Пример #1
// DisableUnitFiles() may be used to disable one or more units in the system (by
// removing symlinks to them from /etc or /run).
// It takes a list of unit files to disable (either just file names or full
// absolute paths if the unit files are residing outside the usual unit
// search paths), and one boolean: whether the unit was enabled for runtime
// only (true, /run), or persistently (false, /etc).
// This call returns an array with the changes made. The changes list
// consists of structures with three strings: the type of the change (one of
// symlink or unlink), the file name of the symlink and the destination of the
// symlink.
func (c *Conn) DisableUnitFiles(files []string, runtime bool) ([]DisableUnitFileChange, error) {
	result := make([][]interface{}, 0)
	err := c.sysobj.Call("DisableUnitFiles", 0, files, runtime).Store(&result)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	resultInterface := make([]interface{}, len(result))
	for i := range result {
		resultInterface[i] = result[i]

	changes := make([]DisableUnitFileChange, len(result))
	changesInterface := make([]interface{}, len(changes))
	for i := range changes {
		changesInterface[i] = &changes[i]

	err = dbus.Store(resultInterface, changesInterface...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return changes, nil
Пример #2
// EnableUnitFiles() may be used to enable one or more units in the system (by
// creating symlinks to them in /etc or /run).
// It takes a list of unit files to enable (either just file names or full
// absolute paths if the unit files are residing outside the usual unit
// search paths), and two booleans: the first controls whether the unit shall
// be enabled for runtime only (true, /run), or persistently (false, /etc).
// The second one controls whether symlinks pointing to other units shall
// be replaced if necessary.
// This call returns one boolean and an array with the changes made. The
// boolean signals whether the unit files contained any enablement
// information (i.e. an [Install]) section. The changes list consists of
// structures with three strings: the type of the change (one of symlink
// or unlink), the file name of the symlink and the destination of the
// symlink.
func (c *Conn) EnableUnitFiles(files []string, runtime bool, force bool) (bool, []EnableUnitFileChange, error) {
	var carries_install_info bool

	result := make([][]interface{}, 0)
	err := c.sysobj.Call("org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.EnableUnitFiles", 0, files, runtime, force).Store(&carries_install_info, &result)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	resultInterface := make([]interface{}, len(result))
	for i := range result {
		resultInterface[i] = result[i]

	changes := make([]EnableUnitFileChange, len(result))
	changesInterface := make([]interface{}, len(changes))
	for i := range changes {
		changesInterface[i] = &changes[i]

	err = dbus.Store(resultInterface, changesInterface...)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	return carries_install_info, changes, nil
Пример #3
// ListUnits returns an array with all currently loaded units. Note that
// units may be known by multiple names at the same time, and hence there might
// be more unit names loaded than actual units behind them.
func (c *Conn) ListUnits() ([]UnitStatus, error) {
	result := make([][]interface{}, 0)
	err := c.sysobj.Call("org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.ListUnits", 0).Store(&result)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	resultInterface := make([]interface{}, len(result))
	for i := range result {
		resultInterface[i] = result[i]

	status := make([]UnitStatus, len(result))
	statusInterface := make([]interface{}, len(status))
	for i := range status {
		statusInterface[i] = &status[i]

	err = dbus.Store(resultInterface, statusInterface...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return status, nil
Пример #4
// LinkUnitFiles() links unit files (that are located outside of the
// usual unit search paths) into the unit search path.
// It takes a list of absolute paths to unit files to link and two
// booleans. The first boolean controls whether the unit shall be
// enabled for runtime only (true, /run), or persistently (false,
// /etc).
// The second controls whether symlinks pointing to other units shall
// be replaced if necessary.
// This call returns a list of the changes made. The list consists of
// structures with three strings: the type of the change (one of symlink
// or unlink), the file name of the symlink and the destination of the
// symlink.
func (c *Conn) LinkUnitFiles(files []string, runtime bool, force bool) ([]LinkUnitFileChange, error) {
	result := make([][]interface{}, 0)
	err := c.sysobj.Call("org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.LinkUnitFiles", 0, files, runtime, force).Store(&result)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	resultInterface := make([]interface{}, len(result))
	for i := range result {
		resultInterface[i] = result[i]

	changes := make([]LinkUnitFileChange, len(result))
	changesInterface := make([]interface{}, len(changes))
	for i := range changes {
		changesInterface[i] = &changes[i]

	err = dbus.Store(resultInterface, changesInterface...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return changes, nil
Пример #5
func (c *Conn) jobComplete(signal *dbus.Signal) {
	var id uint32
	var job dbus.ObjectPath
	var unit string
	var result string
	dbus.Store(signal.Body, &id, &job, &unit, &result)
	out, ok := c.jobListener.jobs[job]
	if ok {
		out <- result
		delete(c.jobListener.jobs, job)