Пример #1
func (driver *Driver) Migrate(f file.File, pipe chan interface{}) {
	defer close(pipe)
	pipe <- f

	// http://go-database-sql.org/modifying.html, Working with Transactions
	// You should not mingle the use of transaction-related functions such as Begin() and Commit() with SQL statements such as BEGIN and COMMIT in your SQL code.
	tx, err := driver.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		pipe <- err

	if f.Direction == direction.Up {
		if _, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO "+tableName+" (version) VALUES (?)", f.Version); err != nil {
			pipe <- err
			if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
				pipe <- err
	} else if f.Direction == direction.Down {
		if _, err := tx.Exec("DELETE FROM "+tableName+" WHERE version = ?", f.Version); err != nil {
			pipe <- err
			if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
				pipe <- err

	if err := f.ReadContent(); err != nil {
		pipe <- err

	// TODO this is not good! unfortunately there is no mysql driver that
	// supports multiple statements per query.
	sqlStmts := bytes.Split(f.Content, []byte(";"))

	for _, sqlStmt := range sqlStmts {
		sqlStmt = bytes.TrimSpace(sqlStmt)
		if len(sqlStmt) > 0 {
			if _, err := tx.Exec(string(sqlStmt)); err != nil {
				mysqlErr, isErr := err.(*mysql.MySQLError)

				if isErr {
					re, err := regexp.Compile(`at line ([0-9]+)$`)
					if err != nil {
						pipe <- err
						if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
							pipe <- err

					var lineNo int
					lineNoRe := re.FindStringSubmatch(mysqlErr.Message)
					if len(lineNoRe) == 2 {
						lineNo, err = strconv.Atoi(lineNoRe[1])
					if err == nil {

						// get white-space offset
						// TODO this is broken, because we use sqlStmt instead of f.Content
						wsLineOffset := 0
						b := bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(sqlStmt))
						for {
							line, _, err := b.ReadLine()
							if err != nil {
							if bytes.TrimSpace(line) == nil {
								wsLineOffset += 1
							} else {

						message := mysqlErr.Error()
						message = re.ReplaceAllString(message, fmt.Sprintf("at line %v", lineNo+wsLineOffset))

						errorPart := file.LinesBeforeAndAfter(sqlStmt, lineNo, 5, 5, true)
						pipe <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s", message, string(errorPart)))
					} else {
						pipe <- errors.New(mysqlErr.Error())

					if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
						pipe <- err


	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		pipe <- err
Пример #2
func (driver *Driver) Migrate(f file.File, pipe chan interface{}) {
	defer close(pipe)
	pipe <- f

	tx, err := driver.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		pipe <- err

	if f.Direction == direction.Up {
		if _, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO "+tableName+" (version) VALUES ($1)", f.Version); err != nil {
			pipe <- err
			if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
				pipe <- err
	} else if f.Direction == direction.Down {
		if _, err := tx.Exec("DELETE FROM "+tableName+" WHERE version=$1", f.Version); err != nil {
			pipe <- err
			if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
				pipe <- err

	if err := f.ReadContent(); err != nil {
		pipe <- err

	if f.UseTransactions == false {
		_, err = driver.db.Query(string(f.Content))
	} else {
		_, err = tx.Exec(string(f.Content))

	if err != nil {
		pqErr := err.(*pq.Error)
		offset, err := strconv.Atoi(pqErr.Position)
		if err == nil && offset >= 0 {
			lineNo, columnNo := file.LineColumnFromOffset(f.Content, offset-1)
			errorPart := file.LinesBeforeAndAfter(f.Content, lineNo, 5, 5, true)
			pipe <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v: %s in line %v, column %v:\n\n%s", pqErr.Severity, pqErr.Code, pqErr.Message, lineNo, columnNo, string(errorPart)))
		} else {
			pipe <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v: %s", pqErr.Severity, pqErr.Code, pqErr.Message))

		if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
			pipe <- err

	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		pipe <- err