Пример #1
//initialize cache
func init() {
	//cache manager that will intermediate all operations for cache store/read.
	cacheManager := cache.SimpleCacheManager{
		CacheStorage: cache.NewRedisCacheStorage("localhost:6379", "", 8, 200, 3000, "lab", cache.SerializerGOB{}),

	//start cache spot reference.
	cacheSpot = aop.CacheSpot{
		HotFunc:      FindProduct,        // concrete FindProduct function
		CachedFunc:   &CachedFindProduct, // Empty cached function as ref. Will receive a swap function
		CacheManager: cacheManager,       // Cache Manager implementation
		WaitingGroup: &sync.WaitGroup{},
	}.MustStartCache() // Validate function signatures, assoaciate swap to CachedFunc


var (
	cacheAreaAuto     = "dyna_test:" + strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix()))
	cacheStorageRedis = cache.NewRedisCacheStorage("localhost:6379", "", 8, 200, 2000, cacheAreaAuto, cache.SerializerGOB{})
	cmAuto            = cache.SimpleCacheManager{
		CacheStorage: cacheStorageRedis,

func init() {

	format := logging.MustStringFormatter("%{color}%{time:15:04:05.000} PID:%{pid} %{shortfunc} ▶ %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}")
	backend1 := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	backend1Formatter := logging.NewBackendFormatter(backend1, format)

	logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "cache")


type UserEmail struct {
	Email string
	Name  string
	Uuid  string

func (u UserEmail) GetCacheKey() string {
	return "User:"******"localhost:6379", "", 8, 200, 2000, "str_test", cache.SerializerGOB{})
	cmStr   = cache.SimpleCacheManager{
		CacheStorage: csRedis,

	cs CacheSpot

var CFindByEmail func(email string) UserEmail

func init() {

	cs = CacheSpot{
		CachedFunc:   &CFindByEmail,
		HotFunc:      FindByEmail,
		Ttl:          100,
package aop

import (


var (
	cacheStorage = cache.NewRedisCacheStorage("localhost:6379", "", 8, 200, 2000, strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()), cache.SerializerGOB{})
	cacheManager = cache.SimpleCacheManager{
		CacheStorage: cacheStorage,

func init() {


type User struct {
	Id       int
	Name     string
	Creation time.Time
	Ttl      int

func (u User) GetTtl() int {
	return u.Ttl