replicas)

	// If this request needs to go to a leader and we know who that is, move
	// it to the front.
	if !(ba.IsReadOnly() && ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.INCONSISTENT) &&
		leader.StoreID > 0 {
		if i := replicas.FindReplica(leader.StoreID); i >= 0 {
			order = rpc.OrderStable

	br, err := ds.sendRPC(trace, desc.RangeID, replicas, order, ba)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
	// Untangle the error from the received response.
	pErr := br.Error
	br.Error = nil // scrub the response error
	return br, pErr
Пример #2
// redirectOnOrAcquireLeaderLease checks whether this replica has the
// leader lease at the specified timestamp. If it does, returns
// success. If another replica currently holds the lease, redirects by
// returning NotLeaderError. If the lease is expired, a renewal is
// synchronously requested. This method uses the leader lease mutex
// to guarantee only one request to grant the lease is pending.
// TODO(spencer): implement threshold regrants to avoid latency in
//  the presence of read or write pressure sufficiently close to the
//  current lease's expiration.
// TODO(spencer): for write commands, don't wait while requesting
//  the leader lease. If the lease acquisition fails, the write cmd
//  will fail as well. If it succeeds, as is likely, then the write
//  will not incur latency waiting for the command to complete.
//  Reads, however, must wait.
func (r *Range) redirectOnOrAcquireLeaderLease(trace *tracer.Trace, timestamp proto.Timestamp) error {
	defer r.llMu.Unlock()

	raftNodeID := r.rm.RaftNodeID()

	if lease := r.getLease(); lease.Covers(timestamp) {
		if lease.OwnedBy(raftNodeID) {
			// Happy path: We have an active lease, nothing to do.
			return nil
		// If lease is currently held by another, redirect to holder.
		return r.newNotLeaderError(lease, raftNodeID)
	defer trace.Epoch("request leader lease")()
	// Otherwise, no active lease: Request renewal.
	err := r.requestLeaderLease(timestamp)

	// Getting a LeaseRejectedError back means someone else got there first;
	// we can redirect if they cover our timestamp. Note that it can't be us,
	// since we're holding a lock here, and even if it were it would be a rare
	// extra round-trip.
	if _, ok := err.(*proto.LeaseRejectedError); ok {
		if lease := r.getLease(); lease.Covers(timestamp) {
			return r.newNotLeaderError(lease, raftNodeID)
	return err
Пример #3
// sendAttempt is invoked by Send. It temporarily truncates the arguments to
// match the descriptor's EndKey (if necessary) and gathers and rearranges the
// replicas before making a single attempt at sending the request. It returns
// the result of sending the RPC; a potential error contained in the reply has
// to be handled separately by the caller.
func (ds *DistSender) sendAttempt(trace *tracer.Trace, args proto.Request, reply proto.Response, desc *proto.RangeDescriptor) error {
	defer trace.Epoch("sending RPC")()
	// Truncate the request to our current range, making sure not to
	// touch it unless we have to (it is illegal to send EndKey on
	// commands which do not operate on ranges).
	if endKey := args.Header().EndKey; endKey != nil && !endKey.Less(desc.EndKey) {
		defer func(k proto.Key) { args.Header().EndKey = k }(endKey)
		args.Header().EndKey = desc.EndKey
	leader := ds.leaderCache.Lookup(proto.RaftID(desc.RaftID))

	// Try to send the call.
	replicas := newReplicaSlice(ds.gossip, desc)

	// Rearrange the replicas so that those replicas with long common
	// prefix of attributes end up first. If there's no prefix, this is a
	// no-op.
	order := ds.optimizeReplicaOrder(replicas)

