Пример #1
// Determined whether the specified pod is allowed to use host networking
func allowHostNetwork(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
	podSource, err := getPodSource(pod)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	for _, source := range capabilities.Get().HostNetworkSources {
		if source == podSource {
			return true, nil
	return false, nil
Пример #2
func validateContainers(containers []api.Container, volumes util.StringSet) errs.ValidationErrorList {
	allErrs := errs.ValidationErrorList{}

	if len(containers) == 0 {
		return append(allErrs, errs.NewFieldRequired(""))

	allNames := util.StringSet{}
	for i, ctr := range containers {
		cErrs := errs.ValidationErrorList{}
		capabilities := capabilities.Get()
		if len(ctr.Name) == 0 {
			cErrs = append(cErrs, errs.NewFieldRequired("name"))
		} else if !util.IsDNS1123Label(ctr.Name) {
			cErrs = append(cErrs, errs.NewFieldInvalid("name", ctr.Name, dns1123LabelErrorMsg))
		} else if allNames.Has(ctr.Name) {
			cErrs = append(cErrs, errs.NewFieldDuplicate("name", ctr.Name))
		} else if ctr.Privileged && !capabilities.AllowPrivileged {
			cErrs = append(cErrs, errs.NewFieldForbidden("privileged", ctr.Privileged))
		} else {
		if len(ctr.Image) == 0 {
			cErrs = append(cErrs, errs.NewFieldRequired("image"))
		if ctr.Lifecycle != nil {
			cErrs = append(cErrs, validateLifecycle(ctr.Lifecycle).Prefix("lifecycle")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validateProbe(ctr.LivenessProbe).Prefix("livenessProbe")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validateProbe(ctr.ReadinessProbe).Prefix("readinessProbe")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validatePorts(ctr.Ports).Prefix("ports")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validateEnv(ctr.Env).Prefix("env")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validateVolumeMounts(ctr.VolumeMounts, volumes).Prefix("volumeMounts")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validatePullPolicy(&ctr).Prefix("pullPolicy")...)
		cErrs = append(cErrs, validateResourceRequirements(&ctr).Prefix("resources")...)
		allErrs = append(allErrs, cErrs.PrefixIndex(i)...)
	// Check for colliding ports across all containers.
	// TODO(thockin): This really is dependent on the network config of the host (IP per pod?)
	// and the config of the new manifest.  But we have not specced that out yet, so we'll just
	// make some assumptions for now.  As of now, pods share a network namespace, which means that
	// every Port.HostPort across the whole pod must be unique.
	allErrs = append(allErrs, checkHostPortConflicts(containers)...)

	return allErrs
Пример #3
// Run a single container from a pod. Returns the docker container ID
func (kl *Kubelet) runContainer(pod *Pod, container *api.Container, podVolumes volumeMap, netMode string) (id dockertools.DockerID, err error) {
	envVariables := makeEnvironmentVariables(container)
	binds := makeBinds(pod, container, podVolumes)
	exposedPorts, portBindings := makePortsAndBindings(container)

	opts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name: dockertools.BuildDockerName(pod.Manifest.UUID, GetPodFullName(pod), container),
		Config: &docker.Config{
			Cmd:          container.Command,
			Env:          envVariables,
			ExposedPorts: exposedPorts,
			Hostname:     pod.Name,
			Image:        container.Image,
			Memory:       int64(container.Memory),
			CpuShares:    int64(milliCPUToShares(container.CPU)),
			WorkingDir:   container.WorkingDir,
	dockerContainer, err := kl.dockerClient.CreateContainer(opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	privileged := false
	if capabilities.Get().AllowPrivileged {
		privileged = container.Privileged
	} else if container.Privileged {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Container requested privileged mode, but it is disallowed globally.")
	err = kl.dockerClient.StartContainer(dockerContainer.ID, &docker.HostConfig{
		PortBindings: portBindings,
		Binds:        binds,
		NetworkMode:  netMode,
		Privileged:   privileged,
	if err == nil && container.Lifecycle != nil && container.Lifecycle.PostStart != nil {
		handlerErr := kl.runHandler(GetPodFullName(pod), pod.Manifest.UUID, container, container.Lifecycle.PostStart)
		if handlerErr != nil {
			kl.killContainerByID(dockerContainer.ID, "")
			return dockertools.DockerID(""), fmt.Errorf("failed to call event handler: %v", handlerErr)
	return dockertools.DockerID(dockerContainer.ID), err
Пример #4
// Check whether we have the capabilities to run the specified pod.
func canRunPod(pod *api.Pod) error {
	if pod.Spec.HostNetwork {
		allowed, err := allowHostNetwork(pod)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if !allowed {
			return fmt.Errorf("pod with UID %q specified host networking, but is disallowed", pod.UID)

