Пример #1
// NewGrafanaNet creates a special route that writes to a grafana.net datastore
// We will automatically run the route and the destination
// ignores spool for now
func NewGrafanaNet(key, prefix, sub, regex, addr, apiKey, schemasFile string, spool, sslVerify bool, bufSize, flushMaxNum, flushMaxWait, timeout int) (Route, error) {
	m, err := matcher.New(prefix, sub, regex)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	schemas, err := persister.ReadWhisperSchemas(schemasFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var defaultFound bool
	for _, schema := range schemas {
		if schema.Pattern.String() == ".*" {
			defaultFound = true
		if len(schema.Retentions) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("retention setting cannot be empty")
	if !defaultFound {
		// good graphite health (not sure what graphite does if there's no .*
		// but we definitely need to always be able to determine which interval to use
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage-conf does not have a default '.*' pattern")

	cleanAddr := util.AddrToPath(addr)

	r := &GrafanaNet{
		baseRoute: baseRoute{sync.Mutex{}, atomic.Value{}, key},
		addr:      addr,
		apiKey:    apiKey,
		buf:       make(chan []byte, bufSize), // takes about 228MB on 64bit
		schemas:   schemas,

		bufSize:      bufSize,
		flushMaxNum:  flushMaxNum,
		flushMaxWait: time.Duration(flushMaxWait) * time.Millisecond,
		timeout:      time.Duration(timeout) * time.Millisecond,
		sslVerify:    sslVerify,

		numErrFlush:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=flush"),
		numOut:            stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.direction=out"),
		durationTickFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=ticker"),
		durationManuFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=manual"),
		tickFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=ticker"),
		manuFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=manual"),
		numBuffered:       stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=numBuffered"),

	r.config.Store(baseConfig{*m, make([]*dest.Destination, 0)})
	go r.run()
	return r, nil
Пример #2
func NewConn(addr string, dest *Destination, periodFlush time.Duration, pickle bool) (*Conn, error) {
	raddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	laddr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "")
	conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", laddr, raddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cleanAddr := util.AddrToPath(addr)
	connObj := &Conn{
		conn:              conn,
		buffered:          NewWriter(conn, bufio_buffer_size, cleanAddr),
		shutdown:          make(chan bool, 1), // when we write here, HandleData() may not be running anymore to read from the chan
		In:                make(chan []byte, conn_in_buffer),
		dest:              dest,
		up:                true,
		pickle:            pickle,
		checkUp:           make(chan bool),
		updateUp:          make(chan bool),
		flush:             make(chan bool),
		flushErr:          make(chan error),
		periodFlush:       periodFlush,
		keepSafe:          NewKeepSafe(keepsafe_initial_cap, keepsafe_keep_duration),
		numErrTruncated:   stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=truncated"),
		numErrWrite:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=write"),
		numErrFlush:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=flush"),
		numOut:            stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.direction=out"),
		durationWrite:     stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationWrite"),
		durationTickFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=ticker"),
		durationManuFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=manual"),
		tickFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=ticker"),
		manuFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=manual"),
		numBuffered:       stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=numBuffered"),
		numDropBadPickle:  stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.action=drop.reason=bad_pickle"),

	go connObj.checkEOF()

	go connObj.HandleData()
	go connObj.HandleStatus()
	return connObj, nil