Пример #1
func logPackageVersion(packageName string, version string) {
	util.Info("Deploying package: ")
	util.Info(" version: ")
Пример #2
func NewCmdVolume(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "volume",
		Short: "Creates a persisent volume for fabric8 apps needing persistent disk",
		Long:  `Creates a persisent volume so that the PersistentVolumeClaims in fabric8 apps can be satisfied when creating fabric8 apps`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatal("No default namespace")
				printResult("Get default namespace", Failure, err)
			} else {
				util.Info("Creating a persistent volume for your ")
				util.Info(" installation at ")
				util.Info(" in namespace ")
				util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

				r, err := createPersistentVolume(cmd, ns, c, f)
				printResult("Create PersistentVolume", r, err)
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(hostPathFlag, "", "", "Defines the host folder on which to define a persisent volume for single node setups")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(nameFlag, "", "fabric8", "The name of the PersistentVolume to create")
	return cmd
Пример #3
func NewCmdIngress(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "ingress",
		Short: "Creates any missing Ingress resources for services",
		Long:  `Creates any missing Ingress resources for Services which are of type LoadBalancer`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatal("No default namespace")
				printResult("Get default namespace", Failure, err)
			} else {
				domain := cmd.Flags().Lookup(domainFlag).Value.String()

				util.Info("Setting up ingress on your ")
				util.Info(" installation at ")
				util.Info(" in namespace ")
				util.Successf("%s at domain %s\n\n", ns, domain)
				err := createIngressForDomain(ns, domain, c, f)
				printError("Create Ingress", err)
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(domainFlag, "", defaultDomain(), "The domain to put the created routes inside")
	return cmd
Пример #4
func NewCmdRoutes(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "routes",
		Short: "Creates any missing Routes for services",
		Long:  `Creates any missing Route resources for Services which need to be exposed remotely`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)
			ns, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatal("No default namespace")
				printResult("Get default namespace", Failure, err)
			} else {
				util.Info("Creating a persistent volume for your ")
				util.Info(" installation at ")
				util.Info(" in namespace ")
				util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

				domain := cmd.Flags().Lookup(domainFlag).Value.String()

				err := createRoutesForDomain(ns, domain, c, oc, f)
				printError("Create Routes", err)
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(domainFlag, "", defaultDomain(), "The domain to put the created routes inside")
	return cmd
Пример #5
func NewCmdSecrets(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "secrets",
		Short: "Set up Secrets on your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment",
		Long:  `set up Secrets on your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()
			util.Info("Setting up secrets on your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

			if confirmAction(cmd.Flags()) {
				typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)

				if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
					util.Fatal("Support for Kubernetes not yet available...\n")
				} else {
					oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)
					t := getTemplates(oc, ns)

					count := 0
					// get all the Templates and find the annotations on any Pods
					for _, i := range t.Items {
						// convert TemplateList.Objects to Kubernetes resources
						_ = runtime.DecodeList(i.Objects, api.Scheme, runtime.UnstructuredJSONScheme)
						for _, rc := range i.Objects {
							switch rc := rc.(type) {
							case *api.ReplicationController:
								for secretType, secretDataIdentifiers := range rc.Spec.Template.Annotations {
									count += createAndPrintSecrets(secretDataIdentifiers, secretType, c, f, cmd.Flags())

					if count == 0 {
						util.Info("No secrets created as no fabric8 secrets annotations found in the templates\n")
						util.Info("For more details see: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8/blob/master/docs/secretAnnotations.md\n")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("print-import-folder-structure", "", true, "Prints the folder structures that are being used by the template annotations to import secrets")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("write-generated-keys", "", false, "Write generated secrets to the local filesystem")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("generate-secrets-data", "g", true, "Generate secrets data if secrets cannot be found to import from the local filesystem")
	return cmd
Пример #6
func NewCmdRun(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "run",
		Short: "Runs a fabric8 microservice from one of the installed templates",
		Long:  `runs a fabric8 microservice from one of the installed templates`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()

			if len(args) == 0 {
				util.Info("Please specify a template name to run\n")
			domain := cmd.Flags().Lookup(domainFlag).Value.String()
			apiserver := cmd.Flags().Lookup(apiServerFlag).Value.String()
			pv := cmd.Flags().Lookup(pvFlag).Value.String() == "true"

			typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)

			util.Info("Running an app template to your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" for domain ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

			if len(apiserver) == 0 {
				apiserver = domain

			yes := cmd.Flags().Lookup(yesFlag).Value.String() == "false"
			if strings.Contains(domain, "=") {
				util.Warnf("\nInvalid domain: %s\n\n", domain)

