Пример #1
func TestSendPermission(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true) // give the 0 account permission
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx := types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Transaction failed", err)

	// Two inputs, one with permission, one without, should fail
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[2].Address, 10)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {
Пример #2
func cliRestore(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	if len(args) != 1 {
		Exit(fmt.Errorf("Enter the chain id"))
	chainID := args[0]

	var err error
	var b []byte

	if IPFShash == "" {
		fi, _ := os.Stdin.Stat()
		if fi.Size() == 0 {
			Exit(fmt.Errorf("Please pass data to restore on Stdin or specify IPFS hash with --ipfs=\"[hash]\""))
		b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
	} else {
		url := composeIPFSUrl(HostFlag, ApiFlag)

		w := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
		w.Write([]byte("Reading file from IPFS. Hash =>\t" + IPFShash + "\n"))
		b, err = IPFSCat(url, IPFShash, ApiFlag, w)

	CoreRestore(chainID, b)

	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	newState := sm.LoadState(stateDB)
	fmt.Printf("State hash: %X\n", newState.Hash())

Пример #3
func TestName(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)
	genDoc.Accounts[1].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Name, true)
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// name txs

	// simple name tx without perm should fail
	tx, err := types.NewNameTx(st, user[0].PubKey, "somename", "somedata", 10000, 100)
	if err != nil {
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple name tx with perm should pass
	tx, err = types.NewNameTx(st, user[1].PubKey, "somename", "somedata", 10000, 100)
	if err != nil {
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
Пример #4
func TestRestoreDump(t *testing.T) {
	b1, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(TestDir, "data1.json")) // with validators
	if err != nil {
	b2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(TestDir, "data2.json")) // without
	if err != nil {
	b1 = bytes.Trim(b1, "\n")
	b2 = bytes.Trim(b2, "\n")

	// restore to a memdir
	config.Set("db_backend", "memdb")
	cfg.ApplyConfig(config) // Notify modules of new config
	CoreRestore("", b1)

	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	st := sm.LoadState(stateDB)
	acc := st.GetAccount(ptypes.GlobalPermissionsAddress)

	dump1 := CoreDump(true) // with validators

	if bytes.Compare(b1, dump1) != 0 {
		ld, lb := len(dump1), len(b1)
		max := int(math.Max(float64(ld), float64(lb)))
		n := 100
		for i := 0; i < max/n; i++ {
			dd := dump1[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			bb := b1[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			if bytes.Compare(dd, bb) != 0 {
				t.Fatalf("Error in dumps! Got \n\n\n\n %s \n\n\n\n Expected \n\n\n\n %s", dd, bb)

	CoreRestore("", b2)
	dump2 := CoreDump(false) //without validators
	if bytes.Compare(b2, dump2) != 0 {
		ld, lb := len(dump2), len(b2)
		max := int(math.Max(float64(ld), float64(lb)))
		n := 100
		for i := 0; i < max/n; i++ {
			dd := dump2[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			bb := b2[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			if bytes.Compare(dd, bb) != 0 {
				t.Fatalf("Error in dumps! Got \n\n\n\n %s \n\n\n\n Expected \n\n\n\n %s", dd, bb)
Пример #5
// restore state from json blob
// set tendermint config before calling
func CoreRestore(chainID string, jsonBytes []byte) {
	var stJ State
	var err error
	wire.ReadJSON(&stJ, jsonBytes, &err)

	st := new(sm.State)

	st.ChainID = chainID
	st.BondedValidators = stJ.BondedValidators
	st.LastBondedValidators = stJ.LastBondedValidators
	st.UnbondingValidators = stJ.UnbondingValidators

	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")

	// fill the accounts tree
	accounts := merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, acm.AccountCodec, 1000, stateDB)
	for _, account := range stJ.Accounts {
		accounts.Set(account.Address, account.Copy())

