Пример #1
// HashToUrl(contenthash) resolves the url for contenthash using UrlHint
// resolution is costless non-transactional
// implemented as direct retrieval from  db
// if we use content addressed storage, this step is no longer necessary
func (self *Registrar) HashToUrl(chash common.Hash) (uri string, err error) {
	if zero.MatchString(UrlHintAddr) {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("UrlHint address is not set")
	// look up in URL reg
	var str string = " "
	var idx uint32
	for len(str) > 0 {
		mapaddr := storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), chash[:])
		key := storageAddress(storageFixedArray(mapaddr, storageIdx2Addr(idx)))
		hex := self.backend.StorageAt(UrlHintAddr[2:], key)
		str = string(common.Hex2Bytes(hex[2:]))
		l := 0
		for (l < len(str)) && (str[l] == 0) {

		str = str[l:]
		uri = uri + str

	if len(uri) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("HashToUrl: URL hint not found for '%v'", chash.Hex())
Пример #2
func (tx *Tx) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
	req := struct {
		To       common.Address `json:"to"`
		From     common.Address `json:"from"`
		Nonce    *rpc.HexNumber `json:"nonce"`
		Value    *rpc.HexNumber `json:"value"`
		Data     string         `json:"data"`
		GasLimit *rpc.HexNumber `json:"gas"`
		GasPrice *rpc.HexNumber `json:"gasPrice"`
		Hash     common.Hash    `json:"hash"`

	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &req); err != nil {
		return err

	contractCreation := (req.To == (common.Address{}))

	tx.To = &req.To
	tx.From = req.From
	tx.Nonce = req.Nonce
	tx.Value = req.Value
	tx.Data = req.Data
	tx.GasLimit = req.GasLimit
	tx.GasPrice = req.GasPrice
	tx.Hash = req.Hash

	data := common.Hex2Bytes(tx.Data)

	if tx.Nonce == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("need nonce")
	if tx.Value == nil {
		tx.Value = rpc.NewHexNumber(0)
	if tx.GasLimit == nil {
		tx.GasLimit = rpc.NewHexNumber(0)
	if tx.GasPrice == nil {
		tx.GasPrice = rpc.NewHexNumber(defaultGasPrice)

	if contractCreation {
		tx.tx = types.NewContractCreation(tx.Nonce.Uint64(), tx.Value.BigInt(), tx.GasLimit.BigInt(), tx.GasPrice.BigInt(), data)
	} else {
		if tx.To == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("need to address")
		tx.tx = types.NewTransaction(tx.Nonce.Uint64(), *tx.To, tx.Value.BigInt(), tx.GasLimit.BigInt(), tx.GasPrice.BigInt(), data)

	return nil
Пример #3
// Returns the unsigned version of i
func (i *Number) Uint256() *Number {
	return Uint(0).Set(i)

// Returns the index of the first bit that's set to 1
func (i *Number) FirstBitSet() int {
	for j := 0; j < i.num.BitLen(); j++ {
		if i.num.Bit(j) > 0 {
			return j

	return i.num.BitLen()

// Variables

var (
	Zero       = Uint(0)
	One        = Uint(1)
	Two        = Uint(2)
	MaxUint256 = Uint(0).SetBytes(common.Hex2Bytes("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"))

	MinOne = Int(-1)

	// "typedefs"
	Uint = Uint256
	Int  = Int256
Пример #4
// WriteGenesisBlock writes the genesis block to the database as block number 0
func WriteGenesisBlock(chainDb ethdb.Database, reader io.Reader) (*types.Block, error) {
	contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var genesis struct {
		Nonce      string
		Timestamp  string
		ParentHash string
		ExtraData  string
		GasLimit   string
		Difficulty string
		Mixhash    string
		Coinbase   string
		Alloc      map[string]struct {
			Code    string
			Storage map[string]string
			Balance string

	if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &genesis); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// creating with empty hash always works
	statedb, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, chainDb)
	for addr, account := range genesis.Alloc {
		address := common.HexToAddress(addr)
		statedb.AddBalance(address, common.String2Big(account.Balance))
		statedb.SetCode(address, common.Hex2Bytes(account.Code))
		for key, value := range account.Storage {
			statedb.SetState(address, common.HexToHash(key), common.HexToHash(value))
	root, stateBatch := statedb.CommitBatch()

	difficulty := common.String2Big(genesis.Difficulty)
	block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
		Nonce:      types.EncodeNonce(common.String2Big(genesis.Nonce).Uint64()),
		Time:       common.String2Big(genesis.Timestamp),
		ParentHash: common.HexToHash(genesis.ParentHash),
		Extra:      common.FromHex(genesis.ExtraData),
		GasLimit:   common.String2Big(genesis.GasLimit),
		Difficulty: difficulty,
		MixDigest:  common.HexToHash(genesis.Mixhash),
		Coinbase:   common.HexToAddress(genesis.Coinbase),
		Root:       root,
	}, nil, nil, nil)

	if block := GetBlock(chainDb, block.Hash()); block != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Genesis block already in chain. Writing canonical number")
		err := WriteCanonicalHash(chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return block, nil

	if err := stateBatch.Write(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot write state: %v", err)
	if err := WriteTd(chainDb, block.Hash(), difficulty); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteBlock(chainDb, block); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteBlockReceipts(chainDb, block.Hash(), nil); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteCanonicalHash(chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteHeadBlockHash(chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return block, nil