Пример #1
func Backup(log *logging.Logger, cfg *ini.File, grace string, reload bool) {
	const POOL = 5
	var db database.DB
	var tx *sql.Tx
	var c = make(chan bool, POOL)
	var wg = new(sync.WaitGroup)

	var dataset, maxdatasets int
	var sections []*ini.Section

	sections = cfg.Sections()

	maxdatasets, _ = cfg.Section("dataset").Key(grace).Int()

	db.Open(log, cfg)
	defer db.Close()

	tx, _ = db.Conn.Begin()
	dataset = database.GetDataset(log, tx, grace)

	if !reload {
		if nextds := dataset + 1; nextds > maxdatasets {
			dataset = 1
		} else {
			dataset = dataset + 1
	log.Info("Dataset processed: " + strconv.Itoa(dataset))

	wg.Add(len(sections) - len(SECT_RESERVED))
	for _, section := range sections {
		if !contains(SECT_RESERVED, section.Name()) {
			if section.Key("type").String() == "file" { // FIXME: useless?
				sect := common.Section{
					Name:       section.Name(),
					Grace:      grace,
					Dataset:    dataset,
					Compressed: section.Key("compress").MustBool(),

				go fileBackup(log, &sect, cfg, c, wg)
				c <- true
	wg.Wait() // Wait for all the children to die

	tx, _ = db.Conn.Begin()
	database.SetDataset(log, tx, dataset, grace)
Пример #2
func Restore(log *logging.Logger, cfg *ini.File, grace string) {
	dataset := cfg.Section("general").Key("dataset").MustInt()

	for _, section := range cfg.Sections() {
		if !contains(SECT_RESERVED, section.Name()) {
			if section.Key("type").String() == "file" {
				sect := common.Section{
					Name:       section.Name(),
					Grace:      grace,
					Dataset:    dataset,
					Compressed: section.Key("compress").MustBool(),
				fileRestore(log, cfg, &sect)