Пример #1
func (s *VolumeSuite) TestInterhostVolumeTransmitAPI(t *c.C) {
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(hosts) < 2 {
		t.Skip("need multiple hosts for this test")
	s.doVolumeTransmitAPI(hosts[0], hosts[1], t)
Пример #2
func (s *BlobstoreSuite) TestBlobstoreBackendAzure(t *c.C) {
	s3Config := os.Getenv("BLOBSTORE_AZURE_CONFIG")
	if s3Config == "" {
		// BLOBSTORE_AZURE_CONFIG should be set to a valid configuration like:
		// backend=azure account_name=xxx account_key=xxx container=blobstore-ci
		t.Skip("missing BLOBSTORE_AZURE_CONFIG env var")

	s.testBlobstoreBackend(t, "azure", ".+blob.core.windows.net.+", `"BACKEND_AZURE=$BLOBSTORE_AZURE_CONFIG"`)
Пример #3
func (s *BlobstoreSuite) TestBlobstoreBackendS3(t *c.C) {
	s3Config := os.Getenv("BLOBSTORE_S3_CONFIG")
	if s3Config == "" {
		// BLOBSTORE_S3_CONFIG should be set to a valid configuration like:
		// backend=s3 access_key_id=xxx secret_access_key=xxx bucket=blobstore-ci region=us-east-1
		t.Skip("missing BLOBSTORE_S3_CONFIG env var")

	s.testBlobstoreBackend(t, "s3", ".+s3.amazonaws.com.+", `"BACKEND_S3=$BLOBSTORE_S3_CONFIG"`)
Пример #4
func (s *ZDiscoverdSuite) TestPromoteDemote(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot boot new hosts")
	// ensure we have 3 node cluster, TODO(jpg): Support running test on anything larger than 2 node cluster
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(hosts) != 3 {
		t.Skip("promotion and demotion tests require a 3 node cluster")

	// Check the original number of peers is correct
	initialPeers, err := s.discoverdClient(t).RaftPeers()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(len(initialPeers), c.Equals, 3)

	// Add a new host to the cluster, initially it will join as a proxy
	newHost := s.addHost(t, "discoverd")
	defer s.removeHost(t, newHost, "discoverd")

	// Ping the new node until it comes up
	url := "http://" + newHost.IP + ":1111"
	dd := discoverd.NewClientWithURL(url)
	err = pingAttempts.Run(func() error { return dd.Ping(url) })
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// Promote the new node to a Raft member
	err = dd.Promote(url)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// Check that we now have one additional peer, also ensure our new peer is in the list
	newPeers, err := s.discoverdClient(t).RaftPeers()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(len(newPeers), c.Equals, 4)
	t.Assert(peerPresent(newHost, newPeers), c.Equals, true)

	// Now demote the newly promoted node
	err = dd.Demote(url)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	//XXX(jpg): Better way to wait for leadership?
	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

	// We are going to ask the leader for the list of peers as it's definitely canonical
	leader, err := s.discoverdClient(t).RaftLeader()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	dd = discoverd.NewClientWithURL(leader.Host)

	// There should now be only the original peers, additionally make sure our host isn't one of them
	finalPeers, err := dd.RaftPeers()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(len(finalPeers), c.Equals, 3)
	t.Assert(peerPresent(newHost, finalPeers), c.Equals, false)
Пример #5
func (s *BlobstoreSuite) TestBlobstoreBackendGCS(t *c.C) {
	gcsConfig := os.Getenv("BLOBSTORE_GCS_CONFIG")
	if gcsConfig == "" {
		// BLOBSTORE_S3_CONFIG should be set to a JSON-encoded Google Cloud
		// Service Account key that includes an extra field named "bucket" that
		// specifies the bucket to use
		t.Skip("missing BLOBSTORE_GCS_CONFIG env var")