			} else if confirmAction(yes) {
				oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)

				for _, app := range args {
					runTemplate(c, oc, app, ns, domain, apiserver, pv)
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(domainFlag, "d", defaultDomain(), "The domain name to append to the service name to access web applications")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(apiServerFlag, "", "overrides the api server url")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(pvFlag, true, "Enable the use of persistence (enabling the PersistentVolumeClaims)?")
	return cmd
Пример #7
func downloadDriver() (err error) {

	if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
		util.Infof("fabric8 recommends OSX users use the xhyve driver\n")
		info, err := exec.Command("brew", "info", "docker-machine-driver-xhyve").Output()

		if err != nil || strings.Contains(string(info), "Not installed") {
			e := exec.Command("brew", "install", "docker-machine-driver-xhyve")
			e.Stdout = os.Stdout
			e.Stderr = os.Stderr
			err = e.Run()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			out, err := exec.Command("brew", "--prefix").Output()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			brewPrefix := strings.TrimSpace(string(out))

			file := string(brewPrefix) + "/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve"
			e = exec.Command("sudo", "chown", "root:wheel", file)
			e.Stdout = os.Stdout
			e.Stderr = os.Stderr
			err = e.Run()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			e = exec.Command("sudo", "chmod", "u+s", file)
			e.Stdout = os.Stdout
			e.Stderr = os.Stderr
			err = e.Run()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			util.Success("xhyve driver installed\n")
		} else {
			util.Success("xhyve driver already installed\n")

	} else if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
		return errors.New("Driver install for " + runtime.GOOS + " not yet supported")
	return nil
Пример #8
func NewCmdPull(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "pull [templateNames]",
		Short: "Pulls the docker images for the given templates",
		Long:  `Performs a docker pull on all the docker images referenced in the given templates to preload the local docker registry with images`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			if len(args) < 1 {
				util.Error("No template names specified!")
			} else {
				_, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
				oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)
				ns, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
				if err != nil {
					util.Fatal("No default namespace")
				} else {
					for _, template := range args {
						util.Info("Downloading docker images for template ")

						r, err := downloadTemplateDockerImages(cmd, ns, oc, f, template)
						printResult("Download Docker images", r, err)
	return cmd
Пример #9
func NewCmdValidate(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "validate",
		Short: "Validate your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment",
		Long:  `validate your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()
			util.Info("Validating your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)
			printValidationResult("Service account", validateServiceAccount, c, f)
			printValidationResult("Console", validateConsoleDeployment, c, f)

			r, err := validateProxyServiceRestAPI(c, f, cfg.Host)
			printResult("REST Proxy Service API", r, err)

			if util.TypeOfMaster(c) == util.Kubernetes {
				printValidationResult("Jenkinshift Service", validateJenkinshiftService, c, f)

			if util.TypeOfMaster(c) == util.OpenShift {
				printValidationResult("Router", validateRouter, c, f)
				oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)
				printOValidationResult("Templates", validateTemplates, oc, f)
				printValidationResult("SecurityContextConstraints", validateSecurityContextConstraints, c, f)

			printValidationResult("PersistentVolumeClaims", validatePersistenceVolumeClaims, c, f)
			printValidationResult("ConfigMaps", validateConfigMaps, c, f)

	return cmd
Пример #10
func cleanUp(f *cmdutil.Factory) error {
	c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
	ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()
	typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)
	selector, err := unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(&unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{"provider": "fabric8"}})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if typeOfMaster == util.OpenShift {
		oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)
		cleanUpOpenshiftResources(c, oc, ns, selector)

	cleanUpKubernetesResources(c, ns, selector)

	util.Success("Successfully cleaned up\n")
	return nil
Пример #11
func downloadDockerImage(imageName string) error {
	util.Info("Downloading image ")

	cmd := exec.Command("docker", "pull", imageName)
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	var waitStatus syscall.WaitStatus
	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			waitStatus = exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
		return err
	} else {
		waitStatus = cmd.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
		return nil
Пример #12
func NewCmdDeploy(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "deploy",
		Short: "Deploy fabric8 to your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment",
		Long:  `deploy fabric8 to your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()

			domain := cmd.Flags().Lookup(domainFlag).Value.String()
			apiserver := cmd.Flags().Lookup(apiServerFlag).Value.String()
			arch := cmd.Flags().Lookup(archFlag).Value.String()

			typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)

			util.Info("Deploying fabric8 to your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" for domain ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

			useIngress := cmd.Flags().Lookup(useIngressFlag).Value.String() == "true"
			deployConsole := cmd.Flags().Lookup(consoleFlag).Value.String() == "true"

			mavenRepo := cmd.Flags().Lookup(mavenRepoFlag).Value.String()
			if !strings.HasSuffix(mavenRepo, "/") {
				mavenRepo = mavenRepo + "/"
			util.Info("Loading fabric8 releases from maven repository:")
			util.Successf("%s\n", mavenRepo)

			dockerRegistry := cmd.Flags().Lookup(dockerRegistryFlag).Value.String()
			if len(dockerRegistry) > 0 {
				util.Infof("Loading fabric8 docker images from docker registry: %s\n", dockerRegistry)

			if len(apiserver) == 0 {
				apiserver = domain

			if strings.Contains(domain, "=") {
				util.Warnf("\nInvalid domain: %s\n\n", domain)
			} else if confirmAction(cmd.Flags()) {
				v := cmd.Flags().Lookup("fabric8-version").Value.String()

