Пример #1
func buildConfig() *onecache.NodeConfig {
	config := onecache.DefaultNodeConfig()
	config.LogOutput = os.Stderr

	if *port != 0 {
		config.RpcPort = *port

	if *gossipPort != 0 {
		config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort = *gossipPort

	if *addr != "" {
		config.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = *addr

	if *replicas != 0 {
		config.Replicas = *replicas

	if *maxMemory != -1 {
		config.MaxMemoryUsage = *maxMemory

	return config
Пример #2


	_ "net/http/pprof"

var (
	defaultConfig  = onecache.DefaultNodeConfig()
	join           = flag.String("join", "", "A comma seperated list of peers (ip:port/dns) to join")
	retry_join     = flag.String("retry_join", "", "A comma seperated list of peers (ip:port/dns) to join with retries enabled")
	retry_interval = flag.Duration("retry_interval", 30*time.Second, "The interval to try retrying a join if there was an error")
	port           = flag.Int("port", defaultConfig.RpcPort, "Port to bind to for memcache connections")
	gossipPort     = flag.Int("gossip_port", defaultConfig.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort, "Port to use for membership gossiping")
	addr           = flag.String("addr", "", "Address to bind to")
	replicas       = flag.Int("replicas", defaultConfig.Replicas, "Number of replicas")
	maxMemory      = flag.Int64("max_memory", defaultConfig.MaxMemoryUsage, "Maximum memory to use (in bytes)")
	pprofEnabled   = flag.Bool("pprof", false, "Enable pprof for debugging")
	pprofPort      = flag.Int("pprof_port", 6060, "Pprof http port")

func main() {
	config := buildConfig()