Пример #1
func (j *Job) Run() {
	// If the job panics, just print a stack trace.
	// Don't let the whole process die.
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			if revelError := revel.NewErrorFromPanic(err); revelError != nil {
				glog.Error(err, "\n", revelError.Stack)
			} else {
				glog.Error(err, "\n", string(debug.Stack()))

	if !selfConcurrent {
		defer j.running.Unlock()

	if workPermits != nil {
		workPermits <- struct{}{}
		defer func() { <-workPermits }()

	atomic.StoreUint32(&j.status, 1)
	defer atomic.StoreUint32(&j.status, 0)

Пример #2
// This function handles a panic in an action invocation.
// It cleans up the stack trace, logs it, and displays an error page.
func handleInvocationPanic(c *Controller, err interface{}) {
	error := NewErrorFromPanic(err)
	if error == nil && DevMode {
		// Only show the sensitive information in the debug stack trace in development mode, not production
		glog.Error(err, "\n", string(debug.Stack()))

	glog.Error(err, "\n", error.Stack)
	c.Result = c.RenderError(error)
Пример #3
func (r *RenderTemplateResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response) {
	// Handle panics when rendering templates.
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			PlaintextErrorResult{fmt.Errorf("Template Execution Panic in %s:\n%s",
				r.Template.Name(), err)}.Apply(req, resp)

	chunked := Config.BoolDefault("results.chunked", false)

	// In a prod mode, write the status, render, and hope for the best.
	// (In a dev mode, always render to a temporary buffer first to avoid having
	// error pages distorted by HTML already written)
	defaultContentType := FormatToContentType(req.Format)
	if chunked && !DevMode {
		resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK, defaultContentType)
		r.render(req, resp, resp.Out)

	// Render the template into a temporary buffer, to see if there was an error
	// rendering the template.  If not, then copy it into the response buffer.
	// Otherwise, template render errors may result in unpredictable HTML (and
	// would carry a 200 status code)
	var b bytes.Buffer
	r.render(req, resp, &b)
	if !chunked {
		resp.Out.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(b.Len()))
	resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK, defaultContentType)
Пример #4
func convertMemcacheError(err error) error {
	switch err {
	case memcache.ErrCacheMiss:
		return ErrCacheMiss
	case memcache.ErrNotStored:
		return ErrNotStored

	glog.Error("revel/cache:", err)
	return err
Пример #5
// Parse the output of the "go build" command.
// Return a detailed Error.
func newCompileError(output []byte) *revel.Error {
	errorMatch := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^([^:#]+):(\d+):(\d+:)? (.*)$`).
	if errorMatch == nil {
		glog.Error("Failed to parse build errors:\n", string(output))
		return &revel.Error{
			SourceType:  "Go code",
			Title:       "Go Compilation Error",
			Description: "See console for build error.",

	// Read the source for the offending file.
	var (
		relFilename    = string(errorMatch[1]) // e.g. "src/revel/sample/app/controllers/app.go"
		absFilename, _ = filepath.Abs(relFilename)
		line, _        = strconv.Atoi(string(errorMatch[2]))
		description    = string(errorMatch[4])
		compileError   = &revel.Error{
			SourceType:  "Go code",
			Title:       "Go Compilation Error",
			Path:        relFilename,
			Description: description,
			Line:        line,

	fileStr, err := revel.ReadLines(absFilename)
	if err != nil {
		compileError.MetaError = absFilename + ": " + err.Error()
		return compileError

	compileError.SourceLines = fileStr
	return compileError
Пример #6
func (c InMemoryCache) Get(key string, ptrValue interface{}) error {
	value, found := c.Cache.Get(key)
	if !found {
		return ErrCacheMiss

	v := reflect.ValueOf(ptrValue)
	if v.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.Elem().CanSet() {
		return nil

	err := fmt.Errorf("revel/cache: attempt to get %s, but can not set value %v", key, v)
	return err
Пример #7
func importPathFromPath(root string) string {
	for _, gopath := range filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) {
		srcPath := filepath.Join(gopath, "src")
		if strings.HasPrefix(root, srcPath) {
			return filepath.ToSlash(root[len(srcPath)+1:])