				consoleVersion := f8ConsoleVersion(mavenRepo, v, typeOfMaster)

				versioniPaaS := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versioniPaaSFlag).Value.String()
				versioniPaaS = versionForUrl(versioniPaaS, urlJoin(mavenRepo, iPaaSMetadataUrl))

				versionDevOps := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versionDevOpsFlag).Value.String()
				versionDevOps = versionForUrl(versionDevOps, urlJoin(mavenRepo, devOpsMetadataUrl))

				versionKubeflix := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versionKubeflixFlag).Value.String()
				versionKubeflix = versionForUrl(versionKubeflix, urlJoin(mavenRepo, kubeflixMetadataUrl))

				versionZipkin := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versionZipkinFlag).Value.String()
				versionZipkin = versionForUrl(versionZipkin, urlJoin(mavenRepo, zipkinMetadataUrl))

				util.Warnf("\nStarting fabric8 console deployment using %s...\n\n", consoleVersion)

				oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)


				if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
					uri := fmt.Sprintf(urlJoin(mavenRepo, baseConsoleKubernetesUrl), consoleVersion)
					if fabric8ImageAdaptionNeeded(dockerRegistry, arch) {
						jsonData, err := loadJsonDataAndAdaptFabric8Images(uri, dockerRegistry, arch)
						if err == nil {
							tmpFileName := "/tmp/fabric8-console.json"
							t, err := os.OpenFile(tmpFileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0777)
							if err != nil {
								util.Fatalf("Cannot open the converted fabric8 console template file: %v", err)
							defer t.Close()

							_, err = io.Copy(t, bytes.NewReader(jsonData))
							if err != nil {
								util.Fatalf("Cannot write the converted fabric8 console template file: %v", err)
							uri = tmpFileName
					filenames := []string{uri}

					if deployConsole {
						createCmd := &cobra.Command{}
						err := kcmd.RunCreate(f, createCmd, ioutil.Discard, &kcmd.CreateOptions{Filenames: filenames})
						if err != nil {
							printResult("fabric8 console", Failure, err)
						} else {
							printResult("fabric8 console", Success, nil)
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "fluentd")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "registry")
				} else {
					r, err := verifyRestrictedSecurityContextConstraints(c, f)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints restricted", r, err)
					r, err = deployFabric8SecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints fabric8", r, err)
					r, err = deployFabric8SASSecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints "+Fabric8SASSCC, r, err)

					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fabric8")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":jenkins")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":metrics")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fluentd")

					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "fluentd")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "registry")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "router")

					if cmd.Flags().Lookup(templatesFlag).Value.String() == "true" {
						if deployConsole {
							uri := fmt.Sprintf(urlJoin(mavenRepo, baseConsoleUrl), consoleVersion)
							jsonData, err := loadJsonDataAndAdaptFabric8Images(uri, dockerRegistry, arch)
							if err != nil {
								printError("failed to apply docker registry prefix", err)

							// lets delete the OAuthClient first as the domain may have changed
							createTemplate(jsonData, "fabric8 console", ns, domain, apiserver, c)
					} else {
						printError("Ignoring the deploy of the fabric8 console", nil)
				if deployConsole {
					println("Created fabric8 console")

				if cmd.Flags().Lookup(templatesFlag).Value.String() == "true" {
					println("Installing templates!")
					printError("Install DevOps templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versionDevOps, urlJoin(mavenRepo, devopsTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
					printError("Install iPaaS templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versioniPaaS, urlJoin(mavenRepo, iPaaSTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
					printError("Install Kubeflix templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versionKubeflix, urlJoin(mavenRepo, kubeflixTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
					printError("Install Zipkin templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versionZipkin, urlJoin(mavenRepo, zipkinTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
				} else {
					printError("Ignoring the deploy of templates", nil)

				appToRun := cmd.Flags().Lookup(runFlag).Value.String()
				if len(appToRun) > 0 {
					runTemplate(c, oc, appToRun, ns, domain, apiserver)

				if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
					if useIngress {
						runTemplate(c, oc, "ingress-nginx", ns, domain, apiserver)

						printError("Create ingress resources", createIngressForDomain(ns, domain, c, f))
				} else {
					printError("Create route resources", createRoutesForDomain(ns, domain, c, oc, f))

				// lets label the namespace/project as a developer team
				nss := c.Namespaces()
				namespace, err := nss.Get(ns)
				if err != nil {
					printError("Failed to load namespace", err)
				} else {
					if addLabelIfNotxisEt(&namespace.ObjectMeta, typeLabel, teamTypeLabelValue) {
						_, err = nss.Update(namespace)
						if err != nil {
							printError("Failed to label namespace", err)
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("domain", "d", defaultDomain(), "The domain name to append to the service name to access web applications")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String("api-server", "", "overrides the api server url")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(archFlag, goruntime.GOARCH, "CPU architecture for referencing Docker images with this as a name suffix")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versioniPaaSFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Fabric8 iPaaS templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versionDevOpsFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Fabric8 DevOps templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versionKubeflixFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Kubeflix templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versionZipkinFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Zipkin templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(mavenRepoFlag, "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/", "The maven repo used to find releases of fabric8")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(dockerRegistryFlag, "", "The docker registry used to download fabric8 images. Typically used to point to a staging registry")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(runFlag, "", "The name of the fabric8 app to startup. e.g. use `--app=cd-pipeline` to run the main CI/CD pipeline app")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(templatesFlag, true, "Should the standard Fabric8 templates be installed?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(consoleFlag, true, "Should the Fabric8 console be deployed?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(useIngressFlag, true, "Should Ingress be enabled by default?")
	return cmd
Пример #13
func deploy(f *cmdutil.Factory, d DefaultFabric8Deployment) {
	c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
	ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()

