Пример #1
// repositoryFromKeystores is a helper function for NewNotaryRepository that
// takes some basic NotaryRepository parameters as well as keystores (in order
// of usage preference), and returns a NotaryRepository.
func repositoryFromKeystores(baseDir, gun, baseURL string, rt http.RoundTripper,
	keyStores []trustmanager.KeyStore) (*NotaryRepository, error) {

	certManager, err := certs.NewManager(baseDir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cryptoService := cryptoservice.NewCryptoService(gun, keyStores...)

	nRepo := &NotaryRepository{
		gun:           gun,
		baseDir:       baseDir,
		baseURL:       baseURL,
		tufRepoPath:   filepath.Join(baseDir, tufDir, filepath.FromSlash(gun)),
		CryptoService: cryptoService,
		roundTrip:     rt,
		CertManager:   certManager,

	fileStore, err := store.NewFilesystemStore(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	nRepo.fileStore = fileStore

	return nRepo, nil
Пример #2
func certList(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	if len(args) > 0 {

	trustDir := mainViper.GetString("trust_dir")
	certManager, err := certs.NewManager(trustDir)
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("Failed to create a new truststore manager with directory: %s", trustDir)

	trustedCerts := certManager.TrustedCertificateStore().GetCertificates()

	prettyPrintCerts(trustedCerts, cmd.Out())
Пример #3
// certRemove deletes a certificate given a cert ID or a gun
func certRemove(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	// If the user hasn't provided -g with a gun, or a cert ID, show usage
	// If the user provided -g and a cert ID, also show usage
	if (len(args) < 1 && certRemoveGUN == "") || (len(args) > 0 && certRemoveGUN != "") {
		fatalf("Must specify the cert ID or the GUN of the certificates to remove")

	trustDir := mainViper.GetString("trust_dir")
	certManager, err := certs.NewManager(trustDir)
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("Failed to create a new truststore manager with directory: %s", trustDir)

	var certsToRemove []*x509.Certificate

	// If there is no GUN, we expect a cert ID
	if certRemoveGUN == "" {
		certID := args[0]
		// This is an invalid ID
		if len(certID) != idSize {
			fatalf("Invalid certificate ID provided: %s", certID)
		// Attempt to find this certificates
		cert, err := certManager.TrustedCertificateStore().GetCertificateByCertID(certID)
		if err != nil {
			fatalf("Unable to retrieve certificate with cert ID: %s", certID)
		certsToRemove = append(certsToRemove, cert)
	} else {
		// We got the -g flag, it's a GUN
		toRemove, err := certManager.TrustedCertificateStore().GetCertificatesByCN(
		if err != nil {
			fatalf("%v", err)
		certsToRemove = append(certsToRemove, toRemove...)

	// List all the keys about to be removed
	cmd.Printf("The following certificates will be removed:\n\n")
	for _, cert := range certsToRemove {
		// This error can't occur because we're getting certs off of an
		// x509 store that indexes by ID.
		certID, _ := trustmanager.FingerprintCert(cert)
		cmd.Printf("%s - %s\n", cert.Subject.CommonName, certID)
	cmd.Println("\nAre you sure you want to remove these certificates? (yes/no)")

	// Ask for confirmation before removing certificates, unless -y is provided
	if !certRemoveYes {
		confirmed := askConfirm()
		if !confirmed {
			fatalf("Aborting action.")

	// Remove all the certs
	for _, cert := range certsToRemove {
		err = certManager.TrustedCertificateStore().RemoveCert(cert)
		if err != nil {
			fatalf("Failed to remove root certificate for %s", cert.Subject.CommonName)