Пример #1
func (t *T) AcceptOffer(offer *mesos.Offer) bool {
	if offer == nil {
		return false

	// if the user has specified a target host, make sure this offer is for that host
	if t.Pod.Spec.NodeName != "" && offer.GetHostname() != t.Pod.Spec.NodeName {
		return false

	// check ports
	if _, err := t.mapper.Generate(t, offer); err != nil {
		return false

	// find offered cpu and mem
	var (
		offeredCpus mresource.CPUShares
		offeredMem  mresource.MegaBytes
	for _, resource := range offer.Resources {
		if resource.GetName() == "cpus" {
			offeredCpus = mresource.CPUShares(*resource.GetScalar().Value)

		if resource.GetName() == "mem" {
			offeredMem = mresource.MegaBytes(*resource.GetScalar().Value)

	// calculate cpu and mem sum over all containers of the pod
	// TODO (@sttts): also support pod.spec.resources.limit.request
	// TODO (@sttts): take into account the executor resources
	cpu := mresource.PodCPULimit(&t.Pod)
	mem := mresource.PodMemLimit(&t.Pod)
	log.V(4).Infof("trying to match offer with pod %v/%v: cpus: %.2f mem: %.2f MB", t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name, cpu, mem)
	if (cpu > offeredCpus) || (mem > offeredMem) {
		log.V(3).Infof("not enough resources for pod %v/%v: cpus: %.2f mem: %.2f MB", t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name, cpu, mem)
		return false

	return true
Пример #2
	mutil "github.com/mesos/mesos-go/mesosutil"
	bindings "github.com/mesos/mesos-go/scheduler"

const (
	defaultMesosMaster       = "localhost:5050"
	defaultMesosUser         = "******" // should have privs to execute docker and iptables commands
	defaultReconcileInterval = 300    // 5m default task reconciliation interval
	defaultReconcileCooldown = 15 * time.Second
	defaultFrameworkName     = "Kubernetes"

	executorCPUs = mresource.CPUShares(0.25) // initial CPU allocated for executor
	executorMem  = mresource.MegaBytes(64.0) // initial memory allocated for executor

type SchedulerServer struct {
	Port                int
	Address             util.IP
	EnableProfiling     bool
	AuthPath            string
	APIServerList       util.StringList
	EtcdServerList      util.StringList
	EtcdConfigFile      string
	AllowPrivileged     bool
	ExecutorPath        string
	ProxyPath           string
	MesosMaster         string
	MesosUser           string