Пример #1
func handleSysSealStatusRaw(core *vault.Core, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	sealed, err := core.Sealed()
	if err != nil {
		respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

	sealConfig, err := core.SealAccess().BarrierConfig()
	if err != nil {
		respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
	if sealConfig == nil {
		respondError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf(
			"server is not yet initialized"))

	// Fetch the local cluster name and identifier
	var clusterName, clusterID string
	if !sealed {
		cluster, err := core.Cluster()
		if err != nil {
			respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		if cluster == nil {
			respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch cluster details"))
		clusterName = cluster.Name
		clusterID = cluster.ID

	respondOk(w, &SealStatusResponse{
		Sealed:      sealed,
		T:           sealConfig.SecretThreshold,
		N:           sealConfig.SecretShares,
		Progress:    core.SecretProgress(),
		Version:     version.GetVersion().VersionNumber(),
		ClusterName: clusterName,
		ClusterID:   clusterID,
Пример #2
func getSysHealth(core *vault.Core, r *http.Request) (int, *HealthResponse, error) {
	// Check if being a standby is allowed for the purpose of a 200 OK
	_, standbyOK := r.URL.Query()["standbyok"]

	uninitCode := http.StatusNotImplemented
	if code, found, ok := fetchStatusCode(r, "uninitcode"); !ok {
		return http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil
	} else if found {
		uninitCode = code

	sealedCode := http.StatusServiceUnavailable
	if code, found, ok := fetchStatusCode(r, "sealedcode"); !ok {
		return http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil
	} else if found {
		sealedCode = code

	standbyCode := http.StatusTooManyRequests // Consul warning code
	if code, found, ok := fetchStatusCode(r, "standbycode"); !ok {
		return http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil
	} else if found {
		standbyCode = code

	activeCode := http.StatusOK
	if code, found, ok := fetchStatusCode(r, "activecode"); !ok {
		return http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil
	} else if found {
		activeCode = code

	// Check system status
	sealed, _ := core.Sealed()
	standby, _ := core.Standby()
	init, err := core.Initialized()
	if err != nil {
		return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, err

	// Determine the status code
	code := activeCode
	switch {
	case !init:
		code = uninitCode
	case sealed:
		code = sealedCode
	case !standbyOK && standby:
		code = standbyCode

	// Fetch the local cluster name and identifier
	var clusterName, clusterID string
	if !sealed {
		cluster, err := core.Cluster()
		if err != nil {
			return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, err
		if cluster == nil {
			return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch cluster details")
		clusterName = cluster.Name
		clusterID = cluster.ID

	// Format the body
	body := &HealthResponse{
		Initialized:   init,
		Sealed:        sealed,
		Standby:       standby,
		ServerTimeUTC: time.Now().UTC().Unix(),
		Version:       version.GetVersion().VersionNumber(),
		ClusterName:   clusterName,
		ClusterID:     clusterID,
	return code, body, nil