	// If this request needs to go to a leader and we know who that is, move
	// it to the front.
	if !(proto.IsRead(args) && args.Header().ReadConsistency == proto.INCONSISTENT) &&
		leader.StoreID > 0 {
		if i := replicas.FindReplica(leader.StoreID); i >= 0 {
			order = rpc.OrderStable

	return ds.sendRPC(trace, desc.RaftID, replicas, order, args, reply)
Пример #4
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) heartbeat(id string, trace *tracer.Trace, ctx context.Context) bool {
	proceed := true
	txnMeta := tc.txns[id]
	// Before we send a heartbeat, determine whether this transaction
	// should be considered abandoned. If so, exit heartbeat.
	if txnMeta.hasClientAbandonedCoord(tc.clock.PhysicalNow()) {
		// TODO(tschottdorf): should we be more proactive here?
		// The client might be continuing the transaction
		// through another coordinator, but in the most likely
		// case it's just gone and the open transaction record
		// could block concurrent operations.
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("transaction %s abandoned; stopping heartbeat",
		proceed = false
	// txnMeta.txn is possibly replaced concurrently,
	// so grab a copy before unlocking.
	txn := txnMeta.txn
	if !proceed {
		return false

	request := &proto.HeartbeatTxnRequest{
		RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
			Key: txn.Key,
			Txn: &txn,

	request.Header().Timestamp = tc.clock.Now()
	reply := &proto.HeartbeatTxnResponse{}
	call := proto.Call{
		Args:  request,
		Reply: reply,

	epochEnds := trace.Epoch("heartbeat")
	tc.wrapped.Send(ctx, call)
	// If the transaction is not in pending state, then we can stop
	// the heartbeat. It's either aborted or committed, and we resolve
	// write intents accordingly.
	if reply.GoError() != nil {
		log.Warningf("heartbeat to %s failed: %s", txn, reply.GoError())
	// TODO(bdarnell): once we have gotten a heartbeat response with
	// Status != PENDING, future heartbeats are useless. However, we
	// need to continue the heartbeatLoop until the client either
	// commits or abandons the transaction. We could save a little
	// pointless work by restructuring this loop to stop sending
	// heartbeats between the time that the transaction is aborted and
	// the client finds out. Furthermore, we could use this information
	// to send TransactionAbortedErrors to the client so it can restart
	// immediately instead of running until its EndTransaction.
	return true
Пример #5
// sendSingleRange gathers and rearranges the replicas, and makes an RPC call.
func (ds *DistSender) sendSingleRange(trace *tracer.Trace, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
	defer trace.Epoch("sending RPC")()

	leader := ds.leaderCache.Lookup(roachpb.RangeID(desc.RangeID))

	// Try to send the call.
	replicas := newReplicaSlice(ds.gossip, desc)

	// Rearrange the replicas so that those replicas with long common
	// prefix of attributes end up first. If there's no prefix, this is a
	// no-op.
	order := ds.optimizeReplicaOrder(replicas)

	// If this request needs to go to a leader and we know who that is, move
	// it to the front.
	if !(ba.IsReadOnly() && ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.INCONSISTENT) &&
		leader.StoreID > 0 {
		if i := replicas.FindReplica(leader.StoreID); i >= 0 {
			order = rpc.OrderStable

	// Increase the sequence counter in the per-range loop (not
	// outside) since we might hit the same range twice by
	// accident. For example, we might send multiple requests to
	// the same Replica if (1) the descriptor cache has post-split
	// descriptors that are still write intents and (2) the split
	// has not yet been completed.
	br, pErr := ds.sendRPC(trace, desc.RangeID, replicas, order, ba)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr
	// Untangle the error from the received response.
	pErr = br.Error
	br.Error = nil // scrub the response error
	return br, pErr
Пример #6
// heartbeat periodically sends a HeartbeatTxn RPC to an extant
// transaction, stopping in the event the transaction is aborted or
// committed after attempting to resolve the intents. When the
// heartbeat stops, the transaction is unregistered from the
// coordinator,
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) heartbeat(id string) {
	var tickChan <-chan time.Time
		ticker := time.NewTicker(tc.heartbeatInterval)
		tickChan = ticker.C
		defer ticker.Stop()
	defer tc.unregisterTxn(id)

