Пример #1
// GetPlugin attempts to find a plugin and route for the given msg input if none
// can be found, it checks the database for the last route used and gets the
// plugin for that. If there is no previously used plugin, we return
// errMissingPlugin. The bool value return indicates whether this plugin is
// different from the last plugin used by the user.
func GetPlugin(db *sqlx.DB, m *dt.Msg) (p *dt.Plugin, route string, directroute,
	followup bool, err error) {

	// Iterate through all intents to see if any plugin has been registered
	// for the route
	for _, i := range m.StructuredInput.Intents {
		route = "I_" + strings.ToLower(i)
		log.Debug("searching for route", route)
		if p = RegPlugins.Get(route); p != nil {
			// Found route. Return it
			return p, route, true, false, nil

	log.Debug("getting last plugin route")
	prevPlugin, prevRoute, err := m.GetLastPlugin(db)
	if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
		return nil, "", false, false, err
	if len(prevPlugin) > 0 {
		log.Debugf("found user's last plugin route: %s - %s\n",
			prevPlugin, prevRoute)

	// Iterate over all command/object pairs and see if any plugin has been
	// registered for the resulting route
	eng := porter2.Stemmer
	for _, c := range m.StructuredInput.Commands {
		c = strings.ToLower(eng.Stem(c))
		for _, o := range m.StructuredInput.Objects {
			o = strings.ToLower(eng.Stem(o))
			route := "CO_" + c + "_" + o
			log.Debug("searching for route", route)
			if p = RegPlugins.Get(route); p != nil {
				// Found route. Return it
				followup := prevPlugin == p.Config.Name
				return p, route, true, followup, nil

	// The user input didn't match any plugins. Let's see if the previous
	// route does
	if prevRoute != "" {
		if p = RegPlugins.Get(prevRoute); p != nil {
			// Prev route matches a pkg! Return it
			return p, prevRoute, false, true, nil

	// Sadly, if we've reached this point, we are at a loss.
	log.Debug("could not match user input to any plugin")
	return nil, "", false, false, errMissingPlugin
Пример #2
// ParseFromTime parses a natural language string to determine most likely times
// based on a set time "context." The time context changes the meaning of words
// like "this Tuesday," "next Tuesday," etc.
func ParseFromTime(t time.Time, nlTime string) []time.Time {
	r := strings.NewReplacer(
		".", "",
		",", "",
		"(", "",
		")", "",
		"'", "",
	nlTime = r.Replace(nlTime)
	nlTime = strings.ToLower(nlTime)
	r = strings.NewReplacer(
		"at ", "",
		"time", "",
		"oclock", "",
		"am", "AM",
		"pm", "PM",
		" am", "AM",
		" pm", "PM",

		// 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc.
		"1st", "1",
		"2nd", "2",
		"3rd", "3",
		"th", "",
		"21st", "21",
		"22nd", "22",
		"23rd", "23",
		"31st", "31",
	nlTime = r.Replace(nlTime)
	nlTime = strings.Title(nlTime)
	if nlTime == "Now" {
		return []time.Time{time.Now()}
	st := strings.Fields(nlTime)
	transform := struct {
		Transform  int
		Type       timeTransform
		Multiplier int
		Multiplier: 1,
	stFull := ""
	var closeTime bool
	var idxRel int
	var loc *time.Location
	for i := range st {
		// Normalize days
		switch st[i] {
		case "Monday":
			st[i] = "Mon"
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Tuesday", "Tues":
			st[i] = "Tue"
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Wednesday":
			st[i] = "Wed"
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Thursday", "Thur", "Thurs":
			st[i] = "Thu"
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Friday":
			st[i] = "Fri"
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Saturday":
			st[i] = "Sat"
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Sunday":
			st[i] = "Sun"
			transform.Type = transformDay

		// Normalize months
		case "January":
			st[i] = "Jan"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "February":
			st[i] = "Feb"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "March":
			st[i] = "Mar"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "April":
			st[i] = "Apr"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "May":
			// No translation needed for May
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "June":
			st[i] = "Jun"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "July":
			st[i] = "Jul"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "August":
			st[i] = "Aug"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "September", "Sept":
			st[i] = "Sep"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "October":
			st[i] = "Oct"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "November":
			st[i] = "Nov"
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "December":
			st[i] = "Dec"
			transform.Type = transformMonth

		// If non-deterministic timezone information is provided,
		// e.g. ET or Eastern rather than EST, then load the location.
		// Daylight Savings will be determined on parsing
		case "Pacific", "PT":
			st[i] = ""
			loc = loadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
		case "Mountain", "MT":
			st[i] = ""
			loc = loadLocation("America/Denver")
		case "Central", "CT":
			st[i] = ""
			loc = loadLocation("America/Chicago")
		case "Eastern", "ET":
			st[i] = ""
			loc = loadLocation("America/New_York")
		// TODO Add the remaining timezones

