Пример #1
func addDefaultingFuncs(scheme *runtime.Scheme) {
		func(obj *APIVersion) {
			if len(obj.APIGroup) == 0 {
				obj.APIGroup = GroupName
		func(obj *DaemonSet) {
			labels := obj.Spec.Template.Labels

			// TODO: support templates defined elsewhere when we support them in the API
			if labels != nil {
				if obj.Spec.Selector == nil {
					obj.Spec.Selector = &LabelSelector{
						MatchLabels: labels,
				if len(obj.Labels) == 0 {
					obj.Labels = labels
			updateStrategy := &obj.Spec.UpdateStrategy
			if updateStrategy.Type == "" {
				updateStrategy.Type = RollingUpdateDaemonSetStrategyType
			if updateStrategy.Type == RollingUpdateDaemonSetStrategyType {
				if updateStrategy.RollingUpdate == nil {
					rollingUpdate := RollingUpdateDaemonSet{}
					updateStrategy.RollingUpdate = &rollingUpdate
				if updateStrategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable == nil {
					// Set default MaxUnavailable as 1 by default.
					maxUnavailable := intstr.FromInt(1)
					updateStrategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable = &maxUnavailable
			if obj.Spec.UniqueLabelKey == nil {
				obj.Spec.UniqueLabelKey = new(string)
				*obj.Spec.UniqueLabelKey = DefaultDaemonSetUniqueLabelKey
		func(obj *Deployment) {
			// Default labels and selector to labels from pod template spec.
			labels := obj.Spec.Template.Labels

			if labels != nil {
				if len(obj.Spec.Selector) == 0 {
					obj.Spec.Selector = labels
				if len(obj.Labels) == 0 {
					obj.Labels = labels
			// Set DeploymentSpec.Replicas to 1 if it is not set.
			if obj.Spec.Replicas == nil {
				obj.Spec.Replicas = new(int32)
				*obj.Spec.Replicas = 1
			strategy := &obj.Spec.Strategy
			// Set default DeploymentStrategyType as RollingUpdate.
			if strategy.Type == "" {
				strategy.Type = RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType
			if strategy.Type == RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType {
				if strategy.RollingUpdate == nil {
					rollingUpdate := RollingUpdateDeployment{}
					strategy.RollingUpdate = &rollingUpdate
				if strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable == nil {
					// Set default MaxUnavailable as 1 by default.
					maxUnavailable := intstr.FromInt(1)
					strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable = &maxUnavailable
				if strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxSurge == nil {
					// Set default MaxSurge as 1 by default.
					maxSurge := intstr.FromInt(1)
					strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxSurge = &maxSurge
			if obj.Spec.UniqueLabelKey == nil {
				obj.Spec.UniqueLabelKey = new(string)
				*obj.Spec.UniqueLabelKey = DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey
		func(obj *Job) {
			labels := obj.Spec.Template.Labels
			// TODO: support templates defined elsewhere when we support them in the API
			if labels != nil {
				if obj.Spec.Selector == nil {
					obj.Spec.Selector = &LabelSelector{
						MatchLabels: labels,
				if len(obj.Labels) == 0 {
					obj.Labels = labels
			// For a non-parallel job, you can leave both `.spec.completions` and
			// `.spec.parallelism` unset.  When both are unset, both are defaulted to 1.
			if obj.Spec.Completions == nil && obj.Spec.Parallelism == nil {
				obj.Spec.Completions = new(int32)
				*obj.Spec.Completions = 1
				obj.Spec.Parallelism = new(int32)
				*obj.Spec.Parallelism = 1
			if obj.Spec.Parallelism == nil {
				obj.Spec.Parallelism = new(int32)
				*obj.Spec.Parallelism = 1
		func(obj *HorizontalPodAutoscaler) {
			if obj.Spec.MinReplicas == nil {
				minReplicas := int32(1)
				obj.Spec.MinReplicas = &minReplicas
			if obj.Spec.CPUUtilization == nil {
				obj.Spec.CPUUtilization = &CPUTargetUtilization{TargetPercentage: 80}
		func(obj *ReplicaSet) {
			var labels map[string]string
			if obj.Spec.Template != nil {
				labels = obj.Spec.Template.Labels
			// TODO: support templates defined elsewhere when we support them in the API
			if labels != nil {
				if obj.Spec.Selector == nil {
					obj.Spec.Selector = &LabelSelector{
						MatchLabels: labels,
				if len(obj.Labels) == 0 {
					obj.Labels = labels
			if obj.Spec.Replicas == nil {
				obj.Spec.Replicas = new(int32)
				*obj.Spec.Replicas = 1
Пример #2
func addDefaultingFuncs(scheme *runtime.Scheme) {
		func(obj *PodExecOptions) {
			obj.Stdout = true
			obj.Stderr = true
		func(obj *PodAttachOptions) {
			obj.Stdout = true
			obj.Stderr = true
		func(obj *ReplicationController) {
			var labels map[string]string
			if obj.Spec.Template != nil {
				labels = obj.Spec.Template.Labels
			// TODO: support templates defined elsewhere when we support them in the API
			if labels != nil {
				if len(obj.Spec.Selector) == 0 {
					obj.Spec.Selector = labels
				if len(obj.Labels) == 0 {
					obj.Labels = labels
			if obj.Spec.Replicas == nil {
				obj.Spec.Replicas = new(int32)
				*obj.Spec.Replicas = 1
		func(obj *Volume) {
			if util.AllPtrFieldsNil(&obj.VolumeSource) {
				obj.VolumeSource = VolumeSource{
					EmptyDir: &EmptyDirVolumeSource{},
		func(obj *ContainerPort) {
			if obj.Protocol == "" {
				obj.Protocol = ProtocolTCP
		func(obj *Container) {
			if obj.ImagePullPolicy == "" {
				_, tag := parsers.ParseImageName(obj.Image)
				// Check image tag

