Пример #1
func generateSnapshot(gun string, repo *tuf.Repo, store storage.MetaStore) (*storage.MetaUpdate, error) {
	role, err := repo.GetBaseRole(data.CanonicalSnapshotRole)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, validation.ErrBadRoot{Msg: "root did not include snapshot role"}

	algo, keyBytes, err := store.GetKey(gun, data.CanonicalSnapshotRole)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, validation.ErrBadHierarchy{Msg: "could not retrieve snapshot key. client must provide snapshot"}
	foundK := data.NewPublicKey(algo, keyBytes)

	validKey := false
	for _, id := range role.ListKeyIDs() {
		if id == foundK.ID() {
			validKey = true
	if !validKey {
		return nil, validation.ErrBadHierarchy{
			Missing: data.CanonicalSnapshotRole,
			Msg:     "no snapshot was included in update and server does not hold current snapshot key for repository"}

	currentJSON, err := store.GetCurrent(gun, data.CanonicalSnapshotRole)
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(storage.ErrNotFound); !ok {
			return nil, validation.ErrValidation{Msg: err.Error()}
	var sn *data.SignedSnapshot
	if currentJSON != nil {
		sn = new(data.SignedSnapshot)
		err := json.Unmarshal(currentJSON, sn)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, validation.ErrValidation{Msg: err.Error()}
		err = repo.SetSnapshot(sn)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, validation.ErrValidation{Msg: err.Error()}
	} else {
		// this will only occurr if no snapshot has ever been created for the repository
		err := repo.InitSnapshot()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, validation.ErrBadSnapshot{Msg: err.Error()}
	sgnd, err := repo.SignSnapshot(data.DefaultExpires(data.CanonicalSnapshotRole))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, validation.ErrBadSnapshot{Msg: err.Error()}
	sgndJSON, err := json.Marshal(sgnd)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, validation.ErrBadSnapshot{Msg: err.Error()}
	return &storage.MetaUpdate{
		Role:    data.CanonicalSnapshotRole,
		Version: repo.Snapshot.Signed.Version,
		Data:    sgndJSON,
	}, nil