Пример #1
// Callback when a new proposal arrives
func (s *Server) UpdateStateOnNewProposal(proposal protocol.ProposalMsg) {

	fid := proposal.GetFid()
	reqId := proposal.GetReqId()
	txnid := proposal.GetTxnid()

	// If this host is the one that sends the request to the leader
	if fid == s.handler.GetFollowerId() {
		defer s.state.mutex.Unlock()

		// look up the request handle from the pending list and
		// move it to the proposed list
		handle, ok := s.state.pendings[reqId]
		if ok {
			delete(s.state.pendings, reqId)
			s.state.proposals[common.Txnid(txnid)] = handle
Пример #2
// Update the request upon new proposal.
func (c *Coordinator) updateRequestOnNewProposal(proposal protocol.ProposalMsg) {

	fid := proposal.GetFid()
	reqId := proposal.GetReqId()
	txnid := proposal.GetTxnid()

	logging.Debugf("Coorindator.updateRequestOnNewProposal(): recieve proposal. Txnid %d, follower id %s, coorindator fid %s",
		txnid, fid, c.GetFollowerId())

	// If this host is the one that sends the request to the leader
	if fid == c.GetFollowerId() {
		defer c.state.mutex.Unlock()

		// look up the request handle from the pending list and
		// move it to the proposed list
		handle, ok := c.state.pendings[reqId]
		if ok {
			delete(c.state.pendings, reqId)
			c.state.proposals[common.Txnid(txnid)] = handle