Пример #1
func init() {
	x.AddInit(func() {
		disableICU = true
		if len(*icuDataFile) == 0 {
			x.Printf("WARNING: ICU data file empty")
		if err := icuembed.Load(*icuDataFile); err != nil {
			x.Printf("WARNING: Error loading ICU datafile: %s %v",
				*icuDataFile, err)
		// Everything well. Re-enable ICU.
		disableICU = false
Пример #2
func (n *node) processMembership(e raftpb.Entry, mm *task.Membership) error {
	x.AssertTrue(n.gid == 0)

	x.Printf("group: %v Addr: %q leader: %v dead: %v\n",
		mm.GroupId, mm.Addr, mm.Leader, mm.AmDead)
	groups().applyMembershipUpdate(e.Index, mm)
	return nil
Пример #3
func (n *node) joinPeers() {
	// Get leader information for MY group.
	pid, paddr := groups().Leader(n.gid)
	n.Connect(pid, paddr)
	fmt.Printf("Connected with: %v\n", paddr)

	addr := n.peers.Get(pid)
	pool := pools().get(addr)
	x.AssertTruef(pool != nil, "Unable to find addr for peer: %d", pid)

	// Bring the instance up to speed first.
	_, err := populateShard(n.ctx, pool, 0)
	x.Checkf(err, "Error while populating shard")

	conn, err := pool.Get()
	defer pool.Put(conn)

	c := NewWorkerClient(conn)
	x.Printf("Calling JoinCluster")
	_, err = c.JoinCluster(n.ctx, n.raftContext)
	x.Checkf(err, "Error while joining cluster")
	x.Printf("Done with JoinCluster call\n")
Пример #4
// runMutations goes through all the edges and applies them. It returns the
// mutations which were not applied in left.
func runMutations(ctx context.Context, edges []*task.DirectedEdge, op uint32) error {
	for _, edge := range edges {
		if !groups().ServesGroup(group.BelongsTo(edge.Attr)) {
			return x.Errorf("Predicate fingerprint doesn't match this instance")

		key := x.DataKey(edge.Attr, edge.Entity)
		plist, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		defer decr()

		if err := plist.AddMutationWithIndex(ctx, edge, op); err != nil {
			x.Printf("Error while adding mutation: %v %v", edge, err)
			return err // abort applying the rest of them.
	return nil
Пример #5
// DebugPrint prints out the SubGraph tree in a nice format for debugging purposes.
func (sg *SubGraph) DebugPrint(prefix string) {
	var src, dst int
	if sg.SrcUIDs != nil {
		src = len(sg.SrcUIDs.Uids)
	if sg.DestUIDs != nil {
		dst = len(sg.DestUIDs.Uids)
	x.Printf("%s[%q Alias:%q Func:%v SrcSz:%v Op:%q DestSz:%v Dest: %p ValueSz:%v]\n",
		prefix, sg.Attr, sg.Params.Alias, sg.SrcFunc, src, sg.FilterOp,
		dst, sg.DestUIDs, len(sg.values))
	for _, f := range sg.Filters {
		f.DebugPrint(prefix + "|-f->")
	for _, c := range sg.Children {
		c.DebugPrint(prefix + "|->")
Пример #6
// DebugPrint is useful for debugging.
func (gq *GraphQuery) DebugPrint(prefix string) {
	x.Printf("%s[%x %q %q->%q]\n", prefix, gq.UID, gq.XID, gq.Attr, gq.Alias)
	for _, c := range gq.Children {
		c.DebugPrint(prefix + "|->")