	domain := d.domain
	dockerRegistry := d.dockerRegistry

	mini, err := util.IsMini()
	if err != nil {
		util.Failuref("error checking if minikube or minishift %v", err)

	packageName := d.packageName
	if len(packageName) == 0 {
		util.Fatalf("Missing value for --%s", packageFlag)

	typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)

	// extract the ip address from the URL
	u, err := url.Parse(cfg.Host)
	if err != nil {
		util.Fatalf("%s", err)

	ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
	if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
		util.Fatalf("%s", err)

	// default xip domain if local deployment incase users deploy ingress controller or router
	if mini && typeOfMaster == util.OpenShift {
		domain = ip + ".xip.io"

	// default to the server from the current context
	apiserver := u.Host
	if d.apiserver != "" {
		apiserver = d.apiserver

	util.Info("Deploying fabric8 to your ")
	util.Info(" installation at ")
	util.Info(" for domain ")
	util.Info(" in namespace ")
	util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

	mavenRepo := d.mavenRepo
	if !strings.HasSuffix(mavenRepo, "/") {
		mavenRepo = mavenRepo + "/"
	util.Info("Loading fabric8 releases from maven repository:")
	util.Successf("%s\n", mavenRepo)

	if len(dockerRegistry) > 0 {
		util.Infof("Loading fabric8 docker images from docker registry: %s\n", dockerRegistry)

	if len(apiserver) == 0 {
		apiserver = domain

	if len(d.appToRun) > 0 {
		util.Warn("Please note that the --app parameter is now deprecated.\n")
		util.Warn("Please use the --package argument to specify a package like `platform`, `console`, `ipaas` or to refer to a URL or file of the YAML package to install\n")

	if strings.Contains(domain, "=") {
		util.Warnf("\nInvalid domain: %s\n\n", domain)
	} else if confirmAction(d.yes) {

		oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)


		ensureNamespaceExists(c, oc, ns)

		versionPlatform := ""
		baseUri := ""
		switch packageName {
		case "":
		case platformPackage:
			baseUri = platformPackageUrlPrefix
			versionPlatform = versionForUrl(d.versionPlatform, urlJoin(mavenRepo, platformMetadataUrl))
			logPackageVersion(packageName, versionPlatform)
		case consolePackage:
			baseUri = consolePackageUrlPrefix
			versionPlatform = versionForUrl(d.versionPlatform, urlJoin(mavenRepo, consolePackageMetadataUrl))
			logPackageVersion(packageName, versionPlatform)
		case iPaaSPackage:
			baseUri = ipaasPackageUrlPrefix
			versionPlatform = versionForUrl(d.versioniPaaS, urlJoin(mavenRepo, ipaasMetadataUrl))
			logPackageVersion(packageName, versionPlatform)
			baseUri = ""
		uri := ""
		if len(baseUri) > 0 {
			uri = fmt.Sprintf(urlJoin(mavenRepo, baseUri), versionPlatform)

		} else {
			// lets assume the package is a file or a uri already
			if strings.Contains(packageName, "://") {
				uri = packageName
			} else {
				d, err := os.Stat(packageName)
				if err != nil {
					util.Fatalf("package %s not recognised and is not a local file %s\n", packageName, err)
				if m := d.Mode(); m.IsDir() {
					util.Fatalf("package %s not recognised and is not a local file %s\n", packageName, err)
				absFile, err := filepath.Abs(packageName)
				if err != nil {
					util.Fatalf("package %s not recognised and is not a local file %s\n", packageName, err)
				uri = "file://" + absFile

		if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(uri, "file://") {
				uri += "kubernetes.yml"
		} else {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(uri, "file://") {
				uri += "openshift.yml"

			r, err := verifyRestrictedSecurityContextConstraints(c, f)
			printResult("SecurityContextConstraints restricted", r, err)
			r, err = deployFabric8SecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
			printResult("SecurityContextConstraints fabric8", r, err)
			r, err = deployFabric8SASSecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
			printResult("SecurityContextConstraints "+Fabric8SASSCC, r, err)

			printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fabric8")

			// TODO replace all of this with the necessary RoleBindings inside the OpenShift YAML...
			printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":jenkins")

			printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":configmapcontroller")
			printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":exposecontroller")

			printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":metrics")
			printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fluentd")

			printAddClusterRoleToGroup(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccounts")

			printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "fluentd")
			printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "registry")
			printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "router")

