Пример #1
func startProxy() http.Handler {
	h, err := proxy.NewHandler((*peers).Endpoints())
	if err != nil {

	return h
Пример #2
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy(cfg *config) error {
	cls, err := setupCluster(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error setting up initial cluster: %v", err)

	if cfg.durl != "" {
		s, err := discovery.GetCluster(cfg.durl, cfg.dproxy)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if cls, err = etcdserver.NewClusterFromString(cfg.durl, s); err != nil {
			return err

	pt, err := transport.NewTransport(cfg.clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO(jonboulle): update peerURLs dynamically (i.e. when updating
	// clientURLs) instead of just using the initial fixed list here
	peerURLs := cls.PeerURLs()
	uf := func() []string {
		cls, err := etcdserver.GetClusterFromPeers(peerURLs)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("proxy: %v", err)
			return []string{}
		return cls.ClientURLs()
	ph := proxy.NewHandler(pt, uf)
	ph = &cors.CORSHandler{
		Handler: ph,
		Info:    cfg.corsInfo,

	if cfg.isReadonlyProxy() {
		ph = proxy.NewReadonlyHandler(ph)
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, u := range cfg.lcurls {
		l, err := transport.NewListener(u.Host, u.Scheme, cfg.clientTLSInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		host := u.Host
		go func() {
			log.Print("proxy: listening for client requests on ", host)
			log.Fatal(http.Serve(l, ph))
	return nil
Пример #3
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy() {
	cls, err := setupCluster()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("etcd: error setting up initial cluster: %v", err)

	pt, err := transport.NewTransport(clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {

	// TODO(jonboulle): update peerURLs dynamically (i.e. when updating
	// clientURLs) instead of just using the initial fixed list here
	peerURLs := cls.PeerURLs()
	uf := func() []string {
		cls, err := etcdserver.GetClusterFromPeers(peerURLs)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("etcd: %v", err)
			return []string{}
		return cls.ClientURLs()
	ph := proxy.NewHandler(pt, uf)
	ph = &cors.CORSHandler{
		Handler: ph,
		Info:    corsInfo,

	if string(*proxyFlag) == flags.ProxyValueReadonly {
		ph = proxy.NewReadonlyHandler(ph)

	lcurls, err := flags.URLsFromFlags(fs, "listen-client-urls", "bind-addr", clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, u := range lcurls {
		l, err := transport.NewListener(u.Host, clientTLSInfo)
		if err != nil {

		host := u.Host
		go func() {
			log.Print("etcd: proxy listening for client requests on ", host)
			log.Fatal(http.Serve(l, ph))
Пример #4
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy() {
	ph, err := proxy.NewHandler((*peers).Endpoints())
	if err != nil {
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, addr := range *addrs {
		addr := addr
		go func() {
			log.Print("Listening for client requests on ", addr)
			log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(addr, ph))
Пример #5
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy() {
	pt, err := transport.NewTransport(clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {

	ph, err := proxy.NewHandler(pt, (*cluster).PeerURLs())
	if err != nil {

	ph = &pkg.CORSHandler{
		Handler: ph,
		Info:    cors,

	if string(*proxyFlag) == flagtypes.ProxyValueReadonly {
		ph = proxy.NewReadonlyHandler(ph)

	lcurls, err := pkg.URLsFromFlags(flag.CommandLine, "listen-client-urls", "bind-addr", clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, u := range lcurls {
		l, err := transport.NewListener(u.Host, clientTLSInfo)
		if err != nil {

		host := u.Host
		go func() {
			log.Print("Listening for client requests on ", host)
			log.Fatal(http.Serve(l, ph))
Пример #6
func main() {
	pt := &http.Transport{
		// timeouts taken from http.DefaultTransport
		Dial: (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,

	ma, _ := client.NewMembersAPI(pt, "http://localhost:7001", 15*time.Second)
	// TODO(philips): persist to disk
	memURLs := []string{"http://localhost:4001"}
	uf := func() []string {
		mems, err := ma.List()
		if err != nil {
			log.Print("unable to list members.")
			return memURLs
		for _, k := range mems {
			memURLs = append(memURLs, k.ClientURLs...)
		return memURLs

	ph := proxy.NewHandler(pt, uf)
	ph = http.HandlerFunc(wo(ph))
	ph = http.HandlerFunc(ro(ph))

