Пример #1
// EstimateSerializeSize returns a worst case serialize size estimate for a
// signed transaction that spends inputCount number of compressed P2PKH outputs
// and contains each transaction output from txOuts.  The estimated size is
// incremented for an additional P2PKH change output if addChangeOutput is true.
func EstimateSerializeSize(inputCount int, txOuts []*wire.TxOut, addChangeOutput bool) int {
	changeSize := 0
	outputCount := len(txOuts)
	if addChangeOutput {
		changeSize = P2PKHOutputSize

	// 12 additional bytes are for version, locktime and expiry.
	return 12 + (2 * wire.VarIntSerializeSize(uint64(inputCount))) +
		wire.VarIntSerializeSize(uint64(outputCount)) +
		inputCount*RedeemP2PKHInputSize +
		h.SumOutputSerializeSizes(txOuts) +
Пример #2
// TestVarIntWire tests the serialize size for variable length integers.
func TestVarIntSerializeSize(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		val  uint64 // Value to get the serialized size for
		size int    // Expected serialized size
		// Single byte
		{0, 1},
		// Max single byte
		{0xfc, 1},
		// Min 2-byte
		{0xfd, 3},
		// Max 2-byte
		{0xffff, 3},
		// Min 4-byte
		{0x10000, 5},
		// Max 4-byte
		{0xffffffff, 5},
		// Min 8-byte
		{0x100000000, 9},
		// Max 8-byte
		{0xffffffffffffffff, 9},

	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for i, test := range tests {
		serializedSize := wire.VarIntSerializeSize(test.val)
		if serializedSize != test.size {
			t.Errorf("VarIntSerializeSize #%d got: %d, want: %d", i,
				serializedSize, test.size)
Пример #3
// calculateTxSize returns an estimate of the serialized size (in bytes) of the
// given transaction. It assumes all tx inputs are P2SH multi-sig.
func calculateTxSize(tx *withdrawalTx) int {
	msgtx := tx.toMsgTx()
	// Assume that there will always be a change output, for simplicity. We
	// simulate that by simply copying the first output as all we care about is
	// the size of its serialized form, which should be the same for all of them
	// as they're either P2PKH or P2SH..
	if !tx.hasChange() {
	// Craft a SignatureScript with dummy signatures for every input in this tx
	// so that we can use msgtx.SerializeSize() to get its size and don't need
	// to rely on estimations.
	for i, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
		// 1 byte for the OP_FALSE opcode, then 73+1 bytes for each signature
		// with their OP_DATA opcode and finally the redeem script + 1 byte
		// for its OP_PUSHDATA opcode and N bytes for the redeem script's size.
		// Notice that we use 73 as the signature length as that's the maximum
		// length they may have:
		// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_Digital_Signature_Algorithm
		addr := tx.inputs[i].addr
		redeemScriptLen := len(addr.redeemScript())
		n := wire.VarIntSerializeSize(uint64(redeemScriptLen))
		sigScriptLen := 1 + (74 * int(addr.series().reqSigs)) + redeemScriptLen + 1 + n
		txin.SignatureScript = bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, sigScriptLen)
	return msgtx.SerializeSize()
Пример #4
// IsDustAmount determines whether a transaction output value and script length would
// cause the output to be considered dust.  Transactions with dust outputs are
// not standard and are rejected by mempools with default policies.
func IsDustAmount(amount dcrutil.Amount, scriptSize int, relayFeePerKb dcrutil.Amount) bool {
	// Calculate the total (estimated) cost to the network.  This is
	// calculated using the serialize size of the output plus the serial
	// size of a transaction input which redeems it.  The output is assumed
	// to be compressed P2PKH as this is the most common script type.  Use
	// the average size of a compressed P2PKH redeem input (165) rather than
	// the largest possible (txsizes.RedeemP2PKHInputSize).
	totalSize := 8 + 2 + wire.VarIntSerializeSize(uint64(scriptSize)) +
		scriptSize + 165

	// Dust is defined as an output value where the total cost to the network
	// (output size + input size) is greater than 1/3 of the relay fee.
	return int64(amount)*1000/(3*int64(totalSize)) < int64(relayFeePerKb)