	var data struct{ Bucket string }
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(gcsConfig), &data)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	s.testBlobstoreBackend(t, "gcs", ".+google.+", fmt.Sprintf(`"BACKEND_GCS=backend=gcs bucket=%s"`, data.Bucket), `"BACKEND_GCS_KEY=$BLOBSTORE_GCS_CONFIG"`)
Пример #6
func (s *ZZBackupSuite) TestClusterBackups(t *c.C) {
	if args.BootConfig.BackupsDir == "" {
		t.Skip("--backups-dir not set")

	backups, err := ioutil.ReadDir(args.BootConfig.BackupsDir)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(backups) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("backups dir is empty")

	for i, backup := range backups {
		s.testClusterBackup(t, i, filepath.Join(args.BootConfig.BackupsDir, backup.Name()))
Пример #7
func (s *ZDiscoverdSuite) TestDeploy(t *c.C) {
	// ensure we have enough hosts in the cluster
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(hosts) <= 1 {
		t.Skip("cannot deploy discoverd in a single node cluster")

	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app, err := client.GetApp("discoverd")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release, err := client.GetAppRelease(app.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	deployment, err := client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	events := make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	stream, err := client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	for {
		select {
		case event, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of deployment event stream")
			if event.Status == "complete" {
				debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s", event.Status)
				break loop
			if event.Status == "failed" {
				t.Fatal("the deployment failed")
			debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s %s", event.JobType, event.JobState)
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(app.DeployTimeout) * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for deployment event")
Пример #8
func (s *SchedulerSuite) TestOmniJobs(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot boot new hosts")

	app, release := s.createApp(t)

	watcher, err := s.controllerClient(t).WatchJobEvents(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()

	formation := &ct.Formation{
		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Processes: make(map[string]int),

	current := make(map[string]int)
	updates := []map[string]int{
		{"printer": 2},
		{"printer": 3, "omni": 2},
		{"printer": 1, "omni": 1},

	for _, procs := range updates {
		debugf(t, "scaling formation to %v", procs)
		formation.Processes = procs
		t.Assert(s.controllerClient(t).PutFormation(formation), c.IsNil)

		expected := s.controllerClient(t).ExpectedScalingEvents(current, procs, release.Processes, testCluster.Size())
		err = watcher.WaitFor(expected, scaleTimeout, nil)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

		current = procs

	// Check that new hosts get omni jobs
	newHosts := s.addHosts(t, 2, false, "router-api")
	defer s.removeHosts(t, newHosts, "router-api")
	err = watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"omni": {ct.JobStateUp: 2}}, scaleTimeout, nil)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
Пример #9
func (s *DeployerSuite) TestOmniProcess(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot determine test cluster size")

	// create and scale an omni release
	omniScale := 2
	totalJobs := omniScale * testCluster.Size()
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app, release := s.createApp(t)

	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(app.Name, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()

		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{"omni": omniScale},
	}), c.IsNil)
	err = watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"omni": {ct.JobStateUp: totalJobs}}, scaleTimeout, nil)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// deploy using all-at-once and check we get the correct events
	app.Strategy = "all-at-once"
	t.Assert(client.UpdateApp(app), c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	deployment, err := client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	events := make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	stream, err := client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()
	expected := make([]*ct.Job, 0, 3*totalJobs+1)
	appendEvents := func(releaseID string, state ct.JobState, count int) {
		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			expected = append(expected, &ct.Job{
				ReleaseID: releaseID,
				Type:      "omni",
				State:     state,
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateUp, totalJobs)
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateDown, totalJobs)
	s.waitForDeploymentStatus(t, events, "complete")

	// deploy using one-by-one and check we get the correct events
	app.Strategy = "one-by-one"
	t.Assert(client.UpdateApp(app), c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	// try creating the deployment multiple times to avoid getting a
	// "Cannot create deploy, one is already in progress" error (there
	// is no guarantee the previous deploy has finished yet)
	attempts := attempt.Strategy{Total: 10 * time.Second, Delay: 100 * time.Millisecond}
	err = attempts.Run(func() (err error) {
		deployment, err = client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	events = make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	stream, err = client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	expected = make([]*ct.Job, 0, 4*totalJobs+1)
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateUp, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateDown, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateUp, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateDown, testCluster.Size())
	s.waitForDeploymentStatus(t, events, "complete")
Пример #10
func (s *ReleaseSuite) TestReleaseImages(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot boot release cluster")