	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", *addr)
	if err != nil {

	log.Print("etcd: proxy listening for client requests on ", *addr)
	log.Fatal(http.Serve(l, ph))
Пример #7
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy(cfg *config) error {
	urlsmap, _, err := getPeerURLsMapAndToken(cfg, "proxy")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error setting up initial cluster: %v", err)

	pt, err := transport.NewTimeoutTransport(cfg.peerTLSInfo, time.Duration(cfg.proxyDialTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond, time.Duration(cfg.proxyReadTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond, time.Duration(cfg.proxyWriteTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pt.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = proxy.DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost

	tr, err := transport.NewTimeoutTransport(cfg.peerTLSInfo, time.Duration(cfg.proxyDialTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond, time.Duration(cfg.proxyReadTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond, time.Duration(cfg.proxyWriteTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.dir = path.Join(cfg.dir, "proxy")
	err = os.MkdirAll(cfg.dir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var peerURLs []string
	clusterfile := path.Join(cfg.dir, "cluster")

	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(clusterfile)
	switch {
	case err == nil:
		if cfg.durl != "" {
			plog.Warningf("discovery token ignored since the proxy has already been initialized. Valid cluster file found at %q", clusterfile)
		urls := struct{ PeerURLs []string }{}
		err := json.Unmarshal(b, &urls)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		peerURLs = urls.PeerURLs
		plog.Infof("proxy: using peer urls %v from cluster file %q", peerURLs, clusterfile)
	case os.IsNotExist(err):
		if cfg.durl != "" {
			s, err := discovery.GetCluster(cfg.durl, cfg.dproxy)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if urlsmap, err = types.NewURLsMap(s); err != nil {
				return err
		peerURLs = urlsmap.URLs()
		plog.Infof("proxy: using peer urls %v ", peerURLs)
		return err

	clientURLs := []string{}
	uf := func() []string {
		gcls, err := etcdserver.GetClusterFromRemotePeers(peerURLs, tr)
		// TODO: remove the 2nd check when we fix GetClusterFromPeers
		// GetClusterFromPeers should not return nil error with an invalid empty cluster
		if err != nil {
			plog.Warningf("proxy: %v", err)
			return []string{}
		if len(gcls.Members()) == 0 {
			return clientURLs
		clientURLs = gcls.ClientURLs()

		urls := struct{ PeerURLs []string }{gcls.PeerURLs()}
		b, err := json.Marshal(urls)
		if err != nil {
			plog.Warningf("proxy: error on marshal peer urls %s", err)
			return clientURLs

		err = ioutil.WriteFile(clusterfile+".bak", b, 0600)
		if err != nil {
			plog.Warningf("proxy: error on writing urls %s", err)
			return clientURLs
		err = os.Rename(clusterfile+".bak", clusterfile)
		if err != nil {
			plog.Warningf("proxy: error on updating clusterfile %s", err)
			return clientURLs
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gcls.PeerURLs(), peerURLs) {
			plog.Noticef("proxy: updated peer urls in cluster file from %v to %v", peerURLs, gcls.PeerURLs())
		peerURLs = gcls.PeerURLs()

		return clientURLs
	ph := proxy.NewHandler(pt, uf, time.Duration(cfg.proxyFailureWaitMs)*time.Millisecond, time.Duration(cfg.proxyRefreshIntervalMs)*time.Millisecond)
	ph = &cors.CORSHandler{
		Handler: ph,
		Info:    cfg.corsInfo,

	if cfg.isReadonlyProxy() {
		ph = proxy.NewReadonlyHandler(ph)
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, u := range cfg.lcurls {
		l, err := transport.NewListener(u.Host, u.Scheme, cfg.clientTLSInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		host := u.String()
		go func() {
			plog.Info("proxy: listening for client requests on ", host)
			mux := http.NewServeMux()
			mux.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler())
			mux.Handle("/", ph)
			plog.Fatal(http.Serve(l, mux))
	return nil
Пример #8
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy() error {
	apurls, err := flags.URLsFromFlags(fs, "initial-advertise-peer-urls", "addr", peerTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cls, err := setupCluster(apurls)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error setting up initial cluster: %v", err)

