Пример #1
// PlotTwoVarsContour plots contour for two variables problem. len(x) == 2
//  Input
//   dirout  -- directory to save files
//   fnkey   -- file name key for eps figure
//   x       -- solution. can be <nil>
//   np      -- number of points for contour
//   extra   -- called just before saving figure
//   axequal -- axis.equal
//   vmin    -- min 0 values
//   vmax    -- max 1 values
//   f       -- function to plot filled contour. can be <nil>
//   gs      -- functions to plot contour @ level 0. can be <nil>
func PlotTwoVarsContour(dirout, fnkey string, x []float64, np int, extra func(), axequal bool,
	vmin, vmax []float64, f TwoVarsFunc_t, gs ...TwoVarsFunc_t) {
	if fnkey == "" {
	chk.IntAssert(len(vmin), 2)
	chk.IntAssert(len(vmax), 2)
	V0, V1 := utl.MeshGrid2D(vmin[0], vmax[0], vmin[1], vmax[1], np, np)
	var Zf [][]float64
	var Zg [][][]float64
	if f != nil {
		Zf = la.MatAlloc(np, np)
	if len(gs) > 0 {
		Zg = utl.Deep3alloc(len(gs), np, np)
	xtmp := make([]float64, 2)
	for i := 0; i < np; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			xtmp[0], xtmp[1] = V0[i][j], V1[i][j]
			if f != nil {
				Zf[i][j] = f(xtmp)
			for k, g := range gs {
				Zg[k][i][j] = g(xtmp)
	plt.SetForEps(0.8, 350)
	if f != nil {
		cmapidx := 0
		plt.Contour(V0, V1, Zf, io.Sf("fsz=7, cmapidx=%d", cmapidx))
	for k, _ := range gs {
		plt.ContourSimple(V0, V1, Zg[k], false, 8, "zorder=5, levels=[0], colors=['yellow'], linewidths=[2], clip_on=0")
	if x != nil {
		plt.PlotOne(x[0], x[1], "'r*', label='optimum', zorder=10")
	if extra != nil {
	if dirout == "" {
		dirout = "."
	if axequal {
	plt.AxisRange(vmin[0], vmax[0], vmin[1], vmax[1])
	args := "leg_out='1', leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1.5"
	plt.Gll("$x_0$", "$x_1$", args)
	plt.SaveD(dirout, fnkey+".eps")
Пример #2
func Test_bins02(tst *testing.T) {

	chk.PrintTitle("bins02. find along line (2D)")

	// bins
	var bins Bins
	bins.Init([]float64{-0.2, -0.2}, []float64{0.8, 1.8}, 5)

	// fill bins structure
	maxit := 5 // number of entries
	ID := make([]int, maxit)
	for k := 0; k < maxit; k++ {
		x := float64(k) / float64(maxit)
		ID[k] = k
		err := bins.Append([]float64{x, 2*x + 0.2}, ID[k])
		if err != nil {

	// add more points to bins
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		err := bins.Append([]float64{float64(i) * 0.1, 1.8}, 100+i)
		if err != nil {

	// message
	for _, bin := range bins.All {
		if bin != nil {
			io.Pf("%v\n", bin)

	// find points along diagonal
	ids := bins.FindAlongSegment([]float64{0.0, 0.2}, []float64{0.8, 1.8}, 1e-8)
	io.Pforan("ids = %v\n", ids)
	chk.Ints(tst, "ids", ids, ID)

	// find additional points
	ids = bins.FindAlongSegment([]float64{-0.2, 1.8}, []float64{0.8, 1.8}, 1e-8)
	io.Pfcyan("ids = %v\n", ids)
	chk.Ints(tst, "ids", ids, []int{100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 4})

