Пример #1
// TestTxValidTests ensures all of the tests in tx_valid.json pass as expected.
func TestTxValidTests(t *testing.T) {
	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data/tx_valid.json")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("TestTxValidTests: %v\n", err)

	var tests [][]interface{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &tests)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("TestTxValidTests couldn't Unmarshal: %v\n", err)

	// form is either:
	//   ["this is a comment "]
	// or:
	//   [[[previous hash, previous index, previous scriptPubKey]...,]
	//	serializedTransaction, verifyFlags]
	for i, test := range tests {
		inputs, ok := test[0].([]interface{})
		if !ok {

		if len(test) != 3 {
			t.Errorf("bad test (bad length) %d: %v", i, test)
		serializedhex, ok := test[1].(string)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not string) %d: %v", i, test)
		serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(serializedhex)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not hex %v) %d: %v", err, i,

		tx, err := dcrutil.NewTxFromBytesLegacy(serializedTx)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not msgtx %v) %d: %v", err,
				i, test)

		verifyFlags, ok := test[2].(string)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 3 not string) %d: %v", i, test)

		flags, err := parseScriptFlags(verifyFlags)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("bad test %d: %v", i, err)

		prevOuts := make(map[wire.OutPoint][]byte)
		for j, iinput := range inputs {
			input, ok := iinput.([]interface{})
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input not array)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)

			if len(input) != 3 {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input wrong length)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)

			previoustx, ok := input[0].(string)
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input sha not string)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)

			prevhash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(previoustx)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input sha not sha %v)"+
					"%d: %v", j, err, i, test)

			idxf, ok := input[1].(float64)
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input idx not number)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
			idx := testVecF64ToUint32(idxf)

			oscript, ok := input[2].(string)
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script not "+
					"string) %d: %v", j, i, test)

			script, err := parseShortForm(oscript)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script doesn't "+
					"parse %v) %d: %v", j, err, i, test)

			prevOuts[*wire.NewOutPoint(prevhash, idx, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular)] = script

		for k, txin := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
			pkScript, ok := prevOuts[txin.PreviousOutPoint]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (missing %dth input) %d:%v",
					k, i, test)
				continue testloop
			vm, err := NewEngine(pkScript, tx.MsgTx(), k, flags, 0,
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("test (%d:%v:%d) failed to create "+
					"script: %v", i, test, k, err)

			err = vm.Execute()
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("test (%d:%v:%d) failed to execute: "+
					"%v", i, test, k, err)
Пример #2
func TestInsertsCreditsDebitsRollbacks(t *testing.T) {

	// Create a double spend of the received blockchain transaction.
	dupRecvTx, err := dcrutil.NewTxFromBytesLegacy(TstRecvSerializedTx)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to deserialize test transaction: %v", err.Error())

	// Switch txout amount to 1 DCR.  Transaction store doesn't
	// validate txs, so this is fine for testing a double spend
	// removal.

	TstDupRecvAmount := int64(1e8)
	newDupMsgTx := dupRecvTx.MsgTx()
	newDupMsgTx.TxOut[0].Value = TstDupRecvAmount
	TstDoubleSpendTx := dcrutil.NewTx(newDupMsgTx)
	TstDoubleSpendSerializedTx := serializeTx(TstDoubleSpendTx)

	// Create a "signed" (with invalid sigs) tx that spends output 0 of
	// the double spend.
	spendingTx := wire.NewMsgTx()
	spendingTxIn := wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(TstDoubleSpendTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular), []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})
	spendingTxOut1 := wire.NewTxOut(1e7, []byte{5, 6, 7, 8, 9})
	spendingTxOut2 := wire.NewTxOut(9e7, []byte{10, 11, 12, 13, 14})
	TstSpendingTx := dcrutil.NewTx(spendingTx)
	TstSpendingSerializedTx := serializeTx(TstSpendingTx)
	var _ = TstSpendingTx

	tests := []struct {
		name     string
		f        func(*Store) (*Store, error)
		bal, unc dcrutil.Amount
		unspents map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}
		unmined  map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}
			name: "new store",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				return s, nil
			bal:      0,
			unc:      0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{},
			unmined:  map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},
			name: "txout insert",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstRecvSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				err = s.AddCredit(rec, nil, 0, false)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstRecvTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstRecvTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstRecvTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "insert duplicate unconfirmed",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstRecvSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				err = s.AddCredit(rec, nil, 0, false)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstRecvTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstRecvTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstRecvTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "confirmed txout insert",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstRecvSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				err = s.AddCredit(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails, 0, false)
				return s, err
			bal: dcrutil.Amount(TstRecvTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unc: 0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstRecvTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},
			name: "insert duplicate confirmed",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstRecvSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				err = s.AddCredit(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails, 0, false)
				return s, err
			bal: dcrutil.Amount(TstRecvTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unc: 0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstRecvTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},
			name: "rollback confirmed credit",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				err := s.Rollback(TstRecvTxBlockDetails.Height)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstRecvTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstRecvTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstRecvTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "insert confirmed double spend",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstDoubleSpendSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				err = s.AddCredit(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails, 0, false)
				return s, err
			bal: dcrutil.Amount(TstDoubleSpendTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unc: 0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstDoubleSpendTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},
			name: "insert unconfirmed debit",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstSpendingSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, nil)
				return s, err
			bal:      0,
			unc:      0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstSpendingTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "insert unconfirmed debit again",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstDoubleSpendSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails)
				return s, err
			bal:      0,
			unc:      0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstSpendingTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "insert change (index 0)",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstSpendingSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				err = s.AddCredit(rec, nil, 0, true)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstSpendingTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "insert output back to this own wallet (index 1)",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstSpendingSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.AddCredit(rec, nil, 1, true)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value + TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[1].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 1, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstSpendingTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "confirm signed tx",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstSpendingSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, TstSignedTxBlockDetails)
				return s, err
			bal: dcrutil.Amount(TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value + TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[1].Value),
			unc: 0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 1, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},
			name: "rollback after spending tx",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				err := s.Rollback(TstSignedTxBlockDetails.Height + 1)
				return s, err
			bal: dcrutil.Amount(TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value + TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[1].Value),
			unc: 0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 1, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},
			name: "rollback spending tx block",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				err := s.Rollback(TstSignedTxBlockDetails.Height)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value + TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[1].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
				wire.OutPoint{*TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 1, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular}: {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstSpendingTx.Sha(): {},
			name: "rollback double spend tx block",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				err := s.Rollback(TstRecvTxBlockDetails.Height)
				return s, err
			bal: 0,
			unc: dcrutil.Amount(TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value + TstSpendingTx.MsgTx().TxOut[1].Value),
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				*wire.NewOutPoint(TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular): {},
				*wire.NewOutPoint(TstSpendingTx.Sha(), 1, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular): {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{
				*TstDoubleSpendTx.Sha(): {},
				*TstSpendingTx.Sha():    {},
			name: "insert original recv txout",
			f: func(s *Store) (*Store, error) {
				rec, err := NewTxRecord(TstRecvSerializedTx, time.Now())
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.InsertTx(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				err = s.AddCredit(rec, TstRecvTxBlockDetails, 0, false)
				return s, err
			bal: dcrutil.Amount(TstRecvTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value),
			unc: 0,
			unspents: map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{
				*wire.NewOutPoint(TstRecvTx.Sha(), 0, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular): {},
			unmined: map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}{},

	s, teardown, err := testStore()
	defer teardown()
	if err != nil {

	for _, test := range tests {
		tmpStore, err := test.f(s)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%s: got error: %v", test.name, err)
		s = tmpStore
		bal, err := s.Balance(1, TstRecvCurrentHeight, wtxmgr.BFBalanceSpendable)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%s: Confirmed Balance failed: %v", test.name, err)
		if bal != test.bal {
			t.Fatalf("%s: balance mismatch: expected: %d, got: %d", test.name, test.bal, bal)
		unc, err := s.Balance(0, TstRecvCurrentHeight, wtxmgr.BFBalanceSpendable)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%s: Unconfirmed Balance failed: %v", test.name, err)
		unc -= bal
		if unc != test.unc {
			t.Fatalf("%s: unconfirmed balance mismatch: expected %d, got %d", test.name, test.unc, unc)

		// Check that unspent outputs match expected.
		unspent, err := s.UnspentOutputs()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%s: failed to fetch unspent outputs: %v", test.name, err)
		for _, cred := range unspent {
			if _, ok := test.unspents[cred.OutPoint]; !ok {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected unspent output: %v", test.name, cred.OutPoint)
			delete(test.unspents, cred.OutPoint)
		if len(test.unspents) != 0 {
			t.Fatalf("%s: missing expected unspent output(s)", test.name)

		// Check that unmined txs match expected.
		unmined, err := s.UnminedTxs()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%s: cannot load unmined transactions: %v", test.name, err)
		for _, tx := range unmined {
			txHash := tx.TxSha()
			if _, ok := test.unmined[txHash]; !ok {
				t.Fatalf("%s: unexpected unmined tx: %v", test.name, txHash)
			delete(test.unmined, txHash)
		if len(test.unmined) != 0 {
			t.Fatalf("%s: missing expected unmined tx(s)", test.name)

Пример #3
// TestTxInvalidTests ensures all of the tests in tx_invalid.json fail as
// expected.
func TestTxInvalidTests(t *testing.T) {
	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("data/tx_invalid.json")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("TestBitcoindInvalidTests: %v\n", err)

	var tests [][]interface{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &tests)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("TestBitcoindInvalidTests couldn't Unmarshal: %v\n",

	// form is either:
	//   ["this is a comment "]
	// or:
	//   [[[previous hash, previous index, previous scriptPubKey]...,]
	//	serializedTransaction, verifyFlags]
	for i, test := range tests {
		inputs, ok := test[0].([]interface{})
		if !ok {

		if len(test) != 3 {
			t.Errorf("bad test (bad length) %d: %v", i, test)

		serializedhex, ok := test[1].(string)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not string) %d: %v", i, test)
		serializedTx, err := hex.DecodeString(serializedhex)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not hex %v) %d: %v", err, i,

		tx, err := dcrutil.NewTxFromBytesLegacy(serializedTx)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 2 not msgtx %v) %d: %v", err,
				i, test)

		verifyFlags, ok := test[2].(string)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("bad test (arg 3 not string) %d: %v", i, test)

		flags, err := parseScriptFlags(verifyFlags)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("bad test %d: %v", i, err)

		prevOuts := make(map[wire.OutPoint][]byte)
		for j, iinput := range inputs {
			input, ok := iinput.([]interface{})
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input not array)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
				continue testloop

			if len(input) != 3 {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input wrong length)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
				continue testloop

			previoustx, ok := input[0].(string)
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input sha not string)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
				continue testloop

			prevhash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(previoustx)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input sha not sha %v)"+
					"%d: %v", j, err, i, test)
				continue testloop

			idxf, ok := input[1].(float64)
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input idx not number)"+
					"%d: %v", j, i, test)
				continue testloop

			idx := uint32(idxf) // (floor(idxf) == idxf?)

			oscript, ok := input[2].(string)
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script not "+
					"string) %d: %v", j, i, test)
				continue testloop

			script, err := parseShortForm(oscript)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("bad test (%dth input script doesn't "+
					"parse %v) %d: %v", j, err, i, test)
				continue testloop

			prevOuts[*wire.NewOutPoint(prevhash, idx, dcrutil.TxTreeRegular)] = script

		for k, txin := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
			pkScript, ok := prevOuts[txin.PreviousOutPoint]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("bad test (missing %dth input) %d:%v",
					k, i, test)
				continue testloop
			// These are meant to fail, so as soon as the first
			// input fails the transaction has failed. (some of the
			// test txns have good inputs, too..
			vm, err := NewEngine(pkScript, tx.MsgTx(), k, flags, 0)
			if err != nil {
				continue testloop

			err = vm.Execute()
			if err != nil {
				continue testloop

		t.Errorf("test (%d:%v) succeeded when should fail",
			i, test)