	// stream script output to t.Log
	logReader, logWriter := io.Pipe()
	defer logWriter.Close()
	go func() {
		buf := bufio.NewReader(logReader)
		for {
			line, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
			if err != nil {
			debug(t, line[0:len(line)-1])

	// boot the release cluster, release components to a blobstore and output the new images.json
	releaseCluster := s.addReleaseHosts(t)
	buildHost := releaseCluster.Instances[0]
	var imagesJSON bytes.Buffer
	var script bytes.Buffer
	slugImageID := random.UUID()
	releaseScript.Execute(&script, struct{ ControllerKey, SlugImageID string }{releaseCluster.ControllerKey, slugImageID})
	t.Assert(buildHost.Run("bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: &imagesJSON, Stderr: logWriter}), c.IsNil)
	var images map[string]*ct.Artifact
	t.Assert(json.Unmarshal(imagesJSON.Bytes(), &images), c.IsNil)

	// install Flynn from the blobstore on the vanilla host
	blobstoreAddr := buildHost.IP + ":8080"
	installHost := releaseCluster.Instances[3]
	installScript.Execute(&script, map[string]string{"Blobstore": blobstoreAddr})
	var installOutput bytes.Buffer
	out := io.MultiWriter(logWriter, &installOutput)
	t.Assert(installHost.Run("sudo bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: out, Stderr: out}), c.IsNil)

	// check the flynn-host version is correct
	var hostVersion bytes.Buffer
	t.Assert(installHost.Run("flynn-host version", &tc.Streams{Stdout: &hostVersion}), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(hostVersion.String()), c.Equals, "v20161108.0-test")

	// check rebuilt images were downloaded
	assertInstallOutput := func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
		expected := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
		if !strings.Contains(installOutput.String(), expected) {
			t.Fatalf(`expected install to output %q`, expected)
	for name, image := range images {
		assertInstallOutput("pulling %s image", name)
		for _, layer := range image.Manifest().Rootfs[0].Layers {
			assertInstallOutput("pulling %s layer %s", name, layer.ID)

	// installing on an instance with Flynn running should fail
	installScript.Execute(&script, map[string]string{"Blobstore": blobstoreAddr})
	err := buildHost.Run("sudo bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: out, Stderr: out})
	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(installOutput.String(), "ERROR: Flynn is already installed.") {
		t.Fatal("expected Flynn install to fail but it didn't")

	// create a controller client for the release cluster
	pin, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(releaseCluster.ControllerPin)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	client, err := controller.NewClientWithConfig(
		controller.Config{Pin: pin, Domain: releaseCluster.ControllerDomain},
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// deploy a slug based app + Redis resource
	slugApp := &ct.App{}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(slugApp), c.IsNil)
	gitreceive, err := client.GetAppRelease("gitreceive")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	imageArtifact, err := client.GetArtifact(gitreceive.Env["SLUGRUNNER_IMAGE_ID"])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	slugArtifact, err := client.GetArtifact(slugImageID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	resource, err := client.ProvisionResource(&ct.ResourceReq{ProviderID: "redis", Apps: []string{slugApp.ID}})
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release := &ct.Release{
		ArtifactIDs: []string{imageArtifact.ID, slugArtifact.ID},
		Processes:   map[string]ct.ProcessType{"web": {Args: []string{"/runner/init", "bin/http"}}},
		Meta:        map[string]string{"git": "true"},
		Env:         resource.Env,
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.SetAppRelease(slugApp.ID, release.ID), c.IsNil)
	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(slugApp.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()
		AppID:     slugApp.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{"web": 1},
	}), c.IsNil)
	err = watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"web": {ct.JobStateUp: 1}}, scaleTimeout, nil)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// run a cluster update from the blobstore
	updateHost := releaseCluster.Instances[1]
	updateScript.Execute(&script, map[string]string{"Blobstore": blobstoreAddr, "Discoverd": updateHost.IP + ":1111"})
	var updateOutput bytes.Buffer
	out = io.MultiWriter(logWriter, &updateOutput)
	t.Assert(updateHost.Run("bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: out, Stderr: out}), c.IsNil)