	// fill the storage tree for each contract
	for _, accStorage := range stJ.AccountsStorage {
		st := merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, wire.BasicCodec, 1024, stateDB)
		for _, accSt := range accStorage.Storage {
			set := st.Set(accSt.Key, accSt.Value)
			if !set {
				panic("failed to update storage tree")
		// TODO: sanity check vs acc.StorageRoot


	valInfos := merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, types.ValidatorInfoCodec, 0, stateDB)
	for _, valInfo := range stJ.ValidatorInfos {
		valInfos.Set(valInfo.Address, valInfo)

	nameReg := merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, sm.NameRegCodec, 0, stateDB)
	for _, entry := range stJ.NameReg {
		nameReg.Set(entry.Name, entry)

	// persists accounts/valInfos/nameReg trees
Пример #6
// dump the latest state to json
func CoreDump(dumpval bool) []byte {
	// Get State
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	st := sm.LoadState(stateDB)
	if st == nil {
		Exit(fmt.Errorf("Error: state loaded from %s is nil!", config.GetString("db_dir")))

	stJ := new(State)

	//default is true, flag omits vals from dump
	if dumpval {
		stJ.BondedValidators = st.BondedValidators
		stJ.LastBondedValidators = st.LastBondedValidators
		stJ.UnbondingValidators = st.UnbondingValidators
	// iterate through accounts tree
	// track storage roots as we go
	storageRoots := [][]byte{}
	st.GetAccounts().Iterate(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) (stopped bool) {
		acc := value.(*acm.Account)
		stJ.Accounts = append(stJ.Accounts, acc)
		storageRoots = append(storageRoots, acc.StorageRoot)
		return false

	// grab all storage
	for i, root := range storageRoots {
		if len(root) == 0 {
		accStorage := &AccountStorage{Address: stJ.Accounts[i].Address}

		storage := merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, wire.BasicCodec, 1024, stateDB)
		storage.Iterate(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) (stopped bool) {
			k, v := key.([]byte), value.([]byte)
			accStorage.Storage = append(accStorage.Storage, &Storage{k, v})
			return false
		stJ.AccountsStorage = append(stJ.AccountsStorage, accStorage)

	// get all validator infos
	if dumpval {
		st.GetValidatorInfos().Iterate(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) (stopped bool) {
			vi := value.(*types.ValidatorInfo)
			stJ.ValidatorInfos = append(stJ.ValidatorInfos, vi)
			return false
	// get all name entries
	st.GetNames().Iterate(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) (stopped bool) {
		name := value.(*types.NameRegEntry)
		stJ.NameReg = append(stJ.NameReg, name)
		return false

	w, n, err := new(bytes.Buffer), new(int64), new(error)
	wire.WriteJSON(stJ, w, n, err)

	w2 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	json.Indent(w2, w.Bytes(), "", "\t")
	return w2.Bytes()
Пример #7
func TestSNativeTx(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true) // give the 0 account permission
	genDoc.Accounts[3].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true) // some arbitrary permission to play with
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// Test SNativeTx

	fmt.Println("\n#### SetBase")
	// SetBase
	snativeArgs := snativePermTestInputTx("set_base", user[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
	testSNativeTxExpectFail(t, blockCache, snativeArgs)
	testSNativeTxExpectPass(t, blockCache, ptypes.SetBase, snativeArgs)
	acc := blockCache.GetAccount(user[3].Address)
	if v, _ := acc.Permissions.Base.Get(ptypes.Bond); v {
		t.Fatal("expected permission to be set false")
	snativeArgs = snativePermTestInputTx("set_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, true)
	testSNativeTxExpectPass(t, blockCache, ptypes.SetBase, snativeArgs)
	acc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[3].Address)
	if v, _ := acc.Permissions.Base.Get(ptypes.CreateContract); !v {
		t.Fatal("expected permission to be set true")

	fmt.Println("\n#### UnsetBase")
	// UnsetBase
	snativeArgs = snativePermTestInputTx("unset_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
	testSNativeTxExpectFail(t, blockCache, snativeArgs)
	testSNativeTxExpectPass(t, blockCache, ptypes.UnsetBase, snativeArgs)
	acc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[3].Address)
	if v, _ := acc.Permissions.Base.Get(ptypes.CreateContract); v {
		t.Fatal("expected permission to be set false")

