Пример #1
func newKeyspace(p *namespace, name string) (datastore.Keyspace, errors.Error) {

	cbNamespace := p.getPool()
	cbbucket, err := cbNamespace.GetBucket(name)

	if err != nil {
		logging.Infof(" keyspace %s not found %v", name, err)
		// go-couchbase caches the buckets
		// to be sure no such bucket exists right now
		// we trigger a refresh
		cbNamespace = p.getPool()

		// and then check one more time
		logging.Infof(" Retrying bucket %s", name)
		cbbucket, err = cbNamespace.GetBucket(name)
		if err != nil {
			// really no such bucket exists
			return nil, errors.NewCbKeyspaceNotFoundError(err, "keyspace "+name)

	if strings.EqualFold(cbbucket.Type, "memcached") {
		return nil, errors.NewCbBucketTypeNotSupportedError(nil, cbbucket.Type)

	rv := &keyspace{
		namespace: p,
		name:      name,
		cbbucket:  cbbucket,

	// Initialize index providers
	rv.viewIndexer = newViewIndexer(rv)

	logging.Infof("Created New Bucket %s", name)

	//discover existing indexes
	if ierr := rv.loadIndexes(); ierr != nil {
		logging.Warnf("Error loading indexes for keyspace %s, Error %v", name, ierr)

	var qerr errors.Error
	rv.gsiIndexer, qerr = gsi.NewGSIIndexer(p.site.URL(), p.Name(), name)
	if qerr != nil {
		logging.Warnf("Error loading GSI indexes for keyspace %s. Error %v", name, qerr)

	// Create a bucket updater that will keep the couchbase bucket fresh.

	return rv, nil
Пример #2
// Called by go-couchbase if a configured keyspace is deleted
func (p *namespace) KeyspaceDeleteCallback(name string, err error) {

	defer p.lock.Unlock()

	ks, ok := p.keyspaceCache[name]
	if ok {
		logging.Infof("Keyspace %v being deleted", name)
		ks.(*keyspace).deleted = true
		delete(p.keyspaceCache, name)

	} else {
		logging.Warnf("Keyspace %v not configured on this server", name)
Пример #3
func loadViewIndexes(v *viewIndexer) ([]*datastore.Index, error) {

	b := v.keyspace
	rows, err := b.cbbucket.GetDDocsWithRetry()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	inames := make([]string, 0, len(rows.Rows))
	nonUsableIndexes := make([]string, 0)

	for _, row := range rows.Rows {
		cdoc := row.DDoc
		id := cdoc.Meta["id"].(string)
		if strings.HasPrefix(id, "_design/ddl_") {
			iname := strings.TrimPrefix(id, "_design/ddl_")
			inames = append(inames, iname)
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(id, "_design/dev_") {
			// append this to the list of non-usuable indexes
			iname := strings.TrimPrefix(id, "_design/dev_")
			for _, name := range v.nonUsableIndexes {
				if iname == name {
			nonUsableIndexes = append(nonUsableIndexes, iname)

		} else if strings.HasPrefix(id, "_design/") {
			iname := strings.TrimPrefix(id, "_design/")
			for _, name := range v.nonUsableIndexes {
				if iname == name {
			nonUsableIndexes = append(nonUsableIndexes, iname)


	indexes := make([]*datastore.Index, 0, len(inames))
	for _, iname := range inames {
		ddname := "ddl_" + iname
		jdoc, err := getDesignDoc(b, ddname)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		jview, ok := jdoc.Views[iname]
		if !ok {
			nonUsableIndexes = append(nonUsableIndexes, iname)
			logging.Errorf("Missing view for index %v ", iname)

		exprlist := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(jdoc.IndexOn))

		for _, ser := range jdoc.IndexOn {
			if jdoc.PrimaryIndex == true {
				doc := expression.NewIdentifier(b.Name())
				meta := expression.NewMeta(doc)
				mdid := expression.NewField(meta, expression.NewFieldName("id", false))
				exprlist = append(exprlist, mdid)
			} else {
				expr, err := parser.Parse(ser)
				if err != nil {
					nonUsableIndexes = append(nonUsableIndexes, iname)
					logging.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal expression for index  %v", iname)
				exprlist = append(exprlist, expr)
		if len(exprlist) != len(jdoc.IndexOn) {

		var conditionExpr expression.Expression
		if jdoc.Condition != "" {
			conditionExpr, err = parser.Parse(jdoc.Condition)
			if err != nil {
				logging.Errorf("Unable to parse condition expression. Err %v", err)

		ddoc := designdoc{
			name:     ddname,
			viewname: iname,
			mapfn:    jview.Map,
			reducefn: jview.Reduce,

		if ddoc.checksum() != jdoc.IndexChecksum {
			nonUsableIndexes = append(nonUsableIndexes, iname)
			logging.Warnf("Warning - checksum failed on index  %v", iname)

		var index datastore.Index

		if jdoc.PrimaryIndex == true {
			index = &primaryIndex{
					name:      iname,
					keyspace:  b,
					view:      v,
					using:     datastore.VIEW,
					ddoc:      &ddoc,
					on:        exprlist,
					where:     conditionExpr,
					isPrimary: jdoc.PrimaryIndex,

