Пример #1
// Simple and slow LQ decomposition with Givens rotations
func TestGivensLQ(t *testing.T) {
	var d cmat.FloatMatrix
	M := 149
	N := 167
	A := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
	A1 := cmat.NewCopy(A)

	ones := cmat.NewFloatConstSource(1.0)
	src := cmat.NewFloatNormSource()
	A0 := cmat.NewCopy(A)

	Qt := cmat.NewMatrix(N, N)

	// R = G(n)...G(2)G(1)*A; Q = G(1).T*G(2).T...G(n).T ;  Q.T = G(n)...G(2)G(1)
	for i := 0; i < M; i++ {
		// zero elements right of diagonal
		for j := N - 2; j >= i; j-- {
			c, s, r := lapackd.ComputeGivens(A.Get(i, j), A.Get(i, j+1))
			A.Set(i, j, r)
			A.Set(i, j+1, 0.0)
			// apply rotation to this column starting from row i+1
			lapackd.ApplyGivensRight(A, j, j+1, i+1, M-i-1, c, s)
			// update Qt = G(k)*Qt
			lapackd.ApplyGivensRight(Qt, j, j+1, 0, N, c, s)
	// A = L*Q
	blasd.Mult(A1, A, Qt, 1.0, 0.0, gomas.TRANSB)
	blasd.Plus(A0, A1, 1.0, -1.0, gomas.NONE)
	nrm := lapackd.NormP(A0, lapackd.NORM_ONE)
	t.Logf("M=%d, N=%d ||A - L*G(1)..G(n)||_1: %e\n", M, N, nrm)
Пример #2
// Simple and slow QR decomposition with Givens rotations
func TestGivensQR(t *testing.T) {
	var d cmat.FloatMatrix
	M := 181
	N := 159
	A := cmat.NewMatrix(M, N)
	A1 := cmat.NewCopy(A)

	ones := cmat.NewFloatConstSource(1.0)
	src := cmat.NewFloatNormSource()
	A0 := cmat.NewCopy(A)

	Qt := cmat.NewMatrix(M, M)

	// R = G(n)...G(2)G(1)*A; Q = G(1).T*G(2).T...G(n).T ;  Q.T = G(n)...G(2)G(1)

	// for all columns ...
	for j := 0; j < N; j++ {
		// ... zero elements below diagonal, starting from bottom
		for i := M - 2; i >= j; i-- {
			c, s, r := lapackd.ComputeGivens(A.Get(i, j), A.Get(i+1, j))
			A.Set(i, j, r)
			A.Set(i+1, j, 0.0)
			// apply rotations on this row starting from column j, N-j column
			lapackd.ApplyGivensLeft(A, i, i+1, j+1, N-j-1, c, s)
			// update Qt = G(k)*Qt
			lapackd.ApplyGivensLeft(Qt, i, i+1, 0, M, c, s)
	// check: A = Q*R
	blasd.Mult(A1, Qt, A, 1.0, 0.0, gomas.TRANSA)
	blasd.Plus(A0, A1, 1.0, -1.0, gomas.NONE)
	nrm := lapackd.NormP(A0, lapackd.NORM_ONE)
	t.Logf("M=%d, N=%d ||A - G(n)..G(1)*R||_1: %e\n", M, N, nrm)