Пример #1
// completeAbstractValue completes value of an Abstract type (Union / Interface) by determining the runtime type
// of that value, then completing based on that type.
func completeAbstractValue(eCtx *ExecutionContext, returnType Abstract, fieldASTs []*ast.Field, info ResolveInfo, result interface{}) interface{} {

	var runtimeType *Object

	resolveTypeParams := ResolveTypeParams{
		Value:   result,
		Info:    info,
		Context: eCtx.Context,
	if unionReturnType, ok := returnType.(*Union); ok && unionReturnType.ResolveType != nil {
		runtimeType = unionReturnType.ResolveType(resolveTypeParams)
	} else if interfaceReturnType, ok := returnType.(*Interface); ok && interfaceReturnType.ResolveType != nil {
		runtimeType = interfaceReturnType.ResolveType(resolveTypeParams)
	} else {
		runtimeType = defaultResolveTypeFn(resolveTypeParams, returnType)

	err := invariant(runtimeType != nil,
		fmt.Sprintf(`Could not determine runtime type of value "%v" for field %v.%v.`, result, info.ParentType, info.FieldName),
	if err != nil {

	if !eCtx.Schema.IsPossibleType(returnType, runtimeType) {
			fmt.Sprintf(`Runtime Object type "%v" is not a possible type `+
				`for "%v".`, runtimeType, returnType),

	return completeObjectValue(eCtx, runtimeType, fieldASTs, info, result)
Пример #2
func ValidateDocument(schema *Schema, astDoc *ast.Document, rules []ValidationRuleFn) (vr ValidationResult) {
	if len(rules) == 0 {
		rules = SpecifiedRules

	vr.IsValid = false
	if schema == nil {
		vr.Errors = append(vr.Errors, gqlerrors.NewFormattedError("Must provide schema"))
		return vr
	if astDoc == nil {
		vr.Errors = append(vr.Errors, gqlerrors.NewFormattedError("Must provide document"))
		return vr

	typeInfo := NewTypeInfo(&TypeInfoConfig{
		Schema: schema,
	vr.Errors = VisitUsingRules(schema, typeInfo, astDoc, rules)
	if len(vr.Errors) == 0 {
		vr.IsValid = true
	return vr
Пример #3
// completeObjectValue complete an Object value by executing all sub-selections.
func completeObjectValue(eCtx *ExecutionContext, returnType *Object, fieldASTs []*ast.Field, info ResolveInfo, result interface{}) interface{} {

	// If there is an isTypeOf predicate function, call it with the
	// current result. If isTypeOf returns false, then raise an error rather
	// than continuing execution.
	if returnType.IsTypeOf != nil {
		p := IsTypeOfParams{
			Value:   result,
			Info:    info,
			Context: eCtx.Context,
		if !returnType.IsTypeOf(p) {
				fmt.Sprintf(`Expected value of type "%v" but got: %T.`, returnType, result),

	// Collect sub-fields to execute to complete this value.
	subFieldASTs := map[string][]*ast.Field{}
	visitedFragmentNames := map[string]bool{}
	for _, fieldAST := range fieldASTs {
		if fieldAST == nil {
		selectionSet := fieldAST.SelectionSet
		if selectionSet != nil {
			innerParams := CollectFieldsParams{
				ExeContext:           eCtx,
				RuntimeType:          returnType,
				SelectionSet:         selectionSet,
				Fields:               subFieldASTs,
				VisitedFragmentNames: visitedFragmentNames,
			subFieldASTs = collectFields(innerParams)
	executeFieldsParams := ExecuteFieldsParams{
		ExecutionContext: eCtx,
		ParentType:       returnType,
		Source:           result,
		Fields:           subFieldASTs,
	results := executeFields(executeFieldsParams)

	return results.Data

Пример #4
func invariant(condition bool, message string) error {
	if !condition {
		return gqlerrors.NewFormattedError(message)
	return nil
Пример #5
func completeValue(eCtx *ExecutionContext, returnType Type, fieldASTs []*ast.Field, info ResolveInfo, result interface{}) interface{} {

	resultVal := reflect.ValueOf(result)
	if resultVal.IsValid() && resultVal.Type().Kind() == reflect.Func {
		if propertyFn, ok := result.(func() interface{}); ok {
			return propertyFn()
		err := gqlerrors.NewFormattedError("Error resolving func. Expected `func() interface{}` signature")

	// If field type is NonNull, complete for inner type, and throw field error
	// if result is null.
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*NonNull); ok {
		completed := completeValue(eCtx, returnType.OfType, fieldASTs, info, result)
		if completed == nil {
			err := NewLocatedError(
				fmt.Sprintf("Cannot return null for non-nullable field %v.%v.", info.ParentType, info.FieldName),
		return completed

	// If result value is null-ish (null, undefined, or NaN) then return null.
	if isNullish(result) {
		return nil

	// If field type is List, complete each item in the list with the inner type
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*List); ok {
		return completeListValue(eCtx, returnType, fieldASTs, info, result)

	// If field type is a leaf type, Scalar or Enum, serialize to a valid value,
	// returning null if serialization is not possible.
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*Scalar); ok {
		return completeLeafValue(returnType, result)
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*Enum); ok {
		return completeLeafValue(returnType, result)

	// If field type is an abstract type, Interface or Union, determine the
	// runtime Object type and complete for that type.
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*Union); ok {
		return completeAbstractValue(eCtx, returnType, fieldASTs, info, result)
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*Interface); ok {
		return completeAbstractValue(eCtx, returnType, fieldASTs, info, result)

	// If field type is Object, execute and complete all sub-selections.
	if returnType, ok := returnType.(*Object); ok {
		return completeObjectValue(eCtx, returnType, fieldASTs, info, result)

	// Not reachable. All possible output types have been considered.
	err := invariant(false,
		fmt.Sprintf(`Cannot complete value of unexpected type "%v."`, returnType),
	if err != nil {
	return nil