	var closer <-chan struct{}
	var trace *tracer.Trace
		txnMeta := tc.txns[id] // do not leak to outer scope
		closer = txnMeta.txnEnd
		trace = tc.tracer.NewTrace(&txnMeta.txn)
	if closer == nil {
		// Avoid race in which a Txn is cleaned up before the heartbeat
		// goroutine gets a chance to start.
	ctx := tracer.ToCtx(context.Background(), trace)
	defer trace.Finalize()
	// Loop with ticker for periodic heartbeats.
	for {
		select {
		case <-tickChan:
			proceed := true
			txnMeta := tc.txns[id]
			// Before we send a heartbeat, determine whether this transaction
			// should be considered abandoned. If so, exit heartbeat.
			if txnMeta.hasClientAbandonedCoord(tc.clock.PhysicalNow()) {
				// TODO(tschottdorf): should we be more proactive here?
				// The client might be continuing the transaction
				// through another coordinator, but in the most likely
				// case it's just gone and the open transaction record
				// could block concurrent operations.
				if log.V(1) {
					log.Infof("transaction %s abandoned; stopping heartbeat",
				proceed = false
			// txnMeta.txn is possibly replaced concurrently,
			// so grab a copy before unlocking.
			txn := txnMeta.txn
			if !proceed {

			request := &proto.HeartbeatTxnRequest{
				RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
					Key:  txn.Key,
					User: security.RootUser,
					Txn:  &txn,

			request.Header().Timestamp = tc.clock.Now()
			reply := &proto.HeartbeatTxnResponse{}
			call := proto.Call{
				Args:  request,
				Reply: reply,

			epochEnds := trace.Epoch("heartbeat")
			tc.wrapped.Send(ctx, call)
			// If the transaction is not in pending state, then we can stop
			// the heartbeat. It's either aborted or committed, and we resolve
			// write intents accordingly.
			if reply.GoError() != nil {
				log.Warningf("heartbeat to %s failed: %s", txn, reply.GoError())
			} else if reply.Txn != nil && reply.Txn.Status != proto.PENDING {
				// Signal cleanup. Doesn't do much but stop this goroutine, but
				// let's be future-proof.
				tc.cleanupTxn(trace, *reply.Txn)
		case <-closer:
			// Transaction finished normally.
Пример #7
// resolve sends resolve intent commands for all key ranges this transaction
// has covered. Any keys listed in the resolved slice have already been
// resolved and are skipped.
func (tm *txnMetadata) resolve(trace *tracer.Trace, resolved []proto.Key, sender client.Sender) {
	txn := &tm.txn
	if tm.keys.Len() > 0 {
		if log.V(2) {
			log.Infof("cleaning up %d intent(s) for transaction %s", tm.keys.Len(), txn)
	// TODO(tschottdorf): Should create a Batch here. However, we're resolving
	// intents and if those are on meta records, there may be a certain order
	// in which they need to be resolved so that they can get routed to the
	// correct range. Since a batch runs its commands one by one and we don't
	// know the correct order, we prefer to fire them off in parallel.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, o := range tm.keys.GetOverlaps(proto.KeyMin, proto.KeyMax) {
		// If the op was range based, end key != start key: resolve a range.
		var call proto.Call
		key := o.Key.Start().(proto.Key)
		endKey := o.Key.End().(proto.Key)
		if !key.Next().Equal(endKey) {
			call.Args = &proto.InternalResolveIntentRangeRequest{
				RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
					Timestamp: txn.Timestamp,
					Key:       key,
					EndKey:    endKey,
					User:      security.RootUser,
					Txn:       txn,
			call.Reply = &proto.InternalResolveIntentRangeResponse{}
		} else {
			// Check if the key has already been resolved; skip if yes.
			found := false
			for _, k := range resolved {
				if key.Equal(k) {
					if log.V(2) {
						log.Warningf("skipping previously resolved intent at %q", k)
					found = true
			if found {
			call.Args = &proto.InternalResolveIntentRequest{
				RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
					Timestamp: txn.Timestamp,
					Key:       key,
					User:      security.RootUser,
					Txn:       txn,
			call.Reply = &proto.InternalResolveIntentResponse{}
		ctx := tracer.ToCtx(context.Background(), trace.Fork())
		if log.V(2) {
			log.Infof("cleaning up intent %q for txn %s", call.Args.Header().Key, txn)
		// Each operation gets their own goroutine. We only want to return to
		// the caller after the operations have finished.
		go func() {
			sender.Send(ctx, call)
			if call.Reply.Header().Error != nil {
				log.Warningf("failed to cleanup %q intent: %s", call.Args.Header().Key, call.Reply.Header().GoError())
	defer trace.Epoch("waiting for intent resolution")()