		// Handle relative times. This currently does not handle
		// complex cases like "in 3 months and 2 days"
		case "Yesterday":
			st[i] = ""
			transform.Type = transformDay
			transform.Transform = 1
			transform.Multiplier = -1
		case "Tomorrow":
			st[i] = ""
			transform.Transform = 1
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Today":
			st[i] = ""
			closeTime = true
			transform.Type = transformHour
		case "Ago", "Last":
			st[i] = ""
			transform.Transform = 1
			transform.Multiplier *= -1
		// e.g. "In an hour"
		case "Next", "From", "Now", "In":
			st[i] = ""
			transform.Transform = 1
		case "Later":
			st[i] = ""
			transform.Transform = 6
		case "Hour", "Hours":
			st[i] = ""
			idxRel = i
			closeTime = true
			transform.Type = transformHour
		case "Few", "Couple":
			st[i] = ""
			transform.Transform = 2
		case "Min", "Mins", "Minute", "Minutes":
			st[i] = ""
			idxRel = i
			closeTime = true
			transform.Type = transformMinute
		case "Day", "Days":
			st[i] = ""
			idxRel = i
			transform.Type = transformDay
		case "Week", "Weeks":
			st[i] = ""
			idxRel = i
			transform.Type = transformDay
			transform.Multiplier = 7
		case "Month", "Months":
			st[i] = ""
			idxRel = i
			transform.Type = transformMonth
		case "Year", "Years":
			st[i] = ""
			idxRel = i
			transform.Type = transformYear

		// Remove unnecessary but common expressions like "at", "time",
		// "oclock".
		case "At", "Time", "Oclock", "This", "The":
			st[i] = ""
		case "Noon":
			st[i] = "12PM"
		case "Supper", "Dinner":
			st[i] = "6PM"

		if len(st[i]) > 0 {
			stFull += st[i] + " "
	normalized := strings.TrimRight(stFull, " ")

	var timeEmpty bool
	ts := []time.Time{}
	tme, err := parseTime(normalized)
	if err != nil {
		// Set the hour to 9am
		timeEmpty = true
		tme = time.Now().Round(time.Hour)
		val := 9 - tme.Hour()
		tme = tme.Add(time.Duration(val) * time.Hour)
	if closeTime {
		tme = time.Now().Round(time.Minute)
	ts = append(ts, tme)

	// TODO make more efficient. Handle in switch?
	tloc := timeLocation{loc: loc}
	ctx := &TimeContext{ampm: ampmNoTime, tz: tloc}
	if strings.Contains(normalized, "AM") {
		ctx.ampm = amTime
	if strings.Contains(normalized, "UTC") {
		ctx.tz.utc = true
	for _, ti := range ts {
		ctx = updateContext(ctx, ti, false)

	// Ensure dates are reasonable even in the absence of information.
	// e.g. 2AM should parse to the current year, not 0000
	ctx = completeContext(ctx, t)

	// Loop through a second time to apply the discovered context to each
	// time. Note that this doesn't support context switching,
	// e.g. "5PM CST or PST" or "5PM EST or 6PM PST", which is rare in
	// practice. Future versions may be adapted to support it.
	if ctx.ampm == ampmNoTime {
		halfLen := len(ts)
		// Double size of times for AM/PM
		ts = append(ts, ts...)
		for i := range ts {
			var hour int
			t := ts[i]
			if i < halfLen {
				hour = t.Hour()
			} else {
				hour = t.Hour() + 12
			ts[i] = time.Date(ctx.year,
	} else {
		for i := range ts {
			t := ts[i]
			ts[i] = time.Date(ctx.year,

	// If there's no relative transform, we're done.
	if transform.Type == transformInvalid {
		if timeEmpty {
			return []time.Time{}
		if idxRel == 0 {
			return ts

	// Check our idxRel term for the word that preceeds it. If that's a
	// number, e.g. 2 days, then that number is our Transform. Note that
	// this doesn't handle fractional modifiers, like 2.5 days.
	if idxRel > 0 {
		val, err := strconv.Atoi(st[idxRel-1])
		if err == nil {
			transform.Transform = val

	// Apply the transform
	log.Debugf("timeparse: normalized %q. %+v\n", normalized, transform)
	for i := range ts {
		switch transform.Type {
		case transformYear:
			ts[i] = ts[i].AddDate(transform.Transform*transform.Multiplier, 0, 0)
		case transformMonth:
			ts[i] = ts[i].AddDate(0, transform.Multiplier*transform.Transform, 0)
		case transformDay:
			ts[i] = ts[i].AddDate(0, 0, transform.Multiplier*transform.Transform)
		case transformHour:
			ts[i] = ts[i].Add(time.Duration(transform.Transform*transform.Multiplier) * time.Hour)
		case transformMinute:
			ts[i] = ts[i].Add(time.Duration(transform.Transform*transform.Multiplier) * time.Minute)
	log.Debug("timeparse: parsed times", ts)
	return ts