	srcPath := filepath.Join(build.Default.GOROOT, "src", "pkg")
	if strings.HasPrefix(root, srcPath) {
		glog.Warning("Code path should be in GOPATH, but is in GOROOT: ", root)
		return filepath.ToSlash(root[len(srcPath)+1:])

	glog.Error("Unexpected! Code path is not in GOPATH: ", root)
	return ""
Пример #8
// Render a template corresponding to the calling Controller method.
// Arguments will be added to c.RenderArgs prior to rendering the template.
// They are keyed on their local identifier.
// For example:
//     func (c Users) ShowUser(id int) revel.Result {
//     	 user := loadUser(id)
//     	 return c.Render(user)
//     }
// This action will render views/Users/ShowUser.html, passing in an extra
// key-value "user": (User).
// Content negotiation
// The template selected depends on the request's format (html, json, xml, txt),
// (which is derived from the Accepts header).  For example, if Request.Format
// was "json", then the above example would look for the
// views/Users/ShowUser.json template instead.
// If no template is found and the format is one of "json" or "xml",
// then Render will instead serialize the first argument into that format.
func (c *Controller) Render(extraRenderArgs ...interface{}) Result {
	templatePath := c.Name + "/" + c.MethodType.Name + "." + c.Request.Format

	// Get the calling function name.
	_, _, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if !ok {
		glog.Error("Failed to get Caller information")

	// If not HTML, first check if the template is present.
	template, err := MainTemplateLoader.Template(templatePath)

	// If not, and there is an arg, serialize that if it's xml or json.
	if template == nil {
		if len(extraRenderArgs) > 0 {
			switch c.Request.Format {
			case "xml":
				return c.RenderXml(extraRenderArgs[0])
			case "json":
				return c.RenderJson(extraRenderArgs[0])
		// Else, render a 404 error saying we couldn't find the template.
		return c.NotFound(err.Error())

	// Get the extra RenderArgs passed in.
	if renderArgNames, ok := c.MethodType.RenderArgNames[line]; ok {
		if len(renderArgNames) == len(extraRenderArgs) {
			for i, extraRenderArg := range extraRenderArgs {
				c.RenderArgs[renderArgNames[i]] = extraRenderArg
		} else {
			glog.Errorln(len(renderArgNames), "RenderArg names found for",
				len(extraRenderArgs), "extra RenderArgs")
	} else {
		glog.Errorln("No RenderArg names found for Render call on line", line,
			"(Method", c.MethodType.Name, ")")

	return &RenderTemplateResult{
		Template:   template,
		RenderArgs: c.RenderArgs,
Пример #9
// Prepares the route to be used in matching.
func NewRoute(method, path, action, fixedArgs string) (r *Route) {
	// Handle fixed arguments
	argsReader := strings.NewReader(fixedArgs)
	csv := csv.NewReader(argsReader)
	fargs, err := csv.Read()
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		glog.Errorf("Invalid fixed parameters (%v): for string '%v'", err.Error(), fixedArgs)

	r = &Route{
		Method:      strings.ToUpper(method),
		Path:        path,
		Action:      action,
		FixedParams: fargs,

	// URL pattern
	// TODO: Support non-absolute paths
	if !strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "/") {
		glog.Error("Absolute URL required.")

	// Handle embedded arguments

	// Convert path arguments with unspecified regexes to standard form.
	// e.g. "/customer/{id}" => "/customer/{<[^/]+>id}
	normPath := nakedPathParamRegex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(r.Path, func(m string) string {
		var argMatches []string = nakedPathParamRegex.FindStringSubmatch(m)
		return "{<[^/]+>" + argMatches[1] + "}"

	// Go through the arguments
	r.args = make([]*arg, 0, 3)
	for i, m := range argsPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(normPath, -1) {
		r.args = append(r.args, &arg{
			name:       string(m[2]),
			index:      i,
			constraint: regexp.MustCompile(string(m[1])),

