Пример #1
// SolveCholesky finds the matrix m that solves A * m = b where A = L * L^T or
// A = U^T * U, and U or L are represented by t, placing the result in the
// receiver.
func (m *Dense) SolveCholesky(t Triangular, b Matrix) {
	_, n := t.Dims()
	bm, bn := b.Dims()
	if n != bm {

	m.reuseAs(bm, bn)
	if b != m {

	// TODO(btracey): Implement an algorithm that doesn't require a copy into
	// a blas64.Triangular.
	ta := getBlasTriangular(t)

	switch ta.Uplo {
	case blas.Upper:
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.Trans, 1, ta, m.mat)
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.NoTrans, 1, ta, m.mat)
	case blas.Lower:
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.NoTrans, 1, ta, m.mat)
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.Trans, 1, ta, m.mat)
Пример #2
// SolveTri finds the matrix x that solves op(A) * X = B where A is a triangular
// matrix and op is specified by trans.
func (m *Dense) SolveTri(a Triangular, trans bool, b Matrix) {
	n, _ := a.Triangle()
	bm, bn := b.Dims()
	if n != bm {

	m.reuseAs(bm, bn)
	if b != m {

	// TODO(btracey): Implement an algorithm that doesn't require a copy into
	// a blas64.Triangular.
	ta := getBlasTriangular(a)

	t := blas.NoTrans
	if trans {
		t = blas.Trans
	switch ta.Uplo {
	case blas.Upper, blas.Lower:
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, t, 1, ta, m.mat)
Пример #3
// SolveCholesky finds the matrix m that solves A * m = b where A is represented
// by the cholesky decomposition, placing the result in the receiver.
func (m *Dense) SolveCholesky(chol *Cholesky, b Matrix) error {
	n := chol.chol.mat.N
	bm, bn := b.Dims()
	if n != bm {

	m.reuseAs(bm, bn)
	if b != m {
	blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.Trans, 1, chol.chol.mat, m.mat)
	blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.NoTrans, 1, chol.chol.mat, m.mat)
	if chol.cond > matrix.ConditionTolerance {
		return matrix.Condition(chol.cond)
	return nil
Пример #4
// SolveCholesky finds the matrix x that solves A * X = B where A = L * L^T or
// A = U^T * U, and U or L are represented by t. The matrix A must be symmetric
// and positive definite.
func (m *Dense) SolveCholesky(t *Triangular, b Matrix) {
	_, n := t.Dims()
	bm, bn := b.Dims()
	if n != bm {

	m.reuseAs(bm, bn)
	if b != m {

	switch t.mat.Uplo {
	case blas.Upper:
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.Trans, 1, t.mat, m.mat)
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.NoTrans, 1, t.mat, m.mat)
	case blas.Lower:
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.NoTrans, 1, t.mat, m.mat)
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.Trans, 1, t.mat, m.mat)
Пример #5
// Solve computes minimum norm least squares solution of a.x = b where b has as many rows as a.
// A matrix x is returned that minimizes the two norm of Q*R*X-B. Solve will panic
// if a is not full rank.
func (f LQFactor) Solve(b *Dense) (x *Dense) {
	lq := f.LQ
	lDiag := f.lDiag
	m, n := lq.Dims()
	bm, bn := b.Dims()
	if bm != m {
	if !f.IsFullRank() {

	x = NewDense(n, bn, nil)

	tau := make([]float64, m)
	for i := range tau {
		tau[i] = lq.at(i, i)
		lq.set(i, i, lDiag[i])
	lqT := blas64.Triangular{
		// N omitted since it is not used by Trsm.
		Stride: lq.Mat.Stride,
		Data:   lq.Mat.Data,
		Uplo:   blas.Lower,
		Diag:   blas.NonUnit,
	x.Mat.Rows = bm
	blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, blas.NoTrans, 1, lqT, x.Mat)
	x.Mat.Rows = n
	for i := range tau {
		lq.set(i, i, tau[i])

	f.applyQTo(x, true)

	return x
Пример #6
// SolveTri finds the matrix x that solves op(A) * X = B where A is a triangular
// matrix and op is specified by trans.
func (m *Dense) SolveTri(a *Triangular, trans bool, b Matrix) {
	_, n := a.Dims()
	bm, bn := b.Dims()
	if n != bm {

	m.reuseAs(bm, bn)
	if b != m {

	t := blas.NoTrans
	if trans {
		t = blas.Trans
	switch a.mat.Uplo {
	case blas.Upper, blas.Lower:
		blas64.Trsm(blas.Left, t, 1, a.mat, m.mat)
Пример #7
// Solve solves a minimum-norm solution to a system of linear equations defined
// by the matrices a and b. If a is singular or near-singular a Condition error
// is returned. Please see the documentation for Condition for more information.
// The minimization problem solved depends on the input parameters.
//  1. If m >= n and trans == false, find X such that ||a*X - b||_2 is minimized.
//  2. If m < n and trans == false, find the minimum norm solution of a * X = b.
//  3. If m >= n and trans == true, find the minimum norm solution of a^T * X = b.
//  4. If m < n and trans == true, find X such that ||a*X - b||_2 is minimized.
// The solution matrix, X, is stored in place into the receiver.
func (m *Dense) Solve(a, b Matrix) error {
	ar, ac := a.Dims()
	br, bc := b.Dims()
	if ar != br {
	m.reuseAs(ac, bc)

	// TODO(btracey): Add special cases for SymDense, etc.
	aMat, aTrans := untranspose(a)
	bMat, bTrans := untranspose(b)
	switch rma := aMat.(type) {
	case RawTriangular:
		side := blas.Left
		tA := blas.NoTrans
		if aTrans {
			tA = blas.Trans
		if m != bMat {
		} else if bTrans {
			// m and b share data so Copy cannot be used directly.
			tmp := getWorkspace(br, bc, false)

		rm := rma.RawTriangular()
		blas64.Trsm(side, tA, 1, rm, m.mat)
		work := make([]float64, 3*rm.N)
		iwork := make([]int, rm.N)
		cond := lapack64.Trcon(condNorm, rm, work, iwork)
		if cond > condTol {
			return Condition(cond)
		return nil

	switch {
	case ar == ac:
		if a == b {
			// x = I.
			if ar == 1 {
				m.mat.Data[0] = 1
				return nil
			for i := 0; i < ar; i++ {
				v := m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride : i*m.mat.Stride+ac]
				v[i] = 1
			return nil
		var lu LU
		return m.SolveLU(&lu, false, b)
	case ar > ac:
		var qr QR
		return m.SolveQR(&qr, false, b)
		var lq LQ
		return m.SolveLQ(&lq, false, b)