	fmt.Println("\n#### SetGlobal")
	// SetGlobalPerm
	snativeArgs = snativePermTestInputTx("set_global", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, true)
	testSNativeTxExpectFail(t, blockCache, snativeArgs)
	testSNativeTxExpectPass(t, blockCache, ptypes.SetGlobal, snativeArgs)
	acc = blockCache.GetAccount(ptypes.GlobalPermissionsAddress)
	if v, _ := acc.Permissions.Base.Get(ptypes.CreateContract); !v {
		t.Fatal("expected permission to be set true")

	fmt.Println("\n#### AddRole")
	// AddRole
	snativeArgs = snativeRoleTestInputTx("add_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeTxExpectFail(t, blockCache, snativeArgs)
	testSNativeTxExpectPass(t, blockCache, ptypes.AddRole, snativeArgs)
	acc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[3].Address)
	if v := acc.Permissions.HasRole("chuck"); !v {
		t.Fatal("expected role to be added")

	fmt.Println("\n#### RmRole")
	// RmRole
	snativeArgs = snativeRoleTestInputTx("rm_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeTxExpectFail(t, blockCache, snativeArgs)
	testSNativeTxExpectPass(t, blockCache, ptypes.RmRole, snativeArgs)
	acc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[3].Address)
	if v := acc.Permissions.HasRole("chuck"); v {
		t.Fatal("expected role to be removed")
Пример #8
func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true) // give the 0 account permission
	genDoc.Accounts[3].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true) // some arbitrary permission to play with
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// Test CALL to SNative contracts

	// make the main contract once
	doug := &acm.Account{
		Address:     DougAddress,
		Balance:     0,
		Code:        nil,
		Sequence:    0,
		StorageRoot: Zero256.Bytes(),
		Permissions: ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions,
	doug.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)
	//doug.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.HasBase, true)

	fmt.Println("\n#### HasBase")
	// HasBase
	snativeAddress, data := snativePermTestInputCALL("has_base", user[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
		return nil

	fmt.Println("\n#### SetBase")
	// SetBase
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("set_base", user[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("has_base", user[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
		if !IsZeros(ret) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
		return nil
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("set_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, true)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("has_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
		return nil

	fmt.Println("\n#### UnsetBase")
	// UnsetBase
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("unset_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("has_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		if !IsZeros(ret) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
		return nil

	fmt.Println("\n#### SetGlobal")
	// SetGlobalPerm
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("set_global", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, true)
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
	snativeAddress, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("has_base", user[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
		return nil

	fmt.Println("\n#### HasRole")
	// HasRole
	snativeAddress, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("has_role", user[3], "bumble")
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
		return nil

	fmt.Println("\n#### AddRole")
	// AddRole
	snativeAddress, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("has_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		if !IsZeros(ret) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
		return nil
	snativeAddress, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("add_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
	snativeAddress, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("has_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
		return nil

	fmt.Println("\n#### RmRole")
	// RmRole
	snativeAddress, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("rm_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data)
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
	snativeAddress, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("has_role", user[3], "chuck")
	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, blockCache, doug, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
		if !IsZeros(ret) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
		return nil
Пример #9
func TestCreateAccountPermission(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)          // give the 0 account permission
	genDoc.Accounts[1].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)          // give the 0 account permission
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateAccount, true) // give the 0 account permission
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// SendTx to unknown account

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx := types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[6].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Transaction failed", err)

	// Two inputs, both with send, one with create, one without, should fail
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[7].Address, 10)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// Two inputs, both with send, one with create, one without, two ouputs (one known, one unknown) should fail
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[7].Address, 4)
	tx.AddOutput(user[4].Address, 6)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// Two inputs, both with send, both with create, should pass
	acc := blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateAccount, true)
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[7].Address, 10)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// Two inputs, both with send, both with create, two outputs (one known, one unknown) should pass
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[7].Address, 7)
	tx.AddOutput(user[4].Address, 3)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// CALL to unknown account

	acc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[0].Address)
	acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)

