Пример #1
func New(host, cert, key string) (*Docker, error) {
	client, err := docker.NewHostCertFile(host, cert, key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return NewDocker(client), nil
Пример #2
func NewHostCertFile(host, cert, key string) *Docker {
	docker_node, err := docker.NewHostCertFile(host, cert, key)
	if err != nil {

	return &Docker{
		UUID:    uuid.New(),
		Kind:    dockerKind,
		Created: time.Now().UTC().Unix(),
		docker:  docker_node,
Пример #3
// TODO this has gotten a bit out of hand. refactor input params
func run(path, identity, sshconfig, dockerhost, dockercert, dockerkey string, publish, deploy, privileged bool) (int, error) {
	dockerClient, err := docker.NewHostCertFile(dockerhost, dockercert, dockerkey)
	if err != nil {
		return EXIT_STATUS, err

	// parse the private environment variables
	envs := getParamMap("DRONE_ENV_")

	// parse the Drone yml file
	s, err := script.ParseBuildFile(script.Inject(path, envs))
	if err != nil {
		return EXIT_STATUS, err

	// inject private environment variables into build script
	for key, val := range envs {
		s.Env = append(s.Env, key+"="+val)

	if deploy == false {
		s.Publish = nil
	if publish == false {
		s.Deploy = nil

	// get the repository root directory
	dir := filepath.Dir(path)
	code := repo.Repo{
		Name:   filepath.Base(dir),
		Branch: "HEAD", // should we do this?
		Path:   dir,

	// does the local repository match the
	// $GOPATH/src/{package} pattern? This is
	// important so we know the target location
	// where the code should be copied inside
	// the container.
	if gopath, ok := getRepoPath(dir); ok {
		code.Dir = gopath

	} else if gopath, ok := getGoPath(dir); ok {
		// in this case we found a GOPATH and
		// reverse engineered the package path
		code.Dir = gopath

	} else {
		// otherwise just use directory name
		code.Dir = filepath.Base(dir)

	// this is where the code gets uploaded to the container
	// TODO move this code to the build package
	code.Dir = filepath.Join("/var/cache/drone/src", filepath.Clean(code.Dir))

	// ssh key to import into container
	var key []byte
	if len(identity) != 0 {
		key, err = ioutil.ReadFile(identity)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("[Error] Could not find or read identity file %s\n", identity)
			return EXIT_STATUS, err

	// ssh-config file to import into container
	var sshconfigcontent []byte
	if len(sshconfig) != 0 {
		sshconfigcontent, err = ioutil.ReadFile(sshconfig)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("[Error] Could not find or read ssh-config file %s\n", sshconfig)
			return EXIT_STATUS, err

	// loop through and create builders
	builder := build.New(dockerClient)
	builder.Build = s
	builder.Repo = &code
	builder.Key = key
	builder.SSHConfig = sshconfigcontent
	builder.Stdout = os.Stdout
	builder.Timeout = 300 * time.Minute
	builder.Privileged = privileged

	// execute the build
	if err := builder.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Errf("Error executing build: %s", err.Error())
		return EXIT_STATUS, err

	fmt.Printf("\nDrone Build Results \033[90m(%s)\033[0m\n", dir)

	// loop through and print results

	build := builder.Build
	res := builder.BuildState
	duration := time.Duration(res.Finished - res.Started)
	switch {
	case builder.BuildState.ExitCode == 0:
		fmt.Printf(" \033[32m\u2713\033[0m %v \033[90m(%v)\033[0m\n", build.Name, humanizeDuration(duration*time.Second))
	case builder.BuildState.ExitCode != 0:
		fmt.Printf(" \033[31m\u2717\033[0m %v \033[90m(%v)\033[0m\n", build.Name, humanizeDuration(duration*time.Second))

	return builder.BuildState.ExitCode, nil