		} else {
			index = &viewIndex{
				name:      iname,
				keyspace:  b,
				view:      v,
				using:     datastore.VIEW,
				ddoc:      &ddoc,
				on:        exprlist,
				where:     conditionExpr,
				isPrimary: jdoc.PrimaryIndex,

		indexes = append(indexes, &index)

	v.nonUsableIndexes = nonUsableIndexes

	if len(indexes) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	return indexes, nil
Пример #4
// NewSite creates a new Couchbase site for the given url.
func NewDatastore(u string) (s datastore.Datastore, e errors.Error) {

	var client cb.Client
	var cbAuthInit bool

	// try and initialize cbauth

	c, err := initCbAuth(u)
	if err != nil {
		logging.Errorf(" Unable to initialize cbauth. Error %v", err)
		url, err := url.Parse(u)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewCbUrlParseError(err, "url "+u)

		if url.User != nil {
			password, _ := url.User.Password()
			if password == "" {
				logging.Errorf("No password found in url %s", u)

			// intialize cb_auth variables manually
			logging.Infof(" Trying to init cbauth with credentials %s %s", url.Host, url.User.Username())
			set, err := cbauth.InternalRetryDefaultInit(url.Host, url.User.Username(), password)
			if set == false || err != nil {
				logging.Errorf(" Unable to initialize cbauth variables. Error %v", err)
			} else {
				c, err = initCbAuth("http://" + url.Host)
				if err != nil {
					logging.Errorf("Unable to initliaze cbauth.  Error %v", err)
				} else {
					client = *c
					cbAuthInit = true
	} else {
		client = *c
		cbAuthInit = true

	if cbAuthInit == false {
		// connect without auth
		logging.Warnf("Unable to intialize cbAuth, access to couchbase buckets may be restricted")
		cb.HTTPClient = &http.Client{}
		client, err = cb.Connect(u)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewCbConnectionError(err, "url "+u)

	site := &site{
		client:         client,
		namespaceCache: make(map[string]*namespace),
		CbAuthInit:     cbAuthInit,

	// initialize the default pool.
	// TODO can couchbase server contain more than one pool ?

	defaultPool, Err := loadNamespace(site, "default")
	if Err != nil {
		logging.Errorf("Cannot connect to default pool")
		return nil, Err

	site.namespaceCache["default"] = defaultPool
	logging.Infof("New site created with url %s", u)

	return site, nil
Пример #5
func (s *site) Authorize(privileges datastore.Privileges, credentials datastore.Credentials) errors.Error {

	var authResult bool
	var err error

	if s.CbAuthInit == false {
		// cbauth is not initialized. Access to SASL protected buckets will be
		// denied by the couchbase server
		logging.Warnf("CbAuth not intialized")
		return nil

	// if the authentication fails for any of the requested privileges return an error
	for keyspace, privilege := range privileges {

		if strings.Contains(keyspace, ":") {
			q := strings.Split(keyspace, ":")
			pool := q[0]
			keyspace = q[1]

			if strings.EqualFold(pool, "#system") {
				// trying auth on system keyspace
				return nil

		logging.Debugf("Authenticating for keyspace %s", keyspace)

		if len(credentials) == 0 {
			authResult, err = doAuth(keyspace, "", keyspace, privilege)
			if authResult == false || err != nil {
				logging.Infof("Auth failed for keyspace %s", keyspace)
				return errors.NewDatastoreAuthorizationError(err, "Keyspace "+keyspace)
		} else {
			//look for either the bucket name or the admin credentials
			for username, password := range credentials {

				var un string
				userCreds := strings.Split(username, ":")
				if len(userCreds) == 1 {
					un = userCreds[0]
				} else {
					un = userCreds[1]

				logging.Debugf(" Credentials %v %v", un, userCreds)

				if strings.EqualFold(un, "Administrator") || strings.EqualFold(userCreds[0], "admin") {
					authResult, err = doAuth(un, password, keyspace, privilege)
				} else if un != "" && password != "" {
					authResult, err = doAuth(un, password, keyspace, privilege)
				} else {
					//try with empty password
					authResult, err = doAuth(keyspace, "", keyspace, privilege)

				if err != nil {
					return errors.NewDatastoreAuthorizationError(err, "Keyspace "+keyspace)


				// Auth succeeded
				if authResult == true {


	if authResult == false {
		return errors.NewDatastoreAuthorizationError(err, "")
	return nil