Пример #1
func main() {
	var f *os.File
	var err error

	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		fmt.Println("please supply filename(s)")

	for _, fn := range os.Args[1:] {
		f, err = os.Open(fn)
		if err != nil {

		d := parser.Directive{LookingForDirectives: true}
		parser.SetEscapeToken(parser.DefaultEscapeToken, &d)

		ast, err := parser.Parse(f, &d)
		if err != nil {
		} else {
Пример #2
func executeTestCase(t *testing.T, testCase dispatchTestCase) {
	contextDir, cleanup := createTestTempDir(t, "", "builder-dockerfile-test")
	defer cleanup()

	for filename, content := range testCase.files {
		createTestTempFile(t, contextDir, filename, content, 0777)

	tarStream, err := archive.Tar(contextDir, archive.Uncompressed)

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error when creating tar stream: %s", err)

	defer func() {
		if err = tarStream.Close(); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error when closing tar stream: %s", err)

	context, err := builder.MakeTarSumContext(tarStream)

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error when creating tar context: %s", err)

	defer func() {
		if err = context.Close(); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error when closing tar context: %s", err)

	r := strings.NewReader(testCase.dockerfile)
	d := parser.Directive{}
	parser.SetEscapeToken(parser.DefaultEscapeToken, &d)
	n, err := parser.Parse(r, &d)

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error when parsing Dockerfile: %s", err)

	config := &container.Config{}
	options := &types.ImageBuildOptions{}

	b := &Builder{runConfig: config, options: options, Stdout: ioutil.Discard, context: context}

	err = b.dispatch(0, n.Children[0])

	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("No error when executing test %s", testCase.name)

	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), testCase.expectedError) {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong error message. Should be \"%s\". Got \"%s\"", testCase.expectedError, err.Error())

Пример #3
// this replaces the FROM field in the Dockerfile to one with the previous step's unique name
// it stores the parsed result Dockefile in uniqueSessionName file
func (b *Builder) replaceFromField(step *Step) error {
	b.Conf.Logger.Noticef("Parsing and converting '%s'", step.Dockerfile)

	rwc, err := os.Open(path.Join(b.Conf.Workdir, step.Dockerfile))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer rwc.Close()

	d := parser.Directive{LookingForDirectives: true}
	parser.SetEscapeToken(parser.DefaultEscapeToken, &d)
	node, err := parser.Parse(rwc, &d)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, child := range node.Children {
		if child.Value == "from" {
			// found it. is it from anyone we know?
			if child.Next == nil {
				return errors.New("invalid Dockerfile. No valid FROM found")

			imageName := child.Next.Value
			found, err := step.Manifest.FindStepByName(imageName)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if found != nil {
				child.Next.Value = b.uniqueStepName(found)

	// did it have any effect?
	b.Conf.Logger.Debugf("Writing the new Dockerfile into %s", step.Dockerfile+".generated")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(b.uniqueDockerfile(step), []byte(dumpDockerfile(node)), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Пример #4
func TestBuildProcessLabels(t *testing.T) {
	dockerfile := "FROM scratch"
	d := parser.Directive{}
	parser.SetEscapeToken(parser.DefaultEscapeToken, &d)
	n, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(dockerfile), &d)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error when parsing Dockerfile: %s", err)

	options := &types.ImageBuildOptions{
		Labels: map[string]string{
			"org.e": "cli-e",
			"org.d": "cli-d",
			"org.c": "cli-c",
			"org.b": "cli-b",
			"org.a": "cli-a",
	b := &Builder{
		runConfig:  &container.Config{},
		options:    options,
		directive:  d,
		dockerfile: n,
	err = b.processLabels()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error when processing labels: %s", err)

	expected := []string{
		"FROM scratch",
		`LABEL "org.a"='cli-a' "org.b"='cli-b' "org.c"='cli-c' "org.d"='cli-d' "org.e"='cli-e'`,
	if len(b.dockerfile.Children) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("Expect 2, got %d", len(b.dockerfile.Children))
	for i, v := range b.dockerfile.Children {
		if v.Original != expected[i] {
			t.Fatalf("Expect '%s' for %dth children, got, '%s'", expected[i], i, v.Original)
Пример #5
// NewBuilder creates a new Dockerfile builder from an optional dockerfile and a Config.
// If dockerfile is nil, the Dockerfile specified by Config.DockerfileName,
// will be read from the Context passed to Build().
func NewBuilder(clientCtx context.Context, config *types.ImageBuildOptions, backend builder.Backend, buildContext builder.Context, dockerfile io.ReadCloser) (b *Builder, err error) {
	if config == nil {
		config = new(types.ImageBuildOptions)
	if config.BuildArgs == nil {
		config.BuildArgs = make(map[string]string)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(clientCtx)
	b = &Builder{
		clientCtx:        ctx,
		cancel:           cancel,
		options:          config,
		Stdout:           os.Stdout,
		Stderr:           os.Stderr,
		docker:           backend,
		context:          buildContext,
		runConfig:        new(container.Config),
		tmpContainers:    map[string]struct{}{},
		id:               stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID(),
		allowedBuildArgs: make(map[string]bool),
		directive: parser.Directive{
			EscapeSeen:           false,
			LookingForDirectives: true,
	if icb, ok := backend.(builder.ImageCacheBuilder); ok {
		b.imageCache = icb.MakeImageCache(config.CacheFrom)

	parser.SetEscapeToken(parser.DefaultEscapeToken, &b.directive) // Assume the default token for escape

	if dockerfile != nil {
		b.dockerfile, err = parser.Parse(dockerfile, &b.directive)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return b, nil