Пример #1
// StartHost starts a host VM.
func StartHost(api libmachine.API, config MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error) {
	exists, err := api.Exists(constants.MachineName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error checking if host exists: %s", constants.MachineName)
	if !exists {
		return createHost(api, config)

	glog.Infoln("Machine exists!")
	h, err := api.Load(constants.MachineName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error loading existing host. Please try running [minikube delete], then run [minikube start] again.")

	s, err := h.Driver.GetState()
	glog.Infoln("Machine state: ", s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error getting state for host")

	if s != state.Running {
		if err := h.Driver.Start(); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error starting stopped host")
		if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error saving started host")

	if err := h.ConfigureAuth(); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error configuring auth on host: %s")
	return h, nil
Пример #2
// StartHost starts a host VM.
func StartHost(api libmachine.API, config MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error) {
	if exists, err := api.Exists(constants.MachineName); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error checking if host exists: %s", err)
	} else if exists {
		glog.Infoln("Machine exists!")
		h, err := api.Load(constants.MachineName)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading existing host: %s", err)
		s, err := h.Driver.GetState()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting state for host: %s", err)
		if s != state.Running {
			if err := h.Driver.Start(); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error starting stopped host: %s", err)
			if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error saving started host: %s", err)
		return h, nil
	} else {
		return createHost(api, config)
Пример #3
func runAction(actionName string, c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) error {
	hosts, hostsInError := persist.LoadHosts(api, c.Args())

	if len(hostsInError) > 0 {
		errs := []error{}
		for _, err := range hostsInError {
			errs = append(errs, err)
		return consolidateErrs(errs)

	if len(hosts) == 0 {
		return ErrNoMachineSpecified

	if errs := runActionForeachMachine(actionName, hosts); len(errs) > 0 {
		return consolidateErrs(errs)

	for _, h := range hosts {
		if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error saving host to store: %s", err)

	return nil
Пример #4
func createHost(api libmachine.API, config MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error) {
	var driver interface{}

	if config.ShouldCacheMinikubeISO() {
		if err := config.CacheMinikubeISOFromURL(); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error attempting to cache minikube iso from url")

	switch config.VMDriver {
	case "virtualbox":
		driver = createVirtualboxHost(config)
	case "vmwarefusion":
		driver = createVMwareFusionHost(config)
	case "kvm":
		driver = createKVMHost(config)
	case "xhyve":
		driver = createXhyveHost(config)
	case "hyperv":
		driver = createHypervHost(config)
		glog.Exitf("Unsupported driver: %s\n", config.VMDriver)

	data, err := json.Marshal(driver)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error marshalling json")

	h, err := api.NewHost(config.VMDriver, data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating new host: %s")

	h.HostOptions.AuthOptions.CertDir = constants.Minipath
	h.HostOptions.AuthOptions.StorePath = constants.Minipath
	h.HostOptions.EngineOptions = engineOptions(config)

	if err := api.Create(h); err != nil {
		// Wait for all the logs to reach the client
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating host")

	if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error attempting to save")
	return h, nil
Пример #5
func runAction(actionName string, c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) error {
	var (
		hostsToLoad []string

	// If user did not specify a machine name explicitly, use the 'default'
	// machine if it exists.  This allows short form commands such as
	// 'docker-machine stop' for convenience.
	if len(c.Args()) == 0 {
		target, err := targetHost(c, api)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		hostsToLoad = []string{target}
	} else {
		hostsToLoad = c.Args()

	hosts, hostsInError := persist.LoadHosts(api, hostsToLoad)

	if len(hostsInError) > 0 {
		errs := []error{}
		for _, err := range hostsInError {
			errs = append(errs, err)
		return consolidateErrs(errs)

	if len(hosts) == 0 {
		return ErrHostLoad

	if errs := runActionForeachMachine(actionName, hosts); len(errs) > 0 {
		return consolidateErrs(errs)

	for _, h := range hosts {
		if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error saving host to store: %s", err)

	return nil
Пример #6
func createHost(api libmachine.API, config MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error) {
	var driver interface{}

	switch config.VMDriver {
	case "virtualbox":
		d := virtualbox.NewDriver(constants.MachineName, constants.Minipath)
		d.Boot2DockerURL = config.MinikubeISO
		d.Memory = config.Memory
		d.CPU = config.CPUs
		driver = d
	case "vmwarefusion":
		driver = createVMwareFusionHost(config)
	case "kvm":
		driver = createKVMHost(config)
		glog.Exitf("Unsupported driver: %s\n", config.VMDriver)

	data, err := json.Marshal(driver)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	h, err := api.NewHost(config.VMDriver, data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating new host: %s", err)

	h.HostOptions.AuthOptions.CertDir = constants.Minipath
	h.HostOptions.AuthOptions.StorePath = constants.Minipath
	h.HostOptions.EngineOptions = &engine.Options{}

	if err := api.Create(h); err != nil {
		// Wait for all the logs to reach the client
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating. %s", err)

	if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to save store: %s", err)
	return h, nil
Пример #7
func cmdCreateInner(c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) error {
	if len(c.Args()) > 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid command line. Found extra arguments %v", c.Args()[1:])

	name := c.Args().First()
	if name == "" {
		return errNoMachineName

	validName := host.ValidateHostName(name)
	if !validName {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating machine: %s", mcnerror.ErrInvalidHostname)

	if err := validateSwarmDiscovery(c.String("swarm-discovery")); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing swarm discovery: %s", err)