		// now lets apply this template
		util.Infof("Now about to install package %s\n", uri)

		yamlData := []byte{}
		format := "yaml"

		if strings.HasPrefix(uri, "file://") {
			fileName := strings.TrimPrefix(uri, "file://")
			if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".json") {
				format = "json"
			yamlData, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatalf("Cannot load file %s got: %v", fileName, err)
		} else {
			resp, err := http.Get(uri)
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatalf("Cannot load YAML package at %s got: %v", uri, err)
			defer resp.Body.Close()
			yamlData, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatalf("Cannot load YAML from %s got: %v", uri, err)
		createTemplate(yamlData, format, packageName, ns, domain, apiserver, c, oc, d.pv)

		externalNodeName := ""
		if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
			if !mini && d.useIngress {
				ensureNamespaceExists(c, oc, fabric8SystemNamespace)
				util.Infof("ns is %s\n", ns)
				runTemplate(c, oc, "ingress-nginx", ns, domain, apiserver, d.pv)
				externalNodeName = addIngressInfraLabel(c, ns)

		updateExposeControllerConfig(c, ns, apiserver, domain, mini, d.useLoadbalancer)

		mini, _ := util.IsMini()
		if mini {
			createMissingPVs(c, ns)

		printSummary(typeOfMaster, externalNodeName, ns, domain, c)
		if d.openConsole {
			openService(ns, "fabric8", c, false, true)
Пример #14
func NewCmdSecrets(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "secrets",
		Short: "Set up Secrets on your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment",
		Long:  `set up Secrets on your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()
			util.Info("Setting up secrets on your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

			yes := cmd.Flags().Lookup(yesFlag).Value.String() == "false"
			if confirmAction(yes) {
				count := 0

				typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)

				catalogSelector := map[string]string{
					"provider": "fabric8.io",
					"kind":     "catalog",
				configmaps, err := c.ConfigMaps(ns).List(api.ListOptions{
					LabelSelector: labels.Set(catalogSelector).AsSelector(),
				if err != nil {
					fmt.Println("Failed to load Catalog configmaps %s", err)
				} else {
					for _, configmap := range configmaps.Items {
						for key, data := range configmap.Data {
							obj, err := runtime.Decode(api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), []byte(data))
							if err != nil {
								util.Infof("Failed to decodeconfig map %s with key %s. Got error: %s", configmap.ObjectMeta.Name, key, err)
							} else {
								switch rc := obj.(type) {
								case *api.ReplicationController:
									for secretType, secretDataIdentifiers := range rc.Spec.Template.Annotations {
										count += createAndPrintSecrets(secretDataIdentifiers, secretType, c, f, cmd.Flags())
								case *tapi.Template:
									count += processSecretsForTemplate(c, *rc, f, cmd)

				if typeOfMaster != util.Kubernetes {
					oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)
					t := getTemplates(oc, ns)

					// get all the Templates and find the annotations on any Pods
					for _, i := range t.Items {
						count += processSecretsForTemplate(c, i, f, cmd)

				if count == 0 {
					util.Info("No secrets created as no fabric8 secrets annotations found in the Fabric8 Catalog\n")
					util.Info("For more details see: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8/blob/master/docs/secretAnnotations.md\n")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("print-import-folder-structure", "", true, "Prints the folder structures that are being used by the template annotations to import secrets")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("write-generated-keys", "", false, "Write generated secrets to the local filesystem")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("generate-secrets-data", "g", true, "Generate secrets data if secrets cannot be found to import from the local filesystem")
	return cmd
Пример #15
func NewCmdDeploy(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "deploy",
		Short: "Deploy fabric8 to your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment",
		Long:  `deploy fabric8 to your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()
			util.Info("Deploying fabric8 to your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

			if confirmAction(cmd.Flags()) {
				v := cmd.Flags().Lookup("version").Value.String()

				typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)
				v = f8Version(v, typeOfMaster)

				versioniPaaS := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versioniPaaSFlag).Value.String()
				versioniPaaS = versionForUrl(versioniPaaS, iPaaSMetadataUrl)

				util.Warnf("\nStarting deployment of %s...\n\n", v)

				if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
					uri := fmt.Sprintf(baseConsoleKubernetesUrl, v)
					filenames := []string{uri}

					createCmd := cobra.Command{}
					createCmd.Flags().StringSlice("filename", filenames, "")
					err := kcmd.RunCreate(f, &createCmd, ioutil.Discard)
					if err != nil {
						printResult("fabric8 console", Failure, err)
					} else {
						printResult("fabric8 console", Success, nil)
				} else {
					oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)

					r, err := verifyRestrictedSecurityContextConstraints(c, f)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints restricted", r, err)
					r, err = deployFabric8SecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints fabric8", r, err)

					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fabric8")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":jenkins")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":metrics")

