Пример #1
func TestValidateSelection(t *testing.T) {
	test := &TestSelectionStruct{A: 100, B: "fish"}
	var err error
	for _, field := range structs.Fields(test) {
		switch field.Name() {
		case "A":
			err = validateSelection(field, "50|100|150")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateSelection(field, "0|25|50")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Shouldn't match but matched")
		case "B":
			err = validateSelection(field, "fish|cat|dog")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateSelection(field, "apple|peach|orange")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Shouldn't match but matched")
Пример #2
// FilterArgs filters the given arguments and returns a filtered argument list.
// It only contains the arguments which are declared in the given configuration
// struct.
func FilterArgs(conf interface{}, args []string) []string {
	configArgs := []string{}

	// need to be declared so we can call it recursively
	var addFields func(fields []*structs.Field)

	addFields = func(fields []*structs.Field) {
		for _, field := range fields {
			// don't forget nested structs
			if field.Kind() == reflect.Struct {

			fName := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(camelcase.Split(field.Name()), "-"))
			val, err := flags.Value(fName, args)
			if err != nil {

			configArgs = append(configArgs, "--"+fName, val)

	return configArgs
Пример #3
func TestValidateRange(t *testing.T) {
	test := &TestRangeStruct{10, 20, 30.4, "xyz"}
	var err error
	for _, field := range structs.Fields(test) {
		switch field.Name() {
		case "A":
			err = validateRange(field, "-1", "30")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateRange(field, "", "20")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateRange(field, "11", "")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Exceeds range but not checked")

			err = validateRange(field, "", "9")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Exceeds range but not checked")
		case "B":
			err = validateRange(field, "-1", "30")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateRange(field, "", "20")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateRange(field, "11", "")
			if err != nil {

			err = validateRange(field, "", "19")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Exceeds range but not checked")
		case "C":
			err = validateRange(field, "29.0", "30.5")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateRange(field, "", "30.3")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Exceeds range but not checked")
		case "D":
			err = validateRange(field, "1", "2")
			if err != nil {

Пример #4
// Validate validates the given struct agaist field's zero values. If
// intentionaly, the value of a field is `zero-valued`(e.g false, 0, "")
// required tag should not be set for that field.
func (e *RequiredValidator) Validate(s interface{}) error {
	if e.RequiredTagName == "" {
		e.RequiredTagName = "required"

	for _, field := range structs.Fields(s) {
		if err := e.processField("", field); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Пример #5
func (e *SelectionValidator) Validate(s interface{}) error {
	if e.SelectTagName == "" {
		e.SelectTagName = "select"

	for _, field := range structs.Fields(s) {
		if err := e.processField("", field); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Пример #6
func (t *TagLoader) Load(s interface{}) error {
	if t.DefaultTagName == "" {
		t.DefaultTagName = "default"

	for _, field := range structs.Fields(s) {
		if err := t.processFieldDefaultValue(field); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Пример #7
//DeepDiff  - list fields in A that are missing or not equal to fields in B
func (d config) DeepDiff(c Config) (fields []structs.Field, err error) {
	err = CheckData(c.Data())
	if err != nil {
		return []structs.Field{}, iodine.New(err, nil)

	currFields := structs.Fields(d.Data())
	newFields := structs.Fields(c.Data())

	found := false
	for _, currField := range currFields {
		found = false
		for _, newField := range newFields {
			if reflect.DeepEqual(currField.Value(), newField.Value()) {
				found = true
		if !found {
			fields = append(fields, *currField)
	return fields, nil
Пример #8
//DeepDiff  - list fields in A that are missing or not equal to fields in B
func (d config) DeepDiff(c Config) ([]structs.Field, *probe.Error) {
	var fields []structs.Field
	err := CheckData(c.Data())
	if err != nil {
		return []structs.Field{}, err.Trace()

	currFields := structs.Fields(d.Data())
	newFields := structs.Fields(c.Data())