	// TODO: Fix hacky JSON solution
	rawDriver, err := json.Marshal(&drivers.BaseDriver{
		MachineName: name,
		StorePath:   c.GlobalString("storage-path"),
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to marshal bare driver data: %s", err)

	driverName := c.String("driver")
	h, err := api.NewHost(driverName, rawDriver)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error getting new host: %s", err)

	h.HostOptions = &host.Options{
		AuthOptions: &auth.Options{
			CertDir:          mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(),
			CaCertPath:       tlsPath(c, "tls-ca-cert", "ca.pem"),
			CaPrivateKeyPath: tlsPath(c, "tls-ca-key", "ca-key.pem"),
			ClientCertPath:   tlsPath(c, "tls-client-cert", "cert.pem"),
			ClientKeyPath:    tlsPath(c, "tls-client-key", "key.pem"),
			ServerCertPath:   filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name, "server.pem"),
			ServerKeyPath:    filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name, "server-key.pem"),
			StorePath:        filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name),
			ServerCertSANs:   c.StringSlice("tls-san"),
		EngineOptions: &engine.Options{
			ArbitraryFlags:   c.StringSlice("engine-opt"),
			Env:              c.StringSlice("engine-env"),
			InsecureRegistry: c.StringSlice("engine-insecure-registry"),
			Labels:           c.StringSlice("engine-label"),
			RegistryMirror:   c.StringSlice("engine-registry-mirror"),
			StorageDriver:    c.String("engine-storage-driver"),
			TLSVerify:        true,
			InstallURL:       c.String("engine-install-url"),
		SwarmOptions: &swarm.Options{
			IsSwarm:            c.Bool("swarm") || c.Bool("swarm-master"),
			Image:              c.String("swarm-image"),
			Agent:              c.Bool("swarm"),
			Master:             c.Bool("swarm-master"),
			Discovery:          c.String("swarm-discovery"),
			Address:            c.String("swarm-addr"),
			Host:               c.String("swarm-host"),
			Strategy:           c.String("swarm-strategy"),
			ArbitraryFlags:     c.StringSlice("swarm-opt"),
			ArbitraryJoinFlags: c.StringSlice("swarm-join-opt"),
			IsExperimental:     c.Bool("swarm-experimental"),

	exists, err := api.Exists(h.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error checking if host exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		return mcnerror.ErrHostAlreadyExists{
			Name: h.Name,

	// driverOpts is the actual data we send over the wire to set the
	// driver parameters (an interface fulfilling drivers.DriverOptions,
	// concrete type rpcdriver.RpcFlags).
	mcnFlags := h.Driver.GetCreateFlags()
	driverOpts := getDriverOpts(c, mcnFlags)

	if err := h.Driver.SetConfigFromFlags(driverOpts); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting machine configuration from flags provided: %s", err)

	if err := api.Create(h); err != nil {
		// Wait for all the logs to reach the client
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

		vBoxLog := ""
		if h.DriverName == "virtualbox" {
			vBoxLog = filepath.Join(api.GetMachinesDir(), h.Name, h.Name, "Logs", "VBox.log")

		return crashreport.CrashError{
			Cause:       err,
			Command:     "Create",
			Context:     "api.performCreate",
			DriverName:  h.DriverName,
			LogFilePath: vBoxLog,

	if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to save store: %s", err)

	log.Infof("To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: %s env %s", os.Args[0], name)

	return nil
Пример #8
func cmdCreateInner(c CommandLine, api libmachine.API) error {
	if len(c.Args()) > 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid command line. Found extra arguments %v", c.Args()[1:])

	name := c.Args().First()
	if name == "" {
		return errNoMachineName

	validName := host.ValidateHostName(name)
	if !validName {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating machine: %s", mcnerror.ErrInvalidHostname)

	if err := validateSwarmDiscovery(c.String("swarm-discovery")); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing swarm discovery: %s", err)