	// check rebuilt images were downloaded
	for name := range images {
		for _, host := range releaseCluster.Instances[0:2] {
			expected := fmt.Sprintf(`"pulling %s image" host=%s`, name, host.ID)
			if !strings.Contains(updateOutput.String(), expected) {
				t.Fatalf(`expected update to download %s on host %s`, name, host.ID)

	assertImage := func(uri, image string) {
		t.Assert(uri, c.Equals, images[image].URI)

	// check system apps were deployed correctly
	for _, app := range updater.SystemApps {
		if app.ImageOnly {
			continue // we don't deploy ImageOnly updates
		debugf(t, "checking new %s release is using image %s", app.Name, images[app.Name].URI)
		expected := fmt.Sprintf(`"finished deploy of system app" name=%s`, app.Name)
		if !strings.Contains(updateOutput.String(), expected) {
			t.Fatalf(`expected update to deploy %s`, app.Name)
		release, err := client.GetAppRelease(app.Name)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		debugf(t, "new %s release ID: %s", app.Name, release.ID)
		artifact, err := client.GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[0])
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		debugf(t, "new %s artifact: %+v", app.Name, artifact)
		assertImage(artifact.URI, app.Name)

	// check gitreceive has the correct slug env vars
	gitreceive, err = client.GetAppRelease("gitreceive")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	for _, name := range []string{"slugbuilder", "slugrunner"} {
		artifact, err := client.GetArtifact(gitreceive.Env[strings.ToUpper(name)+"_IMAGE_ID"])
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		assertImage(artifact.URI, name)

	// check slug based app was deployed correctly
	release, err = client.GetAppRelease(slugApp.Name)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	imageArtifact, err = client.GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[0])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	assertImage(imageArtifact.URI, "slugrunner")

	// check Redis app was deployed correctly
	release, err = client.GetAppRelease(resource.Env["FLYNN_REDIS"])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	imageArtifact, err = client.GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[0])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	assertImage(imageArtifact.URI, "redis")
Пример #11
func (s *DeployerSuite) TestOmniProcess(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot determine test cluster size")

	// create and scale an omni release
	omniScale := 2
	totalJobs := omniScale * testCluster.Size()
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app, release := s.createApp(t)

	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(app.Name, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()

		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{"omni": omniScale},
	}), c.IsNil)
	err = watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"omni": {ct.JobStateUp: totalJobs}}, scaleTimeout, nil)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// deploy using all-at-once and check we get the correct events
	app.Strategy = "all-at-once"
	t.Assert(client.UpdateApp(app), c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	deployment, err := client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	events := make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	stream, err := client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()
	expected := make([]*ct.DeploymentEvent, 0, 4*totalJobs+1)
	appendEvents := func(releaseID string, state ct.JobState, count int) {
		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			event := &ct.DeploymentEvent{
				ReleaseID: releaseID,
				JobType:   "omni",
				JobState:  state,
				Status:    "running",
			expected = append(expected, event)
	expected = append(expected, &ct.DeploymentEvent{ReleaseID: deployment.NewReleaseID, Status: "pending"})
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateStarting, totalJobs)
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateUp, totalJobs)
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateStopping, totalJobs)
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateDown, totalJobs)
	expected = append(expected, &ct.DeploymentEvent{ReleaseID: deployment.NewReleaseID, Status: "complete"})
	waitForDeploymentEvents(t, events, expected)

