Пример #1
// promptNewPerson provides the input prompts necessary to construct a new person.
// Use this to implement the 'new' subcommand, and for any subcommand which requires
// creating a new person as part of it's functionality.
// It returns a person and status code. A 0 status code indicates success, any other
// status indicates failure, and the caller should exit immediately. promptNewPerson
// will have taken care of printing the error output.
func (c *PeopleCommand) promptNewPerson() (*models.Person, int) {
	p := models.NewPerson()
	p.CreatedAt = time.Now()

	var inputErr error

	if p.FirstName, inputErr = stringInput(c.UI, "First Name:"); inputErr != nil {
		c.errorf("input error: %s", inputErr)
		return nil, failure

	if p.LastName, inputErr = stringInput(c.UI, "Last Name:"); inputErr != nil {
		c.errorf("input error: %s", inputErr)
		return nil, failure

	p.OwnerId = c.UserID
	p.UpdatedAt = time.Now()

	if err := c.DB.Save(p); err != nil {
		c.errorf("error saving person: %s", err)
		return nil, failure

	return p, success
Пример #2
func newTestPerson(t *testing.T, db data.DB, u *models.User) *models.Person {
	person := models.NewPerson()
	person.CreatedAt = time.Now()
	person.OwnerId = u.ID().String()
	person.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
	if err := db.Save(person); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("newTestPerson Error: %s", err)
	return person
Пример #3
// init performs the necessary initliazation for the *PeopleCommand
// It ensures we have a UI, DB and UserID, so those can be treated
// as invariants throughought the rest of the code.
// Additionally it loads this user's people list.
func (c *PeopleCommand) init() int {
	if c.UI == nil {
		// can't use errorf, because the UI is not defined
		return failure

	if c.UserID == "" {
		c.errorf("no UserID provided")
		return failure

	if c.DB == nil {
		c.errorf("no database")
		return failure

	q := c.DB.Query(models.PersonKind)
		"owner_id": c.UserID,
	iter, err := q.Execute()
	if err != nil {
		c.errorf("while querying for people: %s", err)
		return failure

	c.people = make([]*models.Person, 0)
	person := models.NewPerson()
	for iter.Next(person) {
		c.people = append(c.people, person)
		person = models.NewPerson()

	if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {
		c.errorf("while querying for people: %s", err)
		return failure

	return success
Пример #4
// --- `elos people new` {{{
func TestPeopleNew(t *testing.T) {
	ui, db, _, c := newMockPeopleCommand(t)

	input := strings.Join([]string{
		"Nick",     // First Name
		"Landolfi", // Last Name
	}, "\n")

	ui.InputReader = bytes.NewBufferString(input)

	t.Log("running: `elos people new`")
	code := c.Run([]string{"new"})
	t.Log("command `new` terminated")

	errput := ui.ErrorWriter.String()
	output := ui.OutputWriter.String()
	t.Logf("Error output:\n%s", errput)
	t.Logf("Output:\n%s", output)

	// verify there were no errors
	if errput != "" {
		t.Fatalf("Expected no error output, got: %s", errput)

	// verify success
	if code != success {
		t.Fatalf("Expected successful exit code along with empty error output.")

	// verify some of the output
	if !strings.Contains(output, "First Name") {
		t.Fatalf("Output should have contained 'First Name' for first_name trait")

	person := models.NewPerson()
	if err := db.PopulateByField("first_name", "Nick", person); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Error looking for the new person: %s", err)

	// verify the last name was set properly
	if person.LastName != "Landolfi" {
		t.Fatal("Last name should have been Landolfi, not '%s'", person.LastName)