					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "metrics")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "router")

					if cmd.Flags().Lookup(templatesFlag).Value.String() == "true" {
						uri := fmt.Sprintf(baseConsoleUrl, v)
						resp, err := http.Get(uri)
						if err != nil {
							util.Fatalf("Cannot get fabric8 template to deploy: %v", err)
						defer resp.Body.Close()
						jsonData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
						if err != nil {
							util.Fatalf("Cannot get fabric8 template to deploy: %v", err)
						var v1tmpl tapiv1.Template
						err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &v1tmpl)
						if err != nil {
							util.Fatalf("Cannot get fabric8 template to deploy: %v", err)
						var tmpl tapi.Template

						err = api.Scheme.Convert(&v1tmpl, &tmpl)
						if err != nil {
							util.Fatalf("Cannot get fabric8 template to deploy: %v", err)

						generators := map[string]generator.Generator{
							"expression": generator.NewExpressionValueGenerator(rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))),
						p := template.NewProcessor(generators)

						tmpl.Parameters = append(tmpl.Parameters, tapi.Parameter{
							Name:  "DOMAIN",
							Value: cmd.Flags().Lookup("domain").Value.String(),


						for _, o := range tmpl.Objects {
							switch o := o.(type) {
							case *runtime.Unstructured:
								var b []byte
								b, err = json.Marshal(o.Object)
								if err != nil {
								req := c.Post().Body(b)
								if o.Kind != "OAuthClient" {
									req.Namespace(ns).Resource(strings.ToLower(o.TypeMeta.Kind + "s"))
								} else {
									req.AbsPath("oapi", "v1", strings.ToLower(o.TypeMeta.Kind+"s"))
								res := req.Do()
								if res.Error() != nil {
									err = res.Error()
								var statusCode int
								if statusCode != http.StatusCreated {
									err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to create %s: %d", o.TypeMeta.Kind, statusCode)

						if err != nil {
							printResult("fabric8 console", Failure, err)
						} else {
							printResult("fabric8 console", Success, nil)
					} else {
						printError("Ignoring the deploy of the fabric8 console", nil)

					if cmd.Flags().Lookup(templatesFlag).Value.String() == "true" {
						printError("Install DevOps templates", installTemplates(oc, f, v, templatesDistroUrl))
						printError("Install iPaaS templates", installTemplates(oc, f, versioniPaaS, iPaaSTemplatesDistroUrl))
					} else {
						printError("Ignoring the deploy of templates", nil)

					domain := cmd.Flags().Lookup(domainFlag).Value.String()

					printError("Create routes", createRoutesForDomain(ns, domain, c, oc, f))
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("domain", "d", defaultDomain(), "The domain name to append to the service name to access web applications")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(versioniPaaSFlag, "", "latest", "The version to use for the Fabric8 iPaaS templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(templatesFlag, true, "Should the standard Fabric8 templates be installed?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(consoleFlag, true, "Should the Fabric8 console be deployed?")
	return cmd
Пример #16
func NewCmdDeploy(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "deploy",
		Short: "Deploy fabric8 to your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment",
		Long:  `deploy fabric8 to your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment`,
		PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, cfg := client.NewClient(f)
			ns, _, _ := f.DefaultNamespace()

			domain := cmd.Flags().Lookup(domainFlag).Value.String()
			apiserver := cmd.Flags().Lookup(apiServerFlag).Value.String()
			arch := cmd.Flags().Lookup(archFlag).Value.String()
			mini := isMini(c, ns)
			typeOfMaster := util.TypeOfMaster(c)

			// extract the ip address from the URL
			ip := strings.Split(cfg.Host, ":")[1]
			ip = strings.Replace(ip, "/", "", 2)

			if mini && typeOfMaster == util.OpenShift {
				domain = ip + ".xip.io"
				apiserver = ip

			util.Info("Deploying fabric8 to your ")
			util.Info(" installation at ")
			util.Info(" for domain ")
			util.Info(" in namespace ")
			util.Successf("%s\n\n", ns)

			useIngress := cmd.Flags().Lookup(useIngressFlag).Value.String() == "true"
			deployConsole := cmd.Flags().Lookup(consoleFlag).Value.String() == "true"

			pv, err := shouldEnablePV(c, cmd.Flags())
			if err != nil {
				util.Fatalf("No nodes available, something bad has happened: %v", err)

			mavenRepo := cmd.Flags().Lookup(mavenRepoFlag).Value.String()
			if !strings.HasSuffix(mavenRepo, "/") {
				mavenRepo = mavenRepo + "/"
			util.Info("Loading fabric8 releases from maven repository:")
			util.Successf("%s\n", mavenRepo)

			dockerRegistry := cmd.Flags().Lookup(dockerRegistryFlag).Value.String()
			if len(dockerRegistry) > 0 {
				util.Infof("Loading fabric8 docker images from docker registry: %s\n", dockerRegistry)

			if len(apiserver) == 0 {
				apiserver = domain

			if strings.Contains(domain, "=") {
				util.Warnf("\nInvalid domain: %s\n\n", domain)
			} else if confirmAction(cmd.Flags()) {
				v := cmd.Flags().Lookup("fabric8-version").Value.String()

				consoleVersion := f8ConsoleVersion(mavenRepo, v, typeOfMaster)