	// deploy using one-by-one and check we get the correct events
	app.Strategy = "one-by-one"
	t.Assert(client.UpdateApp(app), c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	deployment, err = client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	events = make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	stream, err = client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	expected = make([]*ct.DeploymentEvent, 0, 4*totalJobs+1)
	expected = append(expected, &ct.DeploymentEvent{ReleaseID: deployment.NewReleaseID, Status: "pending"})
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateStarting, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateUp, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateStopping, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateDown, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateStarting, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.NewReleaseID, ct.JobStateUp, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateStopping, testCluster.Size())
	appendEvents(deployment.OldReleaseID, ct.JobStateDown, testCluster.Size())
	expected = append(expected, &ct.DeploymentEvent{ReleaseID: deployment.NewReleaseID, Status: "complete"})
	waitForDeploymentEvents(t, events, expected)
Пример #12
func (s *HostUpdateSuite) TestUpdateLogs(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot boot new hosts")

	instance := s.addHost(t, "router-api")
	defer s.removeHost(t, instance, "router-api")
	httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{Dial: dialer.Retry.Dial}}
	client := cluster.NewHost(instance.ID, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:1113", instance.IP), httpClient, nil)

	// start partial logger job
	cmd := exec.JobUsingHost(
			Config: host.ContainerConfig{Args: []string{"/bin/partial-logger"}},
			Metadata: map[string]string{
				"flynn-controller.app": "partial-logger",
	t.Assert(cmd.Start(), c.IsNil)
	defer cmd.Kill()

	// wait for partial line
	_, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Instances("partial-logger", 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// update flynn-host
	pid, err := client.Update("/usr/local/bin/flynn-host", "daemon", "--id", cmd.HostID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	// update the pid file so removeHost works
	t.Assert(instance.Run(fmt.Sprintf("echo -n %d | sudo tee /var/run/flynn-host.pid", pid), nil), c.IsNil)

	// stream the log from the logaggregator
	logc, err := logaggc.New("")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	log, err := logc.GetLog("partial-logger", &logaggc.LogOpts{Follow: true})
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer log.Close()
	msgs := make(chan *logaggc.Message)
	go func() {
		defer close(msgs)
		dec := json.NewDecoder(log)
		for {
			var msg logaggc.Message
			if err := dec.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
				debugf(t, "error decoding message: %s", err)
			msgs <- &msg

	// finish logging
	t.Assert(client.SignalJob(cmd.Job.ID, int(syscall.SIGUSR1)), c.IsNil)

	// check we get a single log line
	for {
		select {
		case msg, ok := <-msgs:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("error getting log")
			if msg.Stream == "stdout" {
				t.Assert(msg.Msg, c.Equals, "hello world")
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for log")
Пример #13
func (s *SchedulerSuite) TestScaleTags(t *c.C) {
	// ensure we have more than 1 host to test with
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(hosts) <= 1 {
		t.Skip("not enough hosts to test tagged based scheduling")

	// stream the scheduler leader log so we can synchronize tag changes
	leader, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Service("controller-scheduler").Leader()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	res, err := client.GetAppLog("controller", &ct.LogOpts{
		Follow:      true,
		JobID:       leader.Meta["FLYNN_JOB_ID"],
		ProcessType: typeconv.StringPtr("scheduler"),
		Lines:       typeconv.IntPtr(0),
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer res.Close()
	tagChange := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		dec := json.NewDecoder(res)
		for {
			var msg logaggc.Message
			if err := dec.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
			if strings.Contains(msg.Msg, "host tags changed") {
				tagChange <- struct{}{}
	waitSchedulerTagChange := func() {
		select {
		case <-tagChange:
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			t.Fatalf("timed out waiting for scheduler leader to see tag change")

	// watch service events so we can wait for tag changes
	events := make(chan *discoverd.Event)
	stream, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Service("flynn-host").Watch(events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()
	waitServiceEvent := func(kind discoverd.EventKind) *discoverd.Event {
		for {
			select {
			case event, ok := <-events:
				if !ok {
					t.Fatalf("service event stream closed unexpectedly: %s", stream.Err())
				if event.Kind == kind {
					return event
			case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
				t.Fatalf("timed out waiting for service %s event", kind)

