Пример #1
func setupUserInterface(launcher launchers.Launcher, userInterface ui.UserInterface) {

	log.SetCallback(func(level logging.Level, message string) {
		if level <= logging.INFO {

Пример #2
Run is the entry point you must employ to create a custom installer, for example to
employ custom settings or a brand-new user interface, based on any technology
func Run(
	launcher launchers.Launcher,
	userInterface ui.UserInterface,
	bootDescriptor descriptors.AppDescriptor) (err error) {

	settings := launcher.GetSettings()


	setupUserInterface(launcher, userInterface)
	defer dismissUserInterface(userInterface)


	userInterface.SetHeader("Performing startup operations")

	log.Debug("The boot descriptor is: %#v", bootDescriptor)




	appGallery := apps.NewAppGallery(settings.GetGalleryDirectory())
	log.Debug("The app gallery is: %#v", appGallery)


	log.Info("Resolving the app...")
	app, err := appGallery.GetApp(bootDescriptor)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Notice("The app directory is: '%v'", app.Directory)

	log.Debug("App is: %#v", app)

	firstRun := !app.DirectoryExists()
	log.Debug("Is this a first run for the app? %v", firstRun)


	if firstRun {
		log.Info("Now asking the user if the app can run...")

		canRun := app.CanPerformFirstRun(userInterface)
		if !canRun {
			return &ExecutionCanceled{}

		log.Debug("The user agreed to proceed")

		log.Info("Ensuring the app dir is available...")
		err = app.EnsureDirectory()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Notice("App dir available")


	log.Info("Locking the app dir...")
	err = app.LockDirectory()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		unlockErr := app.UnlockDirectory()
		if unlockErr != nil {

	log.Notice("App dir locked")


	log.Info("Checking for conflicting local descriptors...")
	err = app.CheckForConflictingLocalDescriptors()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Notice("No conflicting local descriptors found")


	log.Info("Resolving the local descriptor...")
	localDescriptor := app.GetLocalDescriptor()

	startedWithLocalDescriptor := localDescriptor != nil
	log.Debug("Started with local descriptor? %v", startedWithLocalDescriptor)

	if startedWithLocalDescriptor {
		log.Info("Checking that local descriptor and boot descriptor actually match...")
		err = descriptors.CheckDescriptorMatch(localDescriptor, bootDescriptor)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Notice("The descriptors match correctly")


	log.Info("Resolving the remote descriptor...")
	remoteDescriptor := app.GetRemoteDescriptor()

	if remoteDescriptor != nil {
		log.Info("Checking that remote descriptor and boot descriptor actually match...")
		err = descriptors.CheckDescriptorMatch(remoteDescriptor, bootDescriptor)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Notice("The descriptors match correctly")


	log.Info("Now choosing the reference descriptor...")
	referenceDescriptor, err := app.GetReferenceDescriptor()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Notice("Reference descriptor chosen")

	log.Debug("The reference descriptor is: %#v", referenceDescriptor)


	err = referenceDescriptor.CheckRequirements()
	if err != nil {
		return err




	log.Info("Resolving the OS-specific app command line...")
	commandLine := referenceDescriptor.GetCommandLine()
	log.Notice("Command line resolved")

	log.Debug("Command line is: %v", commandLine)


	err = app.CheckFiles(settings, userInterface)
	if err != nil {
		return err


	userInterface.SetHeader("Preparing the command...")

	log.Info("Creating the command...")
	command := app.PrepareCommand(commandLine)
	log.Notice("Command created")

	log.Debug("Command path: %v", command.Path)
	log.Debug("Command arguments: %v", command.Args)


	referenceDescriptorSaved := app.SaveReferenceDescriptor()

	if !startedWithLocalDescriptor && referenceDescriptorSaved {
		if userInterface.AskForDesktopShortcut(referenceDescriptor) {
			log.Info("Creating desktop shortcut...")

			err = app.CreateDesktopShortcut(launcher, referenceDescriptor)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warning("Could not create desktop shortcut: %v", err)
			} else {
				log.Notice("Desktop shortcut created")
		} else {
			log.Info("The user refused to create a desktop shortcut")




	userInterface.SetHeader("Launching the application")

	return app.Launch(command, settings, userInterface)