	if !capabilities.Get().AllowPrivileged {
		for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
			if securitycontext.HasPrivilegedRequest(&container) {
				return fmt.Errorf("pod with UID %q specified privileged container, but is disallowed", pod.UID)
	return nil
Пример #5
// Run a single container from a pod. Returns the docker container ID
func (kl *Kubelet) runContainer(pod *api.BoundPod, container *api.Container, podVolumes volumeMap, netMode string) (id dockertools.DockerID, err error) {
	ref, err := containerRef(pod, container)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Couldn't make a ref to pod %v, container %v: '%v'", pod.Name, container.Name, err)

	envVariables := makeEnvironmentVariables(container)
	binds := makeBinds(pod, container, podVolumes)
	exposedPorts, portBindings := makePortsAndBindings(container)

	opts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name: dockertools.BuildDockerName(pod.UID, GetPodFullName(pod), container),
		Config: &docker.Config{
			Cmd:          container.Command,
			Env:          envVariables,
			ExposedPorts: exposedPorts,
			Hostname:     pod.Name,
			Image:        container.Image,
			Memory:       container.Memory.Value(),
			CPUShares:    milliCPUToShares(container.CPU.MilliValue()),
			WorkingDir:   container.WorkingDir,
	dockerContainer, err := kl.dockerClient.CreateContainer(opts)
	if err != nil {
		if ref != nil {
			record.Eventf(ref, "failed", "failed",
				"Failed to create docker container with error: %v", err)
		return "", err
	// Remember this reference so we can report events about this container
	if ref != nil {
		kl.setRef(dockertools.DockerID(dockerContainer.ID), ref)
		record.Eventf(ref, "waiting", "created", "Created with docker id %v", dockerContainer.ID)

	if len(container.TerminationMessagePath) != 0 {
		p := kl.GetPodContainerDir(pod.UID, container.Name)
		if err := os.MkdirAll(p, 0750); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error on creating %q: %v", p, err)
		} else {
			containerLogPath := path.Join(p, dockerContainer.ID)
			fs, err := os.Create(containerLogPath)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Error on creating termination-log file %q: %v", containerLogPath, err)
			defer fs.Close()
			b := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", containerLogPath, container.TerminationMessagePath)
			binds = append(binds, b)
	privileged := false
	if capabilities.Get().AllowPrivileged {
		privileged = container.Privileged
	} else if container.Privileged {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("container requested privileged mode, but it is disallowed globally.")
	hc := &docker.HostConfig{
		PortBindings: portBindings,
		Binds:        binds,
		NetworkMode:  netMode,
		Privileged:   privileged,
	if pod.Spec.DNSPolicy == api.DNSClusterFirst {
		if err := kl.applyClusterDNS(hc, pod); err != nil {
			return "", err
	err = kl.dockerClient.StartContainer(dockerContainer.ID, hc)
	if err != nil {
		if ref != nil {
			record.Eventf(ref, "failed", "failed",
				"Failed to start with docker id %v with error: %v", dockerContainer.ID, err)
		return "", err
	if ref != nil {
		record.Eventf(ref, "running", "started", "Started with docker id %v", dockerContainer.ID)

