func main() {

	fmt.Println("dockerapi started...")
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5000)
	fmt.Println("action: " + ACTION)
	fmt.Println("containers: " + CONTAINERS)
	var containers = strings.Split(CONTAINERS, ",")
	var docker *dockerapi.Client
	var err error
	docker, err = dockerapi.NewClient(DOCKER_HOST)
	if err != nil {
	err = docker.Ping()

	for i := range containers {
		fmt.Println(ACTION + " issued for " + containers[i])
		switch ACTION {
		case "stop":
			err = docker.StopContainer(containers[i], 5)
		case "start":
			err = docker.StartContainer(containers[i], nil)
			fmt.Println(ACTION + " unsupported action")
		if err != nil {
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 2000)
Пример #2
// cleanUp stops and removes the deployed router
func cleanUp(dockerCli *dockerClient.Client, routerId string) {
	dockerCli.StopContainer(routerId, 5)

		ID:    routerId,
		Force: true,
Пример #3
// cleanUp stops and removes the deployed router
func cleanUp(t *testing.T, dockerCli *dockerClient.Client, routerId string) {
	dockerCli.StopContainer(routerId, 5)
	if t.Failed() {
			Container:    routerId,
			OutputStream: os.Stdout,
			ErrorStream:  os.Stderr,
			Stdout:       true,
			Stderr:       true,

		ID:    routerId,
		Force: true,
Пример #4
func (c *Container) renameOld(client *dockerClient.Client, opts *dockerClient.CreateContainerOptions) error {
	if len(opts.Name) == 0 {
		return nil

	existing, err := inspect(client, opts.Name)
	if _, ok := err.(*dockerClient.NoSuchContainer); ok {
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return nil

	if c.Container != nil && existing.ID == c.Container.ID {
		return nil

	var newName string
	if label, ok := existing.Config.Labels[config.HASH]; ok {
		newName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", existing.Name, label)
	} else {
		newName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-unknown-%s", existing.Name, util.RandSeq(12))

	if existing.State.Running {
		err := client.StopContainer(existing.ID, 2)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = client.WaitContainer(existing.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	log.Debugf("Renaming %s to %s", existing.Name, newName)
	return client.RenameContainer(dockerClient.RenameContainerOptions{ID: existing.ID, Name: newName})
Пример #5
// StopContainers stops all the containers in ids slice
func StopContainers(client *docker.Client, ids []string) {
	for _, id := range ids {
		client.StopContainer(id, 10)