				versioniPaaS := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versioniPaaSFlag).Value.String()
				versioniPaaS = versionForUrl(versioniPaaS, urlJoin(mavenRepo, iPaaSMetadataUrl))

				versionDevOps := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versionDevOpsFlag).Value.String()
				versionDevOps = versionForUrl(versionDevOps, urlJoin(mavenRepo, devOpsMetadataUrl))

				versionKubeflix := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versionKubeflixFlag).Value.String()
				versionKubeflix = versionForUrl(versionKubeflix, urlJoin(mavenRepo, kubeflixMetadataUrl))

				versionZipkin := cmd.Flags().Lookup(versionZipkinFlag).Value.String()
				versionZipkin = versionForUrl(versionZipkin, urlJoin(mavenRepo, zipkinMetadataUrl))

				util.Warnf("\nStarting fabric8 console deployment using %s...\n\n", consoleVersion)

				oc, _ := client.NewOpenShiftClient(cfg)


				if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
					uri := fmt.Sprintf(urlJoin(mavenRepo, baseConsoleKubernetesUrl), consoleVersion)
					if fabric8ImageAdaptionNeeded(dockerRegistry, arch) {
						jsonData, err := loadJsonDataAndAdaptFabric8Images(uri, dockerRegistry, arch)
						if err == nil {
							tmpFileName := path.Join(os.TempDir(), "fabric8-console.json")
							t, err := os.OpenFile(tmpFileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0777)
							if err != nil {
								util.Fatalf("Cannot open the converted fabric8 console template file: %v", err)
							defer t.Close()

							_, err = io.Copy(t, bytes.NewReader(jsonData))
							if err != nil {
								util.Fatalf("Cannot write the converted fabric8 console template file: %v", err)
							uri = tmpFileName
					filenames := []string{uri}

					if deployConsole {
						createCmd := &cobra.Command{}
						err := kcmd.RunCreate(f, createCmd, ioutil.Discard, &kcmd.CreateOptions{Filenames: filenames})
						if err != nil {
							printResult("fabric8 console", Failure, err)
						} else {
							printResult("fabric8 console", Success, nil)
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "fluentd")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "registry")
				} else {
					r, err := verifyRestrictedSecurityContextConstraints(c, f)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints restricted", r, err)
					r, err = deployFabric8SecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints fabric8", r, err)
					r, err = deployFabric8SASSecurityContextConstraints(c, f, ns)
					printResult("SecurityContextConstraints "+Fabric8SASSCC, r, err)

					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fabric8")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":jenkins")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-admin", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":exposecontroller")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":metrics")
					printAddClusterRoleToUser(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:"+ns+":fluentd")

					printAddClusterRoleToGroup(oc, f, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccounts")

					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "fluentd")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "registry")
					printAddServiceAccount(c, f, "router")

					if cmd.Flags().Lookup(templatesFlag).Value.String() == "true" {
						if deployConsole {
							uri := fmt.Sprintf(urlJoin(mavenRepo, baseConsoleUrl), consoleVersion)
							format := "json"
							jsonData, err := loadJsonDataAndAdaptFabric8Images(uri, dockerRegistry, arch)
							if err != nil {
								printError("failed to apply docker registry prefix", err)

							// lets delete the OAuthClient first as the domain may have changed
							createTemplate(jsonData, format, "fabric8 console", ns, domain, apiserver, c, oc, pv)

							oac, err := oc.OAuthClients().Get("fabric8")
							if err != nil {
								printError("failed to get the OAuthClient called fabric8", err)

							// lets add the nodePort URL to the OAuthClient
							service, err := c.Services(ns).Get("fabric8")
							if err != nil {
								printError("failed to get the Service called fabric8", err)
							port := 0
							for _, p := range service.Spec.Ports {
								port = p.NodePort
							if port == 0 {
								printError("failed to find nodePort on the Service called fabric8", err)
							ip := apiserver
							redirectURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", ip, port)
							println("Adding OAuthClient redirectURL: " + redirectURL)
							oac.RedirectURIs = append(oac.RedirectURIs, redirectURL)
							oac.ResourceVersion = ""
							_, err = oc.OAuthClients().Create(oac)
							if err != nil {
								printError("failed to create the OAuthClient called fabric8", err)

					} else {
						printError("Ignoring the deploy of the fabric8 console", nil)
				if deployConsole {
					println("Created fabric8 console")

				if cmd.Flags().Lookup(templatesFlag).Value.String() == "true" {
					println("Installing templates!")
					printError("Install DevOps templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versionDevOps, urlJoin(mavenRepo, devopsTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
					printError("Install iPaaS templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versioniPaaS, urlJoin(mavenRepo, iPaaSTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
					printError("Install Kubeflix templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versionKubeflix, urlJoin(mavenRepo, kubeflixTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
					printError("Install Zipkin templates", installTemplates(c, oc, f, versionZipkin, urlJoin(mavenRepo, zipkinTemplatesDistroUrl), dockerRegistry, arch, domain))
				} else {
					printError("Ignoring the deploy of templates", nil)

				runTemplate(c, oc, "exposecontroller", ns, domain, apiserver, pv)
				externalNodeName := ""
				if typeOfMaster == util.Kubernetes {
					if useIngress && !mini {
						runTemplate(c, oc, "ingress-nginx", ns, domain, apiserver, pv)
						externalNodeName = addIngressInfraLabel(c, ns)

