Пример #1
func main() {
	debugMode = getopt("DEBUG", "") != ""
	port := getopt("PORT", "8000")
	endpoint := getopt("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
	routespath := getopt("ROUTESPATH", "/var/lib/logspout")

	client, err := docker.NewClient(endpoint)
	assert(err, "docker")
	attacher := NewAttachManager(client)
	router := NewRouteManager(attacher)

	// HACK: if we are connecting to etcd, get the logger's connection
	// details from there
	if etcdHost := os.Getenv("ETCD_HOST"); etcdHost != "" {
		connectionString := []string{"http://" + etcdHost + ":4001"}
		debug("etcd:", connectionString[0])
		etcd := etcd.NewClient(connectionString)
		etcd.SetDialTimeout(3 * time.Second)
		hostResp, err := etcd.Get("/deis/logs/host", false, false)
		assert(err, "url")
		portResp, err := etcd.Get("/deis/logs/port", false, false)
		assert(err, "url")
		protocol := getEtcdValueOrDefault(etcd, "/deis/logs/protocol", "udp")
		host := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", hostResp.Node.Value, portResp.Node.Value)
		log.Printf("routing all to %s://%s", protocol, host)
		router.Add(&Route{Target: Target{Type: "syslog", Addr: host, Protocol: protocol}})

	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		u, err := url.Parse(os.Args[1])
		assert(err, "url")
		log.Println("routing all to " + os.Args[1])
		router.Add(&Route{Target: Target{Type: u.Scheme, Addr: u.Host}})

	if _, err := os.Stat(routespath); err == nil {
		log.Println("loading and persisting routes in " + routespath)
		assert(router.Load(RouteFileStore(routespath)), "persistor")

	m := martini.Classic()

	m.Get("/logs(?:/(?P<predicate>[a-zA-Z]+):(?P<value>.+))?", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params) {
		source := new(Source)
		switch {
		case params["predicate"] == "id" && params["value"] != "":
			source.ID = params["value"][:12]
		case params["predicate"] == "name" && params["value"] != "":
			source.Name = params["value"]
		case params["predicate"] == "filter" && params["value"] != "":
			source.Filter = params["value"]

		if source.ID != "" && attacher.Get(source.ID) == nil {
			http.NotFound(w, req)

		logstream := make(chan *Log)
		defer close(logstream)

		var closer <-chan bool
		if req.Header.Get("Upgrade") == "websocket" {
			closerBi := make(chan bool)
			go websocketStreamer(w, req, logstream, closerBi)
			closer = closerBi
		} else {
			go httpStreamer(w, req, logstream, source.All() || source.Filter != "")
			closer = w.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()

		attacher.Listen(source, logstream, closer)

	m.Get("/routes", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
		routes, _ := router.GetAll()
		w.Write(append(marshal(routes), '\n'))

	m.Post("/routes", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (int, string) {
		route := new(Route)
		if err := unmarshal(req.Body, route); err != nil {
			return http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad request: " + err.Error()

		// TODO: validate?

		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
		return http.StatusCreated, string(append(marshal(route), '\n'))

	m.Get("/routes/:id", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params) {
		route, _ := router.Get(params["id"])
		if route == nil {
			http.NotFound(w, req)
		w.Write(append(marshal(route), '\n'))

	m.Delete("/routes/:id", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params) {
		if ok := router.Remove(params["id"]); !ok {
			http.NotFound(w, req)

	log.Println("logspout serving http on :" + port)
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, m))
Пример #2
func main() {
	debugMode = getopt("DEBUG", "") != ""
	port := getopt("PORT", "8000")
	endpoint := getopt("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
	routespath := getopt("ROUTESPATH", "/var/lib/logspout")

	client, err := docker.NewClient(endpoint)
	assert(err, "docker")
	attacher := NewAttachManager(client)
	router := NewRouteManager(attacher)

	// HACK: if we are connecting to etcd, get the logger's connection
	// details from there
	if etcdHost := os.Getenv("ETCD_HOST"); etcdHost != "" {
		connectionString := []string{"http://" + etcdHost + ":4001"}
		debug("etcd:", connectionString[0])
		etcd := etcd.NewClient(connectionString)
		etcd.SetDialTimeout(3 * time.Second)
		go func() {
			for {
				// NOTE(bacongobbler): sleep for a bit before doing the discovery loop again
				time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
				newRoute := getEtcdRoute(etcd)
				oldRoute, err := router.Get(newRoute.ID)
				// router.Get only returns an error if the route doesn't exist. If it does,
				// then we can skip this check and just add the new route to the routing table
				if err == nil &&
					newRoute.Target.Protocol == oldRoute.Target.Protocol &&
					newRoute.Target.Addr == oldRoute.Target.Addr {
					// NOTE(bacongobbler): the two targets are the same; perform a no-op
				// NOTE(bacongobbler): this operation is a no-op if the route doesn't exist

	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		u, err := url.Parse(os.Args[1])
		assert(err, "url")
		log.Println("routing all to " + os.Args[1])
		router.Add(&Route{Target: Target{Type: u.Scheme, Addr: u.Host}})

	if _, err := os.Stat(routespath); err == nil {
		log.Println("loading and persisting routes in " + routespath)
		assert(router.Load(RouteFileStore(routespath)), "persistor")

	m := martini.Classic()

	m.Get("/logs(?:/(?P<predicate>[a-zA-Z]+):(?P<value>.+))?", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params) {
		source := new(Source)
		switch {
		case params["predicate"] == "id" && params["value"] != "":
			source.ID = params["value"][:12]
		case params["predicate"] == "name" && params["value"] != "":
			source.Name = params["value"]
		case params["predicate"] == "filter" && params["value"] != "":
			source.Filter = params["value"]

		if source.ID != "" && attacher.Get(source.ID) == nil {
			http.NotFound(w, req)

		logstream := make(chan *Log)
		defer close(logstream)

		var closer <-chan bool
		if req.Header.Get("Upgrade") == "websocket" {
			closerBi := make(chan bool)
			go websocketStreamer(w, req, logstream, closerBi)
			closer = closerBi
		} else {
			go httpStreamer(w, req, logstream, source.All() || source.Filter != "")
			closer = w.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()

		attacher.Listen(source, logstream, closer)

	m.Get("/routes", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
		routes, _ := router.GetAll()
		w.Write(append(marshal(routes), '\n'))

	m.Post("/routes", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (int, string) {
		route := new(Route)
		if err := unmarshal(req.Body, route); err != nil {
			return http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad request: " + err.Error()

		// TODO: validate?

		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
		return http.StatusCreated, string(append(marshal(route), '\n'))

	m.Get("/routes/:id", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params) {
		route, _ := router.Get(params["id"])
		if route == nil {
			http.NotFound(w, req)
		w.Write(append(marshal(route), '\n'))

	m.Delete("/routes/:id", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params martini.Params) {
		if ok := router.Remove(params["id"]); !ok {
			http.NotFound(w, req)

	log.Println("logspout serving http on :" + port)
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, m))