Пример #1
func (sn *Node) VerifyAllProofs(view int, chm *ChallengeMessage, proofForClient proof.Proof) {
	round := sn.Rounds[chm.Round]
	// proof from client to my root
	proof.CheckProof(sn.Suite().Hash, round.MTRoot, round.LocalMTRoot, round.Proofs["local"])
	// proof from my root to big root
	dbg.Lvl4(sn.Name(), "verifying for view", view)
	proof.CheckProof(sn.Suite().Hash, chm.MTRoot, round.MTRoot, chm.Proof)
	// proof from client to big root
	proof.CheckProof(sn.Suite().Hash, chm.MTRoot, round.LocalMTRoot, proofForClient)
Пример #2
// Verifies that the 'message' is included in the signature and that it
// is correct.
// Message is your own hash, and reply contains the inclusion proof + signature
// on the aggregated message
func VerifySignature(suite abstract.Suite, reply *StampSignature, public abstract.Point, message []byte) bool {
	// Check if aggregate public key is correct
	if !public.Equal(reply.AggPublic) {
		dbg.Lvl1("Aggregate-public-key check: FAILED (maybe you have an outdated config file of the tree)")
		return false
	// First check if the challenge is ok
	if err := VerifyChallenge(suite, reply); err != nil {
		dbg.Lvl1("Challenge-check: FAILED (", err, ")")
		return false
	dbg.Lvl2("Challenge-check: OK")

	// Incorporate the timestamp in the message since the verification process
	// is done by reconstructing the challenge
	var b bytes.Buffer
	if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.LittleEndian, reply.Timestamp); err != nil {
		dbg.Lvl1("Error marshaling the timestamp for signature verification")
		return false
	msg := append(b.Bytes(), []byte(reply.MerkleRoot)...)
	if err := VerifySchnorr(suite, msg, public, reply.Challenge, reply.Response); err != nil {
		dbg.Lvl1("Signature-check: FAILED (", err, ")")
		return false
	dbg.Lvl2("Signature-check: OK")

	// finally check the proof
	if !proof.CheckProof(suite.Hash, reply.MerkleRoot, hashid.HashId(message), reply.Prf) {
		dbg.Lvl2("Inclusion-check: FAILED")
		return false
	dbg.Lvl2("Inclusion-check: OK")
	return true
Пример #3
func (round *RoundStamper) SignatureBroadcast(in *sign.SigningMessage, out []*sign.SigningMessage) error {
	round.RoundCosi.SignatureBroadcast(in, out)
	round.Proof = round.RoundCosi.Cosi.Proof
	round.MTRoot = round.RoundCosi.Cosi.MTRoot

	round.CombProofs = make([]proof.Proof, len(round.StampQueue))
	// Send back signature to clients
	for i, msg := range round.StampQueue {
		// proof to get from s.Root to big root
		combProof := make(proof.Proof, len(round.Proof))
		copy(combProof, round.Proof)

		// add my proof to get from a leaf message to my root s.Root
		combProof = append(combProof, round.StampProofs[i]...)

		// proof that I can get from a leaf message to the big root
		if proof.CheckProof(round.Suite.Hash, round.MTRoot,
			round.StampLeaves[i], combProof) {
			dbg.Lvl2("Proof is OK for msg", msg)
		} else {
			dbg.Lvl2("Inclusion-proof failed")

		round.CombProofs[i] = combProof
	return nil
Пример #4
func (s *Server) OnDone() sign.DoneFunc {
	return func(view int, SNRoot hashid.HashId, LogHash hashid.HashId, p proof.Proof) {
		for i, msg := range s.Queue[s.PROCESSING] {
			// proof to get from s.Root to big root
			combProof := make(proof.Proof, len(p))
			copy(combProof, p)

			// add my proof to get from a leaf message to my root s.Root
			combProof = append(combProof, s.Proofs[i]...)

			// proof that i can get from a leaf message to the big root
			if sign.DEBUG == true {
				proof.CheckProof(s.Signer.(*sign.Node).Suite().Hash, SNRoot, s.Leaves[i], combProof)

			respMessg := TimeStampMessage{
				Type:  StampReplyType,
				ReqNo: msg.Tsm.ReqNo,
				Srep:  &StampReply{Sig: SNRoot, Prf: combProof}}

			s.PutToClient(msg.To, respMessg)