				// create a populate the exposecontroller config map
				cfgms := c.ConfigMaps(ns)
				useLoadBalancer := cmd.Flags().Lookup(useLoadbalancerFlag).Value.String() == "true"
				_, err := cfgms.Get(exposecontrollerCM)
				if err == nil {
					util.Infof("\nRecreating configmap %s \n", exposecontrollerCM)
					err = cfgms.Delete(exposecontrollerCM)
					if err != nil {
						printError("\nError deleting ConfigMap: "+exposecontrollerCM, err)

				configMap := kapi.ConfigMap{
					ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
						Name: exposecontrollerCM,
						Labels: map[string]string{
							"provider": "fabric8.io",
					Data: map[string]string{
						"domain":   domain,
						exposeRule: defaultExposeRule(c, mini, useLoadBalancer),
				_, err = cfgms.Create(&configMap)
				if err != nil {
					printError("Failed to create ConfigMap: "+exposecontrollerCM, err)

				appToRun := cmd.Flags().Lookup(runFlag).Value.String()
				if len(appToRun) > 0 {
					runTemplate(c, oc, appToRun, ns, domain, apiserver, pv)

					// lets create any missing PVs if on minikube or minishift
					found, pendingClaimNames := findPendingPVS(c, ns)
					if found {
						createPV(c, ns, pendingClaimNames, cmd)

				// lets label the namespace/project as a developer team
				nss := c.Namespaces()
				namespace, err := nss.Get(ns)
				if err != nil {
					printError("Failed to load namespace", err)
				} else {
					changed := addLabelIfNotExist(&namespace.ObjectMeta, typeLabel, teamTypeLabelValue)
					if len(domain) > 0 {
						if addAnnotationIfNotExist(&namespace.ObjectMeta, domainAnnotation, domain) {
							changed = true
					if changed {
						_, err = nss.Update(namespace)
						if err != nil {
							printError("Failed to label and annotate namespace", err)

				// lets ensure that there is a `fabric8-environments` ConfigMap so that the current namespace
				// shows up as a Team page in the console
				_, err = cfgms.Get(fabric8Environments)
				if err != nil {
					configMap := kapi.ConfigMap{
						ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
							Name: fabric8Environments,
							Labels: map[string]string{
								"provider": "fabric8.io",
								"kind":     "environments",
					_, err = cfgms.Create(&configMap)
					if err != nil {
						printError("Failed to create ConfigMap: "+fabric8Environments, err)

				nodeClient := c.Nodes()
				nodes, err := nodeClient.List(api.ListOptions{})
				changed := false

				for _, node := range nodes.Items {
					// if running on a single node then we can use node ports to access kubernetes services
					if len(nodes.Items) == 1 {
						changed = addAnnotationIfNotExist(&node.ObjectMeta, externalIPNodeLabel, ip)
					changed = addAnnotationIfNotExist(&node.ObjectMeta, externalAPIServerAddressLabel, cfg.Host)
					if changed {
						_, err = nodeClient.Update(&node)
						if err != nil {
							printError("Failed to annotate node with ", err)
				printSummary(typeOfMaster, externalNodeName, mini, ns, domain)

				openService(ns, "fabric8", c, false)
	cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(domainFlag, "d", defaultDomain(), "The domain name to append to the service name to access web applications")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(apiServerFlag, "", "overrides the api server url")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(archFlag, goruntime.GOARCH, "CPU architecture for referencing Docker images with this as a name suffix")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versioniPaaSFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Fabric8 iPaaS templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versionDevOpsFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Fabric8 DevOps templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versionKubeflixFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Kubeflix templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(versionZipkinFlag, "latest", "The version to use for the Zipkin templates")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(mavenRepoFlag, "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/", "The maven repo used to find releases of fabric8")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(dockerRegistryFlag, "", "The docker registry used to download fabric8 images. Typically used to point to a staging registry")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().String(runFlag, "cd-pipeline", "The name of the fabric8 app to startup. e.g. use `--app=cd-pipeline` to run the main CI/CD pipeline app")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(pvFlag, true, "Enable the use of persistence (Not currently supported on the CDK)")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(noPVFlag, false, "(Deprecated use --pv=false to disable instead) Disable the use of persistence (disabling the PersistentVolumeClaims)?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(templatesFlag, true, "Should the standard Fabric8 templates be installed?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(consoleFlag, true, "Should the Fabric8 console be deployed?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(useIngressFlag, true, "Should Ingress NGINX controller be enabled by default when deploying to Kubernetes?")
	cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(useLoadbalancerFlag, false, "Should Cloud Provider LoadBalancer be used to expose services when running to Kubernetes? (overrides ingress)")

	return cmd