	// wait for the watch to be current before changing tags

	updateTags := func(host *cluster.Host, tags map[string]string) {
		debugf(t, "setting host tags: %s => %v", host.ID(), tags)
		t.Assert(host.UpdateTags(tags), c.IsNil)
		event := waitServiceEvent(discoverd.EventKindUpdate)
		t.Assert(event.Instance.Meta["id"], c.Equals, host.ID())
		for key, val := range tags {
			t.Assert(event.Instance.Meta["tag:"+key], c.Equals, val)

	// create an app with a tagged process and watch job events
	app, release := s.createApp(t)
	formation := &ct.Formation{
		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Tags:      map[string]map[string]string{"printer": {"active": "true"}},
	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()

	// add tag to host 1
	host1 := hosts[0]
	updateTags(host1, map[string]string{"active": "true"})

	// start jobs
	debug(t, "scaling printer=2")
	formation.Processes = map[string]int{"printer": 2}
	t.Assert(client.PutFormation(formation), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"printer": ct.JobUpEvents(2)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)

	assertHostJobCounts := func(expected map[string]int) {
		jobs, err := client.JobList(app.ID)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		actual := make(map[string]int)
		for _, job := range jobs {
			if job.State == ct.JobStateUp {
		t.Assert(actual, c.DeepEquals, expected)

	// check all jobs on host 1
	assertHostJobCounts(map[string]int{host1.ID(): 2})

	// add tag to host 2
	host2 := hosts[1]
	updateTags(host2, map[string]string{"active": "true"})

	// scale up
	debug(t, "scaling printer=4")
	formation.Processes["printer"] = 4
	t.Assert(client.PutFormation(formation), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"printer": ct.JobUpEvents(2)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)

	// check jobs distributed across hosts 1 and 2
	assertHostJobCounts(map[string]int{host1.ID(): 2, host2.ID(): 2})

	// remove tag from host 2
	updateTags(host2, map[string]string{"active": ""})

	// check jobs are moved to host1
	jobEvents := ct.JobEvents{"printer": map[ct.JobState]int{
		ct.JobStateDown: 2,
		ct.JobStateUp:   2,
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(jobEvents, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	assertHostJobCounts(map[string]int{host1.ID(): 4})

	// remove tag from host 1
	updateTags(host1, map[string]string{"active": ""})

	assertStateCounts := func(expected map[ct.JobState]int) {
		jobs, err := client.JobList(app.ID)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		actual := make(map[ct.JobState]int)
		for _, job := range jobs {
		t.Assert(actual, c.DeepEquals, expected)

	// check 4 pending jobs, rest are stopped
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"printer": ct.JobDownEvents(4)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	assertStateCounts(map[ct.JobState]int{ct.JobStatePending: 4, ct.JobStateDown: 6})

	// re-add tag to host 1
	updateTags(host1, map[string]string{"active": "true"})

	// check pending jobs are started on host 1
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"printer": ct.JobUpEvents(4)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	assertHostJobCounts(map[string]int{host1.ID(): 4})
	assertStateCounts(map[ct.JobState]int{ct.JobStateUp: 4, ct.JobStateDown: 6})

	// add different tag to host 2
	updateTags(host2, map[string]string{"disk": "ssd"})

	// update formation tags, check jobs are moved to host 2
	debug(t, "updating formation tags to disk=ssd")
	formation.Tags["printer"] = map[string]string{"disk": "ssd"}
	t.Assert(client.PutFormation(formation), c.IsNil)
	jobEvents = ct.JobEvents{"printer": map[ct.JobState]int{
		ct.JobStateDown: 4,
		ct.JobStateUp:   4,
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(jobEvents, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	assertHostJobCounts(map[string]int{host2.ID(): 4})
	assertStateCounts(map[ct.JobState]int{ct.JobStateUp: 4, ct.JobStateDown: 10})

	// scale down stops the jobs
	debug(t, "scaling printer=0")
	formation.Processes = nil
	t.Assert(client.PutFormation(formation), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"printer": ct.JobDownEvents(4)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	assertStateCounts(map[ct.JobState]int{ct.JobStateDown: 14})