				if tag == "latest" {
					obj.ImagePullPolicy = PullAlways
				} else {
					obj.ImagePullPolicy = PullIfNotPresent
			if obj.TerminationMessagePath == "" {
				obj.TerminationMessagePath = TerminationMessagePathDefault
		func(obj *ServiceSpec) {
			if obj.SessionAffinity == "" {
				obj.SessionAffinity = ServiceAffinityNone
			if obj.Type == "" {
				obj.Type = ServiceTypeClusterIP
			for i := range obj.Ports {
				sp := &obj.Ports[i]
				if sp.Protocol == "" {
					sp.Protocol = ProtocolTCP
				if sp.TargetPort == intstr.FromInt(0) || sp.TargetPort == intstr.FromString("") {
					sp.TargetPort = intstr.FromInt(int(sp.Port))
		func(obj *Pod) {
			// If limits are specified, but requests are not, default requests to limits
			// This is done here rather than a more specific defaulting pass on ResourceRequirements
			// because we only want this defaulting semantic to take place on a Pod and not a PodTemplate
			for i := range obj.Spec.Containers {
				// set requests to limits if requests are not specified, but limits are
				if obj.Spec.Containers[i].Resources.Limits != nil {
					if obj.Spec.Containers[i].Resources.Requests == nil {
						obj.Spec.Containers[i].Resources.Requests = make(ResourceList)
					for key, value := range obj.Spec.Containers[i].Resources.Limits {
						if _, exists := obj.Spec.Containers[i].Resources.Requests[key]; !exists {
							obj.Spec.Containers[i].Resources.Requests[key] = *(value.Copy())
		func(obj *PodSpec) {
			if obj.DNSPolicy == "" {
				obj.DNSPolicy = DNSClusterFirst
			if obj.RestartPolicy == "" {
				obj.RestartPolicy = RestartPolicyAlways
			if obj.HostNetwork {
			if obj.SecurityContext == nil {
				obj.SecurityContext = &PodSecurityContext{}
			if obj.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds == nil {
				period := int64(DefaultTerminationGracePeriodSeconds)
				obj.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = &period
		func(obj *Probe) {
			if obj.TimeoutSeconds == 0 {
				obj.TimeoutSeconds = 1
			if obj.PeriodSeconds == 0 {
				obj.PeriodSeconds = 10
			if obj.SuccessThreshold == 0 {
				obj.SuccessThreshold = 1
			if obj.FailureThreshold == 0 {
				obj.FailureThreshold = 3
		func(obj *Secret) {
			if obj.Type == "" {
				obj.Type = SecretTypeOpaque
		func(obj *PersistentVolume) {
			if obj.Status.Phase == "" {
				obj.Status.Phase = VolumePending
			if obj.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy == "" {
				obj.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy = PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain
		func(obj *PersistentVolumeClaim) {
			if obj.Status.Phase == "" {
				obj.Status.Phase = ClaimPending
		func(obj *ISCSIVolumeSource) {
			if obj.ISCSIInterface == "" {
				obj.ISCSIInterface = "default"
		func(obj *Endpoints) {
			for i := range obj.Subsets {
				ss := &obj.Subsets[i]
				for i := range ss.Ports {
					ep := &ss.Ports[i]
					if ep.Protocol == "" {
						ep.Protocol = ProtocolTCP
		func(obj *HTTPGetAction) {
			if obj.Path == "" {
				obj.Path = "/"
			if obj.Scheme == "" {
				obj.Scheme = URISchemeHTTP
		func(obj *NamespaceStatus) {
			if obj.Phase == "" {
				obj.Phase = NamespaceActive
		func(obj *Node) {
			if obj.Spec.ExternalID == "" {
				obj.Spec.ExternalID = obj.Name
		func(obj *NodeStatus) {
			if obj.Allocatable == nil && obj.Capacity != nil {
				obj.Allocatable = make(ResourceList, len(obj.Capacity))
				for key, value := range obj.Capacity {
					obj.Allocatable[key] = *(value.Copy())
				obj.Allocatable = obj.Capacity
		func(obj *ObjectFieldSelector) {
			if obj.APIVersion == "" {
				obj.APIVersion = "v1"
		func(obj *LimitRangeItem) {
			// for container limits, we apply default values
			if obj.Type == LimitTypeContainer {

				if obj.Default == nil {
					obj.Default = make(ResourceList)
				if obj.DefaultRequest == nil {
					obj.DefaultRequest = make(ResourceList)

				// If a default limit is unspecified, but the max is specified, default the limit to the max
				for key, value := range obj.Max {
					if _, exists := obj.Default[key]; !exists {
						obj.Default[key] = *(value.Copy())
				// If a default limit is specified, but the default request is not, default request to limit
				for key, value := range obj.Default {
					if _, exists := obj.DefaultRequest[key]; !exists {
						obj.DefaultRequest[key] = *(value.Copy())
				// If a default request is not specified, but the min is provided, default request to the min
				for key, value := range obj.Min {
					if _, exists := obj.DefaultRequest[key]; !exists {
						obj.DefaultRequest[key] = *(value.Copy())
		func(obj *ConfigMap) {
			if obj.Data == nil {
				obj.Data = make(map[string]string)
Пример #3
func addDefaultingFuncs(scheme *runtime.Scheme) {