	// draw
	if chk.Verbose {
		plt.SetForPng(1, 500, 150)
		bins.Draw2d(true, true, true, true, map[int]bool{8: true, 9: true, 10: true})
		plt.SaveD("/tmp/gosl/gm", "test_bins02.png")
Пример #3
// PlotFltFlt plots flt-flt contour
// use iFlt==-1 || jFlt==-1 to plot all combinations
func (o *Optimiser) PlotFltFltContour(sols0 []*Solution, iFlt, jFlt, iOva int, pp *PlotParams) {
	best, _ := GetBestFeasible(o, iOva)
	plotAll := iFlt < 0 || jFlt < 0
	plotCommands := func(i, j int) {
		o.PlotContour(i, j, iOva, pp)
		if sols0 != nil {
			o.PlotAddFltFlt(i, j, sols0, &pp.FmtSols0)
		o.PlotAddFltFlt(i, j, o.Solutions, &pp.FmtSols)
		if best != nil {
			plt.PlotOne(best.Flt[i], best.Flt[j], pp.FmtBest.GetArgs(""))
		if pp.Extra != nil {
		if pp.AxEqual {
	if plotAll {
		idx := 1
		ncol := o.Nflt - 1
		for row := 0; row < o.Nflt; row++ {
			idx += row
			for col := row + 1; col < o.Nflt; col++ {
				plt.Subplot(ncol, ncol, idx)
				plt.SplotGap(0.0, 0.0)
				plotCommands(col, row)
				if col > row+1 {
				} else {
					plt.Gll(io.Sf("$x_{%d}$", col), io.Sf("$x_{%d}$", row), "leg=0")
		idx = ncol*(ncol-1) + 1
		plt.Subplot(ncol, ncol, idx)
		// TODO: fix formatting of open marker, add star to legend
		plt.DrawLegend([]plt.Fmt{pp.FmtSols0, pp.FmtSols, pp.FmtBest}, 8, "center", false, "")
	} else {
		plotCommands(iFlt, jFlt)
		if pp.Xlabel == "" {
			plt.Gll(io.Sf("$x_{%d}$", iFlt), io.Sf("$x_{%d}$", jFlt), pp.LegPrms)
		} else {
			plt.Gll(pp.Xlabel, pp.Ylabel, pp.LegPrms)
	plt.SaveD(pp.DirOut, pp.FnKey+pp.FnExt)
Пример #4
func plot_uniform(A, B float64, xmin, xmax float64) {

	var dist DistUniform
	dist.Init(&VarData{Min: A, Max: B})

	n := 101
	x := utl.LinSpace(xmin, xmax, n)
	y := make([]float64, n)
	Y := make([]float64, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		y[i] = dist.Pdf(x[i])
		Y[i] = dist.Cdf(x[i])
	plt.Subplot(2, 1, 1)
	plt.Plot(x, y, io.Sf("clip_on=0,zorder=10,label=r'$(%g,%g)$'", A, B))
	plt.Gll("$x$", "$f(x)$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1")
	plt.Subplot(2, 1, 2)
	plt.Plot(x, Y, io.Sf("clip_on=0,zorder=10,label=r'$(%g,%g)$'", A, B))
	plt.Gll("$x$", "$F(x)$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1")
Пример #5
func plot_frechet(l, c, a float64, xmin, xmax float64) {

	var dist DistFrechet
	dist.Init(&VarData{L: l, C: c, A: a})

	n := 101
	x := utl.LinSpace(xmin, xmax, n)
	y := make([]float64, n)
	Y := make([]float64, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		y[i] = dist.Pdf(x[i])
		Y[i] = dist.Cdf(x[i])
	plt.Subplot(2, 1, 1)
	plt.Plot(x, y, io.Sf("clip_on=0,zorder=10,label=r'$(%g,%g,%g)$'", l, c, a))
	plt.Gll("$x$", "$f(x)$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1")
	plt.Subplot(2, 1, 2)
	plt.Plot(x, Y, io.Sf("clip_on=0,zorder=10,label=r'$(%g,%g,%g)$'", l, c, a))
	plt.Gll("$x$", "$F(x)$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=4, leg_hlen=1")
Пример #6
func plot_gumbel(μ, σ float64) {

	var dist DistGumbel
	dist.Init(&VarData{M: μ, S: σ})

	n := 101
	x := utl.LinSpace(-5, 20, n)
	y := make([]float64, n)
	Y := make([]float64, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		y[i] = dist.Pdf(x[i])
		Y[i] = dist.Cdf(x[i])
	plt.Subplot(2, 1, 1)
	plt.Plot(x, y, io.Sf("clip_on=0,zorder=10,label=r'$\\mu=%.4f,\\;\\sigma=%.4f$'", μ, σ))
	plt.Gll("$x$", "$f(x)$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=2")
	plt.Subplot(2, 1, 2)
	plt.Plot(x, Y, io.Sf("clip_on=0,zorder=10,label=r'$\\mu=%.4f,\\;\\sigma=%.4f$'", μ, σ))
	plt.Gll("$x$", "$F(x)$", "leg_out=1, leg_ncol=2")