	// Now assemble the entire path regex, including the embedded parameters.
	// e.g. /app/{<[^/]+>id} => /app/(?P<id>[^/]+)
	pathPatternStr := argsPattern.ReplaceAllStringFunc(normPath, func(m string) string {
		var argMatches []string = argsPattern.FindStringSubmatch(m)
		return "(?P<" + argMatches[2] + ">" + argMatches[1] + ")"
	r.pathPattern = regexp.MustCompile(pathPatternStr + "$")

	// Handle action
	var actionPatternStr string = strings.Replace(r.Action, ".", `\.`, -1)
	for _, arg := range r.args {
		var argName string = "{" + arg.name + "}"
		if argIndex := strings.Index(actionPatternStr, argName); argIndex != -1 {
			actionPatternStr = strings.Replace(actionPatternStr, argName,
				"(?P<"+arg.name+">"+arg.constraint.String()+")", -1)
	r.actionPattern = regexp.MustCompile(actionPatternStr)
Пример #10
func (c MemcachedCache) Flush() error {
	err := errors.New("revel/cache: can not flush memcached.")
	return err
Пример #11
// Build the app:
// 1. Generate the the main.go file.
// 2. Run the appropriate "go build" command.
// Requires that revel.Init has been called previously.
// Returns the path to the built binary, and an error if there was a problem building it.
func Build() (app *App, compileError *revel.Error) {
	start := time.Now()

	// First, clear the generated files (to avoid them messing with ProcessSource).
	cleanSource("tmp", "routes")

	sourceInfo, compileError := ProcessSource(revel.CodePaths)
	if compileError != nil {
		return nil, compileError

	// Add the db.import to the import paths.
	if dbImportPath, found := revel.Config.String("db.import"); found {
		sourceInfo.InitImportPaths = append(sourceInfo.InitImportPaths, dbImportPath)

	// Generate two source files.
	templateArgs := map[string]interface{}{
		"Controllers":    sourceInfo.ControllerSpecs(),
		"ValidationKeys": sourceInfo.ValidationKeys,
		"ImportPaths":    calcImportAliases(sourceInfo),
		"TestSuites":     sourceInfo.TestSuites(),
	genSource("tmp", "main.go", MAIN, templateArgs)
	genSource("routes", "routes.go", ROUTES, templateArgs)

	// Read build config.
	buildTags := revel.Config.StringDefault("build.tags", "")

	// Build the user program (all code under app).
	// It relies on the user having "go" installed.
	goPath, err := exec.LookPath("go")
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Go executable not found in PATH.")

	pkg, err := build.Default.Import(revel.ImportPath, "", build.FindOnly)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalln("Failure importing", revel.ImportPath)
	binName := filepath.Join(pkg.BinDir, filepath.Base(revel.BasePath))
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		binName += ".exe"

	gotten := make(map[string]struct{})
	for {
		buildCmd := exec.Command(goPath, "build",
			"-tags", buildTags,
			"-o", binName, path.Join(revel.ImportPath, "app", "tmp"))
		glog.V(1).Infoln("Exec:", buildCmd.Args)
		output, err := buildCmd.CombinedOutput()

		// If the build succeeded, we're done.
		if err == nil {
			glog.Infof("Build took %s", time.Since(start))
			return NewApp(binName), nil

		// See if it was an import error that we can go get.
		matches := importErrorPattern.FindStringSubmatch(string(output))
		if matches == nil {
			return nil, newCompileError(output)

		// Ensure we haven't already tried to go get it.
		pkgName := matches[1]
		if _, alreadyTried := gotten[pkgName]; alreadyTried {
			return nil, newCompileError(output)
		gotten[pkgName] = struct{}{}

		// Execute "go get <pkg>"
		getCmd := exec.Command(goPath, "get", pkgName)
		glog.V(1).Infoln("Exec:", getCmd.Args)
		getOutput, err := getCmd.CombinedOutput()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, newCompileError(output)

		// Success getting the import, attempt to build again.
	glog.Fatal("Not reachable")
	return nil, nil