	if *durl != "" {
		s, err := discovery.GetCluster(*durl, *dproxy)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if cls, err = etcdserver.NewClusterFromString(*durl, s); err != nil {
			return err

	pt, err := transport.NewTransport(clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO(jonboulle): update peerURLs dynamically (i.e. when updating
	// clientURLs) instead of just using the initial fixed list here
	peerURLs := cls.PeerURLs()
	uf := func() []string {
		cls, err := etcdserver.GetClusterFromPeers(peerURLs)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("proxy: %v", err)
			return []string{}
		return cls.ClientURLs()
	ph := proxy.NewHandler(pt, uf)
	ph = &cors.CORSHandler{
		Handler: ph,
		Info:    corsInfo,

	if proxyFlag.String() == proxyFlagReadonly {
		ph = proxy.NewReadonlyHandler(ph)
	lcurls, err := flags.URLsFromFlags(fs, "listen-client-urls", "bind-addr", clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, u := range lcurls {
		l, err := transport.NewListener(u.Host, u.Scheme, clientTLSInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		host := u.Host
		go func() {
			log.Print("proxy: listening for client requests on ", host)
			log.Fatal(http.Serve(l, ph))
	return nil
Пример #9
// startProxy launches an HTTP proxy for client communication which proxies to other etcd nodes.
func startProxy(cfg *config) error {
	cls, err := setupCluster(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error setting up initial cluster: %v", err)

	if cfg.durl != "" {
		s, err := discovery.GetCluster(cfg.durl, cfg.dproxy)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if cls, err = etcdserver.NewClusterFromString(cfg.durl, s); err != nil {
			return err

	pt, err := transport.NewTransport(cfg.clientTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	tr, err := transport.NewTransport(cfg.peerTLSInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if cfg.dir == "" {
		cfg.dir = fmt.Sprintf("%v.etcd", cfg.name)
		log.Printf("no proxy data-dir provided, using default proxy data-dir ./%s", cfg.dir)
	cfg.dir = path.Join(cfg.dir, "proxy")
	err = os.MkdirAll(cfg.dir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var peerURLs []string
	clusterfile := path.Join(cfg.dir, "cluster")

	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(clusterfile)
	switch {
	case err == nil:
		urls := struct{ PeerURLs []string }{}
		err := json.Unmarshal(b, &urls)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		peerURLs = urls.PeerURLs
		log.Printf("proxy: using peer urls %v from cluster file ./%s", peerURLs, clusterfile)
	case os.IsNotExist(err):
		peerURLs = cls.PeerURLs()
		log.Printf("proxy: using peer urls %v ", peerURLs)
		return err

	uf := func() []string {
		gcls, err := etcdserver.GetClusterFromPeers(peerURLs, tr)
		// TODO: remove the 2nd check when we fix GetClusterFromPeers
		// GetClusterFromPeers should not return nil error with an invaild empty cluster
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("proxy: %v", err)
			return []string{}
		if len(gcls.Members()) == 0 {
			return cls.ClientURLs()
		cls = gcls

		urls := struct{ PeerURLs []string }{cls.PeerURLs()}
		b, err := json.Marshal(urls)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("proxy: error on marshal peer urls %s", err)
			return cls.ClientURLs()

		err = ioutil.WriteFile(clusterfile+".bak", b, 0600)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("proxy: error on writing urls %s", err)
			return cls.ClientURLs()
		err = os.Rename(clusterfile+".bak", clusterfile)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("proxy: error on updating clusterfile %s", err)
			return cls.ClientURLs()
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(cls.PeerURLs(), peerURLs) {
			log.Printf("proxy: updated peer urls in cluster file from %v to %v", peerURLs, cls.PeerURLs())
		peerURLs = cls.PeerURLs()

		return cls.ClientURLs()
	ph := proxy.NewHandler(pt, uf)
	ph = &cors.CORSHandler{
		Handler: ph,
		Info:    cfg.corsInfo,

	if cfg.isReadonlyProxy() {
		ph = proxy.NewReadonlyHandler(ph)
	// Start a proxy server goroutine for each listen address
	for _, u := range cfg.lcurls {
		l, err := transport.NewListener(u.Host, u.Scheme, cfg.clientTLSInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		host := u.Host
		go func() {
			log.Print("proxy: listening for client requests on ", host)
			log.Fatal(http.Serve(l, ph))
	return nil