	// call to contract that calls unknown account - without create_account perm
	// create contract that calls the simple contract
	contractCode := callContractCode(user[9].Address)
	caller1ContractAddr := NewContractAddress(user[4].Address, 101)
	caller1Acc := &acm.Account{
		Address:     caller1ContractAddr,
		Balance:     0,
		Code:        contractCode,
		Sequence:    0,
		StorageRoot: Zero256.Bytes(),
		Permissions: ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions,

	// A single input, having the permission, but the contract doesn't have permission
	txCall, _ := types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, caller1ContractAddr, nil, 100, 10000, 100)
	txCall.Sign(chainID, user[0])

	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception := execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, txCall, types.EventStringAccCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
	if exception == "" {
		t.Fatal("Expected exception")

	// NOTE: for a contract to be able to CreateAccount, it must be able to call
	// NOTE: for a user to be able to CreateAccount, it must be able to send!
	caller1Acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateAccount, true)
	caller1Acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)
	// A single input, having the permission, but the contract doesn't have permission
	txCall, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, caller1ContractAddr, nil, 100, 10000, 100)
	txCall.Sign(chainID, user[0])

	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception = execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, txCall, types.EventStringAccCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
	if exception != "" {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected exception", exception)

Пример #10
func TestBondPermission(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)
	var bondAcc *acm.Account

	// one bonder without permission should fail
	tx, _ := types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[1])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// one bonder with permission should pass
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input without send should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input with send should pass
	sendAcc := blockCache.GetAccount(user[2].Address)
	sendAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input with bond should pass
	sendAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input from that bonder and an input without send or bond should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[1])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
Пример #11
func TestCreatePermission(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true) // give the 0 account permission
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)           // give the 0 account permission
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// create a simple contract
	fmt.Println("\n##### CREATE SIMPLE CONTRACT")

	contractCode := []byte{0x60}
	createCode := wrapContractForCreate(contractCode)

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx, _ := types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, nil, createCode, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Transaction failed", err)
	// ensure the contract is there
	contractAddr := NewContractAddress(tx.Input.Address, tx.Input.Sequence)
	contractAcc := blockCache.GetAccount(contractAddr)
	if contractAcc == nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to create contract %X", contractAddr)
	if bytes.Compare(contractAcc.Code, contractCode) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("contract does not have correct code. Got %X, expected %X", contractAcc.Code, contractCode)

	// create contract that uses the CREATE op
	fmt.Println("\n##### CREATE FACTORY")

	contractCode = []byte{0x60}
	createCode = wrapContractForCreate(contractCode)
	factoryCode := createContractCode()
	createFactoryCode := wrapContractForCreate(factoryCode)

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, nil, createFactoryCode, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Transaction failed", err)
	// ensure the contract is there
	contractAddr = NewContractAddress(tx.Input.Address, tx.Input.Sequence)
	contractAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(contractAddr)
	if contractAcc == nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to create contract %X", contractAddr)
	if bytes.Compare(contractAcc.Code, factoryCode) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("contract does not have correct code. Got %X, expected %X", contractAcc.Code, factoryCode)

	// call the contract (should FAIL)
	fmt.Println("\n###### CALL THE FACTORY (FAIL)")

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, contractAddr, createCode, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception := execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(contractAddr)) //
	if exception == "" {
		t.Fatal("expected exception")

	// call the contract (should PASS)
	fmt.Println("\n###### CALL THE FACTORY (PASS)")

	contractAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true)

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, contractAddr, createCode, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception = execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(contractAddr)) //
	if exception != "" {
		t.Fatal("unexpected exception", exception)

	fmt.Println("\n##### CALL to empty address")
	zeroAddr := LeftPadBytes([]byte{}, 20)
	code := callContractCode(zeroAddr)

	contractAddr = NewContractAddress(user[0].Address, 110)
	contractAcc = &acm.Account{
		Address:     contractAddr,
		Balance:     1000,
		Code:        code,
		Sequence:    0,
		StorageRoot: Zero256.Bytes(),
		Permissions: ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions,
	contractAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)
	contractAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true)