	if container.Lifecycle != nil && container.Lifecycle.PostStart != nil {
		handlerErr := kl.runHandler(GetPodFullName(pod), pod.UID, container, container.Lifecycle.PostStart)
		if handlerErr != nil {
			kl.killContainerByID(dockerContainer.ID, "")
			return dockertools.DockerID(""), fmt.Errorf("failed to call event handler: %v", handlerErr)
	return dockertools.DockerID(dockerContainer.ID), err
Пример #6
func newUpgradeAwareProxyHandler(location *url.URL, transport http.RoundTripper, upgradeRequired bool) *genericrest.UpgradeAwareProxyHandler {
	handler := genericrest.NewUpgradeAwareProxyHandler(location, transport, upgradeRequired)
	handler.MaxBytesPerSec = capabilities.Get().PerConnectionBandwidthLimitBytesPerSec
	return handler
Пример #7
func (dm *DockerManager) runContainer(pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container, opts *kubecontainer.RunContainerOptions, ref *api.ObjectReference) (string, error) {
	dockerName := KubeletContainerName{
		PodFullName:   kubecontainer.GetPodFullName(pod),
		PodUID:        pod.UID,
		ContainerName: container.Name,
	exposedPorts, portBindings := makePortsAndBindings(container)

	// TODO(vmarmol): Handle better.
	// Cap hostname at 63 chars (specification is 64bytes which is 63 chars and the null terminating char).
	const hostnameMaxLen = 63
	containerHostname := pod.Name
	if len(containerHostname) > hostnameMaxLen {
		containerHostname = containerHostname[:hostnameMaxLen]
	dockerOpts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name: BuildDockerName(dockerName, container),
		Config: &docker.Config{
			Env:          opts.Envs,
			ExposedPorts: exposedPorts,
			Hostname:     containerHostname,
			Image:        container.Image,
			Memory:       container.Resources.Limits.Memory().Value(),
			CPUShares:    milliCPUToShares(container.Resources.Limits.Cpu().MilliValue()),
			WorkingDir:   container.WorkingDir,

	setEntrypointAndCommand(container, &dockerOpts)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Container %v/%v/%v: setting entrypoint \"%v\" and command \"%v\"", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, container.Name, dockerOpts.Config.Entrypoint, dockerOpts.Config.Cmd)

	dockerContainer, err := dm.client.CreateContainer(dockerOpts)
	if err != nil {
		if ref != nil {
			dm.recorder.Eventf(ref, "failed", "Failed to create docker container with error: %v", err)
		return "", err

	if ref != nil {
		dm.recorder.Eventf(ref, "created", "Created with docker id %v", dockerContainer.ID)

	// The reason we create and mount the log file in here (not in kubelet) is because
	// the file's location depends on the ID of the container, and we need to create and
	// mount the file before actually starting the container.
	// TODO(yifan): Consider to pull this logic out since we might need to reuse it in
	// other container runtime.
	if opts.PodContainerDir != "" && len(container.TerminationMessagePath) != 0 {
		containerLogPath := path.Join(opts.PodContainerDir, dockerContainer.ID)
		fs, err := os.Create(containerLogPath)
		if err != nil {
			// TODO: Clean up the previouly created dir? return the error?
			glog.Errorf("Error on creating termination-log file %q: %v", containerLogPath, err)
		} else {
			fs.Close() // Close immediately; we're just doing a `touch` here
			b := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", containerLogPath, container.TerminationMessagePath)
			opts.Binds = append(opts.Binds, b)

	privileged := false
	if capabilities.Get().AllowPrivileged {
		privileged = container.Privileged
	} else if container.Privileged {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("container requested privileged mode, but it is disallowed globally.")

	capAdd, capDrop := makeCapabilites(container.Capabilities.Add, container.Capabilities.Drop)
	hc := &docker.HostConfig{
		PortBindings: portBindings,
		Binds:        opts.Binds,
		NetworkMode:  opts.NetMode,
		IpcMode:      opts.IpcMode,
		Privileged:   privileged,
		CapAdd:       capAdd,
		CapDrop:      capDrop,
	if len(opts.DNS) > 0 {
		hc.DNS = opts.DNS
	if len(opts.DNSSearch) > 0 {
		hc.DNSSearch = opts.DNSSearch

	if err = dm.client.StartContainer(dockerContainer.ID, hc); err != nil {
		if ref != nil {
			dm.recorder.Eventf(ref, "failed",
				"Failed to start with docker id %v with error: %v", dockerContainer.ID, err)
		return "", err
	if ref != nil {
		dm.recorder.Eventf(ref, "started", "Started with docker id %v", dockerContainer.ID)
	return dockerContainer.ID, nil