Пример #1
// Install loads a chart into Kubernetes.
// If the chart is not found in the workspace, it is fetched and then installed.
// During install, manifests are sent to Kubernetes in the following order:
//	- Namespaces
// 	- Secrets
// 	- Volumes
// 	- Services
// 	- Pods
// 	- ReplicationControllers
func Install(chart, home, namespace string, force bool) {
	if !chartInstalled(chart, home) {
		log.Info("No installed chart named %q. Installing now.", chart)
		fetch(chart, chart, home)

	cd := filepath.Join(home, WorkspaceChartPath, chart)
	c, err := model.Load(cd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to load chart: %s", err)

	// Give user the option to bale if dependencies are not satisfied.
	nope, err := dependency.Resolve(c.Chartfile, filepath.Join(home, WorkspaceChartPath))
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to check dependencies: %s", err)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Re-run with --force to install anyway.")
	} else if len(nope) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range nope {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Stopping install. Re-run with --force to install anyway.")

	if err := uploadManifests(c, namespace); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to upload manifests: %s", err)
	PrintREADME(chart, home)
Пример #2
// Fetch gets a chart from the source repo and copies to the workdir.
// - chart is the source
// - lname is the local name for that chart (chart-name); if blank, it is set to the chart.
// - homedir is the home directory for the user
// - ns is the namespace for this package. If blank, it is set to the DefaultNS.
func Fetch(chart, lname, homedir string) {

	if lname == "" {
		lname = chart

	fetch(chart, lname, homedir)

	cfile, err := model.LoadChartfile(filepath.Join(homedir, WorkspaceChartPath, chart, "Chart.yaml"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Source is not a valid chart. Missing Chart.yaml: %s", err)

	deps, err := dependency.Resolve(cfile, filepath.Join(homedir, WorkspaceChartPath))
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Could not check dependencies: %s", err)

	if len(deps) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range deps {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)

	PrintREADME(lname, homedir)
Пример #3
func AltInstall(chart, cachedir, home, namespace string, force bool) {
	// Make sure there is a chart in the cachedir.
	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(cachedir, "Chart.yaml")); err != nil {
		log.Die("Expected a Chart.yaml in %s: %s", cachedir, err)
	// Make sure there is a manifests dir.
	if fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(cachedir, "manifests")); err != nil {
		log.Die("Expected 'manifests/' in %s: %s", cachedir, err)
	} else if !fi.IsDir() {
		log.Die("Expected 'manifests/' to be a directory in %s: %s", cachedir, err)

	// Copy the source chart to the workspace. We ruthlessly overwrite in
	// this case.
	dest := filepath.Join(home, WorkspaceChartPath, chart)
	if err := copyDir(cachedir, dest); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to copy %s to %s: %s", cachedir, dest, err)

	// Load the chart.
	c, err := model.Load(dest)
	if err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to load chart: %s", err)

	// Give user the option to bale if dependencies are not satisfied.
	nope, err := dependency.Resolve(c.Chartfile, filepath.Join(home, WorkspaceChartPath))
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to check dependencies: %s", err)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Re-run with --force to install anyway.")
	} else if len(nope) > 0 {
		log.Warn("Unsatisfied dependencies:")
		for _, d := range nope {
			log.Msg("\t%s %s", d.Name, d.Version)
		if !force {
			log.Die("Stopping install. Re-run with --force to install anyway.")

	if err := uploadManifests(c, namespace); err != nil {
		log.Die("Failed to upload manifests: %s", err)