	// TODO: Fix hacky JSON solution
	rawDriver, err := json.Marshal(&drivers.BaseDriver{
		MachineName: name,
		StorePath:   c.GlobalString("storage-path"),
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to marshal bare driver data: %s", err)

	driverName := c.String("driver")
	driver, err := api.NewPluginDriver(driverName, rawDriver)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error loading driver %q: %s", driverName, err)

	h, err := api.NewHost(driver)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error getting new host: %s", err)

	certInfo := getCertPathInfoFromCommandLine(c)

	h.HostOptions = &host.Options{
		AuthOptions: &auth.Options{
			CertDir:          mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(),
			CaCertPath:       certInfo.CaCertPath,
			CaPrivateKeyPath: certInfo.CaPrivateKeyPath,
			ClientCertPath:   certInfo.ClientCertPath,
			ClientKeyPath:    certInfo.ClientKeyPath,
			ServerCertPath:   filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name, "server.pem"),
			ServerKeyPath:    filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name, "server-key.pem"),
			StorePath:        filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name),
			ServerCertSANs:   c.StringSlice("tls-san"),
		EngineOptions: &engine.Options{
			ArbitraryFlags:   c.StringSlice("engine-opt"),
			Env:              c.StringSlice("engine-env"),
			InsecureRegistry: c.StringSlice("engine-insecure-registry"),
			Labels:           c.StringSlice("engine-label"),
			RegistryMirror:   c.StringSlice("engine-registry-mirror"),
			StorageDriver:    c.String("engine-storage-driver"),
			TLSVerify:        true,
			InstallURL:       c.String("engine-install-url"),
		SwarmOptions: &swarm.Options{
			IsSwarm:        c.Bool("swarm"),
			Image:          c.String("swarm-image"),
			Master:         c.Bool("swarm-master"),
			Discovery:      c.String("swarm-discovery"),
			Address:        c.String("swarm-addr"),
			Host:           c.String("swarm-host"),
			Strategy:       c.String("swarm-strategy"),
			ArbitraryFlags: c.StringSlice("swarm-opt"),

	exists, err := api.Exists(h.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error checking if host exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		return mcnerror.ErrHostAlreadyExists{
			Name: h.Name,

	// driverOpts is the actual data we send over the wire to set the
	// driver parameters (an interface fulfilling drivers.DriverOptions,
	// concrete type rpcdriver.RpcFlags).
	mcnFlags := driver.GetCreateFlags()
	driverOpts := getDriverOpts(c, mcnFlags)

	if err := h.Driver.SetConfigFromFlags(driverOpts); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting machine configuration from flags provided: %s", err)

	if err := api.Create(h); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating machine: %s", err)

	if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to save store: %s", err)

	log.Infof("To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: %s", fmt.Sprintf("%s env %s", os.Args[0], name))

	return nil
Пример #9
func createMachine(api libmachine.API, name string, driver string, form map[string][]string) error {
	validName := host.ValidateHostName(name)
	if !validName {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating machine: %s", mcnerror.ErrInvalidHostname)

	exists, err := api.Exists(name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error checking if host exists: %s", err)
	if exists {
		return mcnerror.ErrHostAlreadyExists{
			Name: name,

	rawDriver, err := json.Marshal(&drivers.BaseDriver{
		MachineName: name,
		StorePath:   mcndirs.GetBaseDir(),
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to marshal bare driver data: %s", err)

	h, err := api.NewHost(driver, rawDriver)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	globalOpts := globalFlags{
		flags: form,

	h.HostOptions = &host.Options{
		AuthOptions: &auth.Options{
			CertDir:          mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(),
			CaCertPath:       filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "ca.pem"),
			CaPrivateKeyPath: filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "ca-key.pem"),
			ClientCertPath:   filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "cert.pem"),
			ClientKeyPath:    filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineCertDir(), "key.pem"),
			ServerCertPath:   filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name, "server.pem"),
			ServerKeyPath:    filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name, "server-key.pem"),
			StorePath:        filepath.Join(mcndirs.GetMachineDir(), name),
			ServerCertSANs:   globalOpts.StringSlice("tls-san"),
		EngineOptions: &engine.Options{
			ArbitraryFlags:   globalOpts.StringSlice("engine-opt"),
			Env:              globalOpts.StringSlice("engine-env"),
			InsecureRegistry: globalOpts.StringSlice("engine-insecure-registry"),
			Labels:           globalOpts.StringSlice("engine-label"),
			RegistryMirror:   globalOpts.StringSlice("engine-registry-mirror"),
			StorageDriver:    globalOpts.String("engine-storage-driver"),
			TLSVerify:        true,
			InstallURL:       globalOpts.String("engine-install-url"),
		SwarmOptions: &swarm.Options{
			IsSwarm:        globalOpts.Bool("swarm"),
			Image:          globalOpts.String("swarm-image"),
			Master:         globalOpts.Bool("swarm-master"),
			Discovery:      globalOpts.String("swarm-discovery"),
			Address:        globalOpts.String("swarm-addr"),
			Host:           globalOpts.String("swarm-host"),
			Strategy:       globalOpts.String("swarm-strategy"),
			ArbitraryFlags: globalOpts.StringSlice("swarm-opt"),
			IsExperimental: globalOpts.Bool("swarm-experimental"),

	mcnFlags := h.Driver.GetCreateFlags()
	opts, err := parseFlags(form, mcnFlags, commands.SharedCreateFlags)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err := h.Driver.SetConfigFromFlags(opts); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting machine configuration from flags provided: %s", err)

	if err := api.Create(h); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := api.Save(h); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error attempting to save store: %s", err)

	return nil