	// this should call the 0 address but not create ...
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, contractAddr, createCode, 100, 10000, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception = execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(zeroAddr)) //
	if exception != "" {
		t.Fatal("unexpected exception", exception)
	zeroAcc := blockCache.GetAccount(zeroAddr)
	if len(zeroAcc.Code) != 0 {
		t.Fatal("the zero account was given code from a CALL!")
Пример #12
func TestCallPermission(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true) // give the 0 account permission
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// call to simple contract
	fmt.Println("\n##### SIMPLE CONTRACT")

	// create simple contract
	simpleContractAddr := NewContractAddress(user[0].Address, 100)
	simpleAcc := &acm.Account{
		Address:     simpleContractAddr,
		Balance:     0,
		Code:        []byte{0x60},
		Sequence:    0,
		StorageRoot: Zero256.Bytes(),
		Permissions: ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions,

	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
	tx, _ := types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, simpleContractAddr, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Transaction failed", err)

	// call to contract that calls simple contract - without perm
	fmt.Println("\n##### CALL TO SIMPLE CONTRACT (FAIL)")

	// create contract that calls the simple contract
	contractCode := callContractCode(simpleContractAddr)
	caller1ContractAddr := NewContractAddress(user[0].Address, 101)
	caller1Acc := &acm.Account{
		Address:     caller1ContractAddr,
		Balance:     10000,
		Code:        contractCode,
		Sequence:    0,
		StorageRoot: Zero256.Bytes(),
		Permissions: ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions,

	// A single input, having the permission, but the contract doesn't have permission
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, caller1ContractAddr, nil, 100, 10000, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])

	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception := execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
	if exception == "" {
		t.Fatal("Expected exception")

	// call to contract that calls simple contract - with perm
	fmt.Println("\n##### CALL TO SIMPLE CONTRACT (PASS)")

	// A single input, having the permission, and the contract has permission
	caller1Acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, caller1ContractAddr, nil, 100, 10000, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])

	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception = execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
	if exception != "" {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected exception:", exception)

	// call to contract that calls contract that calls simple contract - without perm
	// caller1Contract calls simpleContract. caller2Contract calls caller1Contract.
	// caller1Contract does not have call perms, but caller2Contract does.

	contractCode2 := callContractCode(caller1ContractAddr)
	caller2ContractAddr := NewContractAddress(user[0].Address, 102)
	caller2Acc := &acm.Account{
		Address:     caller2ContractAddr,
		Balance:     1000,
		Code:        contractCode2,
		Sequence:    0,
		StorageRoot: Zero256.Bytes(),
		Permissions: ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions,
	caller1Acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, false)
	caller2Acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)

	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, caller2ContractAddr, nil, 100, 10000, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])

	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception = execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
	if exception == "" {
		t.Fatal("Expected exception")

	// call to contract that calls contract that calls simple contract - without perm
	// caller1Contract calls simpleContract. caller2Contract calls caller1Contract.
	// both caller1 and caller2 have permission

	caller1Acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)

	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, caller2ContractAddr, nil, 100, 10000, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])

	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
	_, exception = execTxWaitEvent(t, blockCache, tx, types.EventStringAccCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
	if exception != "" {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected exception", exception)
Пример #13
func TestCallFails(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[1].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)
	genDoc.Accounts[2].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)
	genDoc.Accounts[3].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true)
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// call txs

	// simple call tx should fail
	tx, _ := types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, user[4].Address, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple call tx with send permission should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, user[4].Address, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple call tx with create permission should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[3].PubKey, user[4].Address, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[3])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// create txs

	// simple call create tx should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, nil, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple call create tx with send perm should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, nil, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple call create tx with call perm should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewCallTx(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, nil, nil, 100, 100, 100)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[2])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {
Пример #14
func TestSendFails(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	genDoc.Accounts[1].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)
	genDoc.Accounts[2].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)
	genDoc.Accounts[3].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true)
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)

	// send txs

	// simple send tx should fail
	tx := types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[0].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple send tx with call perm should fail
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[4].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple send tx with create perm should fail
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[3].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[4].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[3])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// simple send tx to unknown account without create_account perm should fail
	acc := blockCache.GetAccount(user[3].Address)
	acc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)
	tx = types.NewSendTx()
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[3].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[6].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[3])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {