Пример #1
func (w *Wallet) handleConsensusRPCNotifications(chainClient *chain.RPCClient) {
	for n := range chainClient.Notifications() {
		var notificationName string
		var err error
		switch n := n.(type) {
		case chain.ClientConnected:
			log.Infof("The client has successfully connected to dcrd and " +
				"is now handling websocket notifications")
		case chain.BlockConnected:
			notificationName = "blockconnected"
			err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(tx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
				return w.onBlockConnected(tx, n.BlockHeader, n.Transactions)
		case chain.Reorganization:
			notificationName = "reorganizing"
			err = w.handleReorganizing(n.OldHash, n.NewHash, n.OldHeight, n.NewHeight)
		case chain.RelevantTxAccepted:
			notificationName = "relevanttxaccepted"
			err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
				return w.processTransaction(dbtx, n.Transaction, nil, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to process consensus server notification "+
				"(name: `%s`, detail: `%v`)", notificationName, err)