	found := false
	for _, currField := range currFields {
		found = false
		for _, newField := range newFields {
			if reflect.DeepEqual(currField.Value(), newField.Value()) {
				found = true
		if !found {
			fields = append(fields, *currField)
	return fields, nil
Пример #9
func TestReflect(t *testing.T) {
	test := &TestReflectStruct{}
	var err error
	for _, field := range structs.Fields(test) {
		switch field.Name() {
		case "A":
			err = fieldSet(field, "1")
			if err != nil {
			if test.A != 1 {
				t.Errorf("A: %d, wanted: %d", test.A, 1)
		case "B":
			err = fieldSet(field, "3.14")
			if err != nil {
			if test.B != 3.14 {
				t.Errorf("B: %f, wanted: %f", test.B, 3.14)
		case "C":
			err = fieldSet(field, "1,2,3")
			if err != nil {
			if test.C[2] != 3 {
				t.Errorf("C: %s, wanted: %s", test.C, []int{1, 2, 3})
		case "D":
			err = fieldSet(field, "{\"abc\":1,\"def\":2}")
			if err != nil {
			if test.D["abc"] != 1 {
				t.Errorf("D: %s, wanted: %s", test.D, map[string]int{"abc": 1, "def": 2})
		case "E":
			err = fieldSet(field, `{"abc":"123","def":"456"}`)
			if err != nil {
			if test.E["abc"] != "123" || test.E["def"] != "456" {
				t.Errorf("E: %s, wanted: %s", test.E, map[string]string{"abc": "123", "def": "456"})
Пример #10
func (e *LengthValidator) Validate(s interface{}) error {
	if e.MaxlenTagName == "" {
		e.MaxlenTagName = "maxlen"

	if e.MinlenTagName == "" {
		e.MinlenTagName = "minlen"

	for _, field := range structs.Fields(s) {
		if err := e.processField("", field); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Пример #11
func TestValidateString(t *testing.T) {
	test := &TestStringStruct{"seafood"}
	var err error
	for _, field := range structs.Fields(test) {
		switch field.Name() {
		case "A":
			err = validateString(field, "foo.*")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateString(field, "bar.*")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Shouldn't match but matched")
Пример #12
func TestValidateLength(t *testing.T) {
	test := &TestLengthStruct{"xyz"}
	var err error
	for _, field := range structs.Fields(test) {
		switch field.Name() {
		case "A":
			err = validateLength(field, "1", "4")
			if err != nil {
			err = validateLength(field, "5", "6")
			if err == nil {
				t.Error("validate: Exceeds range but not checked")

Пример #13
func getData(data interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	mp := make(map[string]interface{})
	val := reflect.ValueOf(data)
	t := reflect.TypeOf(data)
	for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		val = val.Elem()
		t = t.Elem()

	if t.Kind() == reflect.Map {
		keys := val.MapKeys()

		for _, k := range keys {
			ki := k.Interface()
			if strkey, ok := ki.(string); ok {
				mp[strkey] = val.MapIndex(k).Interface()
			} else {
				return nil, errors.New("Cannot insert/update map with non-string keys")
		return mp, nil
	} else if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
		fields := structs.Fields(data)

		for _, f := range fields {
			tag := f.Tag("db")
			if strings.Contains(tag, ",") {
				tag = strings.Split(tag, ",")[0]

			if tag == "" {
				tag = f.Name()

			mp[tag] = f.Value()

		return mp, nil

	} else {
		return nil, errors.New("Can only insert maps and structs! (got a " + t.Kind().String() + ")")

Пример #14
// Load loads the source into the config defined by struct s
// Defaults to using the Reader if provided, otherwise tries to read from the
// file
func (i *INILoader) Load(s interface{}) (err error) {
	var c *goconfig.ConfigFile
	if i.Path != "" {
		c, err = goconfig.LoadConfigFile(i.Path)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		return ErrSourceNotSet

	//Now parse struct fields from ini file
	//Since INI file doesn't natually corresponds to a golang struct,
	// most current INI parsers do not provide Json or Toml functions that
	// directly write into the struct fields, we have to parse by ourselves.

	//We define the rule as follows
	// If load from global, then [section] means sub-struct
	// else [section] means the struct itself

	// Substructs are represented by dot separated sections
	//   [parent.child.child] and etc.

	// Slices are separated by comma , such as
	//   array=1,2,3
	// Maps are defined by Json style
	//   map={"key":1,"key":2}

	var section string
	if i.LoadFromGlobal {
		section = ""
	} else {
		section = structs.New(s).Name()

	for _, field := range structs.Fields(s) {
		if err := i.setField(field, c, section); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Пример #15
// ExcludeArgs exludes the given arguments declared in the configuration and
// returns the remaining arguments. It's the opposite of FilterArgs
func ExcludeArgs(conf interface{}, args []string) []string {
	// need to be declared so we can call it recursively
	var addFields func(fields []*structs.Field)

	addFields = func(fields []*structs.Field) {
		for _, field := range fields {
			// don't forget nested structs
			if field.Kind() == reflect.Struct {

			fName := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(camelcase.Split(field.Name()), "-"))
			args = flags.Exclude(fName, args)

	return args